Thursday, August 8, 2013

Discover How To Reduce Menstrual Cramps Naturally

There are many suggestions for how to reduce menstrual cramps out there. Some of them are more invasive than others. For example, the medical community would have you believe that taking aspirin or some sort of NSAID pain reliever is your best option. However, natural methods might be much more effective cramp reducers.

Understanding Your Body:

You see, the best way to treat menstrual cramps is to know what is creating them and then attack that cause at its source. That means that the treatment methods have to be tailored to the cause. For example, your cramps might not be directly caused by your period at all.

Having your period causes a lot of changes within your body. There are hormonal changes, changes in your mood, changes in your diet, changes in your sleeping patterns and even changes in your body shape. When you have your period, you are going to have a tendency to retain some water and gain a little weight. You also may find that blood pooling in your pelvic region puts pressure on certain areas.

Another option is that the blood loss during your period can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It can also contribute a bit to dehydration. When all of those things combine, they can create a lot of medical issues and one of those issues is constipation.

Constipation Versus Period Cramps:

Period cramps often occur when you have too many hormones being released into your body. For example, prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that control uterine contractions. Those contractions help you to shed your uterine lining once a month, which is important. However, too many prostaglandins can cause severe cramping and should be treated by restoring the hormonal balance.

On the other hand, pressure in your abdomen and loss of vitamins and minerals could just be causing constipation. Constipation can then cause its own cramping and bloating, which is not directly related to your period. If that's the case, replacing lost vitamins, minerals and water could correct the issue.

Go Natural:

In either of those cases, taking a pain relieving medication isn't really going to help you. It's only going to temporarily hide a problem that you should be working on correcting. So, a natural approach is a better idea. In fact, you should start taking a supplement designed to help support a woman during her period. One of the best supplements for that is called Period Vitamin.

Period Vitamin contains many different herbs and supplements to support your body during your period. Evening primrose and white willow bark can help to relieve your cramping pain. Meanwhile, chasteberry can help to balance your hormone levels. Also, calcium, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals work together to replenish your lost nutrient supplies and relieve the various symptoms of your period.

What it all comes down to is that the keys to how to reduce menstrual cramps can all be found in nature. You don't need to cover the issue with over the counter or prescription drugs. What you need to do is simply lead a healthy lifestyle, stay hydrated and take a natural supplement designed specifically to treat your period problems at their sources.

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