The state of our hormones has never been talked about so much as people search for ways to hold on to their youthful looks and health. There is one very special hormone called human growth hormone (HGH), the 'master grand daddy hormone' that you need if you wish to maintain youthfulness as the years roll by.
With good levels of this hormone the benefits are widespread, maintaining your looks, health, energy and physical stamina. On the outside of your body the tell tale signs of aging can be diminished, excess body fat can be lost and the look and feel of your skin can be improved.
On the inside your muscles and bones become stronger, your metabolism (the body's engine) is boosted, your brain is powered up with better memory and focus and overall health and wellbeing is improved.
But by age 40 we produce only 10 percent of the amount of HGH that we produced in our 20s and by age 50, HGH production has usually ceased entirely. So, you may be asking "how can we naturally improve our hormone levels so the aging process is slowed?"
Hormones that have declined with age can be elevated with a proper exercise program containing strength training. When muscles are challenged the body is stimulated to produce growth hormone. This can reverse muscle and bone loss, reboot the metabolism and make our bodies work better and become leaner and healthier.
When muscle, bones and other cells in your body are being challenged to stay strong with a proper exercise program your body will have good reason to continue to renew and replace old, degenerated cells and tissue. This then encourages the rejuvenation of new young, strong and healthy tissue which is what will keep you young.
Exercise is a fantastic anti aging tool but, it is important to understand that not all forms of activity will stimulate the release of HGH. A brisk walk or 20 minutes on the bike will raise your heart rate, but it will not help you release HGH. What is needed to achieve this is a consistent program of strength training exercise that works the muscular system.
Short sustained bursts of anaerobic workouts like strength training exercise create a deficit of oxygen in the muscles. This is the most effective form of exercise as it shifts our muscles from burning carbohydrates to burning fat for fuel.
This kind of exercise also increases our metabolic rate (the rate we burn fuel) and keeps it elevated for many hours after the exercise session. This means that we continue to burn calories at a higher rate our workout. At the same time, when muscles are working during multiple sets of strength training exercise, the body is stimulated to produce significant amounts of HGH.
You can now see how important it is to make sure your exercise program is effective and efficient and the best way to do this is to enlist the help of a fitness professional. This will ensure you are not wasting time and effort on activity that will not give you the best results.
The right program performed at the right intensity (degree of difficulty) can be your best friend for powerful body fat reducing, muscle toning, metabolism boosting, anti aging magic known to science.
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