Saturday, August 3, 2013

Alternative Health - Which Hormones Affect Your Weight and Blood Sugar Levels?

Stop dieting! You know it doesn't work, it can actually work against you... if you have type 2 diabetes or not! One of the first questions related to weight control asks whether the "calories in" equal the "calories out". That's because the net effect of calories... which is more than your body needs... even in the form of protein, is going to increase the amount of fat put into storage in your body.

That extra dessert could be worth 350 or even 650 calories. And if you are already eating 2000 calories a day, that extra dessert will put you at 2350 or even 2650 calories. The deficit will add up and sooner or later you will gain weight.

But there's more to the story than this.

The amount of sugar and/or carbs in that dessert could exceed an amount that would keep your blood sugar level within your normal zone. So, if it skyrockets, your pancreas will over respond by releasing four to five times the amount of insulin that it should.

Now stay with me for a moment. There's a little bit more technical information that you need.

When your insulin level is four to five times higher than it is supposed to be, there's a biochemical shift in your body. Your cells are switched from burning fat to storing fat.

So now that dessert doesn't just represent an extra dessert that is meaningless except for some extra calories or kilojoules. Now it represents an extra dessert that is capable of changing the scale to make your weight increase.

More to Think About:

Is a calorie a calorie no matter what? If you are currently eating 2400 calories a day and drop your calories down to 1200 calories each day, will you lose weight? Is it true that if you eat 1200 calories you will always lose weight?

The answer may surprise you. Every calorie is not the same. If you drop your calories down to 1200 a day, you are then at a deficit of 1200 calories. Since 3500 calories is equal to a pound, then conceivably in three days you will lose a pound. But this does not happen.

If you go on a 1200-calorie diet, you will not always lose weight.

Here's why:

The amount of weight you lose is dependent on your hormones... primarily insulin and cortisol. If your insulin level is high, weight will not come off you no matter what you do. If cortisol is high, that means your stress levels are high... which also affects each one of the calories you are consuming. The hormones insulin and cortisol multiply the calories you eat. If you eat a few pieces of chocolate, you'll gain weight. If you eat a few extra slices of bread, you'll gain weight. If you eat a few extra pieces of fruit, you'll gain weight.

Your hormones determine what each calorie means to your body which includes your weight and blood sugar levels.

Yellow Foods Adjust the Hormones for Women

The secretion level of hormones keeps a close relationship with the health of women. Many women are always troubled by the imbalance of hormones. In order to maintain the physical health, it is important for women to adjust the secretion of hormones and maintain the balance as far as possible. Generally speaking, the foods in various colors can affect the secretion of hormones. Foods in different colors can accelerate the secretion.

Yellow foods can improve the functions of spleen and strengthen the health of the organ, which can thus alleviate the imbalance of hormone secretion. At the same time, yellow foods can effectively improve the digestive system and the memory. Soy bean, banana, lemon and persimmon can realize such effects for women. Lemon can relieve the fatigue, accelerate the blood circulation, strengthen the immunity and defer the aging of skin. Banana can improve the digestive functions and remove the toxins from the blood. Persimmon can invigorate the spleen and improve the cardiovascular functions.

Black foods can strengthen the functions of kidney for women. They can improve the metabolism and the reproductive functions of kidney, urinary bladder and bones. At the same time, they can also adjust the physiological functions, stimulate the internal secretion and accelerate the gastric and intestinal digestion inside the human body. Black sesame, mushroom and black bean all can strengthen the functions of kidney. Black beans can nourish the kidney, improve the eyesight and remove the toxins from the human body. Black sesame can enrich the blood, accelerate the development of brain and defer the aging for women.

Green foods can nourish the liver for the female body. Generally speaking, the green foods contain abundant chlorophyll and vitamins like vitamin A which can be beneficial to the liver so as to protect the stomach and intestines and prevent constipation and rectal cancer. In addition, the intake of green foods can maintain the acid-base balance and improve the physical constitution for the human body. The green foods mainly include spinach, cabbage, lettuce, leek and broccoli. Spinach can nourish the blood, accelerate the growth of cells and prevent aging effectively. Leek can improve the functions of kidney and accelerate the gastric and intestinal peristalsis. Broccoli can strengthen the detoxification, improve the immunity and prevent the breast cancer for women.

