Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hypothyroidism - Symptoms, Causes, Treatments

Hypothyroidism is a common problem faced by millions of people around the world. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid glands are unable to produce normal quantities of the thyroid hormones, failing to stimulate the metabolism system of the body. The result is not only decreased metabolism, but also impaired growth, feeling of lack of energy and fatigue. Research indicates that Hypothyroidism is more common among people over fifty, but that does not mean that people who are younger are not susceptible. Hypothyroidism increases the cholesterol levels and makes a person more immune to heart disease and diabetes, so regardless of your age, it is very important to pay attention to your Thyroid function.


Signs and symptoms and the level of severity of the disease may vary greatly and depend upon the extent of thyroid deficiency. Symptoms of hyperthyroidism may include fatigue and body weakness, unusual weight gain or difficulty in losing weight, depression, headache, stomach pain, feeling excessive cold, muscle pain, joint pain, constipation, hair loss, brittle nails, pale face and more. These are some of the normal symptoms that one can go through while facing Hypothyroidism.

Other symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

~ Muscle cramps
~ Poor appetite
~ Goiter (enlarged thyroid-gland)
~ Dry skin and hair loss
~ Irregular or even heavy menstruation
~ Memory loss
~ Sluggishness and slowed mental activity
~ Increased LDL cholesterol levels

Pregnant women will have regular spells of dizziness and children can suffer from various developmental problems like stagnant height, excessive weight gain and memory problems. As of 2011, an estimate of about 200 million people around the world have been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism. 10% of this population are mostly likely female.

Causes of Hypothyroidism:

As already mentioned, Hypothyroidism is a common disease and may occur due to a variety of reasons. The most common cause is dietary insufficiency of iodine. Iodine is the most necessary component of thyroid hormones and the major source of iodine is your diet.

Hypothyroidism is often the end result of Hashimoto's disease, also called long-term Thyroiditis (inflammation of the thyroid-gland). In this disease, the body's defense mechanism doesn't recognize that the thyroid gland is a part of your body's own tissues and starts attacking the thyroid-gland as if it were a foreign body. The attack by the body's immune system affects thyroid functionality and also sometimes damages the gland. Other reasons for hypothyroidism include:
unhealthy and unhygienic eating habits; chronic stress; and radiation treatment, which tends to harm the thyroid glands.

Congenital Hypothyroidism, a term used when a child is born without a thyroid gland or has a dysfunctional one is also quite common among children. Viral or Autoimmune Thyroiditis leads to Hypothyroidism and so does any disease in the Pituitary gland. Certain medications like Lithium and interferon alpha have also been known to cause side-effects causing Hypothyroidism. Other causes may include consuming low or no iodine and infiltration by bacterial agents that harm the thyroid glands.

Hypothyroid Treatment

One of the most common treatments recommended by doctors is to replace the Thyroxine with another thyroid hormone called Levothyroxine. This option is very safe and relatively inexpensive. But, this treatment requires that the metabolism rate be constantly monitored to make it is functioning normally. There are various other treatments that are available too, but this particular treatment is considered much safer than the rest.

Depending on the severity of your condition, natural treatments may also be available. A well balanced and nutritious diet is very important to maintain a healthy body and mind including the thyroid gland. The functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted if you do not take all the necessary nutrients required by your body in your diet. Apart from eating the necessary nutrients, dietary modifications also involve avoiding those foods which inhibit the functioning of thyroid gland, thereby leading to hypothyroidism. Stress plays an important role in inhibiting the functioning of thyroid gland. Hence, controlling stress through various lifestyle modifications can go a long way in healing your thyroid gland. Our body's hormonal system is very complex and intertwined. Hence, if the level of one hormone is off track as in hypothyroidism, it also affects the levels of several other hormones. Dietary and lifestyle modifications can work in maintaining this balance.

Taking adequate precautions in diet and lifestyle, reducing stress and eating healthy foods will go a long way toward controlling your thyroid hormones.
Hypothyroidism is not an incurable disease and with time, some precautions and medication, the treatments will be helpful in the long-term.

Bio-Identical Hormones - Offering Hormonal Imbalance Solutions

When it comes to the human body, one of the largest factors which impact not only an individual's health but the way they feel is found with hormones. Subsequently, when a hormonal imbalance occurs it can go a long way towards harming a person and disrupting their psychological and physical health. The reality is as you grow old, your body has greater trouble keeping up with the hormones needed from your various systems, making hormonal imbalances ordinary in several people.

There are several medications available to help suppress the effects of hormone imbalance but few provide the real results of the hormones themselves. That is until the advancements that have been made in the use of bio-identical hormones.

Bio-identical hormones represent a medical opportunity where you can replace the hormones your body is no longer producing efficiently so as to completely alleviate the effects of hormonal imbalance side effects. No option like this has ever been there for the general public before but it is important to identify caution when investing into this unique opportunity. While bio-identical hormones do represent a unique opportunity, it is not an option which is handed out over the counter. Instead there will be a unique relationship which would be built between you, your doctor, and the compounding pharmacist you will utilize to help your efforts.

This melding of individuals is usually referred to as the start of a bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. The procedure begins with visiting your regular physician or a physician who specializes in the balancing and understanding of hormones. They could then diagnose what they feel is the hormone imbalance which exists in your body and start research into the opportunity surrounding bio-identical hormones.

When a treatment is devised to aid in the replacement of missing hormones, you could begin your bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. This process includes working with a compounding pharmacist that specializes in bio-identical hormones and could devise a treatment that is customized to your needs. One of the biggest advantages of working with a professional compounding pharmacist is that they could design your treatment to your specifications whether it is in pill form, gel form or cream form.

Hormonal imbalance is something which each person eventually suffers from, so why not take advantage of the opportunity which is available with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy. When you use the resources of a medical professional working hand in hand with a professional compounding pharmacist you'll unlock the most beneficial opportunity to aid you in curing your hormone problems. This can help you in leading a happier and healthier life style, something that every individual desires.

How to Reverse Hypothyroidism and Get Pregnant ASAP

What's a thyroid gland and how's it connected to your fertility?

The thyroid gland is one of the seven endocrine glands, and it's located at the base of your throat (behind Adam's apple). Your thyroid gland is in charge of metabolism and energy production in the body. A bit like an electricity generator. In your early life and in utero it was involved in your brain development and organ differentiation. Later in your life it took control of your metabolism.

What are some of the body functions affected by your thyroid gland?

- Heart beat
- Blood flow to the hands and feet
- Glucose production
- Production of cholesterol
- Fat burning
- Production of heat
- Activation and secretion of steroid hormones (estrogen, progesterone and testosterone to name a few)
- Rate at which you use oxygen
- Cell proliferation
- Intestinal integrity
- Kidney function
- And many more

How does it regulate your metabolism?

It either gives your cellular energy generators - aka - mitochondria a nudge to make more energy or instructs brown fatty tissue to release heat or it increases the activity of enzymes in charge of energy production.

Thyroid hormones

Your thyroid gland produces thyroid hormones T3 and T4. T4 is a precursor to T3 and is 20 fold more abundant than the more potent T3. To convert T3 into T4 your body needs one very important mineral - iodine.

Thyroid function and infertility

About 25% of female infertility cases and 15% of menstrual cycle disorder cases result from thyroid dysfunction. Especially subclinical hypothyroidism has a high prevalence in the population. Therefore thyroid function must be examined in all women with infertility and / or menstrual disturbances and irregularities.

Did you know the thyroid and the ovaries are related?

Apart from being endocrine glands, these two are known as sister organs! Immunologically they are like two sisters. Therefore abnormal autoimmune function of the ovary is closely related to the autoimmune function of the thyroid.

Thyroid hormones impact the action and secretion of steroid hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone). Ovaries have thyroid hormone receptors, where thyroid hormones interact with and have a direct effect on ovarian hormone production.

In the case of thyroid hormone deficiency your ovary will not be able to produce sufficient amounts of hormones required for optimal fertility and a healthy pregnancy, leading to anovulation, predisposition to PCOS, endometriosis and miscarriages.

Thyroid function is linked to PCOS and Endometriosis

Studies have found that infertile women have a significantly higher prevalence of autoimmune thyroid disease when compared to fertile women. This is especially the case in women with endometriosis and PCOS.

Another study found that 44% of infertile women with autoimmune thyroid disease had endometriosis, compared with only 9% of infertile women without autoimmune thyroid disease.

Women with autoimmune thyroid disease have an increased risk of miscarriage. Which is why this is one of the tests that should be preformed as early as possible.

Poor thyroid function can result in

- Abnormal neuronal and placental development resulting in malformations and miscarriage.

- Deficiency of thyroid hormones during brain development in utero and early post partum period can result in brain damage leading to mental retardation, decreased intellectual capacity, psychomotor delay and deafness.

22 Symptoms of hypothyroidism

- Weight gain
- Intolerance to cold
- Hair loss
- Dry skin
- Menstrual abnormalities
- Constipation
- Infertility
- Recurrent miscarriages
- Fibrocystic breasts
- Poor concentration
- Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)
- Sleep apnea
- Autism
- Dysmenorrhea - painful periods
- Menorrhagia - heavy periods
- Depression
- Psychosis
- Deafness
- Facial puffiness
- Loss of libido
- Goiter

Pregnancy and your thyroid function

Already from the fifth week of pregnancy there is an increased demand for thyroid hormone. But the problem and the catch 22 is that during pregnancy there is also an increased blood flow through the kidneys where iodine is filtered out of the blood and lost in the urine.

Studies have shown that even a very short 3 day deficiency of thyroid hormone during pregnancy can result in permanent brain alterations in the baby similar to those in autism. One in 20 newborns has potential brain alterations as a result of insufficient thyroid hormone during pregnancy.

