Saturday, June 22, 2013

Bio-Identical Hormones - The Solution For Pre-Menopause Symptoms Free Life!

What is Pre-Menopause?

Pre-Menopause is that time period in a women's life when her body starts to feel changes like hot flashes, mood swings, disturbed sleep, etc. which is ultimately because the body gets ready for menopause. The years of pre-menopause varies from person to person, for some it lasts for three to four years, some have had almost ten years of struggle, some don't even know that they are through pre-menopause. Also, during pre-menopause, the menstrual periods are mainly affected; some women have excessively heavy and longer periods or light irregular flows. Some don't face any change in their monthly cycles.

Why Pre-Menopause symptoms are caused?

The symptoms and changes in menstrual cycles during pre-menopause happen because of imbalance in production of Estrogen and Progesterone hormones that happens in women naturally. The fluctuation in the hormones production happens during the pre-menopausal period which actually indicates the happening of menopause in due time.

About Bio-identical Hormones

A medical relief to women from the pre-menopause symptoms is said to be effectively got from Bio-medical Hormone which is a synthetic creation of an identical copy of the naturally produced Estrogen and Progesterone hormones. These are like substitutes or replacements which balance the hormones fluctuation that happens in women during pre-menopause. Though, this method of effective pre-menopause symptom management seems very significant, it is advisable for women to get complete medical help from doctors rather than purchasing the substitutes all by themselves and later complain about the other possible side-effects. The side-effects could happen and it varies from person to person, for some it's totally effective and side effects free.

The pre-menopausal management could be done very well by taking up Bio-medical Hormones which has got very strong good results for those women suffering from the torturous symptoms.

Pregnancy And Hormones - Looking At How It Affects Issues, Emotions, And More

Everyone knows that pregnancy and hormones go hand-in-hand. That emotions will go haywire and swing wildly all over the place. What no one talks about is what's really going on behind the scene. No one talks about "why" the hormones trigger things like anger, resentment, and other negative emotions.

First off, you need to understand that pregnancy is a MAJOR change. It brings with it a thousand new sensations, new emotions, and a great deal of fear. Fear that we won't be good parents, fear that something might happen to the baby, and countless other such fears. That alone, hormones aside, is a lot for the brain to process and deal with. Add that to the physical changes and is it really a surprise that things get a little nuts?

The problem is that people can take advantage of the situation and use it as a time to unload or vent. While hormones will cause tears and emotions that can't be explained or defined, what it can't do is re-live old issues. That's all stuff that existed long before the hormones entered the scene and has little to do with the hormones.

What does happen is that hormones, like alcohol, lower our inhibitions. Unlike alcohol, the inhibitions that get lowered due to hormones are more connected to emotions than actions. In other words hormones lower our capability to deal with the issues that we carry with us all the time.

That means that hormones don't create the resentment and anger, they simply make it harder to hide them. The hormones bring those negative feelings closer to the surface where they are more likely to be triggered. The good thing is that this presents a unique opportunity that very few people ever take advantage of.

Issues in general are things we spend huge amounts of time and energy to hide within ourselves. This allows us to be able to lie to ourselves that we don't have these issues in the first place. However, to maintain this lie we have to continuously spend time and energy to keep them hidden. During pregnancy we need that time and energy to handle all the changes happening with our bodies. This then weakens our defenses hiding the issues and we begin to see them.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where we have convinced ourselves that it's not appropriate to have feelings or emotions. That it's not okay to show weakness of any kind for almost any reason. This is not only a huge pile of garbage, it is massively detrimental to life itself. If we were not supposed to have feelings and emotions we would not have been born with them.

This is also another reason why hormones trigger these emotions and issues. Pregnancy and hormones go hand-in-hand, remember? That means we can unleash all of those pent up feelings, emotions, and issues without consequence. We get to unload and vent and then claim that it's "hormones" and we're not responsible for the outcome. The plus-side to this is that we can hopefully let go of some of the smaller issues during this process. The down-side is that it can put a huge strain on your relationship if the issues are related to your partner, etc. It can also make the issues that remain bigger because they were triggered and seen.

As I said before, this all presents us with a unique opportunity that very few people ever take advantage of. Instead of being justified in unleashing those issues, why not take the time to actually deal with them once and for all? Issues don't just go away because we looked at them once or twice. It takes a lot of work and effort to truly deal with them.

However, if you can lessen them, accept them, or otherwise diminish them you get to free up the time and energy you were using to hide them. Doing this during pregnancy is like winning the lottery three times.
1) You don't have to fight just to get to the issue before you can begin to deal with it.
2) You get to free up huge amounts of energy that you need to be able to fully live your life.
3) You get to do this at a time it's very difficult to do - meaning everything has much, much more impact.

Dealing with issues when it's easy means nothing - it's easy! Dealing with issues when it's hard is what you have to do to be able to actually deal with them. Once you do deal with them you get to become a fully functional, capable human-being. Right now the issues exist because you don't think you are capable of dealing with them. If you can become a fully functional, capable human-being you can deal with ANYTHING!

How much better would your life be if you felt capable of handling everything that comes your way? So if you're pregnant and having mood swings, don't fight them. Allow them to happen and take a good look at what's going on with you. Talk to your partner, your friends, or your family about what you feel and experience. By talking about the issues you don't have to punish people with your issues - which means less stress and hardship.

It also means you get to deal with those issues and be able to free your life from them. Then when baby comes you get to become that fully functional human-being. Yet, even more than that, if you're a fully functional human-being you also get to teach your kids how to become one too. Isn't that much better than teaching them how to become issue ridden robots afraid to live life?

The key to remember is that you are not in it alone. There are many, many people out there that can help you deal with individual issues, fears, anxieties, etc. You don't need to do everything at once or rely on only one or two people to help you get through it all. Each step forward is a huge accomplishment and needs to be remembered. The more steps forward the closer you get to become that fully functional human-being. All because you took a hard time of life and used it to prove to yourself that YOU ARE WORTH THE EFFORT!

Ten Factors That Can Make Your Penis Smaller - Learn How To Prevent It From Happening to You!

There are many factors that can cause a man to have a small penis. Some factors can't be helped, while some factors can be prevented. Here's a list of some factors that can decrease penis size:

1) Circumcision - Circumcision is a big cause of a smaller penis. The reason for this is that when the foreskin is removed from the penis, it usually leads to scarring. Skin and penile tissue that has been scarred will be less elastic and will typically "shrink" up (and get smaller) when a scar is formed. Some estimates are that men who are circumcised lose an average of 5% of their penile length. Strangely enough, the companies and industries that profit from circumcision state that there is no scarring nor loss of penis length when a man's penis is circumcised.

2) Scarring Due to Injury or Burns - Getting your manhood caught in your zipper, excessive masturbation, and other injuries can also make the penis smaller. Because of the sensitive nature of the penile tissues and skin, they can be easily injured. I had a friend who stepped on his dog's tail in the dead of night. The dog jumped up, clenched down on his penis, and bit into it. After a trip to the hospital (no stitches), and once he healed up, what was the result? His penis was shorter in length and the area that was injured resulted in a scarred depression in this area of his penis.

We mentioned masturbation already, and it's something to definitely keep in mind. Excessive masturbation, especially when a man is young and masturbating over aggressively, can damage the skin and other penile tissues. If this happens, stop masturbating and let your penis heal 110%. This type of scarring, too, can make your penis smaller.

Burns, as one can imagine, can make your penis smaller, too, and they are more common than most people realize. The most frequent cause is usually from scalding liquid being accidentally poured onto the penis. So, guys, if you like to cook, don't do it in your boxers.

3) Low Testosterone or Growth Hormone - Low levels of testosterone while the male is still in the fetal stages can result in a smaller penis. In fact, it is one of the causes of micro-penis. When puberty rolls around, the same effect can happen if low-testosterone levels are present.

4) Hormones - Exposure to the wrong hormones can also greatly impact the size of a man's penis. Such hormones can impede its growth (if the child is exposed) and can also make the penis grow smaller in an adult man, if he is exposed.

5) Smoking - Smoking destroys the fine capillary-bulb networks in your body, especially in your distal extremities and your penis. If you smoke, it's wise to stop, as it will have an effect on your penis size and your ability to create and maintain an erection.

6) Genetics - Your DNA is the template for the size of your penis. If your genetic code dictates a bit smaller penis, then it's your genes which may be the culprit.

7) Fetal Exposure to Chemicals - Many pesticides, chemicals, pollutants, and even poor diet can impede proper penis size. Especially if the mother is exposed to such chemicals while she is carrying the male fetus. Infants exposed to certain chemicals can also alter normal penis growth.

8) Radiation Exposure - Some scientists believe that exposure to excessive amounts of radiation, in the penile region of the male child or infant, can hamper penis growth. In the adult male, excessive radiation exposure can make the penis shrink in size and impede its function, too.

9) Penile Trauma - Penis fracturing and penile valve prolapse can be causes of a decrease in penis size and function.

10) The Angry Wife or Girlfriend - Most people have heard the tale of John and Lorena Bobbitt. To provide a short recap, she cut his penis in half with a knife. It was surgically reattached but his penile size was reduced from the trauma.

So, men, take care of your penis to ensure that you don't lose any "inches." Of course, also take steps to ensure that no one else does it for you.

Georg von Neumann

Facts About Sleep - What Are the Benefits of a Good Night Sleep?

It is difficult to operate normally when you have been deprived of sleep. Any one who has been deprived of sleep feels tired and sleepy the following day. Apart from the relaxation that one gets after sleeping, there are other benefits of sleep.

Stress management

If you do not sleep well for a long time the body is stressed out. This may cause insomnia. If the insomnia is to be acted upon then the level of stress has to be reduced. The best way to reduce stress is by talking to a physician who will give you the directions of how you will sort this problem.

