Saturday, May 11, 2013

Antioxidants - A Good Cure For Hormonal Imbalance


The word antioxidant is composed of two words; "anti" which means "against" or "in the opposite to" and "oxidants" are the free radicals, which are molecules commonly produced when our bodies break down food substances or by exposure to environmental pollution, radiation or tobacco use. These oxidants or free radicals are a nuisance to our general health as they can damage cells and may also play a key role in causing many life-threatening diseases like cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

So antioxidants designate a molecule that works against the oxidants or free radicals in the body to save it from the harmful effects. Free radicals are produced as a result of oxidation processes in the body, during which a chemical reaction occurs and transfers electrons or hydrogen from one substance to another called as oxidizing agent. During this process free radicals are produced and then start to create chain reactions, which occur in a cell to which they can cause destruction or severe damage. Antioxidants are very effective in terminating such chain reactions as they remove the free radicals, which in their turn inhibit oxidation reactions, afterwards these antioxidants then themselves get oxidized and act as reducing agents such as poly-phenols or ascorbic acid.

Antioxidants are basically molecules in the form of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that shield and renovate the various cells from the damage caused by free radicals. These damages caused by free radicals to the cells in the body lead to a lot of chronic diseases like cancer, arthritis, and atherosclerosis. Free radicals basically weaken the immune system of the individual, and thus the he gets exposed to many infections, colds and flu.

Food Sources Of Antioxidants

Antioxidants are widely found in different natural foods. Foods which are high in vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A and beta-carotene are commonly known as rich sources of antioxidants. Raw fruits and vegetables provide higher concentration and absorption of antioxidants than the cooked food. Fruits and vegetables with b colors are rich sources of antioxidants; colors like purple, orange, yellow, red and blue are common. Oranges, tomatoes, carrots, apples, prunes, red peppers, spinach, beans, onions, plums, all berries, red grapes, eggplant, and alfalfa sprouts, raisins, apricots, broccoli, turnip, sweet potato, watermelon, pumpkin, papaya, grapefruit, mangoes, tangerines, cauliflower, strawberries, kiwi, mustard, nuts and sunflower seeds are the various natural sources of antioxidants.

Vitamins are not the only source of antioxidants in food but zinc and selenium are also good antioxidants, they help boost up the immune system. Zinc is found in foods like beans, nuts, seafood, dairy products, red meat, cereals, poultry and whole grains. Selenium is found in Brazil nuts, beef and many grain products.

Antioxidants Help In Treating Hormone Imbalance

Hormones imbalance is very common nowadays in both women and men. It's main cause is the imbalance in the hormones production in the body. Hormones are needed by the body to regulate the growth, metabolism, mood and various sexual functions in the body; these hormones are released into the blood stream by the endocrine glands. A healthy diet can keep the hormones in balance.

In the condition of suffering from hormonal imbalance he/she can get enough help from antioxidants for relieving the symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Many phytoestrogens are antioxidants in nature; phytoestrogens are the plant compounds that are both estrogenic and anti-estrogenic in nature; that's why they can provide a balancing effect in the body's estrogen receptors by mimicking the estrogen. Foods such as leafy green vegetables, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and lentils are phytoestrogens. By including these phytoestrogens in your diet you can prevent toxic hormones from causing hormonal imbalance in your body. It also works in balancing the hormones.

Antioxidants can also help produce detoxification enzymes in the body that help detoxify the hormones and keep them in balance. Green tea is rich in antioxidants and provides a good concentration of such enzymes.

Antioxidants play a very vital role in boosting up the immune and glandular systems of the body, which have a direct connection with hormone balance. They support the alkalinity of the body and thus assist in maintaining its natural balance restoring the hormonal balance, detoxifying and strengthening the immune system.

Vitamin B is a b antioxidant; it is needed by the liver while coping with hormonal imbalance. Vitamin B helps to convert the excess amount of estrogen into balanced and fewer dangerous forms, so it helps balancing the hormones in our bodies.

Forget Your Age: Combine Bioidentical Hormones and Yoga

If you've recently been diagnosed with a hormonal imbalance by bioidentical doctors, you've probably been told that you need to take up a moderate exercise program in order to bring balance back into your life. Perhaps (if you're a woman) you've sought out bioidentical hormone replacement therapy as a menopause treatment. Perhaps you're looking at testosterone replacement therapy to bring back the vigor of your youth. Whatever your situation, if you're looking into bio identical hormones, you should also look into a yoga program. Yoga and bio identical hormones can work together to slow the aging process and reduce the risk of inflammatory diseases at the same time.

Consider judging your age in terms of the flexibility of the spine instead of years! If you take up the practice of yoga, you can stop counting years and instead start working on your flexibility. Yoga has been shown to diminish the body's inflammatory response to stressful situations, which slows the aging process and reduces the risk of arthritis, heart disease, and other diseases that involve inflammation. Yoga offers individuals the opportunity to work into the aging process, taking a proactive approach. If you've started bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, yoga will complements the efforts you're making to create balance in your physical body.

Yoga has a relaxing effect on the body as it tones and stretches muscles and massages the internal organs. Yogic exercises coordinate the breath with movement, which can change the way a person approaches stressful situations. When you feel angry or sad or stressed, the rhythm of your breathing changes. Most of the time, people don't think about the rhythm of their breathing. It can, in fact, be hard to tune into your breathing when you first start practicing yoga. But yoga's emphasis on breath and balance can make it easier for you to control negative emotions when they occur in your daily life.

It doesn't matter whether you're male or female, if you've sought out natural hormone replacement, you could benefit from yoga as well. Yoga can help you approach life with balance and stability, turning back the clock as you slowly subtract stressful situations from your life. As you make progress toward a more youthful balance of hormones using bioidentical hormone replacement, an energetic and enthusiastic outlook on life will begin to take shape as you tone and stretch your body using yoga. If you like the way you feel taking bioidentical hormones, go that extra step and start a yoga program too. And start increasing the flexibility of your spine and forget your age!

What Are the Real Causes of Acne? Find Out What Really Causes Acne and How to Cure It!

Acne is a very common skin condition that may affect people of every age and race. Even though it usually affects teenagers, adult acne is a real problem and some people continue to suffer from this condition until their thirties or forties.

But, what are the causes of acne?

The main cause is the abnormally high concentration of endogenous hormones (especially androgens) in the blood, during puberty. These hormones cause the excessive production of sebum which clogs the skin pores and promotes the propagation of cutaneous anaerobic bacteria. This leads to skin inflammation and the formation of pimples.

Acne affects mainly the face especially the forehead, nose and chin (due to the fact that these areas have many sebaceous glands), but it may also appear in the back, shoulders and chest.

Here are some facts about acne that you need to know:

  • It has been proved that emotional tension can aggravate the problem, so try to avoid stress as much as you can.

  • Certain medication like antidepressants and androgen may cause the appearance of this condition.

  • There is no evidence that sex can actually help.

  • Makeup especial if you leave it on your face for many hours can play a negative role.

  • The harmful effects of chocolate on acne seem to be just a myth.

  • Hormonal changes are associated with this condition, which means that starting or stopping birth control pills may cause the appearance of this disease.

  • Your profession sometimes plays an important role. Working in a hot and humid environment such as catering, kitchen or laundry can have a negative impact on the health of your skin.

  • Acne is not caused by poor hygiene, but is an endogenous problem.

  • The sun doesn't cure this disease. The tan we get after sun exposure may just temporarily hide the irritated skin and pimples, but it can not heal.

