Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do Milk and Hormones Cause Acne Breakouts?

According to a recent research published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, consuming diets of a high glycemic index or high consumption of diary may have an effect on acne breakouts. With this, medical nutritional therapy is now considered as one of the possibilities for acne treatment.

Also, a professor of dermatology at Northwestern has commented that hormonal changes may also cause acne breakouts. This is in view of the fact that those seeking help for acne are not limited only to teens, but many adults are also seeking professional treatment for this condition.

While there is still a constant debate on whether certain types of food do instigate acne, the heightened interest in medical nutrition therapy as a possible acne help have stirred the need for more research in this area. Indeed, a new study entitled "Acne: The Role of Medical Nutrition Therapy" will be published in March 2013 by Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. In reality, these new findings defy previous studies conducted in the past decade, which have deemed diet as not a cause of acne. Strangely though, way back in the 1800s, the over-consumption of sweet foods such as chocolate and sugar, have been believed to cause acne breakouts. Looks like there is some truth to these old wives' tales after all!. The purpose of such research is to further uncover the underlying causes and effects of diet and acne.

In reality, these new findings defy previous studies conducted in the past decade, which have deemed diet as not a cause of acne. Strangely though, way back in the 1800s, the over-consumption of sweet foods such as chocolate and sugar, have been believed to cause acne breakouts. Looks like there is some truth to this old wife tale after all!

Regardless of how this detailed study will pan out, medical professionals have now been advised to consider dietary counseling as an option when providing acne help to adult acne problems.

So, what if your acne was hormonally driven? What can you do about it?

For one thing, you could subscribe to a daily facial cleansing routine, followed by exfoliation, and combine that with the use of creams with salicylic acid as the active ingredient. On the other hand, if you are into natural acne treatments, easy home acne remedies such as with the use of pumpkin or even chamomile teabags may help too.

In addition, refraining from popping your acne may actually help reduce the occurrence of acne scars. Some natural acne scar treatments such as using olive oil, aloe vera and even baking soda may actually help hasten the healing process of these scars.

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