Heart Health

Studies on insomnia show that it can cause an increase in blood pressure. This is in turn increases the risk of getting a heart disease. Insomnia is also known to cause a sharp increase in weight. It is another factor that increases the possibility of getting a heart disease.

The solution lies in getting a good night's sleep. If you sleep well for seven to nine hours everyday, you will lose some of the excess weight.


Among the immediate and most noticeable benefits of sleep is the level of productivity that you will get the following day. Failure to get enough sleep even if it is for a single night will bring down your productivity the following day.

Failure to sleep well for a number for nights makes it harder for you to get back to the normal alertness. It will be difficult to compensate for the hours that you did not sleep in just one night. The answer lies in sleeping well every night.

General Health

Failure to sleep well contributes towards the occurrence of some medical conditions. Getting good quality of sleep makes it possible to attain good physical health. It also boosts your emotions.


Sleeping well makes the skin look healthier and youthful. The complexion is also improved as the skin grows and renews more when a person is sleeping. Failure to sleep well makes the skin dry and this makes it age quickly.


Sleeping well allows the body to have an opportunity to produce hormones in the regular way. If you do not sleep well the hormonal production will be affected and cause a craving for carbohydrates. Sleeping well will eliminate the strain that the body undergoes.

When you sleep in a dark room, you will get most benefits of sleep. Light can have adverse effects on the pineal gland which produces melatonin. Melatonin regulates the way circadian rhythm of the body functions.

Its production is affected by the presence of light. Even a brief exposure to light might affect the production of melatonin. It can also make the production to stop for the entire night if you are exposed to light for a long time during this period of circadian rhythm.

When you are tensed up the quality of sleep can be affected. The best thing is for you to relax before going to bed. This will make you to sleep well.

Fat Burning Hormones!


These are the body's chemical messengers which are released due to certain triggers such as stress, exercise, eating, sleeping etc. These chemical messengers tell the body to take a certain action based on what information the body knows in order to keep the body alive and healthy. Keep in mind that the body doesn't always get this right. Because the body is quite 'stupid' it just does things based on what it knows. For example, if you eat too little food to sustain your most basic needs (your BMR) then your body starts to release hormones which are only released when your body believes you are starving. This means you will frantically store fat so that you have enough reserves for your starvation period to sustain you.

So what is it then that we need, in terms of hormones, if we want to burn off lots of fat?
First of all, you need to produce more progesterone. Now you may be thinking, "well hang on a minute, you don't even know me and you're saying I need to produce something!"
The facts are estrogen dominance is creating hormonal imbalances which are widespread across our social web. If you drink milk, eat processed foods and use plastic fairly regularly, you may have estrogen dominance.

Not only will estrogen dominance stop you from burning fat, it will also diminish your bone density, decrease your body's natural defenses and increase the risk of heart disease as well as breast cancer or prostate cancer.

When you can balance out these inconsistencies inside your body with a natural, safe solution, you will feel better, you will BE healthier and you will take advantage of your body's own fat burning hormones!

Pregnancy Hormones May Cause Memory Problems

A lot of pregnant women actually suffer from forgetfulness and clumsiness during pregnancy. A research shows that hormone levels are so elevated during pregnancy that they may be having an adverse effect on the brain cells. There could a link between pregnancy and memory problems.

A research that was conducted took into account the various stages of pregnancy. According to the research, the first trimester in pregnancy did not show any visible set of problems related to memory. However, when women were given simple questionnaires to fill in their second and third trimesters, they performed a lot worse. Also, women tend to get worried during pregnancy if they will be able to function normally after giving birth. The phase of memory loss actually lasts for quite some months even after pregnancy.

Pregnancy causes several psychological problems like low mood levels and anxiety disorder. It is known to cause prenatal and postnatal depression. These conditions may be affecting the memory in women during pregnancy also.

Hormones could be playing a big role in causing memory loss. While typically hormones get regulated in the body for the safety of the mother and child, some hormones when produced excessively in the body may not suit the brain cells. Higher rate of sex hormones also have an effect on the neurons in the brain. Memory is a brain function that usually takes place in the hippocampus and it is this region of the brain that the scientists feel is adversely affected by the circulating hormones. Mood swings and anxiety that extend after pregnancy in the form of post natal depression also causes memory loss after pregnancy.

However, researchers agree that more research needs to be conducted in this field in order to definitively find out what causes memory problems in pregnant women.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Hypothyroidism Levels - What Are Considered Normal Thyroid Levels?

Patients with hypothyroidism are diagnosed as having an underactive thyroid gland. What this means is their thyroid gland produces too little thyroid hormone. What exactly does this mean, and how does it affect you?

The thyroid gland is responsible for releasing thyroid hormone into the bloodstream to regulate functions in the body including our heart rate and breathing. Typically this includes the levels of T3 and T4 hormone in the body. These are the hormones that doctors usually measure to determine whether someone has hypothyroidism. Doctors also measure TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). What does all of this mean? Let's find out.

T3, T4, and TSH Demystified

The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones. The thyroid is affected by pituitary gland which rests up in the brain. The pituitary detects levels of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream, and if it detects that levels are deficient, it produces higher levels of a thyroid hormone, known as TSH, or thyroid stimulating hormone, that says, "Hey guys, we need more thyroid hormone."

This makes sense. That is why this hormone is called, "stimulating hormone" because it stimulates the body to produce more thyroid hormones.

The thyroid may not be producing enough hormones for many reasons. You may be injured or sick for example; you may have an autoimmune condition, so your body is not functioning properly because your immune system has mistaken the thyroid gland for a foreign invader. In cases like this, the body's immune system is actually attacking the thyroid gland, so it is not capable of producing enough thyroid hormone to begin with. The chemical messaging system is actually not working properly in this case, even though the TSH or stimulating hormone messenger may be saying, "Hey, we need more thyroid hormone here."

In cases like this, TSH may appear normal, but levels of T3 or T4 may be out of balance. If a doctor only measures TSH in a patient, they may not get an accurate picture of what is going on in the patient's body.

When TSH measures high, a doctor sees that the thyroid gland is not producing enough thyroid hormone, thus he or she can assume a person has hypothyroidism. So, higher TSH levels typically suggest hypothyroidism.

If the thyroid gland is producing too much thyroid hormone, the TSH levels may be much lower than normal, suggesting a patient has a condition known as hyperthyroidism, or high thyroid function.

Levels of circulating T4 and T3 can also be measured, which can help healthcare providers detect other thyroid problems. Free T4 and Free T3 as well as antibody tests can also provide doctors with more comprehensive information about a person's health condition.

The normal reference ranges for an individuals TSH level is usually between 0.4-3.0mlU/L, which is a fairly broad spectrum. Anything below 0.4 typically suggests someone may have hyperthyroidism, whereas anything over 3.0 may suggest hypothyroidism. Some specialists however, believe in borderline cases, and the acceptable for thyroid hormones can vary with different labs. However TSH between 1.3-1.8mlU/L would be considered optimal.

Because each person is unique and different, your doctor may have to rely on your individual health history and symptoms, and not just average reference ranges to determine what the right level of hormones are for you. A healthcare provider should assess levels of other thyroid hormones to see if they are out of range to determine whether supplementation or treatment is necessary.

Our bodies are complex and dynamic. Establishing reference ranges can be helpful, but they are not always useful, because everyone's metabolic system works in unique and different ways. What is important is to combine blood tests with your symptom picture and family history. This will provide your healthcare provider with the best method of diagnosing your condition and prescribing a plan of action.

If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, remember that this is very treatable. Your doctor may suggest pharmaceutical drugs to help control your condition, however you can also look at natural therapy options. There are many remedies available that will also be effective in balancing your thyroid hormones, but these do not cause the same side effects and will actually act to heal your thyroid gland at the same time, potentially avoiding a lifetime of pharmaceutical treatment.

How Bioidentical Hormone Treatment Can Help with Menopause

Hormones are natural chemical substances naturally produced by the body. They are sort of chemical messengers that intervene in multiple vital processes. Only a small amount of hormones is necessary to alter metabolism. Surely, you have heard this funny word many times before: "I wish I had your metabolism; you eat all the time and never get fat." But what is really metabolism?

Metabolism is mainly a huge number of chemical reactions necessary to support life. Metabolism has two sides, like a coin, indivisible from each other. One is catabolism -responsible for breaking down organic matter, so as to produce "fuel" for the body: energy and all the nutrients needed to function-, and the other is anabolism, that uses this energy produced to build up proteins, nucleic acids, and -yes- hormones needed to function.

Only a very small amount of hormones is needed to alter metabolism. Hence, it is easy to conclude that any "unbalance" produced by a lack or excess of certain hormones can really turn life into a nightmare.

Psychologically, menopause is like a tsunami to most women. Even though some of them will not admit it, motherhood is their key purpose in life. This does not mean that they are willing to devote their whole life to giving birth and raising children, but, in their fantasies, the possibility of becoming a mother is always there, in a corner of the mind. The final termination to this fantasy reflects the unavoidable passing of time. All these notions are emphasized by the fact that our culture venerates youth, despises old age and everything that has to do with it, and tends to equal youth to beauty.

Needless to say, during menopause the natural production of hormones gets upset, because the female body ceases to prepare itself for conception every month. Because of this lack of purpose, reproductive hormones -such as estrogens, progesterone and testosterone- are produced in decreasing quantities. And this is the primary cause of all uncomfortable, annoying symptoms that take place during this particular moment of female evolution. Since hormones are such a delicate matter, hormonal therapy is no simple decision to make.