  • Eating a balanced diet can be helpful. Enrich your diet with foods that are good sources of vitamin C (kiwi, broccoli, red peppers, oranges etc.) and vitamin A (carrots, apricots, peaches etc.). You should also increase the amount of fiber in your diet, in order to facilitate digestion and help your body get rid of toxins.

  • Some sunscreens may make the situation worse, because they contain too many filters and are too oily.

  • Suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome can cause acne in some cases.

It is very important to understand that although these tips can help, there most essential step in getting rid of acne is to achieve hormonal balance. Local or oral acne treatments can have only temporary results and may even have many side effects. Following a holistic treatment and making just a few small lifestyle changes can have spectacular results.

Fatigue, Both Mental and Physical, Can be Caused by Your Menopause Hormones

For menopause sufferers, fatigue it is all too common. Some women report lying on the couch with their eyes closed unable to move for long periods of time. Or they experience mental fatigue that provides for feelings of indifference and an overall slumber from day to dusk that makes them unable to perform activities with maximum effort.

Fatigue comes in many forms: loss of energy after working out, motion sickness fatigue as a result of senses mixing signals in the brain causing your ears and eyes to overwork, and more. Some women suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome and others are diagnosed with hypothyroidism.

If you think you are suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, see a doctor. This is a complicated syndrome and needs constant medical attention. For people who think they might have a sluggish thyroid, one suggestion is to buy a bottle of iodine tincture and place a circle of iodine on your stomach or thigh. If it disappears before 24 hours, keep applying it until your system doesn't absorb it within that time period.

Fatigue in woman suffering from menopause is typically due to (surprise) a hormonal imbalance. Estrogen regulates homeostasis as well as the life processes in the body that determine body shape by distributing fat, constructing vital tissues, maintaining blood flow and correct cholesterol level.

Besides lack of this female hormone, there are lots of menopause symptoms that contribute heavily to fatigue symptoms such as the inability to sleep or waking up intermittently in the night, an insufficient diet compounded by too much caffeine and alcohol, night sweats that wake you up periodically, and overall depression and stress.

Another factor of menopausal fatigue is the lack of progesterone produced in the body. Progesterone is the 穡happy hormone穡 that accounts for a woman's sexual drive. With the introduction of menopause, levels of this hormone can decrease significantly.

The magical question now is: how can you combat fatigue during menopause? Luckily, there are a variety of answers. Introducing certain herbs into your diet can greatly boost energy levels. Herbs like sarsaparilla and wild yam root contain plant estrogen, which is like the estrogen produced in our bodies. In some women, hormone replacement therapy is required. Also, the use progesterone vaginal cream goes a long way to restoring sexual desire.

Exercise is reported to help with numerous menopause symptoms, fatigue being one of the major ones. The simple act of walking and basking in the sun which is an excellent source of Vitamin D can noticeably boost energy levels. Do you smoke? Get rid of those cigarettes right away - they have been scientifically proven to lower estrogen levels.

Facts About Human Growth Hormones

What is Growth Hormone, Somatostatin and Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone (GHRH)?

The growth hormone, as the name suggests, is a hormone that is responsible for physical growth of the body. The human growth hormone [HGH] is released by the anterior pituitary gland, present just above the hypothalamus in the brain. The cells responsible for the release of the HGH are called the somatotrophs and the hormone released is often referred to as somatotropin.

The hormone responsible for the release of the somatotropin is the GHRH or growth hormone releasing hormone. The GHRH sends signal to the hypothalamus, telling it about the requirement levels of HGH in the body and the brain responds by releasing HGH from the anterior pituitary.

The HGHis responsible for lateral growth of the body. The final height that a person attains post puberty is as a result of the action this hormone. The hormone is also responsible for regeneration of decayed cells and tissues. The youthful appearance of a person depends on the total quantity of fresh and regenerated cells in the body. It is the HGH that regulates this. The normal aging of the body leads to gradual decrease in the production of the HGH, as a result of which the "youth" fades away. If it were possible to continuously replace the depleted HGH in the body by adding it externally, it would have been possible to hold "youth" forever.

What are the benefits of Growth hormone?

Growth hormone mitigates, and may even reverse, many of the major effects of aging, such as muscle weakness, excess body fat deposits, poor skin and hair quality, energy depletion, diminished sex drive, and declining immune function.

Many vital internal organs of the body shrink with age and it's the HGH restores back the efficiency and vigor into those organs. The heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, thymus and the thyroid gland are immensely dependent on this hormone. It is also responsible for the release of IGF [insulin like growth factors], that help optimize communication between the immune system, nervous system and the hormonal systems.

How does human recombinant growth hormone work

External administration of the hormone has been practiced for ages by doctors to repair genetic defects in children with depleted HGH. Earlier the hormones were extracted from the brains of dead people [cadaveric], but that often led to infections in the patient receiving the hormone externally. Later, the scientists devised a new method of producing the hormone. The bacterium E.Coli is now used for HGH production. The end product is called human recombinant GH.

External addition of the hormone helps the body by:

繚 Stimulating the Somatotrophs to release more natural GH.
繚 Stimulating the hypothalamus to produce GHRH [growth hormone releasing hormone]
繚 Stimulating the Pituitary to become more sensitive to the effects of the GHRH.
繚 Opposing the production of Somatostatin.

How Human Growth Hormones Can Help Your Child

An HGH supplement, shot, or dose, can help a child grow. There are numerous health conditions that may cause children to suffer from lack of proper growth. In fact, HGH was created for young children that were not growing at the normal rate. In older times the HGH was actually extracted from deceased humans, but now the hormone is created synthetically, making it a safer and more cost effective treatment plan for your child.

Currently there are a few different options for HGH treatments. They can be artificially injected into the body, or pills and medications can be taken to boost the production of HGH in the body. Both are good alternatives for parents that are concerned about their Child's growth. Keep in mind that some side effects are present, but they are normal and most do not cause serious harm.

When HGH Treatment is Recommended For Children

HGH is only recommended for children in small cases. If the child is extremely far behind other children in his or her age range, then HGH is extremely beneficial. This includes being in the lower 5% of all children of the childs age. In many cases doctors will not administer HGH unless they are below 1%. Keep in mind that some supplements may also help, and be used in less extreme situations. These supplements are not exactly growth hormones, but rather something that is thought to trigger the pituitary gland to produce more of the hormone needed for growth.

How To Prepare For HGH Treatment

When considering HGH you must let a doctor track the progress of the child. They will likely monitor his or her growth consistently and run tests to determine how everything is working in the body. Generally children that are very short or small can benefit from HGH. A pediatrician can usually tell if this is the case immediately, or after a few months of monitoring.

Side Effects Resulting From HGH Treatment

The side effects for children undergoing HGH treatments are very low. There are plenty of studies and research that identifies any potential risk. A pediatrician would be able to tell you what risks your child would have when taking HGH. Generally headaches are part of the side effects, but doctors do not see them as a huge risk. Heavier children probably shouldn't use HGH because some bone problems could occur.

When Not To Use HGH

HGH should not be used in children that have a growth deficiency caused by something other than growth hormones. Thyroid conditions and a few other problems can be to blame for short stature and poor muscle development. In this case the parents should seek alternative treatments that do not involve hormone therapy.

How Do Stress Hormones Affect My Ability of Building Self-Confidence?

When you have outside stressors acting on you a reaction takes place inside your body. Your body begins to release hormones that are known as stress hormones. These stress hormones each have a different effect on your body as well as level of building self-confidence.

