Saturday, July 27, 2013

4 Essential Hormones For Male to Female Breast Enlargement

Hormones are a proven way for male to female transsexuals and transgenderists to develop breasts. The male body reacts strongly to female hormones and by duplicating the hormonal conditions of an adolescent girl, it is possible for most males to experience significant breast growth.

What most males don't understand, however, is that there is more to the equation than estrogen. Complete breast development depends upon four essential hormones:

1. Estrogen
2. Prolactin
3. Progesterone
4. Growth Hormone

Increasing estrogen is the first step towards a more feminine figure. Not only is estrogen the most important hormone involved in breast development, it also causes your testosterone level to lower - another big plus for breast growth.

Prolactin is a breast enlarging hormone naturally produced by adolescent girls during puberty. This hormone helps develop the mammary glands and increases fat storage in the breasts.

Another must for breast growth is progesterone. Progesterone promotes gland formation and is necessary for complete breast development in males.

The final hormone involved in breast development is growth hormone. Growth hormone is produced in large amounts by both males and females during puberty and assists with the growth of the entire body, including the breasts.

Fortunately, it is possible for males to boost these essential breast enlarging hormones naturally, using a combination of herbs, massage, and other natural techniques. Best of all, these techniques carry none of the risks associated with synthetic hormones and are every bit as effective!

Bottom line: no matter which male breast enlargement method you choose, be sure to take all four essential breast enlarging hormones into consideration!

What Are Man Boobs and How Can You Get Rid of Them?

You probably are looking for ways to get rid of those shaking breasts when you run. This is a problem of many guys, even those who are not overweight. Some men think that exercise is enough to get rid of man boobs, but if you are like most men with gynecomastia, you probably have realized that exercise does little, or may even exacerbate the problem.

Man breasts can be due to being overweight. Being fat obviously makes you look bigger, and those fat deposits underneath the skin in your chest can make your chest saggy. But while many people think that only fat men can have a booby appearance, some men suffer from this aesthetic defect due to another reason. High estrogen levels in a male body can lead to this predicament. It is anomalous, since this hormone should only be dominant in females. Males have estrogen, but at very low levels. High levels of this hormone cause gynecomastia, a condition that leads to the development of male boobs.

So, how do you get rid of gynecomastia?

Eliminating male boobs is done by first finding out if they are due to fat, or due to high estrogen levels. If the male is overweight, the solution is obvious-to exercise and go through a low fat diet. If your big chest does not get significantly smaller after losing weight, you most likely have high estrogen levels. Talk to your doctor about this problem.

Some men consider going under the knife, but that does not solve the problem. Surgery can give you scars, but your chest can grow again. It is the hormonal disorder that should be targeted. Surgery can be an expensive recourse, amounting to thousands of dollars. However, it offers a fast solution to reduce your chest size. Surgery is a good option, if you go through hormone treatment afterwards.

Aside from surgery, there are other treatment options. Hormone therapy would be the most obvious. It involves increasing your testosterone levels, while bringing down the estrogen levels.

It is common for boys entering puberty to have big chests. In teenage boys, such chest growth is temporary, and may disappear as they mature. Blame the sudden change in chest size on hormonal changes. The hormones of boys will balance out, as they go through adolescence. In time, the breasts will just go away.

Those suffering from gynecomastia should avoid foods or drinks that make your body produce estrogen. In other words, stop drinking alcohol, taking steroids, smoking tobacco, and using marijuana. There are also prescription drugs that cause the production of estrogen. These include antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, psychoactive drugs, ulcer medications, and cardiovascular drugs. Ask your doctor if the prescription drugs you are taking can cause increased secretion of estrogen. If you take drugs that you think are responsible for the increase in your chest size, consult your doctor about it.

There are pills available in the market to reduce breast size in men. Before you take them, consult your doctor. It's not always safe to take anything you see being advertised.

Hormone Imbalance and the Effects of the Endocrine Glands

People can suffer from a hormone imbalance when their body does not produce enough or to much of a hormone. Hormones act like chemical messengers that go through the body to the different organs and tissues. The endocrine glands are what produce the hormones. There are several different endocrine glands in the human body. The major ones are the pancreas, thymus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands and the thyroid. Women and men will make the same hormones except when it comes to the sexual hormones. In a male the sexual hormones are made by the testes and in women they are made by the ovaries. Hormones can dramatically effect the body and small fluctuations can have dramatic impact on a persons body.

When a hormone problem goes untreated it has the possibility of creating serious problems including diabetes. There are an estimated six thousand endocrine gland disorders that can occur from a hormone imbalance. Hormone imbalances can effect men and women through different stages of their life. The purely clinical definition of a hormone imbalance is chemical messengers that regulate the systems of the body and do not function properly anymore. When a hormone imbalance does occur it can mean that one of the endocrine glands is either producing to much of or not enough of the required hormone.

There are many things that can cause a hormone imbalance. In women it is usually to much estrogen and not enough progesterone. Some things that have been known to cause this hormone problem are stress, using makeup to much, animal products that are not organic, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, lactation, obesity, genetics and birth control pills. Obesity tends to be the biggest contributing factor in a hormone imbalance and becoming pregnant is the biggest factor associated with a lifestyle change.

Many symptoms of a hormone imbalance are experienced by both women and men. The most common symptoms of a hormone imbalance that are experienced by both sexes are fatigue, skin problems, gaining weight, mood swings, lack of a sex drive, and reduced memory. In severe cases of hormone imbalance we have a hormone allergy that can cause arthritis, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Some secondary symptoms include dryness in mouth and eyes, urinary tract infections and abnormal heartbeat.

There are treatments for a hormone problem. The main treatment is hormone replacement therapy. There are risk associated with this and people who have had blood clots, breast cancer, liver disease and endometral cancer are at a higher risk. There are two different types of hormone replacement therapy that are available for women. The first is replacement of estrogen and the second is replacement of estrogen and progesterone. You should always consult a qualified professional for the correct dosage and medication when taking hormone replacement therapy.

There are also several different forms of drug treatment for a hormone imbalance that do not include hormone replacement therapy. These are primarily designed to treat premature menopause hormone imbalance symptoms.

The first option is Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor and Serotonin Norephinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor. Women have been treat successfully for hot flashes and depression with these drugs.

The next is Medroxyprogesterone acetate and megestrol acetate which have treated hot flashes with success.

Clonide is another drug that has proven to reduce the severity of hot flashes.

Gabapentin is used to treat hot flashes that occur when one is sleeping.

Is Your Eatrogen Out of Control?

I recently received a very thought-provoking email from a reader. She told me that she was experiencing symptoms attributed to her hormones. Her complaints included fatigue, mood swings, low libido, insomnia and weight gain. The email started off like a lot of emails that I receive, describing symptoms and various hormone tests that had been done. But a unique "typo" grabbed my attention:

"My eatrogen sky-rocketed and I gained nearly 20 lbs. in two months."

This reader most certainly meant "estrogen" but the resulting new word eatrogen, created from this typo was probably more accurate. No, eatrogen is not a real hormone, but it certainly makes me think of how the word "eat" was used in a hormonal context. "Eat-rogen" represents your hunger hormones that stimulate appetite, cravings and make you want to eat.

What are hunger hormones?

Many hormones affect your appetite, cravings, metabolism and weight. Traditional hormones like thyroid hormone, insulin, cortisol, testosterone and estrogen have been well documented to have an effect on your weight. If a hormone becomes unbalanced, either too high, too low, or just not functioning properly, weight gain can occur. But a whole host of newly discovered hunger hormones have perhaps even more potent effects on appetite and weight.

In 1994, the hormone leptin was discovered. Leptin is a hormone produced by fat cells that regulates appetites centers in a region of the brain known as the hypothalamus. Leptin is responsible for long-term appetite and weight control and helps regulate body weight "set-point." Leptin deficiency was first identified in a strain of obese mice and has subsequently been found in obese humans as well. However most obese humans don't have leptin deficiency but rather "leptin resistance" which is a situation where leptin doesn't work properly.

Ghrelin is a newly discovered hormone produced by the stomach that simulates appetite. When you feel hungry, it is because ghrelin levels are rising. Eating a satisfying meal makes ghrelin (and appetite) go down. Another hormone produced by the intestines, peptide YY (or PYY for short) has the opposite effect of ghrelin. These two gut hormones, with their opposing effects are responsible for short-term (hour to hour and minute to minute) appetite control.

Our hormone levels surge and recede according to many factors, the first of which is, naturally, the type of food we eat. In order to lose weight and keep it off permanently, your hunger hormones must be controlled. It is not enough to eat healthy foods. You have to eat in a way that your hunger hormones, your "eatrogen" works with you, not against you.

I can show you how to protect and control your hunger hormones. You don't have to be a victim of out of control hormones. Based on my work with thousands of patients, I've developed an eating and lifestyle plan that will help you control your hunger hormones so that you can lose weight easily and permanently without feeling hungry or having cravings. I encourage you to learn more by reading my books.

What Are Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS)

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) was first described in 1935 as a hormonal disease that affects premenopausal women that may result in infertility. The main clinical features are:

  • Enlarged thickened ovaries with cyst-like follicles

  • Absence of periods

  • Anovulation

  • Excessive production of steroid hormones,

  • Acne

  • Pigmentation of the skin

  • Skin tags

  • Pelvic pain

  • Sleep apnoea

  • Excessive hair growth

However symptoms may vary in each patient, not all patients will show all symptoms making it more difficult to diagnose.