It is necessary for women to increase the intake of the foods mentioned above in daily life so as to maintain the balanced secretion of hormones and keep the body healthy.

The Difference Between Bioidentical Hormone Replacement and Hormone Replacement Therapy

Menopause, or the permanent end of menstruation and fertility, is a natural part of the female biological process. The physical and emotional symptoms of menopause can disrupt a woman's sleep, decrease her energy, and in some cases trigger feelings of sadness and loss.  Many women consider these negative experiences as unavoidable effects of the onset of menopause, but new research has shown that these symptoms are not merely "facts of life" a woman must accept- rather, they are preventable effects caused by hormonal imbalances within the body. Many women are choosing to seek beneficial treatment for the unnecessary discomforts that can periodically occur during menopause, leading them to learn more about the various treatments offered by their physicians, such as Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT). Although these treatments have similar aims, there are important differences that the informed patient must be aware of before making a decision on which option is best for her health and wellbeing needs.         

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is a treatment in which hormones are given to prevent or treat health conditions common in menopausal women, such as osteoporosis. The hormones used in HRT are synthetic hormones, which means that they are created and developed in the laboratory and are not produced naturally by the body. However, they act as natural hormones once inside the body.  Doctors primarily prescribe HRT because they hope that it could help guard against certain diseases that menopausal-age women are at increased risk: heart disease, osteoporosis, diabetes, thyroid disease, and some forms of cancer.

In addition to its preventative effects on many illnesses, studies show that Hormone Replacement Therapy dissociates fat mass and bone mass and tends to reduce weight gain in early postmenopausal women. However, because of the synthetic nature of the hormones used in the treatment, HRT may pose potential risks to a woman's overall health. Hence, it is important to talk to your doctor about HRT, learn the facts about possible risks and side-effects, and explore the information available about new alternatives, such as Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy.  

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy, or BHRT, is growing in popularity among the medical community because it is considered to be a more biologically harmonious option than standard Hormone Replacement Therapy, a factor that can lead to significant and sustained success in the treatment goals. Because bioidentical hormones have the same chemical structure as the hormones produced within the human body, they are less likely to be rejected by the sensitive human immune system.   Medical scientists on the forefront of BHRT research derive all of the material for the new treatment from strictly organic material, as opposed to the standard HRT which uses pharmaceutical materials manufactured in laboratories derived from manipulating chemicals into compounds similar to those found in human body tissue.

The greatest advantage BHRT has over its traditional HRT counterpart is the flexibility that the technology provides during a specific patient's treatment. HRT hormones are manufactured by the drug companies in standardized doses which limit the private physician's freedom in adjusting the amount and type of hormones administered to the patient. BHRT hormones, on the other hand, provide the physician and the patient a greater degree of autonomy in determining the amount and type of hormonal supplements administered because each specific treatment is customized to each woman's specific needs. Hence, a physician can determine what factors pose the most risk to his or her patient (such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and so forth), and then customize the BHRT treatment plan based on these assessments and the personal feedback received from the patient.      

Are Testosterone Boosters Dangerous?

If you are a male bodybuilder, and you want to build muscle faster and make your workouts more effective, you might consider taking a testosterone booster. When you take any kind of supplement or booster, however, your first question should be is this safe? So, are testosterone boosters dangerous?

There has been a great deal of controversy on this topic, as with any other supplement that is used by body builders. There will always be those who are all for it, and those who are completely against it - and this is usually because they have their own agenda.

In the case of testosterone boosters, any testosterone supplement that contains anabolic steroids should be avoided. Anabolic Steroids are controlled substances, and are not approved by the body building organizations. In fact, the FDA will quickly ban a supplement that contains anabolic steroids.

The best option is to use a natural testosterone booster. These are made from all natural ingredients, and other than allergies, no side effects have ever been reported. The two most popular natural substances for building testosterone are Eurycoma Longifolia and Tribulus Terrestris. Both substances should be available at your local health food store, and both can be ordered online as well.