ART Infertility treatments can cause temporary hypothyroidism

Controlled ovarian hyperstimulation is used to harvest the eggs for IVF or some other form of ART (assisted reproductive technology). This places an enormous strain on the thyroid gland to produce huge amounts of thyroid hormones. If adequate nutrients for optimal thyroid function are not present during and after IVF, the risk of miscarriages and malformations increases.

Maternity Blues

Postpartum (after birth) thyroiditis is one of the most common endocrinological disorders affecting millions of women world-wide. And it seems to affect women in the first year after delivery. Hypothyroidism is also associated with post partum depression or maternity blues. This doesn't come as a surprise given how taxing pregnancy is on thyroid hormones.

What to do?

1. Don't drink unfiltered tap water - fluoride in tap water interferes with healthy thyroid function. Poor thyroid function is linked to hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism which can lead to infertility. To see what I personally use and recommend, please go to my site listed below.

2. Take a regular iodine supplement. Iodine is an essential mineral for healthy thyroid function and for development of nervous tissue and the brain in foetus. Deficiency in pregnancy can lead to retardation. Women wanting to conceive as well as pregnant and lactating women should receive 200 micrograms of iodine daily. You can get iodine from marine fish, seaweed, kelp and eggs.

3. Another cheaper option which also works is an iodine disinfectant solution applied topically on the skin. You can buy it at any chemist or pharmacy. It's a brown red disinfectant liquid in spray or dispensing bottle. All you need is a few drops on the inside of the wrist. Allow the liquid to be absorbed by the skin, and don't wash it off until the remaining yellow stain is dry.

4. Eliminate Brassica family vegetables from your diet. They include broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage and cauliflower. These vegetables contain chemicals called goitrogens. Goitrogens interfere with thyroxin (hormone produced by thyroid gland) production and utilization in the body. Steaming and cooking may deactivate goitrogens partially, but these vegetables are best avoided for the time being.

5. Start exercising in the morning as this will increase your metabolic rate and leave it at a high level for the rest of the day. The same applies for breakfast. Skipping breakfast in the morning will cause your metabolic rate to be set at a lower level, which will make you tired and lethargic as well as, most of the food your eat that day will be converted into fat as the body thinks it is in starvation mode.

6. Take a good quality multi-vitamin supplement containing Zinc and selenium as they are important nutrients for healthy thyroid function.

7. Have your thyroid hormone levels and thyroid function checked by your doctor. Your tests results may come back as normal (within normal ranges) but you still may be hypothyroid. Studies have shown that subclinical hypothyroidism often goes undetected. Therefore insist on having TSH, T3 and T4 tested, to see how much of the T4 you are converting to T3. So if your results are in the low ranges of normal and you are displaying the symptoms of hypothyroidism be sure to take the steps to boost your thyroid function.

8. Do yoga. Viparita Karani - is a yogic posture which improves pelvic circulation and the functioning of adrenal, pituitary and thyroid glands. What you need: a yoga mat and a folded blanket or another folded yoga mat. How to do the posture? Place your blanket (folded second yoga mat) onto the yoga mat. Lie on the mat with your arms on the floor alongside your torso, then bend your knees and place your feet on the mat with your heels close to your sitting bones. Exhale, press your arms against the mat and push your feet away from the mat, drawing your thighs into the torso. Bend your elbows and draw them toward each other. Lay the backs of your upper arms on the mat and spread your palms against the back of your torso. Raise your pelvis and keeping the elbows at shoulder width support your hips with your hands. Inhale and lift your bent knees toward the ceiling, straighten the knees, pressing the heels up toward the ceiling. Stay in the pose for about 30 seconds gradually adding 5 to 10 seconds every day until you can comfortably hold the pose for 5 minutes. Exhale, bend your knees into your torso and slowly roll your back onto the mat keeping the back of your head on the floor. Contraindications: Do NOT do this posture if you are menstruating or have glaucoma.

Rhythmic Bioidentical Hormone Replacement For Women in Menopause

You may be a woman who is 45 years of age or older and experiencing the following hormone imbalance symptoms. If so, then you probably will want to consider something gaining popularity called rhythmic bio-identical hormone replacement.

Following are hormone imbalance symptoms for you to see if you have: anxiety, allergies, foggy brain, weight gain, depression, dizziness, endometriosis, dry skin, fibrocystic breasts, hair loss, headaches, less libido, osteoporosis, or urinary tract infections. These are the typical symptoms associated with menopause and hormone imbalances, and they are caused primarily by the incorrect relationship between your body's progesterone and estrogen levels.

Here's how it works... The two female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, co-exist in a very delicate balance, and any variations of that balance can have an effect on your health. The amounts of these hormones that the woman's body produces every month can vary, depending on factors including age, nutrition, stress, exercise or ovulation or the lack of it.

Our hormones begin falling off starting with perimenopause when hormones drop you back to the same range that a girl went through at the time when she was younger -- that time between adrenarchy and puberty. As a woman's estrogen levels decreases into that same range again, she may still have some regular periods, or periods that come at fairly regular intervals during the year, but the reality is that she is probably no longer ovulating. She can no longer get pregnant any more.

These peri-menopausal periods are like the ones a girl experienced when her reproductive engine was maturing as a teenager. At that time, her adrenal glands were trying to jump-start your brain to turn on the your ovaries, and once the ovaries kicked in, she had enough estrogen generated by a full basket of eggs.

Some twenty years later, once a woman is in middle age, she has just enough estrogen to make a real thin lining in her uterus but not enough to peak. During perimenopause, her periods get shorter, and this is when her breasts seem lumpier, and often times, her mind gets foggy. If a woman doesn't peak estrogen with regularity, she is in peri-menopause. It is the loss of this rhythm during perimenopause that triggers the destruction of her eggs. It is the action of excessive FSH, using up the remainder of her eggs. It is about this time, when she will start to hot flashes, because that's how her system effectively shuts down for good. it can take up to ten years to go through the entire process before getting through menopause.

Clinically, menopause is defined as the cessation of menstruation for 12 consecutive months. Menopause marks the end of a woman's reproductive years, and this usually occurs naturally around the age of 52 when her ovaries stop producing estrogen, and there are no more fertile eggs. Also, the clinical diagnosis of menopause is finding in the blood work an FSH score higher than five.

Today, a woman can stop the aging process and not experience the symptoms of hormone imbalance and menopause with hormone replacement. But she can only try to fool nature by covering the fact that she's missing eggs if the hormones are replaced exactly as that they would be generated in youth - in exactly the amounts and the rhythm in which they would occur when she was younger. This is the premise behind rhythmic, bioidentical hormone therapy. It is not static dosing, but dosed in a rhythm with varying amounts of estrogen and progesterone during the month. Women using this rhythmic cycling also will get their periods again, just like when they were in their prime.

Women taking rhythmic bioidentical hormone replacement therapy are raving about how good they now feel. No more sleep deprivation due to hormone-related insomnia and hot flashes. No more brain fig or depression. Their skin looks soft supple and youthful. And more often than not, women who had experienced the dreadful symptoms of menopause, are now saying that they got their lives back.

Rhythmic bioidentical hormones could truly be the real "fountain of youth."

Hormones That Cause Hair Loss and How to Banish Them - Regrow Your Hair Naturally

Dealing with hair loss is bad enough without knowing that our hormones are constantly causing more damage than good. Some will never have to worry about this problem, as the hormones that cause hairloss, will usually only affect those that are prone to this condition.

People who may be prone are those that have a family history of balding, as inheriting this condition has been found to be the major cause amongst the majority of sufferers. This is especially true in men!

Women may also inherit a higher risk of suffering from hair loss through genetics, however many documented conditions have mainly been attributed to general health and poor lifestyle choices.

What is the hormone responsible for hair loss?

Put simply, it is referred to as DHT. DHT stands for Dihydrotestostrone and is created in the body when the enzyme 5-alpha reductase activates it. The DHT binds itself to the follicles and causes a reduction in follicle growth as well as inhibiting follicle quality.

Hormones that cause this condition, such as DHT, will result in:
o Thinning of hair
o Creation of noticeable bald patches
o A Receding hair line

What can we do about hormones that cause hair loss?
The best way to stop them from having this effect is to inhibit the creation of these hormones and stop them dead in their tracks.

Research has shown, the best method to achieve this, involves the use of natural products, essential vitamins and nutrients. There are natural ingredients available that are able to block the development of DHT and can also begin the reverse and repair process.

Some of the natural ingredients to look out for when tackling problem hormones that cause hairloss may include:
o Zinc
o Magnesium
o Vitamin B6

Hormones that cause hair loss don't have to continue ruining your once healthy head of hair, however it is important to take action as soon as you can.

Hypothyroid Diet

Hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) can remain undetected for years. People commonly have the symptoms of hypothyroidism even though their blood tests indicate that their thyroid function is 'normal'. This is because standard pathology tests for thyroid function can have difficulty detecting 'sub clinical' cases of hypothyroidism. The most common symptoms of hypothyroidism are chronic tiredness, constipation, feeling the cold and dry skin. If you are in a high risk category for thyroid dysfunction - have a family member with a thyroid condition (especially your mother); are at the menopausal age; have experienced lots of stress in the past two-three years; or have hormonal imbalances - then it's important that you support your thyroid, even if the tests tell that your thyroid is 'normal'. One of the best ways to support thyroid function is with diet.

Certain foods improve hypothyroidism by supplying the essential minerals that the thyroid needs to function and produce hormones.

These include:

1. Tyrosine-rich foods. The amino acid tyrosine combines with iodine to make the hormone thyroxine. These foods include meat, fish, turkey and chicken breast, low fat milk and yogurt, almonds, avocado, bananas, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, lentils. Supplements of tyrosine should be taken on an empty stomach so that it doesn't have to compete with other amino acids.

