Monday, June 3, 2013

What Are the Major Causes of a Smelly Vagina? Do Not Ignore This Important Information!

Are you having a smelly vagina? Some people may find it normal especially if they have bad hygienic practices, but it is indeed a common symptom of yeast infection. A lot of people have been suffering from this infection, but not all of them are adeptly informed about why it develops even under a very well hygienic practice. For this reason, the following are the major causes of having a smelly vagina:

1. Intake of hormonal and birth control pills. These pills can alter the chemical balance in the genital area, accounting on the sudden change of pH secretions.

2. Hormonal changes also contribute a lot. This happens during pregnancy or at the time before you have your monthly period. The same principle happens just like in taking up of hormonal pills, it alters chemical balance in the body.

3. Taking up of antibiotics and steroids. These medications causes disturbance in the normal flora of the body, giving way to overgrowth of opportunistic pathogens.

4. High blood glucose concentrations. During high blood sugar levels, the body secretes out excess glucose in the urine. This phenomenon causes opportunistic pathogens to feed up on the secreted glucose, thus, expanding their number.

If you know that you are a candidate to the above mentioned contributing factors, prepare yourself as you can develop yeast infection anytime. Monitor for foul smelling vagina and peculiar itchiness. Treatment of infection includes medications and strict hygiene. Seeking for medical advice is highly recommended, but self treatment with over the counter medications and the recommended solution below will also do.

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