The question remains: Do you actually need a testosterone booster? You do if your testosterone level is low. This is often the case with body builders, because they put so much into their workouts, and they are burning up hormone levels faster than the hormones are being produced in many cases. Also, if you are past your twenties, the chances are good that you need a booster.

While there are no negative side effects of natural testosterone boosters, there are definite advantages. These include an increased sex drive, better workout performances, and increased muscle size because of the enhanced workout performances. It has also been reported that natural testosterone boosters actually help you to think clearer.

While there are no known side effects to testosterone boosters, you must remember that your body is unique. Therefore, if you start to notice negative things, such as anger, low sex drive, reduced energy, depression, or increased irritability, it is important to stop using anything that you are using, and consult your doctor.

Testosterone boosters are safe, if they are used correctly. Talk to your doctor and have your levels checked. This is a simple blood test. If you can use a testosterone booster, ask your doctor to recommend one, or go with a well-known brand. Make sure that you drink plenty of water. Be sure to discuss the proper dosage with your doctor as well - taking too much of anything isn't healthy.

Factors That Cause Ovarian Cyst Growth

Because there are lots of distinct types of ovarian cysts, there are many causes for them as well. Having a good understanding of the factors which induce ovarian cysts is critical. Without it, it's not always feasible to get the right care.

A very common form of ovarian cyst would be the functional cyst. The functional cyst occurs when the normal sequence of events of the menstruation cycle go wrong in some way. Follicles, which are tiny structures, normally develop within the ovaries. These follicles hold an egg and are expected to make the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Midway through the menstruation cycle, the pituitary gland sends a hormonal signal to the follicle to release it's egg. After the egg is released, the hormones estrogen and progesterone are released by the ruptured follicle.

There are two mechanisms by which this sequence gets disrupted. This will lead to two distinct forms of functional cysts:

1.) Follicular cyst.

If the egg doesn't get released by the follicle, then the follicle turns into what is known as a Follicular cyst. Normally they're harmless and will vanish after two or three menstrual periods.

2.) Corpus luteum cyst.

If the follicle ruptures and releases the egg, but closes up instead of remaining open, it puffs up with fluid and forms a Corpus luteum cyst. It should disappear in a few weeks time. However complications can happen such as extreme growth, filing up with blood, rupturing, or getting twisted. These complications can lead to abdominal or pelvic pain and a sudden sharp, intense pain if the cyst ruptures.

In either case, the follicle doesn't release progesterone which leads to a hormonal imbalance. This imbalance leads to the formation of more cysts.

Factors exerting a strong influence on ovarian cyst growth are:

1.) Genetics - If any of your sisters or your mother has ovarian cysts, the odds are good that you'll get them also. Research has shown that there is a genetic difference between those that get ovarian cysts and those that don't.

2.) Insulin resistance - Insulin resistance causes excessive blood concentrations of insulin. The ovaries react to the excessive insulin by overproducing androgens (male hormones) which can cause the development polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

3.) Weak immune system - A strong immune system readily destroys foreign substances in the body. This includes abnormal cells and other agents that trigger ovarian cysts.

4.) Poor diet - If the body doesn't get what it requires, it becomes stressed and functions poorly. Among the multitude of problems caused by a poor diet are hormonal imbalances and a weak immune system. Either of these two conditions can lead to ovarian cyst development. Everyone knows what constitutes a poor diet. Too many carbs and lots of junk food, and not enough of the foods with essential nutrients like fresh vegetables.

Scheduled checkups with a doctor are critical. However, some of the causes of ovarian cysts listed above are strongly affected by your choice of lifestyle.

5 Hidden Cause of Infertility: Part 1 (The Psychology of Infertility)

There are 5 Hidden Causes of Infertility that has puzzled Your fertility doctor

Here are the list of five subtle and poorly understood causes of male or female infertility:

1. The psychological Factors
2. The Liver and thyroid gland Issues
3. Too much tissue acidification
4. Ignoring the Nutrition factor
5. Infertility can be Spiritual

We will treat them one by one as space and time allows.