In PCOS the development of an egg in the ovary does not occur, instead multiple follicles form and continue to mature to form cysts. Pelvic pain may occur due to the inflammation of the abnormal cyst tissue.

Abnormal skin pigmentation is caused by increased levels of insulin in the blood, infiltrating the skin and causing pigmentation. It is seen behind the neck and in skin folds. It is a symptom for insulin resistance which is common in PCOS sufferers particularly where obesity is a factor.

Diagnosis of PCOS is made by investigating blood levels of Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH), Luteinising Hormone (LH) and Testosterone. FSH is expected to be either normal or below the normal range.

The relevant range depends on the stage of the menstrual cycle when the sample is taken. LH is expected to be increased in PSOS. The normal ratio for FSH and LH is expected to 1:1. A positive result for PCOS would show a ratio of 3 or more.

Testosterone levels are also expected to be high. Women with PCOS may also show abnormal lipid and insulin levels. Testosterone is responsible for the abnormal hair growth seen in PCOS. Ultrasound scans are also carried out to confirm the diagnosis.

PCOS has a connection to insulin resistance caused by a defect in the normal response to insulin. Studies show that there is a reduced insulin activity in adipose (fat storing) tissue and skeletal muscle. It is believed that high levels of fatty acids may affect the liver causing glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.

It is thought that, excluding polycystic ovaries, men may suffer from the same symptoms as women such as increased levels of steroid hormone, insulin resistance, abnormal hair growth and acne, particularly those with female relatives who have been diagnosed with PCOS. It may therefore be beneficial to check insulin resistance in male relatives of PCOS women.

Genetics and environmental influences seem to affect the prevalence of PCOS. The environmental issues such as obesity and a sedentary lifestyle can be reversed causing an improvement in insulin resistance. It can also reduce the probability of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus.

A diagnosis of PCOS means that other possible conditions need to be monitored for life eg. cardiac disease, metabolic syndrome, infertility, cancer and problems during pregnancy. There is a possibility of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus however this possibility can be reduced in obese women if they lose weight and maintain a health exercise regime.

Weight loss also improves cardiac function and so reduces the probability of developing cardiac disease. It is possible that cancer may develop with PCOS. This is more likely to be due to the hormone imbalance than polycystic ovaries.

It is therefore important to eat healthily and take regular exercise to reduce your risk of insulin resistance related diseases. It is also important to have regular health checks to monitor your weight and watch for the early signs of abnormal changes. Remember, if an abnormality is found sooner rather than later it is far more likely to improve the chance of successful treatment.

If you are in any doubt make sure you speak to your doctor.

Ease Menopause Symptoms With Bioidentical Hormones

For women experiencing menopause, bioidentical hormones are the key to a better way of life. Perhaps you are a young woman approaching mid-life years and are afraid of what is to come, or maybe you are already in the fall of your life and are experiencing the sheer agony that menopause brings. You might be grateful to hear that this new treatment can be a lifesaver for you and greatly ease the symptoms of menopause.

Regardless of your case, it is clear that finding treatments to cure menopause are essential to the productivity of every woman approaching the middle of their lives. With women gaining ground in the job market faster than ever before, it is an unfair distraction to have to deal with menopause while trying to run a business or to be an effective leader.

Menopause is a condition that occurs in women approaching their middle years which is indicated by a pause in periods or menstruation. Menopause occurs when the ovaries run out of eggs or are unresponsive to the body's natural hormonal signals. Menopause can occur prior to middle age if the ovaries are damaged or removed. Unfortunately for those who experience it, menopause brings with it a bevy of symptoms that are distracting and many times unbearable.

Women experiencing menopause deal with hot flashes, depression, mood swings, palpitating hearing beat, anxiety and feelings of dread or hopelessness. You can see how these intense and sudden emotions could hamper the productiveness of a business woman or even a woman who lives a simpler life.

It is for this reason that bioidentical hormones can be a great benefit. Bioidentical hormones are substances created to mimic a woman's natural hormones, thus tricking the body into thinking that the natural hormones are there when the body isn't producing them. These are different than synthetic hormones because synthetic hormones are purposefully intended to be varied and are less likely to be absorbed into the body.

Most offices that offer bioidentical hormone therapy take an individualized approach. Many tests are run to determine hormone levels, and then the hormones are injected in small doses over a long period of time. Repeat office visits are necessary to weigh the reduction of symptoms versus the lowest possible dose. This allows the body to easily adjust to the therapy while keeping any side effects to a minimum.

Although there hasn't been enough research done on bioidentical hormones, it is generally safe to say that they are absorbed into the body more easily than synthetic hormones. Some side effects have been noted with synthetic hormones, and the documented reports of side effects with the natural bioidentical hormones has been much less to date. This only makes perfect sense although more studies must be done.

If you are suffering from menopause and are having intense mood swings, depression and other physical ailments, then seek the advice of your doctor as soon as possible. Bring up bioidentical hormone treatments as an option and see what your doctor has to say. You may be quickly on your way to menopausal relief.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Menopause - Why Neither Synthetic Nor Bio-Identical Hormones Meet the Dynamic Hormone Needs

During menopause, although the hormonal fluctuations are gradually reducing, the production of hormones is still a dynamic process, which is constantly responding to changing body needs. Hormones are action messengers for an interrelated, ever-changing network of organ-system commands. So, they must be continually produced for moment-to-moment situational needs.

However, hormone therapy for menopause is to take a synthetic or bio-identical hormone pill every day to mask menopause symptoms. The chemical structure and amount of hormones are precisely fixed. The body is dancing with "a wood stick" which can not change structures and quantities. It is a very poor choreograph of the dance.

Conventional medicine is a mechanistic medicine which takes the body apart and analyzes it down into a small unit. It assumes that every illness is caused by one unit, so a single-chemical drug is used to target the unit linearly. Obviously, this model fits perfectly for acute diseases, but fails for chronic problems which the majority of us suffer.

Menopause is a chronic disorder caused by aging of multiple systems. Estrogens have effects on many organs, such as the breasts, uterus, ovaries, cervix, fallopian tubes, vagina and bones. When synthetic or bio-identical estrogens are added to the body during menopause, they don't know where the target is. They shoot all targets and stimulate cancers.

While Western medicine of a linear approach is good at acute diseases, Chinese medicine of a multiple-target approach has advantage on chronic disorders. They are complementary to each other for health. Like the black and white keys on a piano, both are necessary for music.

Side effects are "crying" voices from your chemically abused body systems. To the body, no matter West or East, no side effects show the best treatment.

Hormone Wars: How Stress and Cortisol Excess Destroy The Republic of Hormone Harmony

Diane was a middle-aged financial consultant who had been in relatively good health. She had undergone a hysterectomy 24 months prior and used only bio-identical hormones. She ate a healthy diet, worked out regularly, took the proper supplements, and slept well. You may picture Diane as a fit, happy, and healthy person. However, Diane was forty-five pounds overweight, losing her hair, exhausted all day, depressed, perpetually cold, and having digestive problems. She was doing all the right things, so why did she still feel like gum on the bottom of a shoe? The important missing tidbit was that Diane and her spouse of twenty years divorced one year prior. How is it possible for just one stressful circumstance to wreak such havoc? The answer is cortisol induced hormonal chaos.

Hormones are chemical messengers released by our bodily organs is response to orders received from two key areas in the brain, the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. These two 'parental figures' tightly regulate the functions and behaviors of the body's 'hormone children' so the family lives harmoniously. The sibling hormone cortisol is the most disruptive of them all, and because it is the most influential bodily hormone, it alone can dictate the whole hormone family dynamic in a detrimental way. Cortisol is the body's main stress hormone and is released by the adrenal glands in response to stress. As the primary 'fight or flight' hormone, cortisol is the only hormone we could not survive without. We are designed to mount a 'healthy' fight or flight response for short periods of time. However, if we defy the rules of nature and subject ourselves to persistent stress in its many forms, the body does what it can to protect your life but not your health, peace of mind, and longevity.

Cortisol is the body's primary 'wear and tear' hormone. Its task is to provide cells with the fuel necessary to mount a stress response. Various other hormones including estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, and growth hormone are 'growth and repair' hormones. In order for your body to function optimally, there must be balance between all of these hormones. If chronic stress tips the balance in cortisol's favor, 'non-essential' functions (i.e. digestion, sleep, and reproduction) take a back seat on the long trip to poor health. Exploring the influence cortisol exerts on other hormones may provide a better understanding for why so many bodily functions go awry when we are 'stressed out'.

Cortisol and Estrogen
Estrogen has in excess of four hundred functions within the body which include maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system, building bone tissue, protecting brain function, and promoting reproduction. When cortisol is elevated, the release of estrogen declines. Furthermore, the sensitivity of tissues to estrogen is absent even if it is present. As a result, delayed puberty, infertility, absence of menses, and miscarriage may occur. In aging women, cortisol frequently rises, and it is believed this could be responsible for postmenopausal women's propensity towards developing weight gain, mood problems, inflammation and autoimmune disease, insulin resistance, and greater risk for heart disease.