2. Iodine-rich foods. Iodine is needed to make thyroid hormones. Ideal food sources include Celtic sea salt, seaweed (sushi, nori rolls), salt water fish and sea food. Iodized salt is available but should be used in small amounts once or twice a week along with a good quality Celtic sea salt. Iodine supplements are usually in the form of kelp tablets. Consult your health practitioner before using these, because the wrong dose can unbalance your thyroid.

3. High quality protein. All of our body's glands and hormones are made from protein. Try to eat high quality lean protein at every meal.

4. Selenium-rich foods - meat, chicken, salmon, tuna, seafood, whole unrefined grains, brazil nuts, brewer's yeast, broccoli, dairy products, garlic, onions and black strap molasses.

5. Supplements of Vitamin B complex and essential fatty acids because they help to balance the entire hormonal system.

6. Sunlight - while not a food, its important to get a daily dose of safe sun. Light stimulates the pineal gland, which in turn positively affects the thyroid as well as all the other endocrine glands.

Certain foods are detrimental for hypothyroidism because they can inhibit the production of thyroid hormones.

1. Soy products. Isoflavones are hormone-like substances found in soy products. High consumption of soy products have been found to suppress thyroid function in some people and can even cause or worsen hypothyroidism. In particular, an isoflavone called genistein, appears to reduce thyroid hormone output by blocking the activity of an enzyme called thyroid peroxidase. This enzyme is responsible for adding iodine onto the thyroid hormones.

How much is too much soy? Each person can tolerate a different amount and unfortunately soy is hidden in many processed and refined foods. If you have a family history of thyroid disease or a diet low in the minerals iodine and selenium, you need to be careful of your soy intake. Reduce your consumption of soy products (soy milk, tofu, tempeh, miso, soy sauce) to a maximum of two or three times per week. If you have already been diagnosed with hypothyroidism, or you display the common symptoms, then reduce your intake to less than twice in a week.

2. Cruciferous vegetables - broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, mustard, rutabagas, kohlrabi, and turnips. Isothiocyanates are the category of substances in cruciferous vegetables that have been associated with decreased thyroid function. They appear to reduce thyroid function by blocking thyroid peroxidase, and also by disrupting messages that are sent across the membranes of thyroid cells. Cooking these vegetables does make the isothiocyanates less available. Also, because they are so good for us in other ways, only restrict this group if you have been actually diagnosed with hypothyroidism or have strong symptoms.

3. Low progesterone goes hand in hand with low thyroid, so avoid foods that promote oestrogen dominance. This includes any animal product that has not been produced organically (chicken, eggs, dairy, beef, lamb, pork, etc.). All of these foods are available organic.

4. It is believed by some researchers that chlorine and fluoride (found in most tap water) block iodine receptors in the thyroid gland, eventually leading to hypothyroidism.

5. Gluten is linked to thyroid dysfunction (both hyper and hypo thyroid) so if you have any digestive problems or any one in your family with a gluten sensitivity, it would be worth dramatically reducing your gluten intake.

Please note: The information in this article is not intended to take the place of a personal relationship with a qualified health practitioner nor is it intended as medical advice.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Pros and Cons of Human Growth Hormone Treatment

Human Growth Hormones, also popularly known as the acronym HGH, is one of the most important hormones found in the human body. Responsible for the proper growth of the human body, the lack or absence of this hormone on someone's body can have some serious consequences for both the young and old. This is why hormonal supplements are often incorporated to people who have a lack of HGH. However, as we all know, this treatment, just like any other hormone treatment, is not perfect. And when not used properly, it could result into some very serious complications. In this article, you are going to discover the pros and cons of using Human Growth Hormones as a form of treatment.

Of course, practically all the pros on the use of HGH lie on its functional abilities. Incorporating HGH to people who lack the production of Human Growth Hormone provides these patients the opportunity to grow normally. In fact, this treatment is super effective as most patients have recorded rapid normal growth almost immediately after treatment commences. And with consistent treatment, continued normal growth is observed. But the benefits are not limited to those with HGH deficiency.

It is a fact that Human Growth Hormone production, which is at its peak during a person's younger years, starts to tail off, resulting in declining physical appearance and performance as the person grows older. By undergoing HGH treatment, it allows the person to regain the conditioning he/she has when he/she was younger. Among the benefits include increased bone density, muscle mass, hair growth, as well as improvements in cardiovascular health and immune system. Finally, overall vitality is improved. This has led people to think that using HGH has anti-aging properties. And as a result, more people want to get their hands on this hormone.

However, there are also cons in the use of HGH. First and foremost, availing of HGH treatments can be quite an expensive experience. This is mainly because the techniques used to produce HGH, particularly recombination, can be quite difficult. As a result, it is expected for people to spend 10,000 to 30,000 dollars annually to have a full HGH therapy.

In addition to that, there are risks involved in having too much Human Growth Hormones in the body. First of them is the presence of pituitary gigantism. The direct opposite of dwarfism because of lack of HGH, pituitary gigantism is reflected by the person being too tall, being overweight, or both. Type II diabetes is also observed on people with so much HGH. And on severe cases, the pituitary gland can get damaged, resulting into a pituitary tumor that can proceed to develop into a potentially deadly situation. This is why alternative treatments such as HGH precursors have emerged on the market.

Used in the right amounts and in the right conditions, treatments using the Human Growth Hormones can save a life. As long as it is taken with discretion and according to physical limits, emergence of health problems should never be a problem.

What Are the Side Effects of GHR1000 HGH Human Growth Hormone Releaser?

Any time you put something in your mouth you should be concerned about the potential side effects that it may have. Many people are concerned about possible consequences of taking HGH or human growth hormones releasers such as GHR1000. Learn more about what could happen when you start taking an HGH releaser to increase your body's natural HGH levels.

GHR1000's ingredients include Vitamin B6, L-Arginine HCI, L-Glutamine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Lysine, L-Omithine HCL, L-Valine, GABA, Glycine, Tribulus Terrestris and Colostrum. These are all natural ingredients that are specially formulated to increase your human growth hormone levels without side effects or drug interactions.

Just because it is all natural does not mean it cannot be harmful. There is always the possibility of abuse and overdosing by trying to get faster results. You should not take massive quantities of any supplement. As always consult your physician before starting any new dietary supplements.

On the other hand, there are many possible positive side effects you can experience when you increase your HGH levels that you may not have been aware of. Some of these include improving your sleep, lowering your blood pressure, improving your cholesterol levels, and improving your immune system. These are in addition to helping you lower your body fat percentage and increase nearly muscle mass which most people are familiar with.

Although unlikely, if you are unfortunate to experience some negative side effects there is a money back guarantee on GHR1000. This way if it does not work for you, you can return your unused bottles and get your money back.

GHR1000 HGH releaser does not have any reported negative effects but can offer you many positive side effects. The only way to experience these is to try a bottle for yourself.

How to Stop Hormonal Headaches Or Menstrual Migraines

Many women are told that their hormonal symptoms are all in their head. And when it comes to migraine headaches I guess they're right. As estrogen and progesterone levels increase and decrease during a woman's cycle, they can experience many symptoms, one of which is migraine headache pain. Many doctors simply ignore hormones as a migraine trigger and offer very little hope for long-term relief. They may simply prescribe a medication for temporary pain relief or refer the women to their gynecologist.

However, there are natural treatment methods that will often give long-term relief or prevent migraine headaches altogether. Taking pain medications may give faster relief, but if you want long-term help, natural treatment is the only way to go.

Immediately before the onset of menses the level of progesterone will drop. This is when many women will develop migraine symptoms. When estrogen levels, along with other hormones, increase during ovulation, it can also cause a woman to experience a migraine attack. Another time that migraines are experienced is during the menses when estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest levels. Migraine headaches are a frequent consequence when hormone levels rise and drop.

One of the first things that should be started is a migraine headache diary. Keeping track of your cycle and when migraines occur can help you figure out how hormones are playing a part in your headaches. Once you have determined when your symptoms appear during the course of your cycle you will have a better grip on the effect of your hormones in relation to the migraine attacks.

Most hormone headaches happen when estrogen levels are not at a normal ratio when compared to progesterone levels. It doesn't mean that estrogen levels are abnormal, it's just that the ratio has changed. The imbalance of these two hormones can cause migraine headache pain and is usually a temporary problem during a normal cycle. However, on occasion this imbalance can be chronic.

The best way to conquer hormone headaches is through dietary changes. There are too many factors involved in diet to be discussed here, but a proper diet involves eliminating certain trigger foods such as refined sugars and overly processed foods. It also requires a short detoxification period that can cleanse your system of toxins that can cause unnatural hormone imbalances. And lastly, taking specific nutritional supplements can also improve the balance of natural hormone levels. Once these factors have all been put into play migraine headaches can be relieved or eliminated.

Are You Still Afraid of Taking Hormones for Menopause?

Ever since the Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study in 2002 claimed that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) increases the risk of breast cancer many menopausal and postmenopausal women have been living in fear, depriving themselves of all hormones, and suffering from an estrogen and progesterone deficiency. The passing years revealed that the WHI results were grossly misrepresented and irresponsibly exaggerated, but in spite of this, in October 2010, the WHI published another analysis in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) which reported that HRT not only increases the risk of breast cancer, but also increases the risk of death from breast cancer. (1) Whichever stand you take regarding the results of the WHI, one thing is for sure, the WHI only studied the effects of the hormones Premarin and Provera (in a combined form called Prempro) on postmenopausal women with an intact uterus.

Premarin (a mixture of horse estrogens) and Provera (the synthetic progestin medroxyprogesterone) are foreign and synthetic hormones which are different in molecular structure from estradiol and progesterone that are naturally found in the human body. That means they don't properly fit in human hormone receptors, aren't metabolized well by the human body, and in turn don't work optimally and cause problems. Bioidentical estradiol and progesterone are identical in structure to estradiol and progesterone which are naturally produced by woman's ovaries, and are used in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). BHRT has better efficacy and is not associated with the same risks as conventional hormone replacement therapy (HRT).(2)

Again, Premarin and Provera are hormones which are not naturally found in the human body. Furthermore, they are administered together (Prempro) in the same dose every day... which is not physiological. That is, it is never natural or normal for a reproductive woman to have the same levels of hormones in her body each and every day.