1. Mechanism of Psychological Cause of Infertility

The psychology of conception: Your psyche is made up of your mind (center), your will and emotion. The mind is the man and where the mind goes, the man follows. A woman is a bundle of emotions, mood and mind. The brain controls everything including signalling the body to produce or reproduce. The brain or intellect does it through hormones or chemical messengers. We now know about the connection called the psychoneuroendocrinology. This is a fancy way of saying that our psychology controls our brain wiring which in turn controls our hormones released through our circulation.

The hormones tells our body what to do including process that trigger reproduction. This is where the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis kick in. I will elaborate on this in a minute.

The mind, mood and hormones work through a cascade of checks and balances called the feed-back mechanisms. The hypothalamus is the midbrain containing the emotional brain called the limbic system. The hypothalamus secrets a hormone called the gonadotropin releasing hormone which in turn stimulate the pituitary gland at the base of the brain to secrete follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). FSH and LH are called gonadotropins because the stimulate the gonads (ovary and testis) to produce estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Estrogen helps in the maturation of the eggs in the ovaries. LH surge signals the release of mature eggs. While progesterone preserves and sustains pregnancy if fertilization occurs in the female. In the male, FSH stimulates the testicles to produce testosterone which stimulates the testes to produce and mature spermatozoa within 90 days. LH helps to release mature sperms from the testicles.

Hormones are secreted by endocrine glands. Endocrine or ductless glands as the name implies don't have secretory ducts; as such they secrete their contents directly into the blood stream. Know that sex hormones in particular and hormones in general are chemical messengers that signal the body to do something. They turn switches off or on at the cellular level. Their delicate balance can switch off fertility. The imbalance of hormones themselves can create emotional upheavals and mood swings which in turn affect fertility or infertility.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Healthy Diets for Healthy Hormones

When it comes to hormones, women have a better understanding of the damage that can be done if they are unbalanced. Men tend to not be as experienced in this area. However, when the subject turns to hormones and healthy weight loss, both males and females must be educated and aware of what is happening in their own bodies.

There is a group of hormones that are sometimes called the weight loss hormones. These chemicals manipulate a person's appetite and dictate how much weight will be lost or gained.

Adipose fat tissue is an organ that releases powerful amounts of these hormones. What was once thought to be extra, harmless energy storage is now known to be one of the biggest influences on whether or not you are eating right and choosing healthy meals and snacks.

Leptin is one specific hormone that is secreted by fat tissue. It binds to the hypothalamus, which is the body's appetite control center, signaling that no more food needs to be taken in. In healthy diets, high leptin levels occur after every meal. Appetite is nixed and calories can start being burned.

So healthy eating is easy with leptin, right?

Right. Until it malfunctions. When a body already carries extra fat, leptin becomes less efficient and is secreted more often than necessary. A person might eat a meal full of appropriate diet food and still feel hungry if their leptin is out of whack. This problem could quickly lead to extra weight gain.

Insulin resistance may be the cause of leptin malfunction. Obesity often prompts the development of insulin resistance, which requires more insulin to be used to clear sugar from the bloodstream. Higher insulin levels block the leptin signal that is traveling to the brain. The result is that your brain thinks you are hungry, so even if you know how to eat healthy, you are going to consume unnecessary calories. As the cycle repeats itself, hormones become more and more unbalanced.

To add to the complexity of the issue of hormones and appetite, we have ghrelin. This hormone works between the stomach and hypothalamus. An empty stomach causes ghrelin to stimulate neurons in the hypothalamus, which tell the brain that it is time to eat. As food is consumed, the stomach stretches and another hormone, called cholecystokinin, is secreted. Several hormones start working together to tell the body it is time to stop eating.

One of the hormones that your body can fall back on is peptide YY. This one is triggered when food moves into the intestines. So if you ignored the first signal, you have other reminders to stop eating.

Many hormones work to control appetite. Leptin and insulin are the most notable and can actually shut down the whole system if they start to fail. Sugar intake is the primary cause of leptin and insulin breakdown, as too much sugar raises insulin levels and blocks leptin from doing its job. The end result: no appetite control.

Hormones are complicated, but good nutrition can go far in keeping them balanced and working properly. Just by cutting some sugar out of your diet plans, you might see immediate healthy weight loss. A long-term healthy eating plan to maintain effective hormones would be a low sugar, high protein diet. Knowing how to eat healthy can keep your body running smoothly so that it is your biggest partner in healthy weight loss success.