Cortisol and Progesterone
Not only is progesterone a reproductive hormone, it also functions as an anti-inflammatory, anti-muscle spasm, anti-anxiety, and anti-uterine cancer and anti- breast cancer hormone. Its capacity to also serve as a neuroprotective hormone (preserving and sustaining the brain) enhances thought processes, focus, and recall. Since the body normally uses progesterone to make cortisol, during times of acute and chronic stress, a unique phenomenon identified as "the progesterone steal syndrome" may occur. The result is a decrease in levels of progesterone as it funnels into cortisol production to meet the body's increased cortisol requirement. This can cause premenopausal females to have PMS symptoms and postmenopausal women to suffer from worsening signs and symptoms of estrogen dominance (i.e. irritability, sleep disturbances, an increase in weight, bowel disturbances, breast cancer, and uterine cancer)

Cortisol and Testosterone
Testosterone plays as essential a role in men as estrogen does in women. Studies have revealed testosterone to be crucial in instrumental in maintaining heart health, optimizing blood glucose control, improving sexual function, and improving bone health. Testosterone is essential in women too serving to maintain energy levels, sex drive, mood, bone strength, and mental function. As is the case with other 'feel good' hormones, levels of testosterone plummet in the face of cortisol dominance.

Cortisol and DHEA
DHEA is the other primary adrenal gland hormone and it rises with cortisol during an acute stress response. Just as progesterone is the body's natural 'anti-estrogen' hormone, DHEA is the body's natural 'anti-cortisol' hormone. Its appearance during acute stress helps prevent cortisol from causing extensive injury to otherwise healthy tissues. Chronic stress leads to a decrease in DHEA. Since DHEA is essential for immune system function, heart health, bone building, and brain function, cortisol induced reductions in DHEA can bring about a myriad of signs and symptoms involving many different bodily systems. One unique hint that DHEA could be low is loss of hair in the armpits, on the legs, and in the pubic area.

Cortisol and Thyroid Hormone
Thyroid hormone is a key player in the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, and fats, advising cells how to handle each type of energy form. Thyroid hormone is also crucial in maintaining the health of tissues, stimulating bone growth, and boosting brain cell development. Like cortisol, thyroid hormone is actually a 'wear and tear' hormone. To protect itself from stress induced spontaneous combustion, the body can put the brakes on thyroid hormone production and action. Common symptoms of low thyroid hormone levels include lethargy, cold intolerance, constipation, depression symptoms, memory problems, and an increase in weight. Considering that stress induced alterations in thyroid hormone occur in an indirect manner, test results may fall 'within the normal range', and therein lies the challenge.

Reestablishing Hormone Family Harmony It may be more obvious why Diane's hormone balance was disturbed soon after she experienced a tremendously stressful ordeal. Since cortisol effectively negates the beneficial effects of other hormones, every organ system can be harmed by perpetual cortisol excess. It is important for your health care provider to check the integrity of your stress response system, including cortisol levels, before initiating any kind of hormone replacement therapies. Bear in mind, sibling rivalry is intense between cortisol and all the other hormones. Just as a cortisol lowers other hormones, replacing other hormones in the presence of low cortisol can cause and equal and opposite problem. Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, and thyroid hormone, especially when given simultaneously, can lead to signs and symptoms of worsening fatigue, weight gain, depression, and chronic pain since these hormones will tip the balance out of cortisol's favor (remember hypocortisolism?)

I call stress 'The Great Equalizer' for good reason. Only in the company of a happy stress response system will the body function at optimal levels.

What Are Pre Menopause Symptoms?

Having trouble sleeping? Do you feel like you just look at food and you gain a few extra pounds without touching a bite? It's not your imagination. It could be your hormones in fact and it affects both men and women. We call it pre-menopause symptoms. We don't have a word for when you start with these symptoms it just happens and no one wants to talk to you about it or explain the symptoms.

We know that women begin to feel more fatigued and they notice their hair and skin being dryer and even your libido goes south and not in a good way. Pre menopause symptoms can include night sweats, hot flashes, migraines, mood swings and even plain old irritability. Sounds a lot like peri menopause doesn't it. The big different is that with peri menopause you still have a fairly regular mensural flow. It may be a few days off or a bit heavier or lighter but it is pretty much the same.

With pre-menopause you will note that your periods are skipped for months and even up to 6 or 8 months. This means your body is getting ready to go into menopause, the cessation of your cycle.

Have you noticed more gray hair or wrinkles? What about other signs of aging? What if you had a chance to slow father-time or even reverse the pull of old age regardless of how old you are now? Just think if you are in your twenties or thirties you may be able to hold off the aging process for a longer period of time and if you are over forty-five dealing with pre menopause can help you reduce your chances of cancer, heart attack, bone lose, stroke, arthritis, and even Alzheimer's.

So how can you get on top of these symptoms and help your health at the same time?

The best laid plans are ones that start early.

Women can begin to enter peri menopause as early as 35 yrs old or the moment you have a hysterectomy. Some where in our mid-thirties a woman's body begins to drop in the production of hormones related to reproduction. You really may only notice more acne this would be due to higher amounts of testosterone. To be clear you aren't making more male hormone you are making less female hormones. Also if you are having children the changes dues to child bearing will imbalance your hormones. The best thing you can do is get a full hormone work up done.

What is the best way to get a hormone workup?

Blood serum results of hormones can be as much as 50% off of the correct readings for your hormones. That is because they are protein bound. This is to stay they are not in the form that is absorbed in your body and the blood shows the excess amounts not the amounts that are in your tissues being used.

Since most health insurance plans do not cover urine or salvia testing of hormones doctors are reluctant to prescribe this kind of hormone test. But you should go the extra mile and pay out of pocket to have the best testing it will pay off with added years to your life that you have full cognitive functions and more if you take your health and aging seriously.

How old should you be when you start looking at your hormones and healthy aging?

Once a woman or man reaches their mid-twenties they can begin to keep track of their hormone levels. This goes against most western science in that you don't bother with it until it's broke or not working right. This would be true if we didn't have high degrees of stress in our lives, birth control medicines, and process or preserved foods in our diet.

What should you do?

If you are experiencing stress, migraines, weight gain, irregular periods, PMS symptoms, insomnia, fatigue, or the more progressed symptoms of pre-menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, depression, or irritability it's time to start testing at least annually with a salvia or urine hormone test.

In the beginning you likely can correct your hormone imbalance with herbal medicine, nutritional supplementation, and acupuncture. Be sure to work with an Alternative Health Coach to make sure you are using the best quality and right doses. The wrong kind or dose can cause a new set of problems.

Once you hit peri menopause you should begin bio-identical hormones with your Alternative Health Coach who will likely work with a group of medical professionals that can prescribe the bio identical hormone therapy. The key is to start before you hit menopause. If you are serious about anti-aging or not having hot flashes or getting rid of the mood-swings you really are talking about stopping the pre menopause symptoms now!

Perfumes For Women, Let the Fragrance Stimulate Those Happy Hormones

Since the birth of perfumes and essential oils thousands of years ago, perfumes for women have indeed revolutionized to cater to the woman of today. Over the years, it has developed into many forms, such as Eau de Parfum, having 40% of the aromatic compounds, Eau de Toilette having 20% aromatic compounds, colognes with 10% and body sprays at about 3% to 5% of the aromatic compound concentration in it. Women of today can now choose which they would like to use, whether on a daily basis or for special occasions. Not only are there sets of perfumes for women available, but there are also essential oils for women whose tired bodies can definitely relax to when coupled with a massage.

Women buy perfumes today not just as an accessory but also as part of their over-all sense of self. Suffice to say, women's fragrances have indeed made its mark by playing a key role to a woman's well being in that fragrant smell stimulate those happy hormones that keep a woman up and about. Thus, more and more perfumes for women are being developed, with designer fragrances leading the way.

These days, even celebrities with their defining characteristics are fused into a perfume, such as with Sarah Jessica Parker's perfume, that emits a fragrant smell that makes a lady all bubbly and charming, just like Sarah Jessica Parker. There is also Elizabeth Taylor's perfume, that as one sprays it on her body, it is as if feeling like the Queen Cleopatra herself. The Versace perfume has that scent trait that once you apply it on your skin, it makes you feel like a celebrity yourself, as Versace is always associated with celebrities and thousands of dollars on its line of products. Other perfumes for women include those of Vera Wang's Perfume, Hilton perfume, Noa perfume, Kai perfume, and DKNY Perfumes.

Indeed, the perfumes for women have been developed and further improved to cater to the modern woman of today. What is even great about it is that these fragrance parfums are also available not only in perfume stores but are also sold online. Women should definitely make it a point to treat themselves with this must-have. It is every woman's right to get herself the best fragrance there is for her over all well being. Perfumes for women are no longer accessories but invisible clothes that women should wear.

The Pros and Cons of Bioidentical Hormones

Biodentical hormones have a mixed reputation. While some individuals claim to have found great success with this treatment, others report unpleasant side effects. Hormone replacement therapy can be an effective treatment for many problems when you understand how to use this treatment properly.

What are Biodentical Hormones?

Biodentical hormones are hormones that have been derived from plant chemicals and formulated to mimic the effects of the human body's own naturally produced hormones. Some of these hormones have been approved by the FDA for various types of therapy. There are no biodentical hormones that have been approved for weight loss as of yet. When biodentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) is used as a tool for weight loss, it is being used off label.

What are the Benefits of Biodentical Hormones?

Hormone levels play an important role in the way the human body functions. By working with an experienced doctor, you can tweak the levels of certain hormones in your body with BHRT. Some benefits that you can experience include:

  • Increased energy

  • Decreased risk of cancer, stroke, and heart attack

  • Reduction in wrinkles and other signs of aging

  • Increased libido

  • Better cognitive function

  • Lowered risk of broken bones from osteoarthritis

  • Decreased risk of Alzheimer's

  • Better mood and sense of vitality

  • Weight loss

How to Lose Weight with Biodentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

If you're looking to lose weight with BHRT, there are a few important points that you should know. First, you should never attempt any type of hormone therapy without the supervision of a doctor. A doctor will help you target the specific hormones that your body needs.