Specifically, the Provera component of Prempro is a synthetic progestin taken every day, which is supposed to mimic the actions of natural progesterone. However progesterone is naturally released in a reproductive woman only after ovulation and only for 2 weeks of her cycle (unless she becomes pregnant), not every day.

The culprit causing the increased risk of breast cancer when using Prempro is probably the Provera since other studies using only Premarin have not shown an increase in breast cancer. Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that the effects of hormone therapy likely depend not only on the molecular structure of the hormones being administered, but also on whether the hormones are taken in a manner which mimics a reproductive cycle.

In my practice I use BHRT2 to treat peri-menopause, menopause and postmenopause, in a way which best replicates a reproductive woman's hormone cycles.

Copyright Shira Miller, M.D. Inc.

1 Reference
2 Reference

How Long Does Ovulation Last and What Are Some Common Ovulation Symptoms?

Every woman is different, and so is the menstrual cycle different for each woman. Typically the cycle lasts 28 days, but many healthy women have a cycle that's slightly longer or shorter than that. In women with regular cycles ovulation occurs on the 14th day, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period.

An ovulation calendar can help you find out on which days is your ovulation. There are also some common symptoms of ovulation which can serve as indicators. Ovulation and conception are closely related so read on how to identify ovulation.

The period from the previous menstruation to ovulation is considered as the first phase of the cycle (so-called estrogen phase, a phase of proliferation or swelling), and from ovulation to menstruation follows the second phase of the cycle (progesterone or secretory phase). Both phase are of equal duration.

If your periods do not last exactly 28 days, do not worry, this doesn't mean that you have fertility problems. In irregular cycles is usually the second (secretory) phase constant, lasting 14 days and the first (proliferation) phase is shortened, eg. to 9 days with a 23-day cycle. It may also be prolonged, for example to 19 days with a 33-day cycle.

So, if your cycle lasts, lets say, 31 days, you will ovulate on the 17th day. So if you work on conception during your primary fertile days - between 14th and 17th day, you have a good chance of becoming pregnant.

It all depends on hormones. Your body produces a Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which during the first part of the cycle stimulates follicle growth and maturation of oocyte. At this time the body produces high levels of estrogen, which in turn stimulate the release of luteinizing hormones which triggers the maturation of oocyte and release of oocyte from the follicle and ovulation. Usually only one oocyte will be big enough to "break" from the follicle during ovulation, but some women occasionally threw two oocytes, which can results in twin babies.

If you learn to "read" your body and get well acquainted with your menstrual cycle, you should know when you ovulate. The key is to watch out for changes in cervical mucus. Under the influence of estrogenic hormones, cervical mucus gets its viscosity at the time of ovulation, and contains the highest amounts of water (97-98%). After a period, you will feel "dry" for a day or two and then have a sticky, white secretion. As you approach ovulation this secretion will change into more transparent and sticky mucus, resembling egg whites. In general, this is quite noticeable, so pay attention because this is a pretty sure sign that you ovulate.

Getting Pregnant After Miscarriage - What Are the Concerns?

For many women, getting pregnant after miscarriage brings about a lot of anxiety as they will be very concern about the development of the new pregnancy. Some couples may even delay trying to conceive after miscarriage until they are confident that they can stop miscarriage from happening again.

Unfortunately, the reasons for most miscarriages are not known. However, alternative fertility treatment in the form of Traditional Chinese Medicine has produced amazing results that helped stop miscarriage in women, especially when the cause of the miscarriage is unknown.

Traditional Chinese Medicine builds on a strong foundation of pre natal care. This care is much more thorough than nutritional balance and exercise regime.

A study found that women who have had multiple miscarriages have a 25% chance of not being able to conceive successfully in their lifetime. The 75% who go on to conceive successfully had taken deliberate pre natal care when trying to conceive after miscarriage and in so doing managed to stop miscarriage from happening again.

Physical and psychological elements will determine the optimum time to try getting pregnant after miscarriage.

Physical factors play a vital role. Some women bleed heavily during a miscarriage and this will hinder trying to conceive. Some women require dilation and curettage (D&C). Although D&C procedure is not known to increase the risk of miscarriages in future pregnancy nor does it make weaker the cervix. Nevertheless, the scraping action of D&C does water down the lining of the uterus, making it incapable of supporting a good implantation. In such instance, women are generally advised to allow their uterus 3 months to mend itself.

The phase of pregnancy loss has implication on the amount of pregnancy hormones that are in the body and so the length of time needed for the hormones to be purged out of the body. On average, it takes one month to six weeks for our body's hormones to normalize. Trying to conceive after miscarriage before our hormones return to normal will result in confusing pregnancy test result as the kit may reflect the presence of pregnancy hormones resultant from the pregnancy loss as oppose to a new pregnancy.

The human body is extremely responsive. If it detects pregnancy hormones, the body will function to nurture the embryo. If not, the body will stimulate menstruation in the woman. By permitting our hormones to normalize prior to trying to conceive after miscarriage will prevent the body from sending out wrong messages and give the body adequate opportunity to recuperate for future pregnancy.

It takes about a month after miscarriage before a woman's cycle will return and a further 2 months before the cycle stabilise. However, there are women who go through indefinite period of irregular cycle after the miscarriage and some who many not have a cycle even several months after the miscarriage. This makes it getting pregnant after miscarriage extremely challenging and it is common for women in such situation to seek alternative fertility treatment as the standard clinical therapy has no solution for this problem. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a very accepted alternative remedy with well established results for stimulating a woman's cycle.

The psychological aspect in getting pregnant after miscarriage is an avenue the couples need to deal with personally. Although doctors are trained to recognize this need, it is beyond their medical expertise to supply any beneficial counselling. An open discussion between couples is seen as the most effective method to alleviate the sorrow and anxiety of forthcoming pregnancy.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Boost Fertility, Beat Infertility and The Need to Balance Hormones to Get Pregnant Naturally

It can be very frustrating dealing with infertility issues. Trying to become pregnant can be taxing on both the body, the mind and your relationship. When dealing with this, you first need to take a look at what your up against, and it may help you understand what the issue may be.

First off, it is not easy to pregnant. I know it may seem the opposite when seeing all these celebrities and reality stars flaunting their kids, but there are a lot of factors that have to be perfect or it won't work. The women must be ovulating, the sperm has to reach the egg, the egg has to actually implant, and the uterine wall has to be able to support the egg. And that's just part of it. Pregnancy truly is a miracle.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, the good news is that issue that is not allowing you to get pregnant may be easily fixable. That's right, easily! And I don't mean with surgical procedures or strange drugs that may harm you and the potential baby. Going back to what I said before, if everything isn't perfect, no little miracle. So what if you were deficient in a vitamin that was causing your uterine wall to not be as fertile as it needs to be? What if you are not eating the right food to keep your body temperature at the optimal level to allow fertilization? What if something you were eating was actually decreasing your hormone levels? Let's take a look at a few of the most important dietary sources to increase fertility naturally.

First, full fat dairy products including whole milk, full-fat yogurt, and even ice cream can actually cause women to have fewer problems with ovulation. Dairy is a major source of calcium, a very important fertility nutrient. Relying on vitamins alone is not always the best idea. Since vitamins depend on when you take them, the coating of the pill, and whether or not they are taken with food, it makes it much easier if you also supplement with nutrient rich foods. This doesn't mean that you should over do it, but this is definitely something that you should keep in mind. Calcium is vital to your ovulation, but also just as vital in the development of your baby. Remember, your goal is to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

Next, let's talk about fresh fruits and vegetables. This is very important. They are full of antioxidants, which promote general and reproductive health. Plus many fruits and vegetables, specifically citrus and deep green vegetables, are high in folate (folic acid). This is important for pregnant mothers to help decrease the chances of neural tube defects in their baby, a preventable birth defect. And folate actually helps you grow longer, thicker, healthier nails. So not only will you be helping yourself on your way to getting pregnant, but will look better at the same time. Folate is extremely important, and I could talk about this forever, but I have other areas to touch on.

Next, let's talk about hormones. They impact your body at the cellular level, affecting everything in your body. Your overall health depends on your body's ability to maintain healthy cells. But did you know that diet and exercise can influence your hormones and your body's ability to balance them naturally? Other factors can do this as well. This includes any medication you take and outside stress. Just as smoking and alcohol can have a negative effect on your body, so too can the introduction of poor diet, outside toxins, and even medications. Understanding how hormones work and acting to protect and improve your body's natural balance can help you get pregnant naturally.

Figuring out issues you specifically have can not only be helpful, but will get you closer to a pregnancy miracle of your own. Plus, when talking about diet, vitamins, and regulating your body better, there are no side effects except being healthier. How great is that? And the other plus is this will save you a ton of money. Imagine the costs of Doctor visits, prescription medications, and invasive procedures. And that doesn't even include in vitro fertilization. Now we are talking tens of thousands. Why not try something simpler that will cost much less, and let you have total control?

The key is to find out what issues you are having, and what you can actually do to overcome them. This is the hard part. I have gone over some key issues here, but just barely scratched the surface. Unless you know what to look for and how to look for it, its going to be difficult to figure out what needs to be corrected and how to do it. Don't worry though. This is where I can help you out even further. The trick is to finding not only a good source of knowledge, but also one that actually explains the why and what to do next.

Female Sex Hormones

Many women don't know how their body works and what are the different hormones in their body which can affect their lives in the long run. These hormones not only affect the female body and mind but they also play an important role in emotions.