Hashimotos: The Iodine-Iodide Issue

Hashimotos is known as an autoimmune condition which is accompanied by thyroid inflammation. What most people don't realize is that thyroid inflammation happened long before their development of Hashimotos. This fact is different from the conventional point of view which believes that a person's thyroid antibodies are the cause of thyroid inflammation.

Therefore if we can step back and understand the origin of thyroid inflammation we then have a much better idea about how to reverse Hasimotos.

The Role of Iodine and Iodide

From my clinical experience iodide and iodine play a role in the cause or etiology of thyroid inflammation and the perpetuation of Hashimotos.

To understand this I need to briefly review a little thyroid physiology.

There are two primary thyroid hormones. One is Thyroxine or T4 and the other is Tri-iodothyronine or T3. The 4 and the 3 refer to the number of iodine atoms attached to each hormone.

Yet iodine does not enter thyroid cells. It's iodide which is absorbed and enter thyroid cells through what are called 'Iodine Traps.' I have no idea why they've been given this term when they actually absorb iodide.

Yet iodide is absorbed, waiting to be converted into iodine which is then used to make thyroid hormones. And when the time comes to these hormones thyroid cells produce hydrogen peroxide to pull off one atom from the iodide to make iodine.

When thyroid cells are stimulated to make their hormones, their production of hydrogen peroxide increases, converting iodide into iodine, and the assembly line of making thyroid hormones advances.

What stimulates thyroid cells to make hydrogen peroxide is the hormone TSH or Thyroid Stimulating Hormone. This fact is very important because of its connection with thyroid inflammation.

TSH and Thyroid Inflammation

When levels of thyroid hormones decline in the blood the gland which produces TSH increases its production in an attempt to stimulate thyroid cells to make more hormones. So when thyroid hormones decline, TSH goes up.

Then what will happen when a person has a deficiency of iodide?

When there's a lack of iodide there will be a lack of iodine inside thyroid cells, so thyroid hormone production goes down. And when thyroid hormone production goes down, TSH goes up.

This TSH stimulates thyroid cells to produce more and more hydrogen peroxide, and if levels of hydrogen peroxide remain high, which they will if thyroid hormone levels remain low, hydrogen peroxide will eventually lead to irritation and eventually inflammation.

Lab Testing

Both TSH and the thyroid hormones T4 can be checked through lab testing. As in our previous example of an iodide deficiency, when TSH is high and T4 is below the lab's reference range then the person is diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.

If the TSH is high and T4 is low but still within the lab's reference range then the person will likely be diagnosed with Subclinical Hypothyroidism. Research has shown that about half the people with Subclinical Hypothyroidism will eventually develop Hashimotos. Why is this?

Elevated TSH leads to increased hydrogen production within thyroid cells leading to inflammation. Inflammation speeds up the metabolism of cells leading to their aging prematurely. This means that inflamed thyroid cells have a shortened life expectancy and when they die they release their contents including Thyroperoxidase and Thyroglobulin. This enzyme and protein trigger an immune response with the development of antibodies.

Therefore an iodide deficiency will lead to thyroid inflammation. The means of helping thyroid inflammation is through the use of iodide. This will improve thyroid hormone production which will lower TSH.

But is this same approach true for Hashimotos?

Iodide for Hashimotos?

Here's the double edge of the iodide sword.

As far as the body's intelligence is concerned iodide and iodine are absolutely essential for health and are considered precious commodities. And over hundreds, maybe thousands, of generations we developed an ability to store these trace elements in case of a shortage, similar to how our livers store vitamin B12 for years.

When we ingest iodide and iodine they are readily absorbed into those same Iodine Traps which exist in the thyroid as well as other tissues throughout the body. These traps are also known as Sodium Iodine Symports. Storage in these symports allows us to use iodine and iodine later on as needed.

These symports don't have the intelligence to automatically know when iodine and iodide are available. They must be stimulated by the same hormone that stimulates those traps in thyroid cells, TSH.