Even with successful BHRT, you won't get the weight loss results that you're after if you don't pursue a comprehensive weight loss plan. You should carefully monitor your diet and reduce junk foods while increasing your intake of vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains. Exercising regularly will have a major impact on your weight loss efforts. With the triple threat of diet, exercise, and BHRT, you may see some stunning weight loss results.

Side Effects of Biodentical Hormone Use

Biodentical hormones are touted as an all natural treatment, but patients should understand just what this term means. In regards to these hormones, "natural" indicates that they are taken from plants, animals, or minerals rather than laboratory chemicals. These hormones may be extracted from a variety of sources including yams and soybeans. They are similar to the hormones found in the body naturally, but they are obviously taken from a very different source.

Some hormone replacement therapy trials, such as the Women's Health Initiative, which was stopped in 2002, found that the use of hormone treatments increased the risk of breast cancer, blood clots, heart disease, and stroke. Since BHRT is not FDA approved as a treatment for weight loss, the side effects of this treatment are not well documented.

Talk to your doctor about whether BHRT is the right treatment for you. Used with proper medical supervision, you may find very satisfactory results.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

How To Have Better Relationships: Eliminate Your Stress First

How To Have Better Relationships: Eliminate Your Stress First

Are you hoping to get married, or maybe you're already married, but want to get the rocks out of your rocky marriage? Whether you're building a solid relationship with your significant other, looking to augment your friendship circle, seeking strong networking skills with your colleagues at work or wondering why it's so difficult to get past the 2nd. or 3rd. date, you might take a look at your stress management skills in order to improve your relationship with others.

Did You Know That You Have "Happy Hormones" In Your Body?

We are all born with these sometimes elusive hormones and they are called endorphins. What are endorphins, you might ask? Endorphins are natural hormones that get released by your brain whenever your brain senses happiness, joy, peace and well-being. These endorphins give you a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment and prosperity; in essence, they tell you all is well with your body and with your life.

You know how those endorphins feel when you are experiencing them because it's that va va voom feeling you get after a good and hearty workout, a big belly laugh, or an exquisitely delicious meal. These are the exact opposite of the feelings that you have when you are in need of stress relief, which produces cortisol and adrenaline. You don't have to be a medical doctor to know that there is a huge difference between these hormones and the feelings they produce, but what you might not always be aware of is the effect that your need for stress relief has on your relationship with others.

So what do you do to manage your stress so that others are happier to be in your presence?

Keeping in mind the medical evidence we've presented you with, the natural conclusion would be to stimulate those hormones on a regular basis because for sure, the more often you can stimulate your brain to release these natural hormones, the better you will feel, and the better you feel, the more others will enjoy being in your company.

Here are a 2 tips to help you keep the right hormones stimulated when stress relief is needed:

1. Before engaging with others on a particularly stressful day, take 5 minutes to pump yourself up with some positive self-talk. If you constantly keep the habit of placing your stressful problems on the table before first trying to manage your stress, people might prefer to keep you at a distance.

2. Try new ways of managing stress, like laughter therapy. Get your favorite comedian on your digital devices and on those tough days when stress relief seems impossible, listen to or watch your favorite comedian do their thing. If they can make you laugh, they can make you smile, and that's the attitude that releases the right hormones and keeps people wanting to be in your presence.

Happiness begets happiness; it is a cycle that you can create in your life as regular a habit as any other habit so you might want to consider taking every chance you can to cultivate the activation of these hormones. Once you get into the habit of cultivating these hormones, let them do what they do naturally and you will be amazed at how much more people will start to really enjoy your company.

Ovarian Cyst Hormones - Do They Increase Your Chances of Getting a Cyst?

Ovarian cysts are a result of unsuccessful and muddled ovulation. Simply said, if ovulation does not transpire, a bag of fluid will form and is likely to increase in size over the next few months. This bag can create complications in the future if within 90 days it does not dissolve on its own. Sometimes the function of ovulation does not occur properly. Ovarian cyst hormones make the process even more complicated if there is over or under production. This is how these benign tumors are formed.

A follicular cyst is formed when LH (luteinizing hormone) does not surge. Normally, to prepare the body for conception, LH is needed to be activated by the pituitary gland to start a chain of events. After the surge, the egg travels down to the uterus via the fallopian tube awaiting fertilization.

At times, LH fails to deliver. The process cannot start without it, hence, the follicle does not release the egg and it gets bigger. There shouldn't be a cause for worry here since it goes away after 2 to 3 months.

A corpus luteum is formed when the ovarian LH does its work but with a little complication on the side. The egg does reach the uterus, but the sac of liquid where the egg came from seals itself and does not dissolve. Estrogen and progesterone production continues and feeds the growth, hence it causes the enlargement of the cyst.

It is not cancerous but it can get as big as 4 inches in diameter and can be the culprit for problems. It can twist itself (torsion), or it can rupture and cause some internal bleeding. Both complications can make the person suffer with chronic pelvic and abdominal pain, among others.

Some women have androgen present in them. This happens when a person has PCOS or poly cystic ovarian syndrome. Testosterone is overly produced causing multiplicity.

PCOS happens when a follicle goes out of the ovary but fails to release an egg. The follicle then becomes a growth and LH production does not happen. Ovarian cyst hormones like progesterone stop formulating.

When this happens, the hypothalamus induces production of estrogen and androgen to promote ovulation - which is unlikely since the process has already been disrupted somehow.

This is the abnormality caused by ovarian cyst hormones and a current problem in the ovaries of a woman.

If these ovarian cyst hormones are not following their normal routes, it means that there is something wrong with our body function. Body function is affected by two things: our activities and the food we eat.

Therefore, to normalize the hormone production in our bodies, one must eat properly and start daily cardiovascular exercise. These are some of the ways to prevent abnormalities in hormone production.

Comparing Growth Hormone Forms: Injections and Supplements

The media has discussed a lot about the different growth hormone (HGH) products out in the market and their different side effects and benefits on the people using them. What kind of products are available for use and are they safe? What are the effects that they produce?

There are 2 different categories of growth hormone products out in the market. You can choose from either supplements or injections. Of the two, growth hormones in the form of injection are purest. But, these forms of HGH need a doctor's prescription. You cannot simply buy injection hormones without a doctor's prescription. On the other hand, anyone can buy HGH supplements without the need of a prescription.

When injections are compared to supplements, injections can produce faster results. In order to show significant results, one has to take growth hormone supplements for up to 3 months. When using injection growth hormones, a person must only use the amount prescribed by his doctor. Anyone should not try to exceed the amount prescribed by the doctor just to see if the effects can show faster and better. If a person takes more than the prescribed amount of growth hormones in the form of injection, he could begin to feel some harmful side effects that includes increased blood pressure, edema or fluid retention and insulin resistance.

Meanwhile, these types of supplements are quite safe to take these days. Supplements contain amino acids and vitamins which can enhance the body's pituitary gland in order to generate more HGH. With the help of these supplements, a person actually takes in simulators or HGH releasers without actually taking growth hormones themselves. In order to generate sufficient amount of hormones, these simulators are actually needed. The side effects of taking supplements are less because the body only produces the right amount of HGH.

There are some cases when the aging process in the body can be enhanced when you finish taking HGH injections. This is because when our body gets used to taking it in its purest form, it then slows down in producing its own form of the hormone. When you stop taking the injections, you will see the results some time later because the body doesn't immediately produce the hormones at full speed. It will still need some time to recover before it is able to produce the right amount itself.

If you are using HGH as supplements, you will not feel the effects of aging as the body as when using injections. This is due to the fact that with the use of supplements, our body still produces its own hormone. When using HGH as supplements, you can actually stop anytime that you want without the fear of any side effects.

If a person does not have a growth related problem, then he doesn't need to have an intake of these hormones. If one decides to take growth hormones because of its anti-aging effects, supplements should be preferred as the side effects are lesser than compared to injections. Injections should only be taken by people who are suffering with growth related problems as they are really effective.

Healthy Living: Nature's Natural Energy Booster

I don't know about you but sometimes I feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day for me to get everything done. I get up early and then spend the rest of the day rushing to meet commitments and obligations. Awhile back there were days when I would feel utterly drained and it's all I could do to keep my weary head up and eyes open!

Being so busy, my diet consisted of little more than sugary snacks, processed foods and energy drinks.

Thankfully, I discovered a way to maximize my energy levels naturally and now I feel I can cope with just about anything. I'm happier, feel more confident and have so much energy my friends often ask me "just what are you on!?" as I storm through my day being more productive than ever before.

The answer to THAT particular question is quite surprising...

Need more energy? Caffeine is not the answer!

If stress is leaving you sleep-deprived and lacking energy, you probably kick start your day with a big jolt of coffee and keep on downing more caffeine throughout the day just so you can keep going.

The problem is, the more you rely on caffeine to prop up your dwindling energy levels, the more immune you become to its effect and the more you'll need. Before you know it, that one cup of coffee three times a day becomes six double espressos and you STILL feel tired.

Needless to say, so much caffeine can have an adverse affect on many aspects of your health including driving your blood pressure up to stratospheric levels.

It's not that I'm anti-caffeine by the way, simply that I have found that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing and an over reliance on caffeine means you are simply putting off an inevitable crash.

Thankfully for us health-conscious go-getters there is an alternative to coffee and caffeine for raising your energy levels - a super food called maca.

