Thursday, June 6, 2013

Boost Fertility, Beat Infertility and The Need to Balance Hormones to Get Pregnant Naturally

It can be very frustrating dealing with infertility issues. Trying to become pregnant can be taxing on both the body, the mind and your relationship. When dealing with this, you first need to take a look at what your up against, and it may help you understand what the issue may be.

First off, it is not easy to pregnant. I know it may seem the opposite when seeing all these celebrities and reality stars flaunting their kids, but there are a lot of factors that have to be perfect or it won't work. The women must be ovulating, the sperm has to reach the egg, the egg has to actually implant, and the uterine wall has to be able to support the egg. And that's just part of it. Pregnancy truly is a miracle.

Now that we have gotten that out of the way, the good news is that issue that is not allowing you to get pregnant may be easily fixable. That's right, easily! And I don't mean with surgical procedures or strange drugs that may harm you and the potential baby. Going back to what I said before, if everything isn't perfect, no little miracle. So what if you were deficient in a vitamin that was causing your uterine wall to not be as fertile as it needs to be? What if you are not eating the right food to keep your body temperature at the optimal level to allow fertilization? What if something you were eating was actually decreasing your hormone levels? Let's take a look at a few of the most important dietary sources to increase fertility naturally.

First, full fat dairy products including whole milk, full-fat yogurt, and even ice cream can actually cause women to have fewer problems with ovulation. Dairy is a major source of calcium, a very important fertility nutrient. Relying on vitamins alone is not always the best idea. Since vitamins depend on when you take them, the coating of the pill, and whether or not they are taken with food, it makes it much easier if you also supplement with nutrient rich foods. This doesn't mean that you should over do it, but this is definitely something that you should keep in mind. Calcium is vital to your ovulation, but also just as vital in the development of your baby. Remember, your goal is to get pregnant and have a healthy baby.

Next, let's talk about fresh fruits and vegetables. This is very important. They are full of antioxidants, which promote general and reproductive health. Plus many fruits and vegetables, specifically citrus and deep green vegetables, are high in folate (folic acid). This is important for pregnant mothers to help decrease the chances of neural tube defects in their baby, a preventable birth defect. And folate actually helps you grow longer, thicker, healthier nails. So not only will you be helping yourself on your way to getting pregnant, but will look better at the same time. Folate is extremely important, and I could talk about this forever, but I have other areas to touch on.

Next, let's talk about hormones. They impact your body at the cellular level, affecting everything in your body. Your overall health depends on your body's ability to maintain healthy cells. But did you know that diet and exercise can influence your hormones and your body's ability to balance them naturally? Other factors can do this as well. This includes any medication you take and outside stress. Just as smoking and alcohol can have a negative effect on your body, so too can the introduction of poor diet, outside toxins, and even medications. Understanding how hormones work and acting to protect and improve your body's natural balance can help you get pregnant naturally.

Figuring out issues you specifically have can not only be helpful, but will get you closer to a pregnancy miracle of your own. Plus, when talking about diet, vitamins, and regulating your body better, there are no side effects except being healthier. How great is that? And the other plus is this will save you a ton of money. Imagine the costs of Doctor visits, prescription medications, and invasive procedures. And that doesn't even include in vitro fertilization. Now we are talking tens of thousands. Why not try something simpler that will cost much less, and let you have total control?

The key is to find out what issues you are having, and what you can actually do to overcome them. This is the hard part. I have gone over some key issues here, but just barely scratched the surface. Unless you know what to look for and how to look for it, its going to be difficult to figure out what needs to be corrected and how to do it. Don't worry though. This is where I can help you out even further. The trick is to finding not only a good source of knowledge, but also one that actually explains the why and what to do next.

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