Decreased or diminished libido is one of the most common symptoms women report in mid-life. Even worse, there are more and more reports of cycling women who have lost their drive for sex.
So what exactly is happening? Is it simply a decrease in testosterone? I have read many an article of late stating that this is so and all you need is a testosterone patch and you're on your way to practicing the Kama Sutra. Or, maybe it's a lack of caffeine? Sorry, it will only work if you are not a caffeine drinker and you drank enough to fuel a mid-sized car.
The truth is, the reason is much more complex and it takes more than an artificial testosterone patch or 5 gallons of coffee. Which, by the way, is extremely likely to create many more problems by throwing off your delicate hormonal balance even more.
Did I say even more? Yes and what you should know is that hormonal imbalances are the most common reason for a declining sex drive.
As you reach peri-menopause and menopause your estrogen, progesterone and testosterone levels decline, normally. What is not normal is an imbalance in the hormones creating many and most of the symptoms that midlife women suffer from.
The endocrine system is responsible for and produces many hormones that work together as a whole. Your hormones are biochemical messengers that tell your body's systems what to do and when to do it. And, they act as a family, working together to maintain homeostasis (internal balance).
Many nutrients are needed to make and replace hormones. In fact, the functions performed by hormones are nutrient based and rely on the those nutrients to work.
Your endocrine system is probably the first system affected by nutritional imbalances and deficiencies. Simply put, we are made from nutrients and all of our biochemical and physiological functions are nutrient dependent.
How is your nutrient base? Do you get your vitamins, minerals and phyto-nutrients from your food? Do you take synthetic vitamins? Worse yet, do you take synthetic hormones?
The problem is synthetic hormones do not and cannot fit into your body's cell receptors (entry points) to initiate an action. Therefore they jam the cell receptor and can alter the action of the hormone, creating side-effects. In addition, the enzymatic effect is lost and cannot be cleared from the receptor, transformed into other hormones, or properly metabolized and excreted. Yes, that's right, more side-effects.
If you want to disrupt the delicately balanced Endocrine System, taking synthetic hormones is a sure-fire way to go.
FYI - The birth control pill can alter your sex drive as well and is the number one reason cycling women lose their desire for sex.
Let's take a minute to talk about synthetic vitamins. Just like hormones, your body needs to recognize and utilize the incoming nutrient. When you ingest vitamin C, for instance, your body's cells need the entire vitamin C complex to make it bio-available. Synthetic vitamin C, commonly known as ascorbic acid is only the outer layer of the true vitamin C complex. In order for your body to use it, it must now pull the missing ingredients from other areas of your body, in time creating a deficiency of the very nutrient you are taking. Yep, side-effects.
So, now imagine what is happening in that body after years of synthetic vitamins, synthetic hormones and our typical Standard American Diet (SAD) which consists of processed and soft foods. Where are your nutrients coming from? Unfortunately, you cannot extract the nutrients needed for optimal health from our food supply, even if your diet is pristine. The modernization of America has made sure our soils are depleted and even toxic.
What can you do? Whole food supplementation is the only vitamin that your body will use 100%. Stop wasting your hard earned money on synthetic vitamins and start feeding your body with whole food nutrition and supplementation. If you are taking hormone replacement therapy (HRT) talk to your Doctor about natural alternatives or find someone who can help you.
If you are taking HRT you should know, without a doubt, that you truly need the hormone you are using. What testing was performed, if any, that led to the present dosage and hormone prescribed? How are your levels being monitored? Or are they?Taking hormones that cannot be utilized and can alter your hormonal balance is a serious health risk.
Not convinced? Let's look at the possibilities of too much or too little of the most dominant hormones.
Too much estrogen can create:
Cell proliferation (growth)
Thyroid Dysfunction
Loss of Libido
Blood Sugar Instability
Auto Immune disorders
Breast Cancer
Uterine Cancer
and much more...
Too little estrogen can create:
Hot flashes/night sweats
Mood swings
Poor Memory
Vaginal Dryness
Headaches, migraines
Loss of Libido
Lack of Stamina or drive
and much more...
Too much testosterone can create:
Excess facial hair, excess body hair
mood disturbances
ovarian cysts
Insulin Resistance
and more...
Too little testosterone can create:
Decreased energy
Poor muscle tone
Loss of Libido
and much more...
Too much progesterone can create:
Back pain due to ligament laxity
High levels of cortisol
Hormone Imbalances
Too little progesterone can create:
Weight gain
thyroid dysfunction
Hot flashes
Uterine fibroids
Anxiety, irritability, nervousness/moodiness
Decreased Libido
and much more...
OK, I think you get the picture. There are many more symptoms of hormonal imbalances but as you can see any of these excesses or deficiencies can create decreased libido. Prescribing or using a testosterone patch is criminal and/or insane if it is not absolutely necessary.
What can you do to restore your libido?
1. Restore your hormonal balance
2. Include whole food nutrition/supplementation to be sure you have the nutrients necessary for proper hormonal function.
3. Live a healthy lifestyle
4. Proper rest and relaxation
5. Decrease your stress level or if you simply cannot change your stressors find a healthy outlet or change the way you perceive it.
6. Eat a balanced diet of whole fresh foods
7. Limit your caffeine and alcohol use
8. Go on a date with your loved one
9. Exercise daily, smile often and have a positive self-image!
Restore your libido naturally while you restore your energy,vitality and optimal health.
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