Most of the females face a lot of physiological changes during the puberty and they think that hormones come into play only at this age. In fact many hormones affect their body at childhood as well. Many newly born babies seem to have breast enlargement. Although it is quite rare but if a baby have the symptoms than it is because of the hormones known as estrogens which pass on to the body of the baby by the mother. Findings suggest that lower estrogen level in mother's body causes formation of a hormone known as prolactin in baby's blood stream which suggests the mind to produce breast enlargement. These hormones than disappear in the first few months or after a few years.

All these hormones play a major role in a girl's body when she is at the age of puberty. At that time her breasts will grow and finally turn into breasts like those of a woman. She will also grow taller, gets pubic and under arm hair which all happens because of those hormones which actually help in growth of her body. The girl may feel a little uncomfortable at that age because of the sudden changes that her body is making. Her periods also start at the puberty age and the total time period of puberty age may end from one to four years. Many girls also face emotional imbalance as they enter in the phase of adolescence. Therefore all the system to produce these changes exists in her body from the childhood to the adolescence.

There are some very important hormones produced by the ovaries which are known as female sex hormones. The two most major of them are known as progesterone and oestrogen. At the age of puberty the Oestrogen develops the breast, helps in maturation of vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes that carry female eggs. This hormone also helps in storing more fats around the hips, thighs and buttock of the girls.

After puberty L.H, F.S.H and other hormones play a vital role in women's menstrual cycles which results in the periods of the girl. All these hormones have their own functions and they come into play at different levels but in fact they all play an important role in developing a female body.

Natural Breast Enlargement Foods - What Are These?

Women who desire to have fuller or larger breasts are always searching for natural breast enlargement foods. Gobbling up certain foods alone will give you no guarantees that your breast will increase in size. Medical research has shown that hormonal imbalances have something to do with women having underdeveloped breasts. In the same manner, women whose breasts are reduced in size a few years after giving birth have suffered the same condition.

An assortment of fruits and vegetables that has a lot of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients in your diet will protect you from hormonal imbalances. You may want to include red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli and Brussels sprouts. You should also refrain or the least minimize from eating food with high saturated fats like pastries, spreads and biscuits. Yes it is true. There are other chemicals compounds in specific foods that affect the production of the necessary hormone, thus reduce the size of your bust.

After avoiding foods that give imbalances in your hormone you can replace it with foods that help enlarge your breast. Food with an excellent amount of phytoestrogens will give a slight boost in the estrogen levels to acquire bigger busts. Phytoestrogens are "diet estrogens" found in plants. The body utilizes it since it almost has the same molecular structure as estrogen. Estrogen is the one in charge of giving you the curves in your body and giving you fuller breast.

The following are foods that have high estrogen capacity like wheat, barley and rye, soybeans. You need to incorporate these certain food items in your diet not to replace everything else with it. It is vital to consult your dietician for an appropriate diet regimen for you.

Other than avoiding foods that reduce bust size and replacing it with food that increases your breast, you can add foods that are rich in manganese and bromine. These substances are essential in invigorating the production of sex hormones, enhancing the sensitivity of breast tissue's reception. This means that the tissues become extra sensitive to estrogen. Common foods that contain those substances are prawn, mussels, whole grain rice, ginger, cloves, and corn.

To add variety to your food intake and not make it so boring, you can make salads out of these certain foods. Aside from taking natural breast enlargement foods, you can also use enlargement pills or cream to speed up the process in acquiring the bust size that you desire.

What Are My Anti-Aging Choices to Help Me Look Younger?

Looking as young as possible is a primary goal for a significant part of the population, and it's not really a surprise. After all, who wouldn't like to look younger? Navigating the range of pills, potions, workouts and other anti-aging products can be extremely difficult and confusing, however. Many people choose to avoid using any techniques to reduce the effect of age because they don't want to wade through the scams and ineffective products to find something that works. If you're among them, it's time to reconsider. You have a range of effective anti-aging options, and it will only take a little effort to find the right one for you.

Sun Protection

The damaging UV rays of the sun make up one of the biggest factors in skin aging. Unfortunately, most people don't see or feel these effects until years after exposure. Wearing protective clothing, avoiding the sun's strongest rays, and using sunscreen when you can't stay out of the sun are vital to keeping your skin looking younger and healthier. This is especially important if you have a job that requires you to work outdoors.

It's also important to avoid even indoor tanning, since the same rays that cause your skin to produce melanin also make it age much faster. While a tan may look great in the short term, it's not a good idea in the long run. Even if you're older and didn't know about the dangerous effects of UV radiation when you were younger, it's never too late to start protecting yourself from the sun. Your skin will thank you.

Dietary Options

It may not seem obvious, but what you eat could be just as important to anti-aging as what your skin is exposed to. Different foods either promote or discourage the oxidation of your cells. This oxidation is one of the biggest factors in the aging process. By consuming foods that are high in anti-oxidants, you can actually slow down the aging process. You'll look and feel younger and your body will be healthier.

The most common oxidizing foods are trans fats, saturated fats, refined starches and sugars. Meat can also act as an oxidant. To prevent your skin and body from aging more quickly, cut down on your consumption of these foods and boost the percentage of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy oils such as olive and canola. Nuts, yogurt, beans and legumes and hot peppers are also considered anti-inflammatory. The best anti-aging fruits and vegetables are the ones with the most natural pigments, such as cranberry and blueberry, but anything you do to boost the vegetable content of your diet will help you age more slowly.

Healthy Lifestyle

Your overall lifestyle can have a big effect on how old you look and feel, too. Just by getting about a half hour of exercise per day and drinking lots of water, you can appear younger. Other factors that can affect your apparent age include smoking, exposure to air pollution, drinking, sleep schedule and stress levels. People who don't drink or smoke, who get plenty of sleep, water and exercise, and who have low stress levels are much more likely to stay young and attractive than those who don't take care of themselves. Improving your lifestyle is a relatively inexpensive remedy against aging that has a lot of extra health benefits, too.


While it's best to get the necessary vitamins and antioxidants for your anti-aging program through food, you can still benefit from extra supplementation. Not all anti-aging supplements provide the same benefits, however. Some can even have detrimental effects if they're not used correctly. For instance, there's no proven benefit to taking very large doses of vitamins, either alone or as a part of a "cocktail." These high doses can also be harmful. Too much vitamin A, often used to keep skin looking healthy and young, can produce osteoporosis. Very high doses of vitamin B can damage your nerves and large amounts of vitamin E may be carcinogenic.

That doesn't mean that all supplementation is a bad idea, however. Taking moderate amounts of antioxidant vitamins can help reduce the effects of oxidation on your system and can cut down on aging. For best results, take the nutritionally-recommended amounts of each vitamin.

Skin Products

Many of the skin creams and lotions on the market don't do much more than empty your pockets, but that's not the case for all of them. Simply applying a light moisturizer every morning and evening after washing with a gentle cleanser can do a lot to prevent and minimize wrinkles. Products that include retinol, a type of vitamin A, can also help by removing dead skin and increasing collagen production so that they temporarily decrease the appearance of wrinkles. Products containing botanical extracts seem to produce much less effective results and may not be as useful.

Hormone Treatments

Aging is usually accompanied by a change in the way the human body produces hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, human growth hormone and progesterone. This is especially obvious in women, who undergo menopause sometime in middle age, but it also happens to men. In cases where low hormone levels are causing depression, fatigue and similar problems, receiving hormone supplementation can reduce the effects of aging and make patients look and feel much younger.

Hormone treatments aren't for everyone, however. An increased level of hormones isn't always better, and these treatments tend to come with a range of side effects. For instance, increasing testosterone levels can also produce an increased risk of thinning hair, aggression and heart attack risk. Some men also experience a greater risk of prostate cancer when taking this hormone. Effectiveness is also a concern. Not all hormone treatments actually enter the bloodstream properly. Many "hormone-boosting" creams and gels don't do the job that's expected of them. If you're interested in using hormonal treatments for anti-aging purposes, talk to your doctor and don't buy from anyone who doesn't have verifiable certifications.

Cosmetic Procedures

In addition to lifestyle and supplementation options, you can also choose some cosmetic procedures to reduce the appearance of aging. These include chemical peels and dermabrasion techniques, where the upper layers of the skin are removed to expose fresher-looking, more attractive tissue. These can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and temporarily erase fine lines; but are also somewhat painful and must be redone periodically. Laser resurfacing, a similar procedure, lets you look younger by removing thin layers of skin, tightening the underlying skin, and stimulating collagen production.

Injectables, such as fillers and Botox, reduce sagging and wrinkling in areas such as the forehead and cheeks, but can make the face look artificial or swollen. If you have extreme sagging around your eyes, you may wish to choose lower eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, in which the extra skin is removed with a scalpel. This small surgery is among the top 5 cosmetic procedures, ahead of full face lifts, which can be much more painful and expensive.

No matter who you are or how severe the effects of aging have been on your skin, there's an option that can help you look younger. From changing the way you eat and live your life to consulting a plastic surgeon, you have plenty of effective options. Just make sure you take a little time to ensure that the anti-aging treatments you choose are safe, effective and provided by reputable professionals.

Menopause - The Facts and What Symptoms to Expect

In Part One of three articles on menopause I am setting out in very brief and simple terms what this actually is along with some of the symptoms.

Twenty odd years ago I read that 50% of women sail through it. In the intervening years I have treated many menopausal women and am not convinced that is the case. Since the advent of Hormonal Replacement Therapy (HRT) I believe many women who previously gritted their teeth and just accepted the symptoms now go to their GP for help.

I always say to my patients that menopause is one of those times in the female life when our hormones go ballistic. They do the same at puberty but at that time we are excited about becoming a woman and embrace the changes. Pregnancy is another big hormonal event and then comes this final big hormonal change. It seems to throw us into a bag and shake us continuously for several years. We are older, more tired, often coping with teenage children and elderly relatives so do not find the changes it brings easy to deal with.