So when iodine and iodide are ingested this triggers an increase in the production of TSH. This TSH will stimulate the symports in the thyroid and throughout the body to absorb iodide and iodine respectively. Yet remember, with Hashimotos we do not want elevated TSH since it also stimulates thyroid cells to produce hydrogen peroxide.

The Danger of Iodine & Iodine

Here's a story from before I knew better than to use high doses of iodine and iodide. A 53 year old woman had symptoms of Hypothyroidism. She had a TSH of 3.65 (slightly high) and a T4 thyroid hormone level of 6.5 (very much on the low side of the lab's normal reference range). So I put her on a high dose of iodine and iodide, about 12 mg of each. We repeated her labs after six months to find a TSH of 107. I was shocked to say the least.

For this reason, and because it is vital to get TSH below 1.0 for people with Hashimotos, I avoid using iodine and iodide completely in the first phase of treatment which is to lower thyroid inflammation.

As you can see, a deficiency of iodide is the primary cause of thyroid inflammation. Yet once this inflammation has progressed, causing thyroid cell destruction, the release of Thyroglobulin and Thyroperoxidase and the activation of antibodies, iodide and iodine must be avoided.

Steps to Reducing Thyroid Inflammation

Here are the steps in the first phase of reducing thyroid inflammation.

  • Avoid supplements with iodine and iodide.

  • Reduce TSH by providing thyroid hormones. This is done primarily through a thyroid prescription. There is no other way of increasing thyroid hormone levels in order to reduce TSH to at least 1.0.

  • Provide selenium in the methionine form which has proven to reduce thyroid inflammation.

  • Improve glutathione levels to also quench inflammation. Selenium helps to improve glutathione levels. Glutathione can also be applied topically over the thyroid using pharmaceutical grade DMSO.

  • Improve the ecology of the gut. Any gut inflammation for some reason parallels thyroid inflammation. Maybe one reason for this is that both the intestines and the thyroid have the same embryonic origin, the endoderm.

If you are interested to learn more about Hashimotos we have produced a series of videos on its origin, effective ways to reduce thyroid inflammation and thyroid antibodies, and why a broad, holistic approach is essential.

Bio-Identical Hormones - What They Are and How They Can Help You

What are they?

Bio-identical hormones can be considered as a natural alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). Well, we are already aware of the fact that HRT is the synthetic version of the hormones of females. They term 'Bio-identical' is given as a reference to estrogen and progesterone, which are identical to the hormones produced in a female's body. Whenever a woman experiences some sorts of hormonal depletion or enters menopause, the first solution that the doctors will usually prescribe is hormone replacement therapy. However, nobody can ignore the fact that there are some sorts of dangers associated with this therapy. Hence, it is obvious that women started to search for an alternative, especially a natural alternative in order to get rid of HRT. This is where the importance of bio-identical hormones is actually realized.

How are they helpful?

Well, the pharmacies, which are specialized in making compounds in order for perfect regulation of every woman's level of identical hormone, are where this type of hormone compound is actually made.

We all are aware of the fact that earlier there will only a few methods were available for treating andropause or menopause. In fact, thousands of men as well as women are undergoing this disorder. The options are open today due to the availability of a great thing called bio-identical hormones. On the other hand, you would have already come across many women gone through menopause and thereby suffered through varieties of emotional as well as physical problems, especially at this period. Some most common symptoms are such as loss of libido or dry skin, night sweats, weight gain, flushing, headaches etc, which are absolutely unpleasant to deal with. In some cases, these symptoms have been noticed to last more than 4 years.

Hence, for those who are looking forward to get rid of this agony in a safer and natural way, bio-identical replacement therapy is the only option available. Many men as well as women have overcome the declining levels of sex hormones successfully after going through this therapy. In fact, just going through the clinical reports and testimonials with regard to this therapy, posted on various online websites will make you to realize the fact that the using bio-identical therapy for a short is absolutely safe and effective as well. In fact, this therapy has already proven itself as successful in Europe as well as United States.

Most of the experts are recommending short term use of bio-identical hormones as a natural alternative. It is also recommended for a reason that it has the capability to protect against heart attacks and osteoporosis. On the other hand, a woman can suffer from uterine and breast cancer due to unopposed estrogens post especially in postmenopausal period. Hence, it is advised for all those women who are willing to make the most of this therapy to discus this topic with proper health care providers. It is also advised to go online as internet is also providing much valuable information regarding this topic.