Bioidentical hormones are hormones, either extracted from nature or synthesized in a lab, that are an exact match to the body's natural hormones. The advantages are many. Firstly, they will be more readily absorbed by the body, thus enhancing their effectiveness. Secondly, after a blood screening, the physician will determine the exact amount of hormones needed and which ones. The goal is to restore the natural balance of the body. And the word natural is key in this matter. Unsupervised or faulty administration of hormones can make the remedy worse than the disease. This simply does not happen with bioidentical hormones.

Menopausal hormonal unbalance can bring several annoying disorders. Some of the most common are sudden hot flushes, skin dryness, acne, and hair loss. The list of little annoying discomforts seem endless: fatigue, lack of motivation, poor sleep, mood swings, crying spells, poor memory, migraine, make your pick. Bioidentical hormone treatment will provide relief from these nasty symptoms.

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to post it to your site or blog and forward this link to your friends. Have a great day!

Hormones Too High?

This is the third in a series of articles on the basics of endocrinology. Hormone problems can occur if a gland makes too little or too much of a particular hormone. In my last article I discussed what happens when hormones are too low, such as with hypothyroidism, menopause or type 1 diabetes. But, problems can also occur when hormones are too high. In the most general terms, too much hormone is referred to as a "hyper'" state. When hormones are too low, it is referred to as "hypo."

One of the most common states of hormonal excess is too much thyroid hormone, also known as hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones, responsible for the general activity of the body. When thyroid hormones are too high, the all the body's functions are sped up. The heart beats faster, bowels work more quickly and people tend to complain of anxiety, nervousness, insomnia and weight loss. The opposite is true when thyroid hormone levels are low, known as hypothyroidism.

Another example of an elevated hormone state is a condition known as Cushing's Syndrome. Here, the adrenal gland pumps out excess amounts of the hormone cortisol. High cortisol levels result in many symptoms, the most well-known is weight gain. This condition can cause massive weight gain and is often missed by doctors because it is so rare. But, I'll tell you that I have seen many patients with Cushing's Syndrome, and it is not rare if you are the one that has the condition. Other symptoms of cortisol excess include acne, depression, insomnia and stretch marks. If you have these symptoms, you may have to convince your doctor to test you for excess cortisol production.

Testing can be tricky. This is because normally, cortisol is produced in variable amounts throughout the day. Therefore, the timing of the testing is really important. Cortisol is higher in the morning and lower at night. One of the better tests for cortisol measures at midnight, when it is supposed to be at its lowest point. The same test, done in the morning, is meaningless, though. Another good test for cortisol is a 24 hour urine collection because it measures all the cortisol produced in one day. If you have Cushing's Syndrome, the treatment is usually surgery on either the pituitary gland or the adrenal gland, so it is not a diagnosis to be treated lightly.

Another reason hormones can be high is that the hormone itself is not working properly. The body tries to compensate by making more hormones. This is generally known as hormone "resistance." The symptoms of hormone resistance are usually similar to having low hormones. Insulin resistance, for example, is associated with high insulin levels, but causes diabetes, similar to people who don't make enough insulin. The end result is the same, either the body does not make insulin or it makes insulin but it doesn't work properly. The treatments for hormone deficiencies and hormone resistance can vary; sometimes the same, sometimes different. Measuring hormones is an important way endocrinologists determine what is going on in the body.

Are Hormones Making You Fat?

The body's hormones are a complex system that controls every function that is carried out on a daily basis.

Abdominal fat can be a result of hormonal imbalance. The reverse is also true - abdominal fat can cause hormonal imbalance. Either way, "apple" shaped people have increased risk of heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

You can quickly determine if you fall into the "apple" shape category by taking a waist and hip measurement. Use those numbers to determine your health risks.

Step 1: Take your waist measurement at your belly button. Don't suck it in - just relax your posture.

Step 2: Take a hip measurement around the widest part of your hips, usually at the level of the bottom of the zipper on your jeans.

Step 3: Look at your waist measurement only. For women, 89 centimetres or 35 inches pushes you into the higher risk category for heart diseases, diabetes and high blood pressure. For men, these numbers are 102 centimetres or 40 inches.

Step 4: Calculate your waist- to-hip ratio (WHR). Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement. That's right - larger number into smaller. 0.9 or less for men, or 0.8 or less for women, lowers your risk of illness.

If you are in the increased category on either or both of these tests, you can lower your risk with the following healthy life plan guidelines:

Exercise regularly:

  • Keep it short - all workouts can be done in 30 to 40 minutes - 3 times a week. If you don't think you have this time, ask "what is your health worth?"

  • Do resistance training. Give your resistance workout your maximum effort every time. Use a resistance weight that forces you to do only low reps - the last rep should definitely be the last one you can do. And, keep the rest periods between exercises short.

  • Use interval training for your cardio sessions. It takes much less time and reaps huge rewards in getting that waist and hip measurement into the healthy zone.

  • Hire a personal trainer to learn how to exercise correctly.

Eat the right stuff, most of the time:

  • Within 45 minutes of working out, have protein combined with a carb snack to replenish the muscle tissue and your energy stores.

  • Eat protein every time you eat.

  • Eat every 3 to 4 hours to keep your blood sugar and stress hormones in a healthy range.

  • Eat breakfast.

  • Balance your protein with unrefined grain carbohydrates and good fats.

  • Drink water - 8 to 10 glasses a day.

  • Up your intake of a variety of brightly coloured vegetables.

Manage the stress in your life:

  • Regular exercise and eating whole unprocessed food will begin the process, but there is more you can do to keep the abdominal fat at bay.

  • Get good quality sleep every night. Go to bed a regular time, preferably before 11 pm, sleep in a cool dark room and keep the bedroom free of the computer or TV.

  • Get into the habit of having down time during the day to allow your stress hormones to lower.

  • Practice a relaxation technique like deep breathing, progressive relaxation, yoga or mediation on a regular basis.

  • Surround yourself with positive people who make you happy.

Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Treatment Comes To Middle East

Menopause and andropause are unwanted visitors to all of us on reaching our forties and fifties. But we don't have to invite them in. Fifty million men are going through andropause, and fifty million women are going through menopause in the US alone and similar statistics are happening worldwide, whether we like it or not, we age largely because our hormones decline.

Hormone replacement treatment is widely regarded as the most effective way to replenish our hormones and steer our bodies away from menopausal and andropausal symptoms and thus slow down the onset of rapid aging. Until 2002, HRT was used confidently by millions worldwide but since the publication of the Women's Health Initiative trial in July 2002, many women and their healthcare professionals have been wary of synthetic hormones. This is where bioidentical hormone therapy comes into the picture. If hormones are the juice of life, then its good to know that we don't have to take the synthetic route. Who would want to for example take 20 horse estrogens when there is a natural, balanced and safe way to replacing our hormones now available in Dubai, UAE?

Bioidentical hormone therapy, BHRT, uses hormones manufactured from soy or yam oils. Their molecular structure is identical to hormones in our bodies. Anyone looking at them under a microscope would not be able to tell the difference. The term bioidentical is not a marketing term, but a descriptive term, describing the difference between bioidentical hormones and all others not produced by the body. Bioidentical estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone have a right to be called by those names because that is what they are. They are identical to the estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone found in our bodies.

However, any hormone replacement or management needs to be done under strict medical guidelines and previously in Dubai or anywhere in the Middle East many men and women were unable to find a licensed distributor in the region as a result they simply suffered the discomfort of andropause and menopause or looked further afield for bioidentical hormones.

As Dubai has grown to be a cosmopolitan and sophisticated world center, then so too has the approach to hormone treatment and age management.The good news is now we have complete licensed hormone replacement therapy for women and men available for the first time in GCC right here in Dubai. The process to achieve this was lengthy and the fact that the Ministry of Health awarded the licensing approval to open a compounding pharmacy is testament for having expertise in the field. For many this represents an enormous breakthrough made all the more reassuring because. The proactive approach to health and hormone management is widely respected and their three-step approach forms a pathway to renewed health and vitality. The three steps are simple:

Measure, Mentor, Monitor

STEP 1 MEASURE: By filling out the detailed "Hormone Imbalance" questionnaire, we have a very good idea which hormones you are deficient in. Where appropriate, blood work or saliva tests are used to determine hormone levels however, there is a strong belief that tests alone are not accurate enough to make a judgment. It is also important that all women are under the care of a physician so they can have their yearly breast exam and pelvic/Pap smear done.
Measure is done in 3 parts:

Part 1: Historical Assessment
Part 2: Physical Assessment
Part 3: Diagnostic Assessment

STEP 2 MENTOR: Institute provides accompanying modules on Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement and this together with the physician's advice helps you to understand more about your hormones and the program. You can picture your hormonal balance much like a "symphony orchestra", all players need to perform in an integrated balanced manner. Knowledge and wisdom are central to Bio-idential Hormone Replacement so you should consult your physician as many times as you need during the year if you have a problem or question.

STEP 3 MONITOR: For women there is a "Fine Tuning your Hormone" sheet that will help you get your hormones in the ideal zone. This may take a couple of months to perfect.

Monitoring of hormones is also done through saliva and blood tests but new medicine is quick to point out that it isn't the only means. Expert and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Graham Simpson M.D. points out "Urine, blood and saliva tests are not guaranteed to measure the concentration of the hormones in the cells. We believe in starting someone off on a program based on personalized assessments and tweaking as we go along. This has to be done by some one who is expert in their field that is an absolute must! Based in the heart of Dubai's fashionable Dubai Marina area. Simpson is confident and inspired about the future "The trend of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is here to stay. Hormones are the juice of life and those who know about BHRT know the difference it makes to their lives. It's also great for physicians in Dubai and the region as it will herald benefits both for their clients and their practices."

