A scientific study published in 2007 found that men secrete a special form of hormone called androstenone in their sweat. What was interesting about this hormone is that when certain women smell it, it not only arouses them sexually, but they also find themselves being quite attracted to the man who is secreting this hormone.
What's even more interesting it that there are, apparently, untold numbers of hormones that are similar to androstenone in their "attractiveness" abilities. As it happens, some men secrete specific hormones that only specific women can "pick up" on and, on the other side of the coin, different women also secrete different hormones that cause a specific sexual "pull" for certain men.
It gets even more complicated, however: depending on the number of differing secreted hormones, they can, collectively, create a unique hormone "cocktail" in a certain man or woman, giving them a very exotic and individualistic hormonal scent. Such hormonal "cocktails" are even more particular for the opposing man or woman they attract, as the attracted subject must be in possession of their own brand of unique "cocktail" receptors in order for them to be attracted to the attracting "cocktail."
One of the functions of hair on the human body is that it acts as a scent "trap." Pubic hair, for instance, helps trap the scents that are put out by the sexual organs and the surrounding areas of the sexual organs. This heightens the "sexual" smell of the genital regions in both male and females and is one of the main reasons why there is usually a dense amount of hair in the pubic regions.
The same goes for body hair. When a person sweats, they release these hormones onto the skin. On the skin, they can easily be brushed off by contact with clothing or external materials. However, when a person has body hair, the hair helps trap these hormones so they are not so easily brushed off or removed from the body.
When a man shaves his legs, trims or shaves his pubic hair, or trims or shaves the hair on his chest or back, this decreases his body's ability to "trap" these hormones and keep them on his body. When this happens, the normal attractive power that these hormones have on the opposite sex is diminished and weakened.
Because of the scents that we wash our clothes with, the soap we wash with our bodies with, and the colognes, deodorants, shampoos, and other chemicals that we douse our bodies with, we even further obliterate the chance of these natural "sex" hormones from being smelled by the opposite sex.
As was outlined above, these hormones play a very important role in helping us attract specific members of the opposite sex who specifically-only might respond to our hormonal-specific "cocktails." These hormonal cocktails are diversified for a very specific reason. And that reason is to help us attract specific partners. Mother Nature has designed us this way to help us attract potential partners that are more biologically compatible with ourselves. Such attractiveness probably also spills over into emotional and psychological compatibility, too.
Is this what the phenomena known as, "Sexual Chemistry," really is?
By shaving or trimming our pubic and body hair, we are clearly taking another step that lessens the potential attractive power of our own natural-sexual-attracting hormones. Again, just look at all the work and effort that our externally-applied-body "perfumes" are doing to obliterate these natural "scents" to begin with. Now, what happens when you meet that special woman? By obliterating these smells, she may not be as attracted to you simply because you are not emitting the right "smell" that her natural biological mechanisms are in search of. So what happens? She doesn't feel enough sexual attractiveness to you and automatically crosses you off of her potential-partner list.
In fact, by applying such unnatural body scents (through soaps, colognes, etc.) and even topical, over-the-counter pheromones, we may be creating a "shotgun" scent that actually attracts the wrong "type" of woman to us, by the unnatural "cocktail" that we have concocted, without even knowing it.
These natural methods of attractiveness get even more convoluted and mixed up because most women shave off just about all of their body hair, apart from what's on their head. Women, too, are generally even more concerned with body "odor' and apply all manner of shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, soaps, and perfumes that clearly cover up and alter her natural "scent."
All of this, perhaps, creates a sensory assault that leaves most of us bewildered, confused, and mistaken.
Georg von Neumann
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