The word "Menopause" is bandied about but rarely explained. Menopause is actually the date of your final period. And it really does mean the last period. Some women find their periods just stop. Others will have a gap of a few months between periods as they gradually tail off. If you have gone two years without a period and then suddenly experience one you should see your GP as that gap is not normal and should be investigated. When you are born your ovaries contain large numbers of eggs, and when the supply is exhausted your periods stop.

At the same time there are hormonal changes as oestrogen and progesterone levels diminish. These are useful hormones to have as oestrogen protects women against heart problems and osteoporosis. Once levels fall, our risk of developing these conditions increases. It has an effect on skin which is why post-menopause our skin is drier and this includes the vagina which becomes dry so making sex more painful for some women.

The average age for women it occurs is 51. Many women find that if they ask their mother when she had her menopause they will experience it at a similar time. Although not definitive this is a good indicator.

Menopausal symptoms occur both pre- and post-menopause and can last up to 10 years following the date of the last period. This is unusual, however, and most women have symptoms for 4-6 years.

It would be difficult to cover all the symptoms but these are some of the commonest: hot flushes, night sweats, insomnia,overwhelming tiredness, forgetfulness, urinary tract infections such as cystitis, dizziness, palpitations, anxiety, lack of libido., skin dryness, vaginal dryness, joint and muscle pain.

In Part Two I will give an explanation of why symptoms occur and Part Three will give a complementary approach to helping the symptoms.

Anti-Depression Medicine - Balancing The Hormones

You may have read plenty of literature discussing the importance of changing your lifestyle and your diet for a healthy mind. These are excellent resources that can help you manage your depression. However, there are times that these alternative modes or natural ways of treating depression are not enough and that the only thing that can help you for the moment is a dose of anti-depression medicine.

Depression and Anxiety - The Basics

To understand how anti-depression medicine can help a depressed person, you must understand how depression and anxiety can strike a person.

It's not unusual for people of all ages to occasionally experience anxiety and depression. Anxiety is a normal reaction of a person whenever there's a significant event happening in their life, for example while awaiting the release of a test result a call from a prospective employer. Anxiety strikes when stressors such as these are present. However, normal feelings of anxiety don't last for long. Right after the test result arrives or that call has been received, anxiety ceases.

However, to some people, when they face these types of stressors, they over-react, become restless and suffer from insomnia. So, even after the cause of anxiety has passed or has been resolved, they remain anxious and they shut down and fall into depression.

Chronic depression and anxiety are two distinct debilitating mood disorders; but for psychiatrists and researchers, these two disorders often overlap, as shown by the illustration above. What's more, it was found that what could treat depression can also treat anxiety.

Depression may be mild or major. With mild depressive symptoms, a person can do well even with psychotherapy and other natural means (food supplements and meditation). However, in major depression, these are not likely to suffice. You need the help of an anti-depression medicine.

Major and Mild Depression

A person with major depression has a suicidal tendency that must be addressed immediately. People with this type of depression goes into a self loathe stage wherein they want to end everything, the hopelessness and sadness, once and for all. Since they hate themselves and that they feel their depression is caused by their being alive, they will want to end the life that they think causes their misery.

Anti-depression medicine is not just an option for major depression - it is a necessity, without which the hormonal imbalance can not be neutralized.

In fact even in mild depression, a medication therapy could help. If the depression although mild is chronic, meaning the depressed feeling lasts for years, anti-depression medicine can help a person live a normal life especially if he's falling into major depression during his chronic depression years.

What is the Role of Anti-Depression Medicine?

Antidepressants are designed to prevent hormonal imbalance from happening or to neutralize the imbalance if it is already present. It has been found that hormonal imbalance causes the brain to go haywire and to bring one's moods to the extreme: whether to extreme sadness or happiness or going into a happy-sad seesaw.

Antidepressant medicine is not the sole source of cure; it is just one of the many means of curing a depressed person. In fact, it only helps in relieving symptoms and not target the root source of the mental disorder.

If you are thinking of undergoing a medication therapy to help you get back on track and be able to live fully without the depression, talk the matter out with your psychiatrist. Weigh everything -- the benefits versus the risks - before you decide to have a go with antidepressant medicine. Discuss the pros and cons and ask for recommendations and advice.

Don't forget to learn about the side effects and what to do if a major side effect is noticed and in case overdose happens. What is important here is you take an active role in your treatment process. By doing so, it will give you strength and courage to face your condition and to achieve your speedy and successful recovery more easily.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Understanding How Hair Loss Occurs

Hair is made up of keratin, a protein that also makes up the nails. Each strand is made up of three layers - the inner medulla, middle layer known as cortex, and an outer layer known as the cuticle. The hair root is found beneath the surface of the skin or scalp and this is enclosed within the follicle. At the base of the follicle is the dermal papilla which is essential for hair growth. It is in the dermal papilla where nourishment for the hair occurs and it contains the receptors for androgens. Androgens are hormones responsible for regulating growth of hair on the scalp. This hormone is the cause of most hair loss problems not only in men, but also in women.

To understand hair loss, let us begin with how hair grows. Hair growth starts in the hair follicles. As new hair is produced by the follicles, old cells are pushed out at the rate of around half an inch per month. The hair growth you see is actually a string of dead keratin cells. The hair follicle goes through three phases in its life cycle. These are anagen, catagen, and telogen phases or growth, transition, and resting phases, respectively.

Around 90% of hairs are in the growth phase while the remaining 10% are in the resting phase. The hair follicle remains dormant for one to four months during the telogen phase. After the resting phase is completed, the hair cycle begins again with the growth phase and the old hair strand is pushed up and shed to give way to a new growing strand.

However, the rate of growth slows down with ageing. This is why there is some degree of hair loss that naturally occurs with age. Also, the number of follicles in the body is fixed. The number of follicles in the scalp is around 100,000 and follicles are never added during life. When the rate of shedding exceeds the regrowth rate, then noticeable loss occurs.

There are many causes of temporary hair loss. The most common ones are due to hormonal imbalance, physical and emotional stress, certain medications, and irritation or damage to the follicles. Once the cause is addressed, then the hair resumes its normal growth.

Although gradual thinning is a normal part of ageing, pattern baldness or androgenetic alopecia is an extremely common condition that affects both men and women. This is actually the most common type of balding in men. It is a genetically determined condition in which the hair follicle shrinks over time, resulting in shorter and finer hair. Eventually, the follicle may stop producing new growth. However, the follicle remains alive, which suggests that it is possible to regrow hair.

Hair loss treatment is not really necessary if you are comfortable with it. But if done early on, treatment of hair loss is more effective. If hair loss becomes excessive, there are hair loss treatments that can control this and can help regrow your hair.

Five Serious Consequences of Not Getting Enough Sleep!

Sleep is an often forgotten commodity. In trying to get in all of our activities each day, sleep is something we frequently cut back on (to the detriment of our health). According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM), approximately 30 million Americans are affected by chronic insomnia each year. When we sleep enough, we wake up feeling refreshed and ready to take on our daily activities. Sleep affects how we look, feel and perform on a daily basis and can have a major impact on our overall quality of life.

To get the most out of our sleep, both quantity and quality are important. Teens and young adults need at least 8.5 a night of uninterrupted sleep to leave their bodies and minds rejuvenated for the next day. If sleep is cut short, the body does not have time to complete all the sleep phases needed for muscle repair, memory and the release of hormones that regulate growth and appetite. We then wake up unprepared to concentrate, make decisions or engage fully in school, work and social activities.

Getting good sleep is crucial because sleep deprivation is associated with serious health problems such as obesity, depression, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Your emotional well-being, performance, productivity, and mental abilities are all linked with getting good sleep. The effects of sleep deprivation could arise from insomnia, disrupted sleep, snoring (yours or others), or waking up early. The five most serious effects of sleep deprivation include:

1 - Depression: Sleep-deprived children have longer illnesses, more severe depression, and greater fatigue than those who are not sleep deprived. Other studies link sleep deprivation with self esteem problems as well. Getting good quality sleep and curing insomnia helps with fight depression and increase self esteem.

2 - Weight gain: If you are losing sleep, your body mass index (BMI) and waist circumference are likely to increase. Your risk of becoming obese is almost doubled, according to Professor Francesco Cappuccio of Warwick Medical School. He detected this trend in adults and kids as young as five years old. Getting good sleep can help you lose weight. Sleep deprivation increases appetite through hormonal changes. Specifically, more of the appetite-increasing ghrelin is produced when you are not getting good sleep and less of the appetite-suppressing leptin is produced. Sleep deprivation and insomnia naturally cause you to eat more.

3 - Memory loss: Dr. Jeffrey Ellenbogen of the Harvard Medical School found that sleep protects memories from interference. The more quickly you fall asleep after studying for a test or learning a new skill, the more likely you are to remember it later. If you learn new information and then go about your daily business, you will have about a 44 per cent lower chance of retaining what you have learned. This research could be particularly helpful when you are learning a new job. Getting good sleep helps your memory, while sleep deprivation damages it.

4 - Intellectual impairment: Researchers at the University of Virginia have found that insomnia or lack of sleep can impair IQ and cognitive development in children. Lower grades and poor peer relations could also result from sleep deprivation. Getting good sleep increases cognitive ability.

5 - Physical impairment: According to the National Sleep Foundation, your body shows the effects of not getting good sleep. Your coordination and motor functions may be impaired, and your reaction time may be delayed. You may have reduced cardiovascular performance, reduced endurance, and increased levels of fatigue due to sleep deprivation. Tremors and clumsiness can also result if you are not getting good sleep.

How does sleep contribute to the functioning of the body?

Sleep architecture follows a pattern of alternating REM (rapid eye movement) and NREM (non-rapid eye movement) sleep in a cycle that repeats itself about every 90 minutes.