Your Period in Your 30s, 40s, and Beyond - What You Need to Know Between Puberty and Menopause

For many women, the only times we receive much education about our periods are at puberty and menopause. You might assume that after the teenage years, your period should be on a regular cycle, unchanged until menopause, but this isn't true. Along with the menstrual cycle disruptions of pregnancy, birth control pills, and illnesses, you may have very different periods through the different decades of your reproductive years.

The 20s: Typically, by the time you reach your 20s, the hormonal chaos that accompanies puberty has mostly subsided, and your hormone levels are as balanced as they will ever be. There is no one "right" menstrual cycle, but the average time between one period and the next for a woman in her 20s is 32 days. Periods may be very predictable-like clockwork, even-especially if you are using birth control pills.

This doesn't mean, however, that you should necessarily be concerned if your periods are irregular. A woman's menstrual cycle is a complex interaction between her reproductive system; hormones produced in the pituitary glands, hypothalamus and thyroid; and the environment. Stress, diet, and the amount of sleep and exercise you get all influence your cycle, too.

When should you be concerned? Generally, these are signs that you should see a health care provider:
Severe PMS: If you are bothered by physical changes or changes in your mood consistently each month, see a health care provider to rule out underlying causes, such as clinical depression, uterine fibroids, or endometriosis.
Painful periods: Some discomfort is normal, but if the pain is severe, consistent, and not relieved by an over-the-counter medication such as ibuprofen, see a health care provider to rule out an infection, scar tissue, or another underlying cause.
Missed, or infrequent, periods: If you are sexually active, have a pregnancy test done first. An occasional missed period, even if you aren't pregnant, shouldn't be a concern. They can be caused by too much exercise, stress, and certain medications. If you have gone more than 3 months without a period and are not pregnant, see a health care provider to rule out a hormone imbalance, ovarian cysts, or certain hypothalamus or pituitary conditions.
Unusually heavy periods: If a pregnancy is possible, an unusually heavy period could be a sign of miscarriage. If you consistently have heavy periods, your health care provider may want to rule out endometrial cancer or an underlying thyroid or blood-clotting disorder.

These conditions are all treatable. Don't be afraid to see your health care provider if you feel there is something unusual or wrong about the way your body functions.

The 30s: As you transition from your 20s to your 30s, and especially by the age of 35, your body begins to produce less estrogen. You may find that your menstrual cycle has shortened, from an average of 32 to 28 days. You may also notice shorter or irregular periods, increased symptoms of PMS, a heavier menstrual flow, or a combination of these changes. These hormone fluctuations are sometimes referred to as perimenopause, which simply means "the time around menopause."

As our estrogen levels begin to decline, our fertility begins to decline as well. We may experience some of the changes associated with menopause, including the thinning and drying of vaginal tissue, breast tenderness, an increased buildup of body fat around the waistline, hot flashes, and night sweats. A woman may experience these changes for up to fifteen years before her last menstrual period. For some women, these body changes will be more severe during perimenopause than during menopause itself. In fact, seven to eleven percent of women in their late 30s will stop having periods.

If you are severely bothered by the hormone fluctuations and the body changes associated with them, you might first consider lifestyle changes to ease the symptoms. Eating well, getting moderate exercise, reducing your stress level, and getting adequate rest may make the symptoms more manageable. If lifestyle changes don't solve the problem, you may want to see your health care provider and find out whether hormone therapy, either in the form of birth control pills to help regulate hormones or estrogen replacement therapy, is appropriate for you.

For some women, the perimenopausal years may mean changes in heart health. If you experience any heart symptoms, including skipped beats or moments of rapid heart fluttering, see your health care provider immediately to rule out an underlying heart problem. After you have had these heart symptoms checked out by your doctor, you may find that some heart symptoms become a consistent part of your cycle. Know your own body and what is normal for you.

The 40s: Women typically experience the body changes of perimenopause six to ten years before our menstrual periods stop. For most of us, this means we'll experience perimenopause by our late 40s. Depending on family history and other factors, you may also stop having periods in your 40s. The average woman will experience shorter cycles. In contrast to what many of us experience in our 30s, you may also have lighter menstrual flows. Ovulation occurs less frequently than it did in your 20s and 30s, and fertility continues to decline.

If you haven't already learned what to expect from your body during and after menopause, now is the time to educate yourself. If possible, talk to your mother, grandmother, and aunts about their experiences. Even if lifestyle changes worked well for you in your thirties, you may now want to talk to your health care provider about hormone replacement therapy.

Remember, too, that for many women, the transition from the menstrual to the post-menopausal years is a relief and has many positive aspects. Our bodies will change; this is inevitable. Suffering, physically or emotionally, because of these changes is not inevitable.

Women of any age should keep track of when our periods begin and end each month, and be aware of changes in our bodies' rhythms. This way, when we do notice something unusual or bothersome, we'll be better prepared to discuss the changes with our health care providers.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Female Hormones

Functions of Female Hormones

A woman's body produces two prominent hormones: estrogen and progesterone. Both hormones are produced in the ovaries and play important roles in a woman's reproductive system.

Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the healthy development of certain female sexual characteristics such as the breasts, the vagina, the menstrual cycle, body shape, and hair growth under the arms and around the pubic region. It also regulates the release of ovarian eggs and works with progesterone to stop the ovulation cycle during pregnancy. Particularly for women, this hormone is necessary in the proper development of the bone and the metabolic processes.

Progesterone, on the other hand is the other hormone that regulates menstruation. It supports pregnancy and tempers the highly stimulatory effects of estrogen. Progesterone also helps in the development of the embryo produced by the ovaries by providing a source of corticosteroids.

Progesterone improves bone density and has beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system and cholesterol. Progesterone also increases metabolic rate. It has anti-inflammatory actions and regulates the body's immune response.

These two hormones, along with testosterone and DHEA work together to provide great health for women. Along with the unisex follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH), all of these hormones have specific functions in a normal female reproductive system.

Testosterone and DHEA

Another hormone produced by the ovaries is testosterone. Although not considered a female hormone, the female body manufactures this hormone in small amounts to work with both progesterone and estrogen in regulating the female reproductive system.

Normally, testosterone is hormone associated with males. It is actually considered the most potent among the male hormones. In the female body, however, this hormone plays a major role in reproduction. For one it is the steroid hormone that influences a woman's sex drive. Testosterone levels in women are at their highest when the woman reaches the age of 20. This is also considered the best biological age for a woman to get pregnant since women in this age group have the best chance of a healthy pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Another male hormone produced in females is DHEA. DHEA is often referred to as the "mother hormone" since it is a precursor to the other steroid hormones. DHEA is secreted mostly by the adrenal glands. It improves the body's metabolism and promotes weight loss. When DHEA is synthesized in the brain, it helps improve memory and provides relief for depression.

DHEA also increases energy levels. It plays an important role in maintaining the body's immune functions. People with inflammatory and auto-immune disorders usually have lower levels of DHEA than healthy individuals. It decreases the risk for cardiovascular disease and improves cholesterol levels.

In modern hormone replacement therapy, DHEA is one of the most valuable hormones. Since DHEA is metabolized into other hormones, supplementation with DHEA allows the body to choose which hormone is needed, be it either of the two female hormones or testosterone. This accounts for the astonishing range of benefits that many researchers attribute to this hormone. The use of DHEA hormone alone, in hormone replacement can cure any hormonal imbalance of the body.

Do Pro Hormones Work?

When I head for the gym my kids like to remind me I am old and skinny and perhaps at 52 I should have more sense to be lifting those heavy weights. I correct the loved but expensive to keep offspring telling them I am mature and lean! Either way I am forced to agree my poor genetics and age are not a favorable start in bodybuilding.

I did start looking at pro hormones because of those poor genetics, being skinny and having an aging body plus the hard work in the gym, the endless preparation of food AND no chocolates or beer! Even with all that effort it was just not happening quickly enough.

I have been reading all the stuff in glossy mags and wow!!! do pro hormones come across as being just the thing I needed to knock my lean physique into shape, they have all the benefits of steroids and non of the risk. There are promises of significant gains in muscle growth and quick gains in quality lean mass, steroidal effects get a mention, charts and scientific sounding jargon abound throughout many of the ads. Well the ads did there insidious task and I ended up thinking as I am sure many other aspiring bodybuilders do "Yum Yum I could do with some of that"

Are there any risk in using pro hormones?

Now it did niggle me that things seemed to be a little bit too good to be true. It is also true that I can be a bit tight with my hard earned cash and need to keep the kids in the manner they had become accustomed. On top of that these pro hormone things are so very expensive I wanted to prove I was getting some sort of value for money. So what does every aspiring bodybuilder do when they need an answer? Yes Google it! I typed in "Are there any risk in using pro hormones?" and found with no effort at all "there appears to be little or no benefit in using pro hormone nutritional supplements" This was posted by learned professionals at Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.

After not much more than 10 minute searching the net it was clear there are two groups of people commenting on pro hormones, the people who make and sell the stuff saying it does work and the scientist who say it does not work and that it is harmful! Draw your own conclusions.

Pro hormone supplementation does not increase testosterone.

Learned papers by doctors and other medical practitioners including the governments have concluded pro hormone supplementation does not increase testosterone concentrations or enhance muscle as claimed but it may well result in adverse health consequences.

The reason that bodybuilders will pay a pretty penny and risk taking stuff like this is the hope that pro hormones increase strength and size of the muscle but at the moment this appears to be a proven a fallacy. There was no reported difference in size or strength compared with the others in the tested groups that where taking the placebo. But there was a proven rise in harmful effects.

Now these spoil sports could be out just to spoil the fun and conspired just to stop me getting the ripped body I desired or it could be they really are concerned about the serious side effect these products have.