What is maca?

When I first came across maca, it was as an ingredient in a facial moisturizer. Needless to say I was more than a little surprised to later discover that maca is also a genuine superfood!

Maca, or maca root as it is sometimes known, is a Peruvian plant indigenous to the Andes which grows at heights of around 10,000 feet above sea level. It has been used for centuries in Peru as a herbal cure-all used to treat everything from colds to impotence!

Maca is very nutrient dense and contains large amounts of essential vitamins and minerals, amino acids and fiber and is especially rich in iron and calcium but it's greatest benefit is as an energizer.

Maca - the energizer

Where coffee boosts your energy by speeding up your metabolism and acting as a stimulant, maca works though an entirely different mechanism. Described as an adaptogen, maca is said to help balance your hormone levels so your body is better able to produce energy and deal with the daily stresses that life throws at you.

Hormones are chemical messengers that tell the organs of your body how to function. Some hormones are catabolic and are responsible for breaking your body down while others are anabolic which are responsible for building your body back up.

Too much stress, a poor diet and too much exposure to environmental pollutants can lead to a hormonal imbalance - normally in favor of the catabolic hormones. This means your body is constantly being broken down as opposed to being built back up. No wonder many of us feel tired and "beaten up" all the time!

Maca, because of its hormone balancing ability, puts the breaks on breakdown and tilts your hormonal balance back towards anabolism and recovery. This means your body is much more fatigue resistant and better able to cope with the stresses of modern daily life. In short, your energy levels increase because life is less likely to get you down.

Maca - an alternative to hormone replacement?

Unlike traditional medical hormone replacement therapies, maca does not work on individual organs but instead affects the whole organism - in other words, YOU! And because maca merely balances your natural hormone levels, there is little or no chance of any kind of unpleasant side affect which is not always the case with medical hormone replacement therapy.

In addition to balancing hormones and providing a healthy hit of vitamins and minerals, maca is also a powerful antioxidant which can literally help to reverse some of the signs of aging. It's no accident that Peruvian natives, who consume maca on a regular basis, live long and healthy lives and are active right up to the end.

Forms of Maca

Maca is available in a number of forms so you can choose how you want to take this miracle super food...

• Capsules are convenient but may prove expensive if you need to take a larger quantity of maca.

• Powder is another option as it can easily be mixed with water, a smoothie or juice but some people find the taste a little off-putting at first.

• Pressed maca tablets offer the convenience of capsules combined with the purity and concentration of loose powder.

• Maca liquid, extracted directly from the maca root, provides a very concentrated hit of maca goodness and is another option worth considering.

Whichever form of maca you decide on, it is important to buy organic maca preparations that originate from Peru.

Is Maca safe for everyone?

Peruvians have been using maca for over 3,000 years so it's safe to assume that in general, maca is suitable for most people. If you are using maca to treat a specific disease such as hypothyroidism or diabetes, I strongly suggest you discuss your intention with your doctor.

It's never a good idea to self-prescribe even the safest herb or superfood to treat medical conditions (it better to find the cause and not just treat the effect) so make sure you explain what you are taking and why with your doctor. This goes double if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

As maca is a 100% natural substance and is in fact a form of food rather than medication, there is no real reason why you shouldn't take maca but because it can have such a profound effect on hormone levels, it is always better to be safe than sorry.

Female Hormones - Natural or Not? Why It Is Important To Know The Difference

I frequently respond to questions from women who tell me they are taking progesterone in their Pill/Coil or HRT - but they are not. It is not their fault that they believe this as both their doctor and media continue to make this elementary mistake. They are not the same: it is rather like getting a new key cut which goes into the lock so it fits, but it won't turn and open the door. Progestogens mimic the action of progesterone, but they are not the same thing.

A reporter in a national newspaper said recently in a piece on the Pill and depression that "those taking the combined Pill - which contains the hormones oestrogen and progestogen (of which progesterone is the most commonly known form). To say that the natural hormone is a form of a synthetic progestogen/progestin is so topsy turvey that I felt it had to be challenged.

Yet again we have an article which confuses progesterone and progestogen. First of all just look at the chemical structures of these two compounds and it is obvious they are not the same. While they may contain the same atoms the way they are put together is what makes the difference. An example that explains this more easily is to consider coal and diamond. Both of these are made up of carbon atoms but the molecular structur of the compounds results in completely different substances. So it is with progesterone and progestogen.

One of the reasons there is confusion regarding the fact that progesterone is different from progestogen stems from the use of the term progestogens by the medical and pharmaceutical powers. This arose way back in the 1950s when HRT was being introduced and although it was recognised that the natural occurring hormone progesterone was the best hormone to counteract the bad effects of oestrogen the drug companies were reluctant to include it in their products because it could not be patented. The molecule of progesterone was tinkered with and changed to a form that could be patented. Although this product now called progestogen prevented the unwanted effect of oestrogen on the uterus ie cancer it did not have the same effect on other parts of the body as progesterone. In fact we now know that it increases the cancerous effect of oestrogen on the breast.

It is so important that this confusion is corrected and that accuracy exists. How can the general public have correct information when those who write articles about progesterone and progestogens fail to check that what they write is correct.

Learn Why You Are In Danger Of Having Prostate Problems, Erectile Dysfunction, Low Energy and More

The purpose of this article is to help those who are experiencing low testosterone (androgen) levels along with the physical and emotional problems that go along with them. I intend to create a series of articles that will further educate those on this issues as well as ways to naturally reverse low androgen levels. Hormones regulate many functions in the body. It is essential to not have an excess amount of one hormone. Excess amount of any particular hormone can and will affect many functions in the body.

A healthy human body has the ability to determine whether to make or release hormones to shift functioning based on the bodies needs. This means our bodies make and release hormones as they are needed to support health and vitality.

Of the four kinds of hormones in our bodies the one discussed in this series will be the male sexual hormone known as androgens. They are comprised of testosterone, androstenedione, androstenediol, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS). All women have some androgens, and all men have some estrogens. Each is important in the healthy functioning of our bodies.

Unfortunately, in the United States as well as the rest of the modern world, environmental pollutants have become an increasing problem in the health and functions of our bodies. Researchers have found that some of these substances cause more testosterone to be converted to estradiol, a type of estrogen. Other substances interfere with the production of testosterone; the other substances are other estrogen hormones. As they are absorbed into our bodies, a major disruption of the androgen/estrogen balance occurs. This means for many that sexual vitality and overall quality of life are greatly reduced.

Each year more men in the industrialized world are getting cancer of the testicles [and prostate], birth defects affecting the penis, lowered sperm count, lowered sperm quality and undescended testicles.

More and more evidence is know showing that many of the synthetic chemicals and products used by us estrogen-like or mimic estrogens, they enter our bodies and immensely alter androgen/estrogen ratios, leaving the body out of balance. Some of these environmental pollutants interfere with the creation of testosterone altering properly levels in out bodies. Researchers have found that the shifts in androgen levels and ratios come from hundreds of synthetically produced estrogenic chemicals as well as anti-androgens that directly deactivate androgens in our bodies. One-third of American men, are experiencing some form of erectile dysfunction or impotence.

So what are the effects of estrogen-like and anti-androgens on our health? Based on the past 50 years of scientific research on men's health, scientists have recorded a huge decline in sperm count worldwide and a huge rise in testicular cancer in men less than 50 years of age. Similarly the drastic rise in production of synthetic chemicals, agrochemicals and pharmaceuticals are not a coincidence. This wasn't an issue prior to 1920; it was after 1920 many of the problems men are facing began. The rise of these synthetic chemicals is directly related to low sperm count, testicular cancer and many more serious health issues of today. The elevated estrogen levels in men are feminizing them and over-feminizing women.

Some of the estrogenic pharmaceuticals currently on the market are birth control pills, menopausal hormone replacement therapies, Premarin (synthetic estrogen, also the most widely prescribed drug in the US. Pharmaceuticals like the above are excreted out of the human body and enter the environment, which continue to remain active.

The effects of these pollutants are serious and we all should be concerned. The impact of these chemicals have on our lives is major. It is imperative that you take notice and make changes to remove these hazards out of your body, life and environment. Not doing so, can cause prostate problems, erectile dysfunction, sterility, sperm mobility problems, loss of energy, libido, atherosclerosis, heart disease and much more.

Diet change and shift in foods we eat (fast food, processed foods etc.) over the years have completely disconnected us as humans. We don't eat like we use too. Natural whole living foods are needed now, our bodies crave them. The majority of plants are filled with hundred of thousands of potent natural chemicals that we need to remain healthy. Nowadays people are eating few to little serving of vegetables per year. You cant expected improvements in your diet if you're not properly nourishing your body. The next articles will cover natural hormone replacement therapy for men, natural supplements to increase testosterone, androgenic foods, things to avoid and many more.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The 10 Symptoms of Endometriosis Your Doctor Won't Tell You!

I don't know why but for some strange reason we think that Endometriosis is just a problem within our "womanly bits". We think that we need to focus all our energies on healing just that one aspect of our bodies. Lets look at the hormones, what is your period doing? How is your PMS?

The funny thing is, the more I discover about Endometriosis, the more I realise that Endometriosis is so much more than just a hormonal problem. Every other symptom you are experiencing is likely to be related to Endometriosis. Here are some you are likely to have, that your doc will simply not attribute to Endometriosis.