What role does each state and stage of sleep play?
NREM (75 percent of the night): As we begin to fall asleep, we enter NREM sleep, which is composed of four stages:

Stage 1
· Between being awake and falling asleep
· Light sleep
Stage 2
· Onset of sleep
· Becoming disengaged from surroundings
· Breathing and heart rate are regular
· Body temperature drops (so sleeping in a cool room is helpful)
Stages 3 and 4
· Deepest and most restorative sleep
· Blood pressure drops
· Breathing becomes slower
· Muscles are relaxed
· Blood supply to muscles increases
· Tissue growth and repair occurs
· Energy is restored
· Hormones are released (including growth hormone, which is essential for growth and development-especially muscle development)

REM (25 percent of night): First occurs about 90 minutes after falling asleep and recurs about every 90 minutes, getting longer later in the night. In REM sleep:
· Energy is provided to brain and body
· Supports for daytime performance are provided
· Brain is active and dreams occur
· Eyes dart back and forth
· Body becomes immobile and relaxed as muscles are turned off

In addition, levels of the hormone cortisol drop at bedtime and increase overnight to promote alertness in the morning.

Sleep helps us thrive during the day by maintaining a healthy immune system and helping to balance our appetites by regulating levels of the hormones ghrelin and leptin, which influence our feelings of hunger. So when we are sleep deprived, we may feel the need to eat more, which in turn can lead to weight gain.

The one third of our lives that we spend sleeping, far from being unproductive, plays a direct role in how full, energetic and successful the other two thirds of our lives can be.

How to Adjust BHRT?

Bioidentical hormones, also referred to as natural hormones, are used to treat menopause, perimenopause, and post-menopause symptoms. These hormones are much like the hormones that are produced in the body. They are metabolized, stored, and converted into other hormones naturally. The primary advantage of BHRT is that treatment doses are individualized.

Most bioidentical hormones are chemically-synthesized from diosgenin, a cholesterol-like molecule found in plants and then altered to be identical in molecular structure to the body's natural hormones. They are available as a cream, oral, suppository or injections.

For most women, if they have been on BHRT for a lengthy period of time, or just began treatment, the dosage may have to be adjusted because women's bodies and hormone levels are prone to changes.

Symptoms that may indicate that your BHRT may require adjustment include hot flashes night sweat, insomnia, vaginal dryness, reduced sex drive, yeast infections, and painful intercourse. As well, there have been incidents of heart palpitations and dry skin and hair. If one's estrogen level is too high, symptoms can include a desire to eat sweet foods and there will be an increase in weight. There can also be such symptoms as water retention, swelling and tenderness of the breasts, as well as anxiety related symptoms. If one's progesterone levels are too low, symptoms can include: weight gain, depression, mood changes, migraines, anxiety, acne, joint pain, and a low sex drive. As well, there can be drowsiness, bloating, and yeast infections. The individual symptoms are associated with either low or high progesterone and estrogen levels. Your doctor will have you tested to find out what hormone level that is lacking, or in surplus.

Testosterone is another hormone within BHTH treatment that may require adjustment. Low testosterone levels can result in fatigue, low sex drive, muscle weakness, heart palpitations, bone loss, fibromyalgia, bladder leakage, vaginal dryness, as well as some memory difficulties. Too high testosterone levels can cause acne, insomnia, irritability, loss of scalp hair, facial hair growth, and mood swings.

The symptoms will be reversed once the appropriate hormone levels have been adjusted. The main value of hormone replacement therapy is that it can be adapted to fit your own individual hormone needs. Because everyone is unique, they require an individualized hormone replacement therapy customized to meet their individual hormonal needs. As well, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly are important aspects of successful bio-identical hormone treatment. If a woman's hormones are out of balance, her body will not effectively respond to better nutrition and exercise. As your hormones level off, one will begin to feel much better and will have improved energy, spirit, and thought processes.

Bioidentical hormones are considered one of the most effective treatments for menopausal symptoms. Many women look to bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to relieve their symptoms. Research has shown that menopausal treatment with BHRT reveals important distinctions between bioidentical and non-bioidentical hormones and replacing lost hormones because of menopause drastically relieves menopausal symptoms and improves and enhances one's quality of life.

Fat Burning Hormones - How to Activate Them

Your Fat Burning Hormones are triggered when you start to speed up your metabolism. You probably already know this and yet you've got to wonder why, after all the effort you put into your exercising and dieting that you never manage to reach your target weight.  

Why is this?

Your body tries to maintain a state of "homeostasis" or a balanced, constant condition. Even if you lower the number of calories you eat and increase your exercise, eventually your body will balance itself out.   In order to break this cycle and re-activate your Fat Burning Hormones you need to change your diet and exercise routine regularly so that you can shock your system.

One great way increase your metabolic rate is through strength training. Muscle burns more calories than fat, so by building more muscle you will burn more calories on a daily basis.  Studies have also proven that consistent strength training not only increases your bone density, it also  prevents osteoporosis. Another very good way is, to change your diet regularly and try to eat foods which increase your Fat Burning Hormones, like free range organic poultry, good fats, broccoli, spinach, kale etc.  

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could re-activate your Fat Burning Hormones simply by changing your diet and training so that you can shock your system into losing weight again? Okay, you're probably wondering what should I be eating and what type of exercises will I need to do. Well, it's much easier than you think and thousands of people right now are already taking advantage of this easy method.

Imagine what it would be like to be 7lbs lighter, 7 days from now, burn fat even when you're not exercising and have 28 days of meal plans organized for you, listing exactly everything you need to eat.

For Menopause Symptoms Treatment, My Wife Is Now Undergoing Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

After several visits to her physician, and two blood tests for Thyroid function my wife was very frustrated. She has almost every symptom of Hypothyroidism. Her tests both came back in the normal range for Thyroid. But very low in the normal range. These symptoms that she has would also indicate that her hormone levels have really gone out of wack the longer she has been perimenopausal. We have researched the Hormone Replacement Treatment (HRT) pros and cons and the Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Treatments (BHRT) being used today by specialists groups, and we have questioned why her physician did not test her for hormone production levels in her body.

We have decided that many primary care physicians do not want to get "out of the box" concerning treatment of menopausal women, unless the situation is dire or dysfunctional. So, women are not getting the attention that they probably need to live a life more normal and similar to the way they were before starting the menopausal cycle.

She made two visits to a medical group that specializes in BHRT. The first was to do blood testing for hormone levels. She was way out of the range in all but one of 7 hormone categories. A series of capsules were prepared to be placed under her skin, in order to give her body a "time release" supplement of the hormones designed to balance her hormonal levels out. The very small capsules were placed under the skin of her buttocks. These capsules are designed to last one month. She will visit the clinic in one week to look for problems and then return for another round of treatment after the month is up.

We are researching now, what her levels show on the range of this medical group, and what it means. We are also going to research, what other medical groups consider "normal" and how these numbers all compare. Of course, we are also going to see if there is a good, bad or no reaction to how she feels and performs.

I plan to write weekly articles in EzineArticles over the next eight weeks to let women who are interested in this subject know how this treatment appears to be working for her. I will also tell you the costs of the program and how much of the cost, if any, is covered by our health insurance.

If you have wondered about the details of this treatment and how it might help you. Watch for the weekly reports under my name in EzineArticles.

Natural PCOS Remedies That Alleviate Pain & Balance Your Hormones

For those of you who have been diagnosed with PCOS I don't have to describe the many painful and uncomfortable effects this can have.

And while it is possible you are using some sort of medication to help reduce the effects of these symptoms, you may also be suffering from some side effects as a result. Some side effects include nasuea, headaches, mood swings and worse.

For those of you suffering this way, perhaps you need to take a look at some natural PCOS remedies that can help with both the pain and discomfort and the hormones.

If you want an immediate strategy you can start using right now that will help to stablise your hormones in the next few days here it is:

Stop buying processed foods!

I know how easy it is to purchase and eat these foods but they are seriously detrimental to your health.

Diets that are high in overly processed foods often lead to higher than healthy blood sugar levels. The body's way of decreasing blood sugar is to release insulin

The hormone imbalances that result set off the chain reaction that ends with the symptoms of PCOS because of clogged systems that are overrun with insulin.

Therefore if you are looking for a natural PCOS cure, you need to look no further than your diet. Avoid highly processed foods that will trigger spikes in your blood sugar levels. This will prevent increased insulin levels from throwing your hormones out and your PCOS should become less of a problem.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Anti Aging Hormones - What Types of Hormones Keep You Young?

Anti aging hormones are commonly known as estradiol, progesterone and testosterone.

There are many hormone imbalance symptoms; so if you have some of the following symptoms you may be experiencing hormone imbalance:

Symptoms for both women and men:

-Wrinkly skin

-Weight gain


-Loss of libido

-Migraine headaches

Hormone imbalance symptoms specific for women:


-Fibrocystic breasts

Hormone imbalance symptoms in men:

-Muscle loss replaced by fat (can happen in women too)

-Erectile dysfunction

-Prostate enlargement

Women need testosterone for mental clarity, muscle maintenance, a healthy sex drive, and much more.

Men need testosterone for the same reasons in addition to helping maintain a healthy prostate. Prostate enlargement can be due to dropping testosterone levels.

Two Doctors interviewed mentioned that male hormone replacement (with testosterone) is, at times, used as a hormone treatment for prostate cancer prevention. Young men rarely get prostate cancer. Testosterone is partially responsible for supporting prostate health and decreasing prostate inflammation.

Anti aging hormones not only keep you looking younger but appropriate female hormone levels in women can be protection against some female breast cancers. Estradiol is now recognized as a protective breast hormone for women, when it is properly balanced.  Estradiol helps maintain a woman's hair growth.  You may need it if you are a woman experiencing hair loss or thinning eyebrows or eyelashes.

Even men and women in their twenties are experiencing hormone imbalance.


There are animal hormones in our milk and meat.   These hormones and the chemicals in car exhaust, cigarette smoke, some prescription medications, herbicides, pesticides and plastic drinking bottles bind with your hormone "receptor sites" in your body.