Some of the short term effects are non-harmful but if the levels of the hormones do not go back to a manageable level then there can be long term and even permanent damage. Now that you know what a stress hormone is let's identify the individual ones and look at how they each affect your body.


The adrenal glands, which are located adjacent to the kidneys, produce cortisol This is a steroid hormone which helps the body to regulate blood pressure and other heart functions. It also helps the body to regulate the use of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. When the body becomes stressed cortisol production increases.

The release of cortisol leads to the breakdown of muscle proteins and the release of amino acids into the bloodstream. These travel to the liver and are used there for an extra boost of energy. This helps to feed the brain so that it will have more energy.

Also, other body tissues begin using less glucose for energy and begin to use fatty acids that the cortisol releases as an energy source for the muscles. This prepares the body to deal with the stress that is being felt.


Another stress hormone that is released by the adrenal glands is adrenaline. While most people will recognize the name of this stress hormone they do not truly understand what it actually does. Adrenaline does boost your body's energy supply, increases your heart rate, and elevates your blood pressure. It does not automatically give you super human strength however.


ACTH, or adrenocorticotropic hormone, is a hormone that is responsible for triggering the fight or flight response in several different body systems so that they are better able to cope with the upcoming stress. It also helps the body when it is ready to return to a state of normalcy.


Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) is a hormone produced in the brain that is thought to aid it in managing how you respond to daily stress factors. It thought to assist the body and mind in reaching a state of near hyper vigilance. In addition it begins the chain of events that get the entire body ready to deal with stress. This includes facilitating the release of ACTH and cortisol.

Other Hormones Abound

While this list of stress hormones is definitely not all inclusive it will allow you to get an idea of just how much of a response the body and mind put into dealing with a stressful situation. There are long term effects when high levels of the hormones are maintained in the body. That is one reason that stress is so hard on those who suffer from it regularly. As with anything else in life too much of a good thing can be harmful as well. If you are dealing with high stress levels on a regular basis talk to your doctor. They may be able to help you to bring it under control before it brings you down and the stress hormones damage your ability of building self-confidence.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Weight Loss and What Your Body Shape Is Telling You!

The shape of the body that you see in the mirror is a clue to what is going on inside. Hormones that are involved in metabolism have the purpose of directing where your body stores and places fat. It is this function that creates different body shapes based on each individual's uniqueness. This phenomenon is now believed to be the reason why so many people are not successful losing weight. This is also believed to be the reason why the one size fits all approach to weight loss does not work. Each body shape is an indication of glandular problems / issues that makes generalized approaches to weight management ineffective. Weight loss must first start with an understanding of what the real problem is related to what body shape is signaling about what is going on internally. Weight loss must take this into consideration as it relates to the specific approach one uses to get rid of those oftentimes stubborn unwanted pounds.

The Four Body Shapes

The ADRENAL, OVARY, THYROID, and LIVER body shapes are indicative of weaknesses or problems in the various organs referenced. The keys to weight loss problems are related to the type of fat and where that fat has been directed to accumulate with each body shape.

-OVARY: In women, if there is an ovary problem, there is and accumulation of an excess superficial estrogen cellulite type fat that accumulates around the hips and thighs with a lower stomach bulge just under the bellybutton.

THYROID: Because thyroid hormones are directed throughout the body, an overall appearance of weight gain will result. The fat accumulates throughout the body between the cells. The accumulated substance is more of a waste like material than fat. This condition is known as myxedema (myxa.....mucus / slime - edema....swelling) a condition that is much like a sponge that holds onto liquids not wanting to release them.

LIVER: Problems in this organ result in a pot-belly type of appearance. This condition may not have anything to do with fat. Fluid leaks or other problems with the liver could possibly be the cause of the pot-belly.

ADRENAL: Fat accumulates within the abdominal cavity resulting in a pendulous or sagging abdomen.

The real problem with weight loss has less to do with calories consumed and burned than it does with metabolism and the hormones that control it. The hormones involved in metabolism look at calories differently while interacting with foods differently. Sugar and refined carbohydrates trigger fat making / storing hormones which can lead to weight gains. Weight loss therefore, is greatly compromised when these types of foods are consumed. Likewise there are hormones associated with metabolism that actually cause your body to burn fat thus facilitating weight loss through this fat burning process.

The key to successful weight loss must focus on turning on the fat burning hormones while at the same time shutting down the fat making hormones. The foods that are consumed are the triggers to making this happen. Weight loss is directly linked and correlated to what you eat more so than to calories consumed.

Get your weight loss program started immediately by eliminating sugar and refined carbohydrates from your diet. Don't be surprised from the weight loss that can result from just doing this!

As we continue to write and discuss weight loss, future publications will focus specifically on the hormones involved in fat burning and fat making.

Happy Hormone - Is it Real?

The Happy Hormone is like the Holy Grail; everyone wants to be happy but many people feel unhappy without knowing why. It's not something you can put your finger on, or is it? If you are feeling tired, moody, anxious, depressed or have low energy levels post Menopause then maybe you have a hormone imbalance. Some candidates for the happy hormone are Serotonin, Melatonin and Progesterone.

What is a hormone? Quote from Wikipedia:

"A hormone is a chemical released by one or more cells that affects cells in other parts of the organism. Only a small amount of hormone is required to alter cell metabolism. It is essentially a chemical messenger that transports a signal from one cell to another. All multicellular organisms produce hormones. Cells respond to a hormone when they express a specific receptor for that hormone. The hormone binds to the receptor protein, resulting in the activation of a signal transduction mechanism that ultimately leads to cell type-specific responses." In other words, it is a chemical released by one type of cell that attaches to another kind of cell, causing that cell to react. Clearly a loss of hormones equates to a loss of that ability. Do you care? Yes; read on:

What about those hormones?

Serotonin is found in the gut and the central nervous system. In the central nervous system it has multiple tasks of regulating moods, appetite, sleep, anxiety, depression and more. It's not so much that Serotonin is the "Happy Hormone", but rather the lack of Serotonin causes many of those bad symptoms to appear. In order to get your moods back into balance it is required for Serotonin to get back into balance. Sunlight is a natural catalyst for Serotonin production. Serotonin doesn't make you happy it just makes you less unhappy or less depressed or less anxious. It has the same effect as money. Money can't make you happy but it can remove many of the issues that make you unhappy.

Melatonin has multiple purposes being associated primarily with synchronization of the biological clock and as an antioxidant. Melatonin is produced from Serotonin during low light conditions and is produced naturally when darkness falls. There is an obvious connection to Melatonin helping us to fall asleep. During periods of darkness it will induce sleepiness and, while you are asleep, goes about the business of cleaning up free radicals. In terms of mood and tiredness it is clearly a regulator that helps one to sleep and, as a healing agent, the "capture" and disposal of free radicals is clearly beneficial.

Progesterone is not just a female hormone, although mostly associated with Estrogen. Males also produce Progesterone. Progesterone levels in both are associated with reproductive organs and levels will drop as male Testosterone and female Estrogen levels fall off after male and female menopause. Yes, there is a male menopause. The affect of this reduction is a reduction in Progesterone's regulatory capabilities among other things, production of Myelin (the protective sheath around nerve cells) and therefore low Progesterone is associated with memory loss. It has a role in raising metabolism and also new skin cell growth. You could say if you are interested in retaining your memory, your energy level and want a glowing skin then loss of Progesterone during Menopause is your enemy. Progesterone has been found in nature, Yams being one source, though synthesis in the human body requires consumption with some fats to facilitate transportation. If feeling tired, moody, anxious, depressed, forgetful or having low energy levels after menopause causes you to be unhappy then maybe hormone therapy is for you. It may not make you happy but it may just remove those unhappy symptoms.