Pro hormones Supplements, the evidence.

Best way to answer that is to spend a few hours on line and have a read up of the evidence for your self. Do not even take my word for it. I am not an expert, but I can read and reason things out for myself.

With the joy and availability of the internet you can do a significant amount of supportable research in a very short space of time. The research can reasonably conclude there is a substantial amount of documented evidence to support for and against the use of pro hormones.

You must consider who is giving the evidence and why. Is the evidence from the pump up vieny hulk down the gym or what you have read in advert cleverly disguised as an article in your glossy muscle magazine or is it from a learned professional or scientific organisation? It is your health and your money so find out for yourself. At best you could be wasting your money at the worst you could end up with breast, shrunken testicles and in danger of having a heart disease.

Is bodybuilding worth taking pro hormones for?

For me, no.

This is such a disappointment; I really did want a short cut to a bulging, ripped body.

A good thing is I saved my money instead and bought more chicken, eggs, milk, fruit and veg. I invested in a bulk buy of protein shake and continue to lift the iron; sweating and muttering swear words at the weights, thinking to myself as I go " Is all this effort for bodybuilding worth it"?

Yeh! Course it's ####ing worth it!

How Can I Get My Hormones Back to Normal?

The hormonal system is the 'engine' of the woman

The functions of the female human body are largely influenced by hormones. It affects the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the body. Hormones are the body's chemical messengers, produced by cells and carried into the bloodstream to affect various physiological functions and development.


  • Around puberty age, the part of the brain called hypothalamus releases pulses of hormones to stimulate the pituitary gland to produce the luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), which activate ovarian functions. The ovary is a female organ that produces the two main female sex hormones: estrogen and progesterone. The hormone estrogen is what stimulates breast development and the maturity of the vagina, fallopian tubes and uterus during puberty stage.

  • Beyond puberty, estrogen and progesterone, as well as LH and FSH will play vital roles in a woman's menstrual cycle and fertility, following a predictable pattern of rising and falling levels to support a chain of events with regard to reproduction. These hormones will be the ones to govern the maturity and release of eggs in the ovary, as well as the preparation of the womb to conception.

  • The surge of luteinizing hormone or LH marks a woman's ovulation phase, when the mature egg is released from the ovary to the fallopian tube. In the tube, the egg will be carried along by hair like projections to the uterus. In the uterus, the egg will be fertilized is sperm is present. Birth control pills prevent LH surge to prevent pregnancy.

  • On the other hand, the hormone progesterone is responsible for the thickening of the endometrium or uterine lining. This is to facilitate the implantation of the fertilized egg. If the implantation failed to occur, the spiral arteries in the lining will stop blood flow. This turns the thick uterine lining into blood pools, which is normally released in the form of menstrual flow.

During Pregnancy?

  • Pregnancy results from a fertilized egg. The usual drop of estrogen and progesterone levels at the end of the menstrual cycle does not occur, which explains the absence of your period.

  • Immediately, a new hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is released to develop the placenta and stimulate the ovary to produce the needed levels of estrogen and progesterone to sustain pregnancy. Along with other hormones in pregnancy, HCG will be responsible in increasing the blood circulating in the womb and initiating other body mechanisms to nurture the growing baby in the womb.

  • During child birth, these two hormones also cause the womb to contract and stimulate the production of breast milk.


  • Progesterone and estrogen levels are expected to drop after pregnancy.

  • This will facilitate the shrinking back of the womb,

  • Toning of the pelvic floor muscles

  • Normalization of blood flow. The sudden drop of female hormones may also cause episodes of post natal depression.

Getting my Hormones to Work?

"Normally, women do not need to do anything to control their hormones".

If we lived in a 'normal' world there would be no need for this article. However, in most societies women encounter as much stress, perhaps more, with their 'double' workloads, as anyone would.

  • Depending on the woman's stress reactions, there can be many upsets to a normal pregnancy which is dependent on her hormones for biochemical direction.

Hormonal imbalance is basically a disturbance to the delicate balance or incorrect relationship between the estrogen, progesterone and the stress hormone levels in the body. Women suffering hormonal imbalance do suffer risk of infertility or miscarriage.

The usual medical solution is 'hormonal replacement therapy', a form of treatment trying to correct the hormonal imbalances, usually performed during the luteal phase of a woman's ovulation and menstrual period.

The human body though, is a maze of nervous system options that few people become aware of. There are a number of reflexes on the skin that relate specifically to the Endocrine Glands and can be used to balance their function.

Imagine if you could just stimulate one of these reflexes and its related gland would "start up" again, balancing not only it's own production of hormones, but stimulate others as well. It is true, that these reflexes exist and anyone can learn how to use them to balance the hormonal system without having to take any medications.

We are getting smarter about how our bodies work and pregnancy is a fine example of how well what we have learned can be seen in the 'real' world. Don't wait until it's too late to find out.

Neuro-Training has developed a proven way to systematically balance the whole hormone system. Women who have had terrible experiences with their hormones can now be helped and easily learn how to do it themselves.

Hormone Infertility - Simple Tests and Treatment Can Help You Become Pregnant

Hormone deficiencies or imbalances between the various hormone levels are the principal cause or a key indicator leading to underlying causes of most infertility. Generally, you won't know whether your hormones are okay until your gynecologist orders blood tests when you begin infertility diagnosis.

What Are Hormones?

Hormones are chemicals produced by your own body, in your endocrine gland, and are carried through your blood to various parts of your body to control or regulate body functions. They can affect your metabolism, growth, immunity, reproduction and other functions. Effects are mostly physical, but some emotional responses also may be influenced. Hormones aren't good or bad, they are just there in your body, and have to be checked and treated if the levels are keeping you from becoming pregnant.

Hormone levels are measured by the lab where your blood and urine samples will be collected. They may be tested at multiple times during your cycle. The most important hormones affecting you fertility include:

- FSH - follicle-stimulating hormone - crucially important for development of follicles in the ovaries that lead to egg production
- hCG - human chorionic gonadotrophin - made after conception that stimulates production of progesterone (another hormone) needed to support pregnancy
- LH - luteinizing hormone - necessary to support the production of estrogen and progesterone and needed for release of ovulation-ready eggs
- Estrogen - supports the production of uterine lining which is needed for firm implanting of the fertilized egg

Male Hormones

For your partner, diagnosing infertility may simply be completed by a semen analysis ordered by a urologist. If the lab-collected sample shows semen that passes standards for quantity and quality, there is no further diagnosis required. He would be deemed fertile because he is able to deliver what he must supply for conception to occur.

If the analysis shows abnormalities, however, his blood will be tested for testosterone - the main male hormone - and also for levels of LH and FSH because they may affect sperm quantity and quality.

Hormone Functions and Timing

Knowing terminology of phases within your menstrual cycle can help you understand how your hormones function and interact. Menstrual cycle phases:

- Follicular - days 1 - 13 days (day one is the first day of menstrual flow)
- Ovulation - days 14 - 17
- Luteal - after ovulation, days 18 - 29

During the follicular phase, follides in your ovaries normally produce one mature egg. Doctors may treat low-FSH patients with an injection of Gonal-f to improve the likelihood of egg production. And the doctor can inject LH if you have low LH levels. Estradiol (another hormone) will also be monitored to prevent early ovulation. If it is too high, the doctor can inject Cetrotide to slow down ovulation until the egg is mature.

During ovulation, your LH should peak to ensure sufficient levels of estrogen and progesterone for fertilization to occur. During this phase, you should engage in frequent intercourse to increase your chances to fertilize the egg.

During the luteal phase, your progesterone level can be monitored to ensure the uterus will be ready to receive and implant the fertilized egg. If your progesterone is low, the doctor can prescribe medication to raise the level.


If your doctor finds hormone deficiencies or imbalances, they can usually be treated successfully by taking prescribed medication or getting hormone injections. You can usually expect to become pregnant without further treatment.

Hormones and Weight Loss

The majority of people lack adequate fruits and vegetables in their diet, which is a big contributory factor of, weight gain and a number of health problems. Being low in fat and sugar and high in fiber; fruits and vegetables are a great way to help reduce body fat. A combination of raw fruits and vegetables will provide you enough nutrients to keep your metabolic process in a healthy state and minimize the deposition of fat.

Protein plays a vital part in the fat reduction process. Protein not only helps in reducing fat but also helps to increase the body's muscle tissue in turn giving the body a good shape. It is the structural component of building and repairing muscle in our body. When our body lacks enough protein it concentrates on burning muscle while still reserving fat. But by increasing the amount of protein we can alter the process, i.e. protect and increase our muscle tissue and ignite the fat burning process.

Another way protein can help is by controlling our appetite. Overeating is a major cause of gaining fat and weight in unwelcome areas. By consuming adequate levels of protein in your diet rather than fatty foods you can curb weight gain. Our body needs 1.2 to 1.7 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight from a healthy source. Good protein sources include chicken, fish, lean meat, beans, dairy products etc.

The process of burning and storing food relies upon some hormonal activities inside the body. Our body releases two different kinds of hormones; a fat burning hormone and fat storing hormone. The Insulin hormone helps in fat storage process, whereas, glucagon and GH (Growth Hormone) helps to burn the fat. The rise in insulin level will make a fall in the amount of fat burning hormones. After a meal rich in carbohydrate our body releases insulin, which converts glucose into glycogen and stores them in the body. The excess deposition of glycogen prevents burning fat. On the other hand, glucagon helps to breakdown the glycogen. This breakdown plays a vital role in depleting the body's glycogen storage, so the body can concentrate on burning fat to meet the energy requirement. The Growth hormone is another vital hormone in the fat loss process. The Growth hormone is released during exercise and can significantly burn excess body fat during this time.