  • Poor digestion or digestive troubles

This one is so common with girls with Endometriosis that doctors assume we have IBS most of the time, rather than endo! It is partly our hormonal imbalances that cause digestive troubles but there is also a strong link with fungal and bacterial infections that might be interfering with mineral absorption in the body.

  • Allergies

Skin allergies, hayfever and all those sensitivities. This is so common with endometriosis sufferers.

  • Painful sex

One of the key symptoms in my opinion of Endometriosis and one of the hardest to deal with.

  • Back ache and muscle tension

Do you have sore shoulders all the time, a sore lower back and tense muscles in your body? This is also related to Endometriosis.

  • Feeling tired and exhausted all the time

Chances are you are just feeling tired and exhausted all the time. This is partly hormonal but also relates to a high toxic load that probably exists within your body.

  • Not sleeping well or suffering from insomnia

An inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. You are a restless sleeper and it frustrates you because you know your body is really tired too!

  • Brittle nails, dry or damaged hair

This indicates a mineral and vitamin deficiency and it is common with Endometriosis due to poor digestion and assimilation.

  • Feeling cold or suffering from poor circulation

This relates to a poor lymphatic system and poor lymphatic flow. Likely due to toxic load on the body and just not moving enough.

  • Sore eyes and eye troubles

Your eyes are likely to feel sore easily or be sensitive or you struggle with eyesight. I know I had eye troubles for years and always thought they were two separate issues. When I started healing my body, the eye troubles started to go away.

  • Funny lumps and pumps on the skin

Your skin is an organ of the body and provides the body with a way to release excess toxins. Bumps and lumps under the skin are called liplomas and are your bodies way of storing toxins in the body. Other skin indicators are little red dots under the arms, pimples and acne and skin conditions such as eczema. They are also often an indication of Candida.

Learn to recognise each symptom of your body and make a note of them. They all aid in knowing more about your body and how to heal it. Endometriosis is so much more than just a hormonal imbalance. Look carefully at your liver, digestive system and lifestyle to really understand this condition.

Are Bioidentical Hormones For Men?

Bioidentical hormones are a fairly new topic in the world of medicine. However, there have been rave reviews from those who have taken them and had incredibly positive results. Now, many people are asking "are bioidentical hormones for men?" The information below will help you understand why this unique therapy can be used for males as well as females.

What Are Bioidentical Hormones?

Also known as natural hormone replacement, the process of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy deals with the replacing the absent hormones in the body with created ones gained from natural plant substances. They plants used are yams and soy, and the substances are manipulated until they mimic the make-up of the hormones found naturally in the body.

The hormones are given in specific doses based upon the needs of each individual, and are used to cure hormone related diseases, conditions, and symptoms. This is far more effective than a one size fits all treatment, or a prescription medication treatment which might have dozens of painful side effects.

Are There Bioidentical Hormones for Men?

Although these types of created hormones and this specialized therapy are generally used for women during their menopausal years, there are bioidentical hormones for men. The fact is that men just are not in need of them nearly as often, as hormone imbalances are less common in males.

While women need a mix of hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, and some testosterone, men need a mixture of total testosterone, estradiol, DHEAS, and Prolactin. The materials gathered from soy and yams can just as easily be made into these hormones than the one for females, and can help restore hormonal balance in men.

Just because bioidentical hormones for men are not well known, they do exist. Just like women, there are periods in some men's life in which their hormones will become imbalanced and create medical problems or symptoms. With the use of these created hormones, there is not help for men as well as women.

How To Boost Testosterone - Low Test Levels - Increase Hormones Naturally

Can you boost testosterone levels naturally and if so, what are the benefits? What is testosterone?

Quite simply, testosterone is the principal sex hormone for males.

It's important for sexual well-being in females and its presence in low quantities is necessary for female libido.

In men it's also responsible for muscle growth, hair and bone density.

It regulates sperm, erection frequency and quality along with mental and physical energy.

Levels can decline with age or due to alcohol or drug abuse. Even medication can play a part.

We all reach a point where levels are low and we want to increase sex drive. This is where increasing levels can really help a lot.

At this point, you must be asking yourself, how can I increase testosterone levels naturally to achieve a high libido? Below are some high-quality supplements that can be helpful for you.

1. T Bomb

Combining a supplement like this with your intense workouts will increase the boosting effects of great supplements like T Bomb.

Good bodybuilders only opt for natural testosterone boosting supplements like this one. Apart from helping you in burning fat, increasing energy and building muscle, the effect is a massive boost to your sex drive.

High levels of zinc, selenium and magnesium ensure your health is in tact as well as increasing sex drive.

Ginkgo Biloba, Tongkat Ali and L-Arginine are what drives your free testosterone levels higher and intensify muscle growth as well as improving sexual energy.

As a huge added bonus, T Bomb reduces your estrogen levels as well.

2. Natural Sterol Complex

This supplement has been around for a good few years helping many men develop muscle mass and increase their energy.
Natural Sterol Complex isn't sold as a sexual enhancement product but boosts male libido substantially nonetheless.

High levels of guarana, ginseng, cola nut and stinging nettle root limit your estrogen production as well as boost your testosterone.

As your body can convert free testosterone to estrogen this help is important in channeling your sex drive and energy the best way.

3. Tongkat Ali

Many supplements' main ingredients are the extract of Tongkat Ali, which is highly effective in increasing testosterone levels and improving male sex drive.

An entirely natural herb (everything I review is natural), Tongkat Ali can increase your sexual energy, stamina and should give you harder erections. You should also be able to better improve ejaculation control too, if you follow all my tips.

The zinc, magnesium and vitamin B content in it should be beneficial for deeper sleep, which is when your testosterone is produced in higher levels.

Boost testosterone naturally using other techniques

You shouldn't be expecting to wave a magic wand once you take these nutritional supplements a few times and see your sex drive leap through the roof forever.

It doesn't quite work like that. For a start, you should avoid taking the same supplement every day.

Many users report that the effects can wear off after a period of the same time of booster. Instead take a few different ones and chop and change them around.

Use them together with other herbal libido supplements.

Exercise and Diet

If you're out of shape, have a soft body, drink too much or eat the wrong foods, then you'll also need to improve your diet and lose weight to get back into shape.

Don't skip this part and don't assume you won't need to do it.

If you want to boost testosterone and achieve long-term permanent results, the best way for serious libido kings is to work out to improve libido and also to eat more libido increasing food.

Activate Your Growth Hormones to Grow Taller Naturally - Works If You're 21 Or Over 40!

Many people who aren't happy with the height they are as adults are looking for safe and reliable ways to grow taller naturally. They're not interested in surgery, drugs or artificial stimulants to increase height.

Natural growth hormones are present in your body right now. These hormones are chemical components that are produced by the endocrine glands in your biological system and flow through your bloodstream to encourage growth and development.

Growth hormones have several functions that are vital. One is to activate and regulate growth and development of bones and muscle. They also stimulate other hormones to mass produce and correctly perform their functions for other body organs.

Because people are not aware that you can increase height naturally and safely they look to grow taller by using surgery, drugs or artificial stimulants. These are methods that are not guaranteed to make you taller and could also be messy, painful, unhealthy and have dangerous side effects like headaches, drowsiness, high blood pressure, hair loss and many other problems.

You can grow an extra 2 - 4 inches taller in the next 8 weeks by sticking with a Grow Taller Program based on nutrition rich food, a special stretch exercise routine and by modifying your lifestyle to avoid bad habits like smoking, alcohol and junk foods.

If you focus on the program and implement it consistently every day then your body will begin to produce the natural growth hormones that will strengthen and lengthen you bones and spine to add inches to your height. You'll also see the results very very quickly.

Can Growth Hormone Boosters Enhance Muscle Growth?

Many experts feel that supplementation with growth hormones offers exciting possibilities to adult bodybuilders, especially those aged over thirty. They should not be taken by anyone aged under twenty. In the past growth hormone was available only in injectable form but recent years have seen the development of HGH precursors and more advanced delivery systems. The most popular means of taking growth hormone boosters today include sub-lingual spray, homeopathic pills and capsules containing HGH secretagogues.
That's all very well, but do these supplements have any place in bodybuilding? To answer this, we'll need to look first at what growth hormones actually do.
Human Growth Hormone is responsible for the regulation of insulin, protein synthesis, transportation of amino acids across cell membranes and fat metabolism. Clearly, these are processes that are of relevance to serious bodybuilders. Users have reported higher energy levels, enhanced libido and greater cardiac output. In addition, superior immune function, lowering of blood pressure and improved cholesterol levels have been documented. Add in other potential benefits like improved sleep, shorter recovery times, quicker regeneration of damaged muscles and you can begin to understand why some experts are excited by the possibilities offered to bodybuilders.
No adverse side effects have been reported when used as directed but persons aged under twenty should not use growth hormone boosters without consulting a health care professional familiar with HGH therapy.
You can find out more about these and other bodybuilding supplements by visiting the site listed below.

Women's Health and Hormones Issue

Health and fitness is the prime concern for many people in the modern world. This can be due to the increasing awareness about health care and body fitness among the people. General failing health of the members of the society can also be one of the reasons why people are now paying more attention to health and fitness to prevent suffering from the same fate.

This awareness has particularly become very common among women of all ages probably because it is a woman's nature to look beautiful and attractive, and these health issues can cause a hindrance in this objective. It has been commonly observed that the overall health of women declines more rapidly than men as they become older. They may also have many associated problems which have a higher chance of occurrence among women than men of the same age, for example arthritis.