The happy hormone does not exist but hormones capable of removing some causes of unhappiness do exist.

Wikipedia hormone definition

Natural Ovarian Cyst Cures - Natural Alternatives to Hormones or Surgery

If you're suffering from ovarian cysts, you may not have known that there is a natural cure that has been around for a long time. Women have plagued with this ailment for centuries and you can bet that before modern medicine they figured out some natural ovarian cyst cures.

Utilizing the gifts provided by nature is not only much less expensive, but it's also much easier on your body. Here are a few things that you can do right now to relieve some of the pain and reduce the pressure on your bladder:

It may sound silly, but a great deal of pain can be created just because of excess weight sitting on your bladder. Start drinking more, clean water. You will find that it will quickly require more trips to the bathroom, but that's a good thing toward keeping your bladder light and reducing pressure.

Another natural cure for ovarian cysts is an increase in fiber. When your system is out of balance, constipation can show up and create even more pressure in your abdomen. Extra fiber will help to relieve, or avoid the backed up colon that could be could be causing you extreme amounts of pain and actually make your cysts worse.

Good sources of natural fiber that your body can easily digest are found naturally in fruits and vegetables. Not only will this provide extra fiber, but also contribute to the next of the essentials in a natural cure.

Eating more clean, natural foods will help to nourish your system and allow for much improved processing of toxins. Basically, a healthy nutrition program will put your body into a healing state in which it can better fight off nasty things like ovarian cysts.

Gentle exercise or stretching and breathing exercises can significantly improve your body's ability to remove toxins and heal more effectively. You may not know this, but breathing is actually you're body's largest and most efficient system for filtering and expelling toxins from your body. Light intensity exercise such as walking or riding a bike will naturally increase circulation and respiration. Yoga or stretching coupled with focused breathing can further accelerate the movement of oxygen through your circulatory and respiratory systems while also helping to relax your body and mind.

The simple combination of eating a healthier diet and plenty of water, herbal teas and gentle exercise will definitely do you some good and help you avoid the potential pain and expense of surgery or hormone therapy.

Hormone Imbalance in Women - Symptoms and Treatment of Hormone Imbalance and Menopause in Women

Hormone imbalance is an expression which indicates that something is wrong with a gland. Estrogen and progesterone are two female hormones that exist delicately in the body. Any disparity in the balance between the two can have a real bad effect on your health, thus resulting in hormone imbalance in your body.

Normally in monthly periods cycle, estrogen production taken place for first 10 days and then ovulation tells our body to produce progesterone. This way there is no disparity, but if there is no ovulation, then there would be an inequity between the two as progesterone is only produced with ovulation.

Here are some Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance and Menopause in Women:

· Depression

· Headache And Fatigue

· Fibrocystic Breasts

· Weight Gain

· Hormonal discrepancy reduces Or lowers down sex drive

· Irregular Periods

· Allergy symptoms are also discovered in some women

· Hair Loss And Mood Swings


· Urinary Infections

· Water Retention

· Osteoporosis And Bloating

Treatment Of Hormone Imbalance And Menopause In Women:

1. Most importantly you need to create a balance between both the hormones to get rid of hormone imbalances. You can use natural progesterone creams consulting your doctor. These supplements are totally natural and have no side effects. After 3-4 months you will notice that your body is coming to its normal stage and menopause will again become regular.

2. Acupuncture is one of the safest treatment for fighting hormone imbalance and menopause. In this process thin needles are inserted into the body at several points. But this process is not easy; you need to find a high level practitioner and is also costly.

3. Herbal herbs are again very safe in treating hormonal inequity. There are 2 types of natural herbs; phytoestrogen and non-estrogenic. All these herbs have plants components are do not have any side effects. But taking herbal hers is not the best treatment for menopause. Though they fulfill the variations between the two hormones, but since you are taking hormones from outside your body, your body may get adapted to this. Your body may become less productive and there may be a decrease in the natural hormones that a women's body produces.

Herbal Remedies For PCOS - Know How to Balance Hormones

Many are satisfied with the efficacy of herbal remedies. This is especially true for herbal remedies for PCOS. If you are one of those whose hormones are unnaturally imbalanced then read on to find the remedy that can help you.

What is PCOS?

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome or PCOS is the condition where the hormones of a woman are not balanced. This is a very common syndrome that affects an average of 1 out 15 women.

PCOS can cause irregular menstruation cycles and other related problems and this syndrome can make a woman have difficulty getting pregnant. The hormonal imbalance in a woman's body can also cause superficial changes.

Hormones are the term used for the bodily chemicals that triggers many processes in our body such as energy and growth production. If hormonal imbalance remains untreated, it may lead to more serious diseases such as diabetes or heart diseases.

What are the symptoms?

The most common symptoms of PCOS are weight gain or difficulty shedding your excess weight, acne, excessive facial and body hair, thinning hair, irregular menstrual cycles or no menstrual cycles at all, trouble conceiving and depression.

A large number of women with PCOS also develop small cysts in their ovaries but these cysts are generally harmless.

What are the causes?

The primary cause of PCOS has been attributed to genetics. If you have a family history of PCOS, there is a high chance of having PCOS.

To better check your condition, you can consult your doctor so that they can do a series of tests to check your hormonal balance.

The treatment of PCOS

Experts highly suggest that a woman with PCOS incorporate a healthy regimen in their lifestyle. That is to say these women should have a regular exercise, a healthy balanced diet free from food additives and they should maintain their weight.

There are some medicines that are used to treat this condition. Your doctor might even prescribe you with birth control pills to regulate your periods. However, if you are not comfortable using medicines, there is no harm in trying herbal remedies for PCOS.

Here are some of the widely used herbal remedies for PCOS:


This herb is commonly known as holy basil and is native to India. It has anti-androgenic properties that help our androgen-sensitive tissues. This can also help regulate the insulin level of a person to reduce and minimize the chance of obesity.

Chaste Berry

This herb is very helpful in treating hormonal imbalances in women. It is helpful in stabilizing pituitary gland functions. The pituitary gland is responsible in controlling the release of luteinizing hormones. However, this herb is not recommended for those taking birth control pills or those undergoing infertility treatments as this can affect the medication.


The root of dandelion is very helpful in promoting the health of our liver. This herb can be helpful because it promotes the core function of our liver and in this way prevents hormonal imbalances from happening. With the aid of Dandelion root, our liver can function properly.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle, just like dandelion is also beneficial for the liver. This herb protects that liver from possible cell damage and in so doing; it protects the over all functioning of the body.

In addition to this, you can try an herbal remedy that is solely dedicated in balancing the hormones of your body. A product called Dong Quai can do this job.

Dong Quai rectifies the imbalanced hormones in your body and helps normalize the progesterone and estrogen levels of your body. If you want to chase away the blues and the erratic changes in your mood during menstruation, Dong Quai can help you with that too.

This is perfectly safe to use since the ingredients are 100 % herbal and natural and manufactured in a safe and reliable facility under the careful supervision of competent experts.

If you do not want PCOS to be a part of your life, you can try Dong Quai together with other herbal remedies for PCOS.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ovary Pain - Why Various Types of Ovarian Cysts Develop Within Your Body

Have you just been told that you may have an ovarian cyst?