These chemicals and animal hormones are called "xeno estrogens" and they wreak havoc in your body. Instead of getting a "human hormone" signal, your cells get a different chemical message.

These xeno estrogens may "tell" your body to retain water, grow bigger fat cells, make cellulite and slow your metabolism.  They can also cause anxiety or depression and trigger migraine headaches.

Because some xeno estrogens bind more tightly to your cell receptors than your own natural endocrine hormones, you may experience symptoms of hormone imbalance even when your lab tests indicate you have balanced hormone levels.

Additionally, when men are exposed to xeno estrogens, testosterone levels can be neutralized. This testosterone insufficiency can cause pot belly, growth of male breasts and loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed.

Yes, aging is a factor that can contribute to hormone imbalances. Even if you live a healthy lifestyle and eat an organic diet, your hormone levels can drop prematurely as you age. Memory loss, irritability, and water weight gain are symptoms of declining testosterone levels in men and women.

Tell your doctor all your symptoms.

Even though your blood work may look "fine", there is always a possibility that your body is unable to use your hormones properly. A hormone saliva test or a 24-hour urine metabolite test can show you exactly what types of hormones your body is using and how.

The breakdown products of the hormones your body uses are found in your urine. Even though you may have "normal blood levels" of hormones for your age; your body may not be using them optimally, or may be converting them into non beneficial hormones.

Ask to have your thyroid hormones checked, and check your sex hormone levels too. Thyroid hormone levels can affect sex hormone function.

Some doctors report that their patients look younger, stronger and more vibrant when using these anti aging hormones appropriately.

Work with your doctor to determine if your symptoms are related to aging hormones causing a hormone imbalance. 

Your anti aging regimen may be as simple as balancing your hormones.

Female Hormones and Their Influence on Eczema

I have written before on skin care for eczema and what I have found to work best for me after 40 years of personal 'research'. This article must by its very nature be directed towards women who suffer with eczema and for that I apologize to my fellow sufferers who are men.

Many years ago I began to notice a pattern. It took me quite awhile to really understand the connection but eventually I understood that for me, the changes in the female hormones in my system that happen naturally throughout the month have an effect on my eczema. The pattern became pronounced in my early thirties and has persisted for nearly 10 years now, the pattern becoming more consistent and identifiable as time goes on.

The pattern is that somewhere around day 15 to day 21 of my cycle each month I notice an increase in the itching and irritation associated with my 'normal' locations of eczema. Armed with this knowledge I can work proactively to balance my hormones and reduce the eczema before it flares badly.

Anyone who has read any of my articles knows that I am a proponent and user of natural health therapies whenever possible and effective. The methods I have found to work best in this case are energy balancing techniques for women as found in Donna Eden's book Energy Medicine for Women, Female Hormonal Balance Advanced Energy Patches and natural bio-identical progesterone cream when appropriate. Also appropriate is to watch your intake of refined sugars (including alcohol) as these can also cause eczema flares.

The most effective manual energy balancing technique for Female Hormones is an exercise Donna Eden calls the "Hormone Hook-up" which is simply holding 2 points on your head simultaneously for 15 to 30 seconds or so. The points are held with the tips of 3 or 4 fingers and are the very top of the head (may be a tender point) and the base of the occipital bone of your skull, just above where your neck meets your head. Also helpful is tracing the Triple Warmer energy meridian with your hand to balance the Triple Warmer meridian.

Balancing female hormones with the Female Hormonal Balance Advanced Energy Patch is perhaps the easiest route of all, as your body decides what it does or does not need. The Female Hormonal Balance Advanced Energy Patch, like all AE Patches is not chemical. It is the energy signature of balanced female hormones and it works for many of us.

For more information please read my other articles on managing eczema. Good luck!

Acne and Hormones - Things You Should Know

Millions of people worldwide suffer from acne and one of the main causes of this disease is hormonal imbalance. That is teenagers are the prime suspects. This article will inform you about the connection between Acne and Hormones and the role hormones play.

The Formation Of Hormonal Acne

Hormonal changes in one of the main contributing factors to acne. A high hormonal level, such as androgens and testosterone over stimulate oil gland to produce more oils. The main gland being targeted is the sebaceous gland.

The sebaceous gland produces oil called the sebum which protects the hair shaft and the skin and keep it moisturized. When there is an over production of the sebum due to hormonal changes, the oil surplus then causes the skin pores to become clogged and that is how acne starts to develop.

The excess sebum flows to the exterior of the skin and become thick and sticky. It then traps the dirt and bacteria on the surface of the skin and clogs the pores. Viruses start to breed in the hair follicle and cause the area to become swollen. At this point the body's main reaction is to send out an army of white blood cells to combat the swelling. The process causes inflammation that result in acne.

How Hormones affect Males And Females

Teenagers are the prime victims of acne and this is simply because as puberty progress, so does the production of androgens and also a woman's menstrual cycle causing an imbalance of hormones. Androgens are a male hormone and so men also get acne due to hormonal imbalance.

How To treat Hormonal Acne

Natural remedies are the best to treat hormonal acne. This involves having healthy diets, drinking lots of water, relax and get enough sleep. On the other hand you should also limit your sugar, caffeine and vegetable oils intake.

What Are the Benefits of Using HGH?

Most people's body produces enough human growth hormone to sustain the body. However there are some diseases that affect the body's ability to produce growth hormones. HGH is a popular growth hormone that manages growth and cell reproduction in the body. It is one of the many essential hormones that the body needs. Researchers have been studying this hormone for years in order to totally understand the impact that is has on the body. It has gained popularity in the mainstream world as an anti-aging product but its first and major uses are to help people suffering from various medical problems.

HGH has become a popular choice for medical doctors. Some individuals suffer from a lack of hormones in the body. Their body does not adequately produce hormones. Usually this hormone deficiency is due to an abnormality in the pituitary gland. This is sometimes caused by other medical conditions such as the presence of tumors, and complications from surgery or radiation therapy. Hormone deficiency symptoms are generally weight gain, the presence of extra fatty tissue and an overall decrease in the muscle mass. Some people can also experience cardiovascular problems due to a shortage of the hormone HGH. Due to the fact that HGH also helps in the development of brain function some people experience psychological impairment and problems with their memory and attention span.

Doctors will sometimes recommend that these patients be treated with hormone therapy. HGH is produced in the pituitary gland so doctor's main goal is to get the vital gland to start production of course if the gland is capable of it. Hormone therapy can only prescribed by a doctor and it is only for patients whom they feel will directly benefit from the therapy.

HGH is also used for people who suffer from various diseases. Patients who suffer from AIDS can use HGH to fight wasting. Generally Aids patients suffer from extreme weight loss and a breakdown of their body organs. Some AIDS patients are injected with HGH in order to fight against the rapid degradation of their body tissue which includes muscle tissue. This is the reason why so many of them appear feeble and sickly. It is because their body is literally breaking down one organ or body area at a time.

HGH is also used to treat dwarfism. Dwarfism is a disorder that is caused by a deficiency in growth hormones or HGH. These individuals fail to reach over about 4ft tall and suffer from developmental problems. They generally do not suffer from any type of mental problems they are simply underdeveloped physically. They are generally treated with HGH injections in order to replace the missing HGH so that the body can start the growth process.

Human Growth Hormone therapy is a very well documented form of treatment and it can be beneficial for a wide variety of people. The treatment is expensive and the insurance companies are very particular about what they will cover.

Create Hormonal Health With Food

Hormonal changes are a normal part of every woman's life, but if you also have other problems that are affecting your health, your hormones can be thrown so far out of balance that you begin to suffer from a wide range of distressing symptoms. These include: PMS, mood swings or depression; stubborn weight gain; dry, problem, or prematurely aging skin; night sweats and hot flushes; headaches and migraines; low libido; leaky bladder; painful, irregular periods; unexplained fatigue; bloating ..... and so on.

In men, hormonal problems also increase the risk of prostate cancer; in women, of breast cancer.

One thing you can do to improve your hormonal health is improve your diet. A healthy-hormone diet is one that helps keep your blood sugar and insulin levels under control, nourishes your hormones, strengthens your general immunity, and helps prevent inflammation. Eating the right foods, and avoiding the wrong foods can have a dramatic effect on the health of your hormones.

Some Basic Dietary Do's and Don'ts for Hormonal Health

Do eat more of these

  • Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits every day, most of them raw or lightly stir fried

  • Whole grains (such as brown rice, wholemeal bread etc.), which are high in fibre as well as essential nutrients, and slow down the flow of insulin

  • Foods high in essential fatty acids (such as quality olive oil, nuts, fish - especially sardines, rainbow, trout salmon, mackerel - flaxseed, and dark green leafy vegetables), all of which help control the production of inflammatory hormones

  • High calcium foods (such as raw almonds, dark green leafy vegetables, cultured yogurt or organic milk)

  • Foods high in phytoestrogens, including tofu and soy nut butter

  • Beans, pulses and lentils, and raw nuts, which provide essential fatty acids, quality protein and fibre, which helps to bind estrogen so that high levels do not circulate in the blood.

Avoid or reduce these

  • Fried foods of all kinds (a light sauté is fine)

  • Dairy foods (choose organic and preferably, take most of your dairy as cultured yogurt or fermented cheeses)

  • Red meat (eat a little only 3 times a week, or avoid altogether)

  • Refined grains (white rice, packaged cereals, white flour pasta and breads etc.) as these trigger rapid production of the hormone insulin, which is followed by the release of cortisone (another hormone) as the blood sugar quickly drops

  • Sugar, particularly refined sugars, which upset the blood sugar balance, 'confuse' proper hormonal activity and encourage the growth of harmful bacteria

If your hormones are already out of kilter, it will probably take more than diet alone to restore the correct balance, but these dietary steps are invaluable in bringing your hormones back to health, and also to help prevent hormonal problems in the first place.