These days' women pay a lot of attention to their health and join many fitness programs to maintain their health and overall body fitness. There are many reasons besides age factor which may cause health problems and hormonal imbalance among women. However, there are a few tricks by which they can delay this downfall in health.

Diet plays a very important part in the overall fitness and strength of women. There are many women who do not pay much attention to their diet, and though they may look fine in their youth, they would have to suffer dire consequences as they get older. Lack of general strength and losing the toned shape of the body are two of the most prominent problems faced by women these days.

Some women are very cautious about their diet but they do not even overdo dieting, nor do they consume excessive calories. Such women are always successful in maintaining a well balanced and healthy life. The key to success is balance in everything you do, and excess of anything is dangerous for everyone. If you consume too many calories and keep on eating junk food, then fat starts to accumulate in the body and may cause diseases like heart and liver problems, not to mention the destruction of a toned body as well.

On the other hand, if you limit the food and calorie intake too much, then there is a chance of developing general weakness which will create problems in old age in the form of weak bones, aching joints, and hormonal problems. Hormonal problems are also caused by fat accumulation in the body. The fatty acids produced cause a hormonal imbalance, and thus make it hard to get rid of all the extra fat.

Non-organic dairy products are very dangerous for health because these products are made from the milk of cows which are treated with hormonal medicines and steroids which are in turn present in the milk. They have adverse effects on the female hormonal system, and thus an imbalance may be created which might even trigger hormonal changes to occur at an earlier stage than they would have under normal conditions.

Products like coffee, cold drinks, sugar, black tea, etc are also very dangerous for the hormonal system. They have a negative impact on the hormonal system, and thus create an imbalance in the hormones. Proper exercise would also benefit the body and burn extra fats in the body thus ensuring a longer healthier life.

Are Hormones the Cause of Your Migraine Headache Pain?

A person's first migraine headache will usually appear after puberty and up to the age of young adulthood. They will normally continue until about the age of 50 and then fade away. However, this is not always the case. Migraines can begin in young children and also be experienced by people over 70 years of age.

In children, before the age of puberty, the occurrence of migraine is fairly even between the two sexes. Once puberty is reached the ration begins to change drastically. In adults, women experience migraine headaches three times as frequently as men and would seemingly be due to female hormones. Many experts believe that changes in a female's menstrual cycle are the reason for the increase. However, due to the fact that there is no known cause, and that many different factors will trigger a migraine headache, determining how female hormones play a role in migraines can be tricky.

It is suspected that migraine headaches in women are related to changes in estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle. Headaches of this type are called menstrual migraines. Immediately prior to the start of the menstrual flow estrogen levels drop. During this period of lowered estrogen levels women often experience migraine symptoms.

Two-thirds of pregnant women will experience the disappearance of their migraine headaches during pregnancy. However, some women will experience their first migraines during the first three months of pregnancy, only to have them disappear after the first trimester.

Research has shown that migraine headaches can be triggered through the use of birth control pills, especially the types that contain high levels of estrogen. Women who take birth control pills with smaller amounts of estrogen will experience fewer headaches, and those who take birth control pills containing progesterone will not experience the side effect of headache. In addition, hormone replacement therapy that occurs during menopause can also lead to migraines in a percentage of women.

The most common approach for treating menstrual migraines is taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, also called NSAIDs. Consumption of NSAIDs are usually started a couple of days before the menstrual period begins and continued until it is over.

Women often experience fluid retention during their period which may be another trigger of migraine headaches. For this reason, it may sometimes help to limit the amount of salt consumed immediately before the menstrual flow begins.

Women who have gone through menopause and who still continue to take estrogen supplements will usually have fewer migraines if they take the lowest dosage possible and keep taking it without interruption. In other words, instead of taking larger amounts of estrogen for a period of time and then taking no estrogen for several days, taking smaller amounts every day can help reduce the frequency of migraine attacks.

When a woman is pregnant it can be dangerous to treat migraines with these types of drugs as well as most other medications and therefore they should be avoided.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Women's Health and Hormones

A common subject of interest amongst my girlfriends is health, mainly women's health. Yes, we are concerned with our families, fitness, diet, exercise, eating and balance. But as of late, hormones are a hot topic. Maybe it should be more clearly defined as a lack of hormones, or too much, or better yet -- imbalanced.

If you look back to 18th and 19th century novels, female characters are frequently portrayed as illogical beings. Fortunately for us, medicine today has dispelled this portrayal and much of the blame points to the H word: Hormones. But before we go any further, let's define hormones and their function, and maybe then can we understand this occasional female madness.

Hormones play an important role in our lives. They are chemicals which pass on information throughout our bodies and regulate important processes. What processes are we talking about? We won't review 7th grade biology here, but basically hormones regulate the processes of developing into a young adult from a child. Later on, female hormones -- estrogen and progesterone -- regulate our menstrual cycles which allow women to give birth. When we actually become pregnant, hormones dramatically change, and after pregnancy, they change again back to normal. We also deal with PMS, perimenopause, and eventually menopause. These changes, which can affect our emotional and psychological behavior, are overwhelming for some women. Much still needs to be learned about how exactly female hormones affect our psyches, but for now our own lives are proof enough.

Many of the health disorders in women can be traced back to hormonal imbalances. Hormonal imbalances cover the gamut; from physical problems to emotional plights. We can't control all the situations we find ourselves in or the body we've been given, but we can control our reaction to such things. But how can we change our reaction if it's influenced by our imbalanced hormones? It's almost a vicious circle in a way, because difficult and overwhelming situations can affect our hormones and thus affect our extreme unhealthy responses. Let's list some of the physical manifestations of hormonal imbalance in women, and you be the judge. And all these symptoms aren't necessary for hormonal imbalance, but see if you have a few.

  • fatigue and weakness

  • weight gain or loss

  • problems with digestion

  • hot flashes

  • joint pain

  • hair loss

  • dry skin

These symptoms often lead, or go hand in hand, with psychological problems, such as depression or insomnia. So can we end it here, knowing the times when we warn all those around that our alter-ego is menacing us on the sidelines? We even give her another name, watch her in absolute horror when she throws a mayonnaise sandwich at your husband -- who's now deemed an unlovable heathen -- and cowers when she blubbers in public over a sweet gesture of a child. No, as fickle as our hormones are with life changes and even diet and exercise, we have a huge say in our own physical and mental health.

The light at the end of the tunnel is that women can get their hormones normalized again, but it's a multi-prong approach. We need to be open to changing our diets, incorporating exercise in our daily lives, taking supplements and even guidance and counseling for more serious hormonal problems from the medical professionals. So I guess at the beginning of my article, my girlfriends and I do end up talking about diet and exercise, because that has much to do with everything. If you don't know where to begin, I recommend reading the book Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, by Dr. Christiane Northrup. She discusses every ailment and solution known to woman.

Female Hormones

Hormones are chemicals, which transfer information and regulate many processes throughout the body. They serve many important functions in our lives. For women there are many specialized female hormones that affect them from the beginning of life right into old age so it is important to learn as much as possible about them.

As we grow up from childhood and begin to develop, hormones once held dormant, begin to be released and cause many changes in physical appearance. There are also many internal differences as well. Female hormones are responsible for all the specialized development that a girl goes through in becoming a woman. The process usually takes around four years and in this time varying hormone levels can be difficult to adapt to. As the process begins, the hypothalamus begins to release hormones that will in turn trigger another endocrine gland, the pituitary gland, to release two other hormones. These two hormones are luteinising hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). These are sent to the ovaries, which are then stimulated to create their own female hormones.

Female hormones are also necessary in regulating a women's menstrual cycle, allowing her to give birth. The main hormones produced by the ovaries are progesterone and estrogen. These along with LH and FSH have a large role in a women's natural cycle. Hormones take a drastic change when a woman becomes pregnant as well. Estrogen and Progesterone levels remain high in the body during this time. There are many different hormones as well. Each hormone involved in pregnancy serves a vital role in this complex cycle.

After a pregnancy, hormone levels yet again take another drastic change, reverting back to normal levels. This can be difficult for some women to adapt to and there are a number of negative symptoms that are believed to be caused by the many hormonal changes occurring in the body. Female hormones and their affect on emotional and psychological behavior are still not very well known however.

Women undergo another change in hormone levels at around the age of 45-50. At this point the ovaries become unable to produce normal amounts of female hormones. This is known as menopause. When the process begins there may be irregularities in the menstrual cycle until finally it ceases altogether. This can have a negative effect on many aspects of health as estrogen serves many functions including protecting the heart and bones. There are also various other negative side effects caused by menopause such as hot flashes and bone loss. There are however, a number of ways to treat the side effects including with hormone replacement therapy. Hormone replacement therapy may even be able to protect against osteoporosis and heart disease however this therapy requires a balance that should be discussed with your doctor.

From the very beginning of life, female hormones have a great effect on a woman's life. They shape appearances, make having children possible and are responsible for many important experiences for a women. Knowing all you can about these important parts of your body is important in keeping healthy.

Hormones And Hair Loss - What Is The Connection Between Hormones And Hair Loss?

Hormones and hair loss have a big connection to each other, but most people don't actually know what it is. What happens is as you get older your hormones change. This can have a big effect on your body as a whole. This can especially affect your loss.

What happens with hormones?

Well, the easy answer is that when your hormones are changing then your hair loss is more apt to increase in speed. The reason behind this is because when your hormones and loss is happening then your body is all confused. This confusion will make your body completely crazy. There are many things that you can do to help your body deal with hormones and hair loss. The problems that will occur are ones that you know how to deal with already in normal everyday life. As long as you treat this with optimism then you should be able to deal with the problem with ease and class. If you watch out and make sure that your hair problem doesn't take over your whole life then you should be able to solve this much better.