Are you worried about how the cyst may affect your overall health?

I would like to help relieve some of your anxiety by sharing the information in this article with you.

First, let me start out by letting you know that, if you have just received this diagnosis, there's no need to panic.

Having an ovarian cyst is one of the most common health problems experienced by women of child-bearing age. Nearly all pre-menopausal women and up to 15% of postmenopausal women will experience at least one cyst in their lifetime.

Ovarian cysts are actually small fluid filled sacs that typically develop in or on the ovaries because there is something wrong with the chemistry of your body.

Different factors such as a hormonal imbalance or improper insulin level can be responsible for many of the cysts that women have on a recurring basis.

Even though ovarian cysts may develop in many different ways... due to various factors and causes... they can be classified into two major distinctive groups - Functional and Complex.

Types of Ovarian Cysts

The most common type of ovarian cyst is a simple or functional cyst. Functional cysts are appropriately named because they develop as a normal function of a woman's menstrual cycle while the ovaries are preparing an egg for release into the fallopian tubes.

Structures called follicles store the eggs until they reach maturity and, then, release one normally around day 14 of your cycle.

The hormones, estrogen and progesterone, are also produced by the follicles. By working together, these two hormones are responsible for your ovaries releasing an egg at the proper time in the ovulation cycle.

Sometimes, there may be a hormonal imbalance and the follicle fails to release its egg. When this happens, the follicle may grow abnormally large and develop into a follicular cyst.

At other times, the egg is successfully released but, instead of being absorbed back into the ovary, the empty follicle sac becomes sealed off and filled with fluid. This causes the follicle to enlarge and form a corpus luteum cyst.

While functional cysts can disappear on their own within a few menstrual cycles, some can grow as large as 3-4 inches in diameter.

There is also the possibility that the cyst can bleed into itself forming a hemorrhagic cyst.

Hemorrhagic cysts can be painful and, if they should burst, they can cause both internal bleeding and a great deal of pain.

Complex Ovarian Cysts

In addition to functional cysts, there are also non-functional or complex ovarian cysts which are usually abnormal growths that develop for reasons not associated with the menstrual cycle.

As an example, dermoid cysts develop from germ cells (found in mature ovarian tissue) that have the ability to grow into a number of different body tissue types.

Because of this, a dermoid cyst can contain a variety of solid physical tissues such as fat, hair, skin, and teeth.

Other examples of non-functional or complex ovarian cysts are cystadenomas (large cysts that are actually abnormal formations and new growth of ovarian tissue), endometrionemas (caused by endometriosis, where endometrial tissue begins to grow on the surface of an ovary), and polycystic ovaries (a medical condition in which multiple cysts develop due to the ovaries not releasing any eggs).

Each type of ovarian cyst has its own distinctive traits, and you need to pay attention to any symptoms that suggest your condition may be getting worse.

Bioidentical Hormones: What You Should Know About The Natural and Holistic Approach To Inner Balance

All too often, the term "hormone treatment" immediately conjures up negative medical imagery. Patients immediately associate the words with phrases like "increased chance of heart disease," "blood clot causing" and a whole slew of other unfortunate conditions and diagnoses. For years, the type of adverse backlash has caused women suffering from menopausal symptoms to completely avoid this type of internal balance management simply due to fear of potential side effects - until now.

The onset of bioidentical hormones has completely revamped the hormonal treatment playing field, particularly for patients seeking a natural approach to their holistic health and well-being. Trying to decide if this latest hormonal breakthrough makes sense for your current care routine? Understanding how bioidentical hormones are created and the host of benefits they offer can help you determine if this natural medical innovation makes sense in your health regime as a critical cornerstone in your quest for comprehensive, holistic health.

Understanding The Basics And Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones

Former hormonal health practices often relied on synthetic chemical components that, while organic in nature, do not completely complement a patient's inherent makeup. This is a major differentiator in bioidentical hormones. Unlike their synthetic counterparts, these hormonal replacements are perfect replications of already produced secretions found in women's chemical makeup, making them an ideal alternative for patients seeking a natural approach to internal balance.

Because bioidentical hormones exactly match already existing estrogen and progesterone, side effects are effectively minimized. Additionally, this treatment offers a litany of other critical features and benefits. Bioidentical hormones demonstrate a lasting and more efficient system absorption rate and allow for physicians to easily pinpoint treatment progression and quickly identify practice modifications as needed. Most importantly, these hormonal substances, while primarily used for perimenopausal and menopausal relief, can also help balance several other internal systems, helping to create pinnacle inner equilibrium.

Partner With A Reputable Practice For A Safe Treatment Approach

As with any medicinal management procedure, it's imperative to always partner with a reputable practice to ensure that your use of bioidentical hormones remains structured, monitored and as safe as possible. It's not surprising that identifying the right facility to team with during this critical holistic well-being journal can feel daunting. However, understanding a few key factors to focus on during the selection phase can truly help streamline the process.

Always look for a facility that not only specializes in this type of treatment plan, but also demonstrates the knowledge, and experience necessary to help make your journey to self-healing a happy and healthy one along with treatment plan options for both inpatient and outpatient. Beyond specializing in this innovative hormonal replacement practice, your chosen clinic should also exhibit an understanding in a wide breadth of holistic health treatments. Alternative cancer treatment, internal system balance and treatment for conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome and even high blood pressure will help reinforce that your chosen healthcare facilitator has all the necessary capabilities to quickly diagnose any other peripheral conditions that may require attention during the course of your care.

What Is Endometriosis and How Will It Affect Your Life?

Endometriosis is a bunch of cells that form within our abdominal cavity that should not really be there. These cells form and grow with the hormonal fluctuations of the body. As our monthly lining forms within our uterus, so do the cells form and grow. Because they shouldn't be there, they cause pain and inflammation within the abdominal cavity and cling to the outside walls of our intestine, bladder and uterus. After some time the cells start to grow into bigger lumps and create adhesions or bridges which are sticky. They start to stick between organs and this is when the pain really becomes unbearable. Every movement within the body becomes sore as the organs become lodged and stuck between other organs.

This is only the one side of Endometriosis. The medical side and the cold hard facts about what it does. It doesn't however go into what Endometriosis really means in your life and how it affects you and your body.

Endometriosis is a hormonal condition. Even though most of us think that anything hormonal is only related to our "womanly bits", hormones actually control many more elements within the body, including our digestion, our thyroid glands and our moods. Ever wondered why you get diarrhea or constipation whenever you get your period? Ever wondered why you get cold easily? This all relates back to our hormonal imbalance within the body.

What this means is that Endometriosis will affect you in many different ways that you may not have realised are part of having Endometriosis. One of the key aspects of having Endometriosis is the often difficult emotional one. We get emotional easily. This means we can get angry easily, depressed easily and we can also build worry and fear within ourselves easily. This doesn't really help our Endometriosis as the additional stress of worry, fear, anger and depression can actually directly cause more Endometriosis pain.

Endometriosis also causes a number of side-effects which doctors often don't directly attribute to having Endometriosis. What doctors don't tell you about having Endometriosis is that you will experience digestive problems with Endometriosis. The more erratic your digestive system is, the more likely your Endometriosis pain will feel worse. This is because hormones control our digestive system, along with many other aspects in the body. Our digestive system is also the main method in which the body flushes out toxins.