What Are the Main Causes of Diabetes?

Research into diabetes is increasing all the time. Despite this no one actually knows what specifically causes diabetes. This has led to a number of rumours circulating some which are partially true and others which hold no truth at all. In this article I will be discussing what is known about the causes of diabetes.

1) GENERAL CAUSES:- We know that diabetes develops as a result of your body's cells not getting enough insulin (a hormone which helps convert blood sugar/glucose into energy). This is usually because your pancreas fails to generate enough insulin or because your body's cells start to resist insulin. Although we know what leads to the development of diabetes we do not currently know why this happens in certain individuals and not others.

2) GESTATIONAL DIABETES (GDM):- Again we do not know the exact causes of GDM although it is strongly linked with hormonal changes that occur during the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. During this time the placenta releases hormones which block the normal action of insulin to ensure that the growing baby gets enough glucose. This causes pregnant women's insulin needs to increase by two or three times the normal rate. Failure to meet this need leads to the onset of GDM. Approximately 5% of pregnant women develop GDM and although we have a good idea of what causes it, we do not know why it affects certain women and not others. There are a number of associated risk factors but currently no definitive reason.

3) TYPE 1 DIABETES:- Type 1 diabetes is caused by damage to the pancreas as the result of an auto-immune attack where the body's immune system starts to attack the insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. Once more, whilst we know what causes type 1 diabetes we are still unsure what triggers this response. A number of suggestions have been put forward (including viral infections and faulty nerves) but currently none of these suggestions can be applied universally.

4) TYPE 2 DIABETES AND PRE-DIABETES:- Pre-diabetes is an early form of type 2 diabetes and the causes of each are very similar. Type 2 diabetes develops when the body stops responding to insulin. The pancreas reacts by producing additional insulin and the liver responds by releasing extra glucose. Over time this limits the effectiveness of the pancreas and further increases insulin resistance in the body. As with the other types of diabetes we do not know what causes the above reaction. However, there is very strong evidence that type 2 diabetes is linked to age, ethnicity, family history, inactivity and obesity.

5) RUMOURS:- Since the exact cause of diabetes is unknown, there are a number of false suggestions floating around. These include diabetes being contagious (there is a hereditary element but it cannot be passed directly from person to person), diabetes being caused by sugar (excessive sugar consumption does not cause diabetes but is linked with obesity, a diabetes risk factor) and stress causing diabetes (stress can aggravate the condition in diabetics but there is currently no evidence that it causes diabetes).

Currently, we have a general understanding of what happens inside our bodies to cause diabetes. However, the trigger behind these causes is still a mystery. Perhaps the strongest link is that between inactivity, obesity and type 2 diabetes but even this does not fully explain why some obese individuals never develop the disease. As research into the causes of diabetes continues, the best advice is to try and keep your blood sugar levels within a normal range. Keeping your weight under control, exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet can all play their part in this process.

Every intention has been made to make this article accurate and informative but it is intended for general information only. Diabetes is a medical condition and this article is not intended as a substitute for the advice of your doctor or a qualified medical practitioner. If you have any concerns regarding any form of diabetes you should seek the advice of your doctor immediately.

Female Hormones and Depression

It all started when I felt like something might be wrong with me, I was feeling tired, no energy, I would wake up early in the morning, and give out by mid-day. It was obvious by the way my clothes were fitting, that I was putting on a few pounds, I seem to be irritated by everything, and everyone around me. I couldn't focus for any length of time, and panic was setting in over the fact that I couldn't seem to remember anything.

Sometimes women think that they are just overwhelmed because of the daily list of "things to do", it's only when I started to research several of the symptoms that I was having, that I discovered, it was a much deeper issue that I was dealing with.

Experts believe that the increased chance of depression in women may be related to changes in hormone levels that occur throughout a woman's life.

It all starts when females go through puberty, and it is a world wind of emotions from that point on, then we go through PMS, pregnancy, mid-life changes and many other things, that can affect our emotions due to these hormone changes.