The daily intake of calories, types of food, physical activities etc. all contribute to the triggering of different types of hormones and their interaction in the body process helps to regulate the mechanism of weight loss and weight gain.

Stopped Losing Weight After A Few Weeks On Low Carb Diet? 3 Tricks To Jump Start Weight Loss Again

A low carb diet can be a healthy way to lose weight quickly. However, if you have been following a strict low carb diet for a few weeks and now your weight loss is at a standstill, there is a simple explanation and it has everything to do with hormones.

This article will show you how to boost your fat-burning hormones and jump start your weight loss again even if your weight has hit a long term plateau on your low carb diet.

The first thing you must understand is how important your hormones are when it comes to weight loss. Hormones are what tell your body when it is safe to release fat and when it needs to hold on tight to fat storage.

If you have been reducing the amount of carbohydrates or calories that you are eating your body does not see this as a way to look better, it views this decreased intake as a threat. This perceived threat causes your fat-burning hormones to decrease dramatically, up to 50% after only one week of moderate dieting.

The hormone that is the master controller of fat burning is leptin. This hormone controls all of your other weight loss hormones so it is the one you want to keep high so your body stays in a fat-burning state.

The problem is that leptin levels can drop by half in about seven days after you start your low carb diet. Think about it, when you started your low carb diet did the weight drop off fast? That was because you went into the diet with high levels of leptin in your body. Let's look a little closer, by weeks two and three was your weight coming off slower? This was a result of leptin shutting down.

Here are the steps to jump start your weight loss again after you hit a low carb plateau:

1. Have a Cheat Day. This sounds crazy, but if you think about it by giving yourself a day during the week to increase your carbohydrates, you are also boosting your level of fat-burning leptin. This is more than just theory and has been tested and researched for years. By having your favorite foods (i.e. pizza, ice cream, burgers and fries) one day a week you increase your body's fat burning potential without allowing time for fat to be laid down.

2. Eat frequently throughout the day. Your goal for breaking the low carb weight loss plateau is to stabilize leptin levels and one way to do that is to feed yourself a constant flow of food throughout the day. Eat small meals every few hours and do not go for long periods of time without eating.

3. Exercise to improve leptin sensitivity. Not only do you want to keep your leptin levels high, you also want to make sure your body is sensitive to the hormone so the leptin can be used. Exercise is a powerful way to improve leptin sensitivity and this will make your Cheat Day even more effective.

If you have been having success on a low carb diet, but now that same diet is not getting rid of the pounds, then you need to boost your fat-burning hormone, leptin. To increase leptin levels and leptin sensitivity add in a weekly Cheat Day, eat small and more frequent meals throughout your day and exercise.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

How Can Growth Hormones Affect a Man's Quality of Life?

While it is quite often that we hear about human growth hormones in relation to the sports world, where athletes engage in the use of these hormones in pursuit of building up their bodies to make themselves record breaking machines, there have actually been some extremely exciting breakthroughs regarding the use of these special hormones even for us Average Joes to use. Keep reading for an overview of just some of the excellent benefits that you can look forward to through the use of these human growth hormone (also quite often referred to as HGH) supplements and products.

While some people do tend to refer to these special types of growth hormones as a form of a fountain of youth, they unfortunately can not actually turn back the hands of time. But what they most definitely do succeed in accomplishing is helping to supply your body with the means of significantly slowing the signs of aging. This is why these special supplements are so often referred to as anti-aging supplements. They have the distinct ability to help your aging pituitary gland. Your pituitary gland is the gland in your body that is responsible for the production of your HGH, but as your body gets older, your pituitary gland naturally begins to slow down its production which is why men of ages 40 years and older so often tend to start to really notice the signs of aging such as wrinkling, baldness, lack of energy and other similar factors.

That is why so many men have started to look into the use of growth hormones as a means of addressing their pressing aging issues and symptoms. One of the most significant benefits that men can look forward to through the regular and consistent use of this type of supplement is a much improved level of energy. Because of this as well as the other immense benefits delivered by the use of this supplement, countless men have been able to enjoy a much improved sense of health, wellness and wellbeing, leading to a much higher quality of life.

Some of the top benefits that you can look forward to include:

• lessened wrinkles and crows feet
• firmer skin
• improved physical stamina
• improved metabolism for weight loss
• improved hair condition and color
• improved memory and mental focus
• improved sex drive and sexual stamina
• improved mood

While there definitely is no such thing as a fountain of youth, HGH certainly does provide men with the next best thing. When purchased through reputable sources with a great deal of credibility behind them, this is a very safe and controlled method of pursuing a lasting anti-aging solution. While you will still need to make sure that you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle while using this supplement as it is definitely not intended to completely replace healthy activities and diets, it certainly does make pursuing the vigor you once enjoyed during your 20's a whole more convenient.

Does Estrogen Make You Fat?

In today's lesson we're going to look at why it is tougher for women approaching menopause lose weight from their abdomens. I have worked with a lot of women in my time and a lot of them don't know what to do about it. They seem to be doing everything correctly but for some reason they have a tough time losing weight in that area.

So, we're going to look at the role of estrogen today. I am going to explain exactly what happens in the body with respect to estrogen and difficulty losing weight. We're going to talk mainly about women today but this does apply to men to some degree.

First off, let's talk about what happens during menopause as women's hormones start to fluctuate and change. Basically, estrogen decreases by 35% and progesterone decreases by 75%. Both hormones decrease but the balance changes.

Progesterone normally keeps estrogen in check. If there is more estrogen floating around relative to progesterone, it can lead to a condition called estrogen dominance and we're going to talk about that later.

Women are generally pear-shaped up until menopause. Fat cells and hormones ensure that fat is distributed mainly around the hips and reproductive organs. There is also a tendency to store fat subcutaneously which means that more of a women's fat is stored just under the skin.

That is why it's tougher for women to see muscle definition than it is for men because men have a lower subcutaneous fat level than women. We'll talk about what happens in women and why it happens in a minute.

During menopause, there is a decrease in estrogen and a decrease in estrogen receptor sensitivity. Because of this, women's bodies tend to become more male-like in terms of fat distribution.

More fat starts to collect around the abdomen, mimicking more of a male, apple shape. The apple-shaped body is linked to type-II diabetes, cardiovascular disease and obesity. That is why abdominal fat is not a good thing. More fat around the viscera; the digestive organs is linked to many diseases.

In general, women have a pear shape and more fat underneath the skin up until menopause. They store their fat in and around the hips.

And at menopause because of a decrease in estrogen, their fat distribution changes and more fat is held within the abdominal area.

A lot of people tend to think that estrogen makes you fat, and that is a misconception. People may think that because women tend to have more body fat than men that it is due to estrogen. That is not the case. Estrogen is actually a hormone which promotes fat breakdown and decreases fat storage.

Estrogen has 2 functions as a hormone in the cell. Firstly, it decreases lipoprotein lipase (LPL). LPL is an enzyme which favours fat uptake into the cells, making the cells fatter. Estrogen decreases LPL activity which means that less fat is taken into fat cells.

Secondly, estrogen increases the activity of another enzyme called hormone sensitive lipase (HSL) and increases the role of epinephrine at the cellular level, both of which increase lipolysis which means fat breakdown.

In summary, estrogen favours fat breakdown and it hinders fat uptake. This is the overall effect of estrogen. There are other effects that occur at the cellular level, but all in all, estrogen does not make you fat in the grand scheme of things.

Engorged fat cells will return to normal size in the presence of estrogen. Normal size fat cells will become fatter if there is a lack of estrogen or if there is a decrease in estrogen receptor sensitivity.

The transition from a normal sized fat cell to a large fat cell is what happens in menopause. Why does this happen? Why do women go from pear-shaped to apple-shaped?

This is a good time to talk about estrogen receptors. The ones I am going to focus on are called ESR1 and ESR2.

There are certain estrogen receptors that are located in the brain. Others are located in the liver and the bones and in the fat cells. All of these estrogen receptors have an impact on how estrogen is used and produced in the body.

For instance, there are estrogen receptors in the brain, specifically in the hypothalamus, which control appetite and hunger. Studies have shown that those estrogen receptors have an impact on food intake.

As estrogen decreases, there is less stimulation of these receptors in the brain which means that there is a tendency to have less appetite suppression when you have less estrogen in the body. Now, this is not black and white.

There are a lot of things going on in the brain and this is not always the case. This has been shown in studies with rats that have been ovariectomized. Where they have basically shut down the rats' production of estrogen from the ovaries in the body and the food intake of the rats increased thereafter.

This is just one example of what could happen because of these estrogen receptors in the brain if there is less estrogen stimulating them as you age and approach menopause.

There is another really interesting estrogen receptor on the subcutaneous fat cell. When women are young and there is a lot of estrogen in the body, estrogen causes an increase in the receptor known as anti-lipolytic alpha 2A-adrenergic receptor. Anti-lipolytic = anti-fat.

What this means is that estrogen increases the number of anti-fat breakdown receptors in subcutaneous fat; fat just underneath the skin all over the body. Because of the increase in these receptors, they are telling the fat cells not to break down fat.

Therefore, before you get into menopause and estrogen levels are high, there are more of these receptors which mean that more fat has a tendency to be stored in that subcutaneous fat and less fat is stored in and around the abdomen.

However, during menopause when estrogen levels start to fall, even though there is more estrogen relative to progesterone, the balance is shifted and anti-lipolytic alpha 2A-adrenergic receptors become fewer in number.

Because estrogen levels have decreased relative to before menopause, there is more subcutaneous fat that can actually be broken down and there is a subsequent tendency for fat to accumulate in and around the abdomen.