The reason Endometriosis can be attributed to many other conditions in the body is because the area that needs healing within the body is our liver. The liver is responsible for flushing out toxins in the body and when it isn't able to do this sufficiently, it will react by dumping many of the toxins back into the bloodstream. This inevitably causes a number of problems we can directly connect to the liver. One of the key jobs of the liver is to flush out excess hormones found in the body. As we know, it is these excess hormones which cause endometriosis cells to grow and the myriad of other problems within the body, which are hormone related.

I have suffered with Endometriosis for a number of years and have found that the best way to heal is to focus on the liver and our emotional healing.

You can learn heaps more about what I have done and what you can do, to help heal yourself from Endometriosis.

The Role of Hormones in a Lemon Detox Diet and Weight Loss Programs

Excess weight is a huge problem for many people. Most have tried to lose weight on a variety of diets and weight loss programmes and to their frustration have either not had significant success or have quickly gained the weight back. It is very common for dieters to gain back more than they lost.

Scientists have isolated the hormones which are imbalanced in overweight and obese people. They came to the conclusion that obesity is not caused by lack of self-discipline but by hormonal imbalance which results in metabolic problems. It is possible to use nutrition as medicine to rebalance these hormones and result in dramatic weight loss. Hormones are stimulated with specific food quantities and combinations allowing the body to burn its own fat and to use food correctly, naturally correcting chemical imbalances.

The key hormones involved are Human Growth Hormone (HGH), insulin and serotonin. HGH is important in controlling the break down of fat and has a vital role in stamina, vitality, energy, blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Excess weight has also been shown to be associated with a reduction in serotonin levels in the brain and a high resistance to insulin.

Weight loss is not the only benefit of regaining hormonal balance. It can also result in reduced blood pressure and cholesterol levels and increased vitality and energy. Overall appearance and fertility levels are often enhanced too.

A simple blood test can gauge the personal levels and can be used to determine the amount of protein and carbohydrate that are needed in order to increase the human growth hormone and serotonin levels in the body. Rebalancing natural hormones addresses the cause of the problem and is in the end far more effective than merely treating the symptoms with a low-calorie diet. In fact many people find that they need to eat more food in order to obtain a balanced diet and still lose weight.

Once the chemical balance is restored weight loss often occurs very rapidly. As long is this weight loss is fat and not muscle tissue or water then this is generally fine. Losing weight quickly is a good thing for long-term weight loss as it has been shown that it is the most effective way to achieve results that last.

How Much Do You Know About Menopause?

Menopause can be a time of great physical, psychological and emotional changes that can overwhelm you if you don't know what to expect.

If you're close to menopause age, or already going through it, the more information your have the better you will manage the transition.

With that in mind, I have set up a fun quiz so that you can discover how much you REALLY know about menopause.

1 At approximately what age can you expect menopause to begin?
a) 46
b) 57
c) 51
d) Anywhere over 35

2 Which of the following, can cause premature menopause?
a) Smoking
b) Drinking alcohol
c) Being overweight
d) Being underweight

3 Spotting or bleeding after menopause is normal:
a) True
b) False

4 Which of the following can help control the symptoms of menopause?
a) Healthy lifestyle
b) Adequate exercise
c) Good food choices
d) All of the above

5 Symptoms of menopause usually start suddenly without warning:
a) True
b) False

6 Which of these hormones do the ovaries eventually stop producing?

a) Estrogen
b) Progesterone
c) Both

7 How much bone loss per year can you expect in the first 5 years after
a) 3-5%
b) 11-15%
c) 1-2%%
d) 6-10%

8 Why does hormone production decline during menopause?
a) Women run out of eggs
b) Reason is not yet known
c) The uterus loses it's effectiveness
d) Fallopian tubes lose their effectiveness

9 All menopausal women should be on hormone therapy:
a) True
b) False

10 Menopause is:
a) A purely physical change
b) The cause of depression
c) A natural stage of development
d) A pain

11 A diet rich in what may help control menopausal symptoms?
a) Fruit and vegetables
b) Dairy roducts
c) Lean meat
d) Soya products

12 What test can help determine whether a woman is starting menopause?
a) FSH
b) Perimenopause
c) Estrogen
d) Progesterone

13 What are the most serious side effects of menopause?
a) Cancer
b) Heart disease and osteoporosis
c) Thrombosis
d) Arthritis

14 What is the first symptom of menopause?
a) Hot flashes
b) Missed periods
c) It's different for every woman
d) Weight gain

15 Menopause can increase the chances of suffering with:
a) Bowel disorders
b) Cancer
c) Urinary infection
d) Conjunctivitis

If you're not sure of the answers, here they are:

1 c The onset of menopause varies from woman to woman - as do the symptoms. Some women enter menopause in their mid 30's, a few in their late 50's. However, most women experience menopause during their early 50's.

2 a Statistics tell us that women who smoke may go through menopause a year earlier than women who don't.

3 b Unless you're on hormone therapy, it's not normal to experience bleeding after menopause. Professional help should be sought as a precautionary measure.

4 d Medication is not always necessary to control menopausal symptoms and they can often be managed by taking a more natural approach.

5 b Symptoms usually begin gradually as the body goes through various hormonal changes.

6 c The levels of both hormones decrease throughout menopause. This causes the associated symptoms, such as fatigue, mood swings and hot flashes

7 a Bone loss can result in reduced height, weight gain and osteoporosis. It's vital to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to protect the bones as much as possible.

8 b The cause of hormonal decline is, as yet, unknown, although it is known that the decline begins in a woman's mid to late thirties.

9 b While some women have great results from traditional(synthetic) forms of hormone therapy, others prefer to seek out a more natural approach to managing their symptoms.

10 c Yes, it brings huge changes, but menopause is a natural progression from one stage of a woman's life, to the next. And as more is discovered about it, more options are available to manage and control most symptoms.

11 d There has been some evidence that consuming soya products can have positive effects on menopausal symptoms. This is due to the mild estrogenic effect of soya.

12 a The amount of Follicle Stimulating Hormone in the blood will be tested to give an indication if a woman is in or about to enter menopause.

13 b Be sensible about your lifestyle and pay particular attention to your eating and exercise routing. Don't leave your health to chance.

14 c There is no standard menopause. Symptoms, their regularity and intensity will be different for each woman.

15 c Urinary infections are one of the more unpleasant symptoms of menopause.

Causes of Belly Fat - Could it Be Hormones?

There are a number of things that can actually cause belly fat. A lot of times we get so caught up in our worlds that we never stop to think about that side of the equation. Whenever we are promised quick results or an easy road to follow that gets our attention.

It's off to the latest diet fad or product...I'd eat just about anything if you told me that it would make my stomach flat!! Unfortunately I am one of those very impressionable people who doesn't probably question enough in life! After I try each one somehow I'm amazed to see that if they made any change in my was temporary!

As I have gotten older I have blamed any number of things on my a bad mood , "hormones", can't remember my name, "hormones", being mean , "obviously hormones!". It just took a long time for the connection between what my body was going through and the weight around my middle to make sense.

As we age our hormones decide that they no longer want to play by the rules. They are referred to as "raging hormones" for a reason. Your problems may not be bothersome....some of you get really lucky. But as I have discovered, the change in hormone levels can be one of the major causes of belly fat.

There are a number of ways to address what happens to your hormone levels. A doctor is the best source of guidance on this. But think for a minute, if you've already consulted with yours. Are you being given replacements? Are you being given "happy pills" to help you through this time? It could be that what is going on is your symptoms are being addressed, but not the problem.