How to deal with hormones?

There are many different types of vitamins and medicine that you can take for hormones and hair loss. You should be taking a multi-vitamin every day along with fish oil with Omega 3 to help your hair stay intact. Fish oil plays a big part in keeping your hair from failing out and if you have problems then you will be happy to have these kinds of nutrients in your system. The faster you deal with this problem the better because you can stop it before you lose too much hair. The fact is that once you lose the hair it is more difficult to grow it back. Therefore, if you stop the hair from falling out before it happens then you will be 100% more effective with your treatment plan.

What kind of problems can happen from excessive hormones?

If you are reading this article then you already know what kind of problems can happen with hormones. You will feel confused and scared. You need to stop being scared because the more scared you get then the worse the situation will get. Just keep your cool and watch out what is going on with your body.You need to find a way out of this situation, but you can be assured that there is a cure for hormones and hair loss problems.

Bio Identical Hormones: Energy Boost You Need

Today's woman of substance is career oriented, professional and an achiever in her chosen field. She's constantly on her toes on home front as well and needs all the energy she can to be at the top of her game. But there comes a time around menopause when things seem to slow down a bit, and adverse effect like tiredness and loss of alertness are seen. It's because a hormonal imbalance in your body, which can be rectified by the use of Bio Identical Hormones.

Due to aging, some illnesses or high level of stress can lead to a change in the level of hormones in your body. Their equilibrium is important to your body to function at its optimum level.

Bio Identical Hormones are of synthetic kind, similar to endogenous ones, which can be administered to you. They will help maintain the balance and rid you of any deficiencies. If there is an excess level of certain hormones it can be suppressed as well.

How does Bio Identical Hormone Replacement work?

  • A specialist physician will prescribe simple tests based on urine, saliva and blood samples for you. It will establish the level of hormones in your body and a comprehensive study will be carried out.

  • Based on that information your physician will come up with an exact mix of synthetic hormones specific to your needs.

  • The treatment is usually in the form of oral pills or gel that can be applied. Sometimes patches are prescribed as well.

  • It can take up to 8 weeks for results to start showing so you need to be patient.

Positive results of Bio Identical Hormone Replacement show:

  • A reduction in premenopausal and menopausal symptoms.

  • Irregular menstrual periods can be avoided.

  • There is a lesser chance of uterine bleeding.

  • It helps in growth of bones and helps you keep Osteoporosis at bay.

  • There is a lesser risk of heart related diseases.

  • Weight loss will be seen because calories will be burnt faster.

  • Night sweats will be reduced and you will be able to fight insomnia.

  • Many women suffer from depression during and post menopause. This therapy will reduce chances of depression.

  • You will feel energetic and generally more alert.

Try this therapy to get that spring in your step once again

Hormones and Our Skin

Our skin is our first line of defense against free radicals, the sun and any other environmental pollutants or toxins that we may be exposed to. When there is an internal problem our skin reveals symptoms of what may be occurring beneath the surface of the skin.

Recently, women have been experiencing excessive hair thinning and hair loss, which has been linked to in some cases a blockage of the estrogen receptors; due to the fact that women are ingesting synthetic hormones at an accelerated rate. As a result the body is not allowed to supply the body estrogen naturally. Thus, the synthetic estrogen creates a false reading in the body and the natural body receptors no longer respond. These products affect the adrenal glands, specifically the thyroid which are instrumental in areas such as hair growth, and weight loss and gain.

I use this as an example to say that our hormones serve a very important function. Hormones are significant to the health and wellness of our skin, and are significant in their contribution to skin cell proliferation and the regeneration of the skin. Specific skin conditions occur as a result of glandular dysfunction and play a significant role in premature aging and skin health in general.

Endocrinology or our endocrine system is what governs these hormones and our hormonal health. Our glands secrete the hormones into our bloodstreams, so if for any reason the endocrine system is not operating efficiently, specific hormones needed may not be supplied, and the skin among other bodily functions will be affected.

Estrogen is a steroid hormone that is instrumental in regulation of the female menstrual cycle, as well as a significant factor in maintaining skin health. During menopause, estrogen levels begin to fluctuate which affects the efficacy of the skin. It is important to note that if we have inner balance in our body systems, organs, and glands, that is revealed as glowing, skin and beautiful hair.

Beautiful glowing skin simply indicates that our endocrine system and steroid hormonal functions (among others) are operating well and is reflected in the health of our skin, which will be moist, dewy, elastic and clear. Skin that is dry, wrinkled, experiencing dermatitis, psoriasis, melasma, or rosacea or any other condition is resultant of an underlying dysfunction directly connected to our glandular systems. If you are experiencing skin conditions suddenly that concern you, it is important that you consult your skin care professional, or dermatologist.

Diet and exercise and environmental factors each play a role and support your skin health. As I stated earlier, skin is our first line of defense and also reflects that there may be a change in your body and how it is functioning, but this is not to say that a condition such as dermatitis is something to be overtly concerned about, it could be that the skin has just become sensitized to a product or a specific ingredient which is easily solved through process of elimination. Recent studies have shown that if you are experiencing psoriasis, smoking or stress could be the reason, because both create bio chemical changes in the body.

Our hormones are critical to skin health and overall wellness, so be aware of how hormones work for the body to understand how their dysfunction affects your overall health and your skin, understanding that maintenance of your body is food for your skin, giving you the glowing healthy skin you desire.

Male Hormones - Testosterone And Men

As men get nearer to 40 years of age, the actual natural serum androgenic hormone levels or testosterone chemistry of their body is about 50% of what it had been at twenty years old. We begin to lose our muscle mass and all of us begin to see a reduced libido. We start having a reduced feeling of our general overall power as men. When we are sexual, our erections just aren't what they were previously. Even though we don't want to acknowledge this, our life force gradually fades, and we are not the same guy we were in the past.

The doctors possess the solutions? Mostly they just recommend the blue pill and Cialis as though these were sweet chocolates to enjoy while watching television. Why? Because they are on the receiving end of huge kickbacks funded by the pharmaceutical companies. What about doctors treating the actual reason for the issue? Again it is their interest in money, and because androgenic hormone or testosterone is organic - it therefore cannot be patented. Without a patentable drug there is no money in it for that multi-national drug companies. Who's welfare is the physician looking out for? His own of course.

I was 45 years old at the time of dealing with this issue and I have been using 200mgs of testosterone each week for 3 years at this time. I honestly appear to be more like a man in my 20's than in my 40's. I am proud of own muscle mass and I feel confident and strong about my own sex drive. It could not get better than this for me. Personally, I think the vitality I experience along with my energy level is fantastic! And the most exciting part is that I see absolutely no proof of any kind associated decline happening in my life for quite a long time.

How do the aging movie stars stay so young? Maybe you have seen the latest movie with Sylvester Stallone at 60. I have advised this hormone option to many of my friends and I know they have also enjoyed the same incredible results.

Guys, do not give up on yourselves. You really have the option to feel young once again. Just do a little investigation on the web about this topic. If your individual doctor is no help on the subject, look for a hormone replacement expert online that can resolve all your queries. There is no other person who will care about you more than you do. You have your one chance to live life completely. We'll all be dead soon enough.

Managing your natural androgenic hormone or testosterone decline is perhaps the most important choice you will make!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Hormones and the Human Body

Hormones are unique chemical substances that regulate various activities of the cells of your body. They are produced by special organs known as endocrine glands and are released into the blood stream, which carries them throughout the whole body.

Each hormone has the ability to regulate one or more processes taking place within the cells of the body. For example, thyroid hormones increase the cell's ability to burn fuel (such as fat or protein) and produce more energy, while the pancreatic hormone insulin, regulates cellular use of glucose, which helps maintain a uniform sugar level in the blood.

The reason hormones are able to influence cellular function is the presence of special receptors on the surface of each cell. A receptor is similar to a lock, which can be opened by only one particular key and no others.

Each hormone requires its own receptor to be present on the surface of the cell, which is why a typical cell has multiple receptors to accommodate various hormones that the body produces.
After the hormone is synthesized by the endocrine gland, it is first released into the blood. Since the blood circulates throughout the body, it takes the hormone to all the organs and cells. As it encounters new cells, the hormone reacts with their receptors, which causes a specific reaction
within the cells.

When the hormone and the receptor combine, the receptor becomes activated, allowing the hormone or its metabolite to enter the cell. Once inside, it increases or decreases certain specific functions. The combination of endocrine glands and hormones is sometimes called the endocrine system. The main purpose of this system is to provide another way for the brain to regulate body functions. The endocrine system is very closely linked to the nervous system and the main endocrine gland, the hypothalamus, which is actually a part of the brain.

Two additional endocrine glands, the pituitary and the pineal, are located within the brain. Hormones are usually very short-lived substances. They are released into the blood, attach to cellular receptors, get inside the cells and disappear. This is the reason why the levels of most hormones are quite low when measured by blood tests. There are some circumstances
when the levels increase, which also can be measured by testing. In general, blood tests are not very reliable indicators of how much hormone is produced and how well those hormones are working because hormones do not stay in the blood very long, and most of the action takes place inside the cells.

Understanding hormones and how they work in the human body provides better insight to the way our bodies work. They can help us realize when something is seriously wrong or why we may feel different than we normally do. These special indicators can be a very useful tool when they are medically evaluated and taken into consideration for diagnosis.