That is one of the primary reasons why more women store fat in their stomach during and after menopause. When estrogen levels fall, anti-lipolytic alpha 2A-adrenergic receptor levels fall so that fat under the skin can more easily be broken down and the tendency shifts to fat storage in the abdominal area.

Now, we're only talking about estrogen. We haven't even touched on testosterone or progesterone. This is fascinating stuff.

Remember, estrogen receptors are one of the key reasons why the distribution of fat shifts as you enter menopause. Now, you may be thinking that if estrogen is meant to keep you thin that you might want high estrogen levels in the body. Not necessarily.

When you have high estrogen levels in relation to progesterone, it can lead to a condition called estrogen dominance. We are seeing a lot of estrogen dominance nowadays, not only in women but in men as well. This is something of which most people are not aware.

There is nothing wrong with estrogen or progesterone by themselves. The problem occurs when their balance in the body is thrown off.

This is a bit off the topic of fat distribution, but you do not want to be taking in high amounts of estrogen during menopause because as has been shown with hormone replacement therapy (HRT) there is an increased risk of breast cancer and other issues related to high estrogen levels.

The big thing about estrogen is that it promotes cell growth and cell division and that is not good where cancer is concerned. If there are any trace of cancer or pre-cancerous cells in your body when there are high levels of estrogen, the estrogen is going to further the cancer's development. That is why estrogen dominance is something to worry about whether you are a man or woman.

How does estrogen dominance occur?

There are endogenous sources of estrogen which are sources of estrogen that are produced in the body from the ovaries, the fat cells, and the placenta during pregnancy, etc.

The adrenal cortex produces a precursor that produces estrogen as well. There are exogenous sources of estrogen, sources of estrogen that come from outside of the body such as xenoestrogens which are basically chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body. Xenoestrogens are a big concern.

They come from plastic bottles, artificial foods, and processed foods. There are a lot of things that lead to xenoestrogen creation. Drugs such as birth control pills get flushed down the toilet along with human waste and stay in our water supply and contribute to our estrogen issue. The problem with xenoestrogens in the body is that they contribute to estrogen overload and that is not a good thing at all.

Phytoestrogens on the other hand are good in most cases. They are very weak estrogens. In the body, phytoestrogens displace xenoestrogens. They take up space on estrogen receptors so that xenoestrogens and the main estrogen in the female body (estradiol, estriol, and estrone) are not able to attach to the estrogen receptor.

This is good because pytoestrogen decreases the actions of estrogen in the body. Phytoestrogens are natural estrogens that come from plants. They are very weak and have a minimal negative effect on the body. Flax is a source of phytoestrogens which is talked about a lot. Any kind of whole foods diet will have phytoestrogens. The one thing that you want to be careful of is soy.

Soy is a very powerful phytoestrogen. It basically mimics estradiol in the body and its effect is potent. So not only will it take up the estrogen receptor sites, but it will also further the estrogen load in your body. There is a difference between flax and soy. Flax is a very weak phytoestrogen and most plants are.

Soy is a very strong phytoestrogen and actually increases the estrogen load in your body, so it is something you want to stay away from.

To reduce estrogen dominance, you should eat a predominantly whole foods diet. Eat a mostly vegetarian diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables. The fiber in fruits and vegetables will help bind the estrogen and remove it through the colon.

Make sure that your liver is healthy because it processes estrogen. And make sure that you are eliminating regularly. You should be passing 2-3 bowel movements per day. If estrogen sits in your colon for days on end it will be reabsorbed into your blood stream and auto-intoxicate you.

Those are just some things to think about when it comes to lowering estrogen in the body. The last thing you want to do is pump your body full of estrogen, even if you think it's going to keep you thinner because it will throw your hormonal balance.

Another reason why women tend to gain weight during menopause is because the ovaries produce less estrogen. Fat cells, which produce estrogen as well, start to pick up the slack. Fat cells are now needed to produce more estrogen as the ovaries produce less. The body has a more difficult time getting rid of volume in the fat cells in general because of this need to produce estrogen. It is tougher for women to lose weight during menopause.

Having said that, I do not want you to think that menopause is the end of the world when it comes to fat loss because it is not. You just have to realize that the distribution of fat within your body will be different and that you will just have to be a bit more diligent with respect to your diet and exercise regime.

Strength training is important. Interval cardio training to burn maximum calories in a short period of time will be very beneficial. Food intake will have to be minimized, but really, that just means that poor nutrient-void food must be minimized.

Hormonal changes will affect each woman differently with respect to their appetite so it is important to pay attention to how you feel. Be aware of your body and feed your body good whole foods that will not pack on the pounds. The key again is calories in vs. calories out. The best diet to lose fat around the abs is one very high in whole foods.

That is your in-depth lesson on the role of estrogen during menopause and before menopause and why it is tougher to lose fat around your abdomen. Now you know what is going on in your body, you can overcome it. It takes hard work. No one said it was easy to lose abdominal fat.

Remember, it's going to be the last place fat comes off and the first place that it goes on. Just stay committed and keep a long-term vision. Keep up the great work and make sure you are using the right workouts!

Older Women and Mid Life Belly Fat Hormones Therapy

Many women desire to have a flat belly and a slim waist line even at older ages. You may have noticed that the older they become the more unrealistic their dreams of fast easy weight loss become. Have you ever wonder why? Actually this is a naturally occurring process accruing physically by every human on the planet. Its caused by a changes in hormones and the older we become the more we are effected.

Men also have the same issues beginning at the age of twenty four men start losing testosterone levels and women's hormonal levels really become effected in there late 30s to mid 40s. Women reach menopause typically in there early to mid 50s and you will note a major shift in the menopausal body and how it stores fat and how you have difficulties losing this fat.

This is because as woman get older there metabolism decreases thereby making it difficult for them to get in shape. Notwithstanding how difficult getting in shape is for younger people but for menopausal women it is even more difficulty. However it is important for women of all ages to realize just because you are menopausal does not mean you should not continue to strive for a tone healthy body.

Bellow are a few helping tips to losing belly fat for the older women and you should also be looking for products that can help you regain your hormonal balance or increase your metabolic rate.

You should not be skipping meals; you should actually be eating five to six small meals per day to maintain a fast paced metabolic rate. You may want to also consider dietary supplements that can help you with appetite suppression and stimulate your metabolism and lastly help you grow or maintain muscle tissue. Biggest issue for older women and men is muscle loss and bone density decreases, both can be easily overcome with the appropriate exercise, diet and supplements.

You need to plan your diet in most cases because older generations are accustomed to eating two or three meals per day. Now we know eating six meal per day diet is the correct way of dieting,so planning will be required and necessary to achieve the best possible results. At this point you need to realize that you have to adjust your eating habits. A good way to begin this transformation is by using easy to follow diet plans that will help you can be found for free all over the Internet.

The kind of you foods you consume on a daily basis will determine how quick or how slowly you achieve your desired weight. Remember that belly fat also releases hormones and you will need something to help you attack or render the fat releasing homes helpless.

Using a products called fat burners will greatly increase your ability to burn off fat even wile being menopausal. Using this products will result in losing belly fat and other problem areas much easier and faster than without. Simply put your belly is what you eat. You need to eat healthy natural foods with as little saturated fat and processed calories as you possibly can.

On the other hand you need to be eating foods like vegetables, fruits, fiber rich foods, protein, little hole grans and complex carbohydrates. Getting a little help from fat burners along with some exercise and you will soon have a much slimmer waist line. You will feel and look much better inside and out.

If you are currently eating foods high in fat and processed calories, processed and prepackaged food, heavy processed white carbohydrates and not exercising you are on the road to poor healthy, most likely you have a puffy or fat and unhealthy belly as well. You might also have many other pending health issues that can be life threatening or at the very minimum will shorten your stay on this earth.

Take a bold step now by having control over what goes into your body, being by losing your belly fat quickly, safely and by eating properly,getting adequate exercises and drinking lots of water is the best course of action. Having an exercise plan is another important step you must take to loose belly fat. Every healthy weight loss program will and normally does involve exercise.

Belly fat is what really affects our internal organs, think about your organs surrounded in fat, it's not a healthy though it is? Your exercise should be focused on strength training, swimming or walking that will assist you in burning fat even when you are asleep and will also help with bone density. Cardiovascular exercise should also be incorporated in your to help you maintain your heart rate and as well keep your metabolism going. If you need a little help getting started its always a good idea to look for something like fat burners to help you.

Finally you know there is no substitute for water is not just the essence of life but also a body cleanser, endeavor to drink clean water regularly. Wine should be taking sparingly; green tea is preferred to coffee. Seek help if you need it for some fat burners that will help you achieve quicker result. Though losing belly fat for the older women seems to be difficult, it is still very possible but requires the right attitude, food consumption, regular exercise, hormonal adjustment and adequate water intake.

How Do Human Growth Hormones Affect a Man's Body?

Human growth hormones have been at the center of attention in the health and wellness world for a few years now, and for good reason. These special hormones can actually have a very significant impact on your quality of life. And thanks to continued research and development, the products, methods and supplements for these special types of hormones have led to some truly amazing breakthroughs in the medical world, helping people to do some fantastic things that they would not have been able to enjoy prior to the special supplementation offered by these special hormone supplements.

The pituitary gland of our bodies is responsible for the natural production of hormones that are responsible for human growth. However, while this pituitary gland certainly does its job during the earlier years of our lives, it definitely does tend to significantly slow its production down later in life. This is a common reason as to why so many men of ages over 40 years old tend to really start noticing a decline in certain areas of their health. Their pituitary glands drastically reduce the production of these hormones which essentially marks the point in their lives when they really start the heavy party of their personal aging process.