If this is the case, then you won't see any change in this causing your belly fat. Most of these products just mimic what was going on before. To make a lasting change you need to understand what is happening to your hormone levels and what will deal with that.

There are a number of products out there all claiming to be the answer. Just walk down any drugstore isle and be totally overwhelmed. This testimonial got my attention, I guess because it seemed like she was living in my body.

"I Thought I Had Tried It All!"

"The hot flashes were making me miserable, not to mention the fatigue and weight gain. I really thought I had tried everything including hormone replacement therapy and natural supplements...but I had no idea what I was doing. After working with Dr. Lucille's principles, I felt like I was informed and empowered and had control over my life again. I feel excellent, and I thank her so much for teaching me about who I am and how I can be well!"-Bernadette P.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

How Menopause Changes Your Hormones

Menopause weight gain is something many women experience so don't be depressed thinking you're alone and what's more, there are several ideas to help you cope and feel better about yourself, even when you stop producing egg cells. Weight gain is naturally observed in women who are undergoing peri-menopause and on the average, a pound is added to the scales every year as soon as the symptoms show, even when you eat the same amount of food and exercise for the same amount of time.

The weight is commonly distributed along the lower torso so most women who gain weight during peri-menopause tend to have an apple-shaped body. It is indispensable that you keep your regular healthy lifestyle, but without the obvious results, things might become frustrating. You should realize that unlike in your younger years, you exercise to keep fat away; in menopause years, fat is not the only enemy since your hormones become imbalanced as you age.

Changes in the hormonal levels may play a crucial part in menopause weight gain. Estrogen is one of the primary culprits. Estrogen production slows down during the start of menopause, and since the body was made to cope (survival mechanism), it will look for other sources to provide the necessary amount of hormone. Unfortunately estrogen is produced from fat cells and the body begins to increase body fat. So during low levels of estrogen, fat cell formation is more favored than the burning of unwanted calories. Excess fat cells mean weight gain. That's just one way your body puts on weight. Over eating to cope with the added weight is why some women gain an extreme amount of menopause weight entering and during Peri-menopause.

Progesterone is another female hormone that may contribute to your feeling of heaviness. If your progesterone levels are comparably lower than your estrogen levels, you might be experiencing a medical case called estrogen dominance and this actually causes water retention and in some, hypothyroidism, which negatively affects your metabolism. Testosterone is commonly known as a male hormone although women produce it also. This hormone is responsible for muscle formation and as menopause begins, its level decreases leading to lower muscle mass. Lower muscle mass, in turn, leads to a decrease in metabolism.

Hormone therapy is a very attractive solution since you discovered that the weight gain might be caused by the fluctuation of body substances but there are side effects that you should consider. Before you undergo HRT or hormone replacement therapy, you should consult a doctor first. Supplements can be custom-combined by pharmacists, although most are commercially produced. The method may seem logical, however, there are studies relating the use of supplemental estrogen and breast cancer that is why you need to consult first.

While it seems that the only hope for menopause weight gain is to rehabilitate your hormone levels, you can also try more natural methods like keeping an active lifestyle. Instead of providing your body with synthetic hormones, you can try natural food products that contain the same chemicals. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables and avoid refined products like sugar and rice. Starving yourself is a big no-no (even for those who are not in their menopause period yet) because it only leads to slower metabolism.

Exercise has been shown to help many woman combat the menopause weight gain challenge. exercise has many benefits physiologically and physically. In addition when a woman exercises at the proper intensity and frequency she will be able to manage her hormone level naturally without HRT or any other over the counter drugs. I'm not against HRT's, but I have that exercise and a proper menopause diet can be a positive alternative to gain menopause weight and not fully loving the body you have to live in.

In the guide the 7 Day Menopause Diet Guide there is step by step plan for losing menopause weight, and keeping it off forever. After coaching hundreds of menopausal I discovered the patterns and trends and how to lessen the severity of most menopause symptoms. The results are not immediate, but rehabilitating your body to its normal state really takes time. Continue living a healthy active lifestyle and you will see that your body will cooperate and it will heal itself. I advise all women over 42 to begin eating whole foods and becoming physically active for 30 minutes per day 4-5 times per week. Within a short few week most women begin to experience far less menopause symptoms and start to lose body weight.

How to Buy Human Growth Hormones

While there is plenty of research concerning human growth hormones, there is not a lot of information about how to buy human growth hormones either online or without a prescription.

First of all, if you do not have a prescription and have not discussed with your doctor the benefits and side effects of a hormone, you need to do a lot of research before purchasing. You'll want to know why people use human growth hormones, what the results are, what the dosage rate it, and of course what the side effects of taking the hormone, as well, as be able to tell the signs of dangerous side effects before they become critical.

If your doctor has prescribed growth hormones for you, then you already know the answers to the questions above. But, it's best if you do your research as well, just to make sure you and your doctor are fully informed.

There are many different online pharmacies you can choose who will deliver your prescription direct to your home. You'll want the answers to several questions as well before you choose a pharmacy. You'll want to know the manufacturer of the hormone, where the company is getting it ie from a distributor or direct from the drug manufacturer. You'll also want prescription fill times, reorder times, and whether the company takes your health insurance.

All of the answers to the above questions are going to be needed before your buy hormone supplement from anyone, whether you have a prescription or not. The hormones in the human body are very powerful and can affect many different systems within the body itself, make sure you're fully informed as to the risks of human growth hormone as well as the benefits before taking any type of medication.

How Does Hormone Imbalance Affect You? Menopause Symptoms Explained

The effects of hormone imbalance on menopause symptoms is one of the least understood aspects of the menopausal change that women undergo as they enter middle age. Hormones are essential for the proper functioning of the human body, and even slight changes in them can result in major shifts in the way in which the body operates. Understanding these effects can help many women to better cope with the variety of changes they experience during this often confusing and disruptive part of their lives.

The glands that produce female hormones begin to reduce their production around age 50. Though there have been numerous studies conducted to determine exactly why this is the case, experts have only been able to make educated guesses thus far. Some believe that these glands were originally designed to produce estrogen and other hormones throughout the course of a woman's life, but that a doubling of life expectancy coupled with poor nutrition, little exercise, and dramatic stress increases have placed such tremendous pressure on these glands to produce more for a longer period of time - thus resulting in them ending production earlier than intended.

Most experts, however, prefer to look at the effects of hormone imbalance on menopause symptoms as a natural part of life that must be dealt with by the women who experience them. The fact is that declining hormonal production results in a series of menopause related symptoms that affect nearly every aspect of a woman's life.

The primary effects of hormone imbalance on menopause symptoms occur as a result of the decline in the woman's production of progesterone. This results in symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, and otherwise unexplained weight gain. In addition, women also experience mood swings, a reduction in libido, and even depression over the changes their bodies are undergoing.

The decline in the body's production of progesterone is a necessary step in ending reproductive capabilities, as women have fewer and fewer ovulation cycles as they get older. Without an ovulation cycle that requires progesterone production to counter the increase in estrogen, a hormonal imbalance occurs that can create menopausal symptoms.

The effects of hormone imbalance on menopause symptoms can be sufficiently disturbing to cause some women to seek hormone replacement and other therapies in an attempt to bring their bodies back into hormonal balance. In fact, many doctors recommend treatment to curb the effects of hormone imbalance to enable their patients to enjoy a better quality of life not only during the stages of menopause, but afterward as well.

If you are in your late 30s or early 40s and experiencing menopausal symptoms, you may actually be suffering from the effects of hormone imbalance on these specific symptoms. The good news is that you may not be headed toward early menopause, but may instead require hormonal treatments to restore your body's natural balance of estrogen and progesterone. You should consult with your physician to determine the exact causes of your symptoms, and discuss the treatment options available to you.

Trapped by Michael Northrop - A Blizzard, Seven Stranded Students, and Teenage Hormones, Book Review

A relentless Tuesday morning snowfall prompts an early dismissal at Tattawa Regional High School in a rural New England town. Seven students (five sophomore boys and two freshman girls) waiting for rides home, soon realize that no one is coming to their rescue. When will they be found? How will they persevere? Will they all be found alive? That's the premise of Trapped, written by Young Adult author, Michael Northrop.

Sophomore Scotty Weems narrates the group's ordeal.

It soon becomes Survival of the Fittest. The students raid their lockers, searching for items to assuage their entrapment, including sweatshirts, gym clothes, and snack-packs of Oreos. "Any sharing or trading would be done among friends. I guess this was when we started keeping secrets," says Scotty.

Two of Scotty's friends, Pete Dubois and Jason Gillispie are among the stranded. Scotty describes Pete as a normal sophomore who wasn't super hip or incredibly smart. Jason spends the limited daylight in the Industrial Arts room working on his go-kart project named, Flammenwerfer (German for flamethrower).

The students endure dead cell phone reception; sleeping on cold, hard tile floors; using bathrooms with soon-to-be frozen pipes; and forty-degree hallways.

As their nightmare continues, the clan brazenly decides to break into the cafeteria to quench their hunger. Canned peaches in heavy syrup, pudding, and half pints of white and chocolate milk are among their finds.

Scotty is torn between obeying invisible authority and acquiescing to the group's cafeteria pilferage plan. He fears the robbery will affect his position on the school's basketball team.

Trapped illustrates how people can be perceived differently, depending on the situation. During school time, stranded student, Les Goddard is known as a thug, and often detention-bound. Yet, he proves invaluable as a locksmith, able to break into desirable areas, including the cafeteria and nurse's office. "The day before I'd been half afraid just to be around Les," says Scotty.

Resourcefulness reigns, as the students use blankets from the nurse's office and a battery-operated radio to listen to weather updates.

Teenage hormones accentuate the students' experience, as Scotty is attracted to freshman, Krista O'Rea: "Just that morning, I'd spent about twenty quality minutes staring at the back of her neck on the bus, wordless and possibly drooling." Pete and Julie Anders, Krista's best friend, steal away in the darkness for kissing too.

Contemporary references to reality television star, Snooki and songstress Lady Gaga complement the young adult narrative.

Yes, Trapped is written for a youthful audience. Regardless of your age, you'll find yourself wondering how you would act under similar conditions, perhaps stranded at your workplace or a civic group meeting.

Northrop's well-written narrative and surprise ending authenticate Trapped's accolades.

To discover other bestselling Young Adult authors and read the entire list of 2012 Teen Choice Book of the Year Nominees, visit:

Therapeutic Massage and the Release of Feel Good Hormones

We all know that therapeutic massage or massage therapy is a sure way of relaxing the body and the mind. In the strictest sense, massage therapy is the systematic manipulation of our body tissues to get rid of muscular knots. This is done through the use of various hand techniques to apply fixed and movable pressure to different muscle groups.

A session of massage therapy is enough to stimulate the release of feel-good hormones in the body. A well known medical journal stated that an hour of massage can significantly increase the human body's production of dopamine, seratonin, and oxytocin and the decrease of the production of epinephrine and cortisol. The first three hormones are mood enhancers and are known to improve brain functions. As the production of these hormones increases, the production of the latter three hormones, which are known to induce stress, decreases. Further studies reveal that dopamine, seratonin, and oxytocin do more than that. Studies show that these hormones also improve the body's immune system. Our immune system is very important as it is responsible for protecting us from various sickness and disease. Dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin also contribute to the regulation of body temperature, mood, sleep, vomiting, sexuality, and appetite. In the long run, production of these feel good hormones and the reduction of stress-inducing hormones tend to diminish depression, anxiety, emotional distress, and attacks of sleeplessness.

The production of the body's feel good hormones begins the moment we step into the massage spa. Our perception of our immediate environment affects our bodily functions. Another factor affecting hormone production is the giver of therapeutic treatment. As such, we need to choose the right therapist who is properly trained to deliver the proper massage techniques and strokes. Improper manipulation of muscles can lead to injuries and will not properly stimulate production of the feel good hormones.

And because this bodywork therapy involves applying touch, pressure, and movement, the therapist must be able to customize their techniques to fit people's varying sensitivity to touch. Every client needs optimal pressure that suits his or her condition. On our end, it is our responsibility to inform our massage therapist about any special health condition that might affect the process. We should also never hesitate in communicating any discomfort that we feel in order for us to receive the most benefit from a treatment.

Every session is aimed at increasing a person's over all health and well being. This is in line with the basic philosophy of massage therapy which is to enhance the body's innate ability to heal itself. So whether it is a Swedish massage, sports massage, deep tissue massage, pregnancy massage, and reflexology, the use of effleurage and other strokes improves blood flow and circulation, which in turn reduces muscular stress and tension and enhances tissue healing. In this light, massage therapy does not only relax the mind and body, but it also serves as a natural way of self-healing. This is certainly beneficial to everyone.

Hormones and Tinnitus

Many people aren't aware that hormone levels can play a role in tinnitus. There are various conditions that affect the level of hormones in the body. This article will discuss some of these conditions that are to blame.

Hypothyroidism is one of the conditions that may lead to tinnitus. This condition occurs when the thyroid gland produces too little hormone. It can occur because of an inflammatory condition that attacks the gland known as Hashimoto's thyroiditis. One of the common ways to treat hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone replacement therapy.

On the flip side, another condition that can possible lead to tinnitus is hyperthyroidism. However, this condition is very rare. It occurs when the thyroid gland produces too many hormones. This condition causes an increased heart rate and can cause pulsatile tinnitus.

Surgery may be used to treat hyperthyroidism. However, there may be an ironic consequence of having surgery to correct any issue with an overactive thyroid gland. Once the gland is removed, there won't be enough hormones produced, so you would develop hypothyroidism and need to take hormone drugs.

Women also have an increased risk of developing tinnitus. It's common for menopausal women to experience the condition. This is due to the fact that hormone levels take a drastic turn during the time of menopause.

Women who are suffering from menopause often resort to hormone replacement therapy. This method aimed at relieve symptoms of menopause involves taking supplements of female sex hormones. This helps prevent heart disease and osteoporosis.

However, there are side effects of hormone replacement therapy to treat symptoms of menopause. Some women report experiencing hearing loss after beginning the treatment regimen. Hearing loss can result in tinnitus since you'll have less of an ability to hear external sounds.

Pregnant women are also at risk of developing tinnitus. There are many hormonal changes that women experience whenever they are pregnant. It is common for pregnant women to experience some degree of hearing loss or associated tinnitus. Fortunately, tinnitus that develops as a result of pregnancy usually will go away after the pregnancy is over.

There are various conditions that can cause hormonal changes that can result in tinnitus. Hypothyroidism is one of the most common conditions to blame. However, women who are pregnant or experiencing menopause have also been known to develop the condition. This is commonly attributed to hormone replacement therapy that is used to treat the symptoms of menopause.