And while factors such as wrinkles, balding and sagging in certain areas of the body are not necessarily usually considered to be signs of poor health or an endangerment to one's health. Countless men have indeed enjoyed the ability of these human growth hormone (HGH) supplements to actively slow the symptoms of aging, essentially making them the closest thing that we have to a viable fountain of youth.

While you can not actually turn back the hands of time through the use of these HGH supplements and products, men over the age of 40 years old definitely can look forward to some very high quality and exciting benefits that will at least make it appear to others that you have some how managed to figure out exactly how to do just that. While you guys will not necessarily be able to start noticing positive results right away, if you stay consistent with your usage and use your supplements exactly according to the directions that come with the products then you will definitely notice some great results soon enough. One of the leading benefits that men often report is that you can look forward to a much more youthful appearance. In fact, the results are almost always significant enough for other people to actually notice, not just yourself.

And one of the other amazing benefits that men have been able to look forward to through the consistent use of these special HGH supplements is a renewed sense of vitality and energy. In fact, many men have often reported feeling half their age after taking these special supplements. It really is amazing that these supplements, paired with a healthy and active lifestyle, are able to help men to enjoy a much higher quality of life.

What Are The Sytropin Ingredients That Make It The Best HGH Supplement?

Using the natural HGH supplements like Sytropin is the great way to be healthy and increase possibilities of being old without facing the age related problems. So, are you curious about know what are the main Sytropin ingredients that help to make it the number 1 HGH supplement in the market? Just read on. You will be happy to note that the Sytropin ingredients are active, natural and play a very important role when it comes to maintaining premium health.

Following are the top Sytropin ingredients that make it the best and most beneficial HGH supplement available till now.

Alpha GPC

This particular ingredient stimulates pituitary gland of the brain in order to produce or secrete more of growth hormone in order to cure the cognitive problems. The ingredient further helps to focus the mind and enhances balance and coordination through improvement of nerve impulse travel.


This is the key ingredient to have healthy production of protein. It even helps to increase the hormones which affect cognition and memory.

L Dopa bean extract

The ingredient supports natural production of the HGH thereby ensuring that there is muscle growth with proper amino acids to be transported to the muscle cells. It even helps in burning of fat.


It not just improves the neurotransmission and nervous system, it even helps to enjoy fat loss. The ingredient even makes the sleep restful, revitalizing and deeper.

L Glutamine

This Sytropin ingredient improves the natural metabolism, helps in great athletic performance and boosts the immunity. It even improves intestinal and stomach lining in order to reduce the chances of facing ulcers.

L Tyrosine

This helps in getting relief from depression, proper secretion of melanin on skin, boosts general mood and improves the neurotransmission secretion as well.

L Arginine

This ingredient of Sytropin contributes in creation of the new cells and proteins. It even increases the sexual potency through increasing sperm production.

Moomiyo Extract

This is a great measure for the age related and hormone dependent problems. being the anti inflammatory agent which promotes healing, it reduces the soreness felt in joints and even improves cell growth.

L Isoleucine

This particular ingredient is burned along with L Valine in order to fuel the muscle recovery in the cells. It further helps in regenerative process through growing the new tissues and is even crucial in making the complex carbohydrates. Body muscles absorb it for the anabolic muscle building.

L Valine

The ingredient is used as the fuel for muscle regeneration. It even promotes the anabolic muscle building function and works great with L Isoleucine.

Ornithine Alpha Ketoglutarate

The Sytropin ingredient helps to improve immunity, fast healing and great athletic performance. It is even the agent which promotes new muscles growth.


It helps to maintain nitrogen balance as well as support the blood vessels. It further contributes in storing calcium.

So, with all these ingredients, Sytropin serves to be a very effective and beneficial HGH supplement. Sytropin in fact comes with the best blend and combination of the natural and safe ingredients. All these ensure that there is natural production of HGH in the body. My Sytropin Review will tell you more about my view on best HGH supplement.

The Cause of Female Hair Loss - Are Hormones to Blame?

Female hair loss can be one of the alarming things that women may be looking into when they grow older each day. Aside from those wrinkles appearing on the face, losing too much hair can be a very aggravating issue for almost all women. This is the reason why searching for the best way to treat this common issue is what they are looking forward to nowadays.

To be able to address this issue, it is necessary to find out what causes hair loss in women. Is it really part of the aging process, is it a dermatological deficiency, or does genetics have something to do with it? These questions would merely haunt those who are concerned about losing their hair from time to time. And to find the right solution to the problem, is to find answers to these questions.

One major cause of female hair loss can be due to a certain illness which involves ones immune system as well as hormonal imbalance. There is a possibility that if a woman encounter a certain hormonal imbalance because of a disease, she will be experiencing various changes in her physical well-being which may include frequent hair falls.

There is one hormone that is released to the blood stream which contributes to hair loss, and this hormone is called DHT. DHT clogs up your hair follicles which would result to the thinning of your hair strands, and would eventually lead to falling hair.

To alleviate this problem, it is essential that you get enough vitamin intake to help in the hair re-growth process due to this hormonal issue. Vitamins and minerals such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin B6 and Biotin. These vitamins and minerals should be taken into your system to fight that nasty hormone, DHT.

You may find these vitamins and minerals present in certain natural food products such as dietary supplements for maintaining a healthy well-being. Most of these dietary supplements are in form of capsules.

But you have to bear in mind that not all dietary products are made equal. So you better search for the best option by looking into the product's natural ingredients and then compare. You'll surely find one that would take away your worries from this hormonal cause of female hair loss.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

What Are the Main Causes of Obesity in Adult Women?

Have you ever wondered what the main causes of obesity in women are?

Perhaps as a teenager you were able to eat whatever you wanted without gaining weight but now that you're in your 30s to 40s plus it seems as though all you have to do is look at food and you gain weight. It seems so unfair. And yes, it's true, younger women are less likely to be overweight than adult women.

But what are the main causes of obesity in women?

Well, there are several factors that contribute to the likelihood of obesity in adult women all of which are relatively easy to address once you understand them. The main causes of obesity in women include;

  • Hormonal effects.
  • Increased metabolic efficiency after childbirth.
  • Changing eating habits.
  • Reducing activity levels.
  • Quitting smoking

Let's examine each of these more closely.

Hormonal effects: Hormones affect just about every area of our lives including both physical and emotional. Hormonal imbalances contribute significantly to fluid retention rates, which of course means that middle aged women approaching menopause are more likely to carry excess fluid. Human growth hormone (HGH) levels are lower in obese individuals, HGH also increases the rate at which we burn calories (leaving less calories to be converted to fat). Additionally, the hormone oestrogen helps to determine body fat distribution. Scientific studies indicate that younger women who have higher oestrogen levels tend to carry excess weight around the bottom, hips and thighs (pear shaped figure). Whereas menopausal and postmenopausal women who have lower oestrogen levels tend to have higher percentages of abdominal fat (apple shaped figure). Unfortunately, abdominal fat is a higher risk factor for certain serious health issues including, heart disease, stroke, diabetes 2 (onset), even some forms of arthritis.

Increased Metabolic efficiency after childbirth: One of the most powerful factors contributing to female obesity is the increased metabolic efficiency caused by pregnancy and childbirth. Women who have never had children are more likely to have an inefficient metabolism, meaning that a lot of the calories ingested pass unused from the body, this is one of the reasons why people can eat constantly without gaining weight. Unfortunately, pregnancy frequently puts and end to that. Pregnancy kicks the body into high gear. All of a sudden, the food that we consume has to provide for two people rather than just one. So it forces the body to become more efficient in extracting calories from the food we consume. After the birth, the body slows down a little but rarely goes back to pre pregnancy levels. This means that we have less calorie wastage which can in turn contribute to excess fat storage.

Changing eating habits: As a pregnancy progresses a woman's calorie intake tends to increase. The reason for this is obvious, the growing fetus requires more nutrients than the mothers diet supplies so appetite increases accordingly. Eating more food slightly increases the size of the stomach which means it requires slightly more food to fill it. More food means more calories of course. After the birth and breastfeeding has ceased, if food intake does not decrease then those extra calories can contribute to extra fat storage. So it's wise to reduce food consumption slightly in order to allow the stomach to shrink again.

Reducing activity levels: Young women tend to be more active than more mature women. They will go out dancing and partying all weekend, think nothing of only receiving three or four hours sleep per night etc. Motherhood seriously affects the ability so have a social life like that so mothers become less physically active. As the children mature into their teenage years the energy levels of their mother is tending to decrease so the level of activity that was possible when she was 20 is no longer possible and then as they mature further health issues contribute to a further slowing of physical activity. This tendency toward an increasingly sedentary lifestyle is another contributing factor to obesity.

Quitting smoking: While certainly not exclusive to women this can be a huge contributing factor and is therefore worthwhile mentioning. Quitting smoking can cause a significant gain in weight. The reason for this is quite simple. Smoking is a hand to mouth habit. There are very few hand to mouth habits available. In fact, besides smoking, there are only two... eating and drinking! It's only natural that a person who quits smoking will have a deep psychological need for that hand to mouth action. Unfortunately, the habit most usually picked is eating, and more specifically, snacking... usually on unhealthy foods like cakes, candy, sweets etc. Is it any wonder that there is a weight blow out?

Thankfully, understanding this makes it possible to avoid the trend. There are things that will satisfy the hand to mouth habit without causing weight gain. These things include;

  • Sugar free gum & sweets
  • Keep a glass of water on hand at all times - reach for water instead of food!
  • Suck on an ice cream stick or toothpick

There are many other factors that contribute to obesity in mature women as this list is certainly not exhaustive. However, this article was designed to provide a basic examination of some of the main causes of obesity in women.