Now that I had this information what was I suppose to do with it? How was I going to get better without taking medication? What I learned was empowering and I share my story in a blog that you are welcome to read if you want to know about my personal battle with depression and the ways I found to treat myself naturally.

Women's Hormones and Mood Swings

From PMS to Peri menopause to menopause, hormone fluctuations can take women on a wild ride. Women who cycle can be on this ride for a long time. They may have brief interludes during pregnancy and/or in their 20's and early 30's. Cycling women complain of many symptoms. PMS occurs when hormones are not in balance especially during puberty when hormones are ramping up. During puberty, your body is trying to establish a rhythm and adjust. Perimenopause is the other side of the coin. Once you start running out of eggs, you have cycles that become irregular. Bleeding may become heavy and many women develop fibroids and fibrocystic breasts. This occurs from insufficient progesterone. In menopause, estrogen and progesterone can be very low and memory, mood and desire reflect this. When it comes to hormones, it's all about levels and balance.

Progesterone balances estrogen

Every hormone has a counter hormone to balance its effects. Just think of a car with a gas pedal and brake. You need both to keep a steady speed when you are going up and down hills. Think of estrogen as the gas. It gives you energy, makes your breasts and uterine lining grow and sharpens memory among other things. When an egg develops from the surge of estrogen and ovulation occurs, progesterone is made in the follicle to balance the surge of estrogen. Here's what progesterone does:

  • Stabilizes the uterine lining and prevents mid cycle spotting and bleeding.

  • Stops overgrowth of breast tissue.

  • It has a diuretic effect that relieves fluid retention and bloating.

  • Calms the nervous system to relieve anxiety.

  • Sedates and promotes sound sleep.

  • Prevents hair loss by decreasing the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is a very strong metabolite of testosterone.

Pre Menstrual Syndrome vs Perimenopause

Pre Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) occurs during puberty, teenagers get hormone surges. Hormones are ramping up. Like a new driver, the brain controlling the output doesn't yet have the finesse to fine tune the speed. Surges of estrogen can make someone snap, then when hormones drop at the end of a cycle, depression and withdrawal set in. As your cycle stabilizes, these symptoms become much less pronounced or disappear. Some women have chronic imbalances and can suffer from symptoms of hormone imbalance.

  • Menstrual migraines

  • Headaches

  • Weight gain,

  • Bloating

  • Breast tenderness

  • Mood swings

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Depression

Many of these symptoms can also occur after having a baby. While most women have estrogen excess from their diet, environmental estrogens and cycles that don't produce eggs, some have other imbalances. It is important to measure hormone levels and look at the interrelationship amongst all of your hormones.

Perimenopause is like PMS in reverse. The eggs in your ovaries start to run out in your mid thirties and your brain pumps out a lot more follicle stimulating hormone, FSH and leutenizing hormone, LH to stimulate your ovaries to produce an egg. If no egg is produced, you have a lot more estrogen and no progesterone. It's like driving a car with no brakes. You don't get the calming effects of progesterone and feel out of control. The uterine lining continues to grow and its shedding becomes incomplete or irregular. Women complain of many of the same symptoms of PMS and in addition:

  • Fibroids, spotting

  • Heavy and/or irregular periods

  • Ovarian cysts

  • Hair loss, weight gain

  • Insomnia

  • Anxiety

  • Irritability

  • Memory lapses

Menopause is when both hormones decline, like driving a car that sputters with too little gas and worn out breaks. You get what Suzanne Somers coined the Seven Dwarfs of Menopause

  • Itchy

  • Bitchy

  • Sweaty

  • Bloaty

  • Sleepy

  • Forgetful

  • Psyco

Lifestyle Factors

Many factors stimulate, disrupt and block hormones. Some cause reabsorption of hormones. Here's what you can do to bring hormones into better balance:

  • Eliminate hormone disruptors in your diet such as

    • Eliminate BPA's in plastics and the lining of cans- eat fresh or frozen.

    • Reduce herbicides and pesticides by thoroughly washing fruits and vegetables and eat the "dirty dozen" organic (apples, bell peppers, celery, cherries, imported grapes, lettuce, nectarines, peaches, pears, potatoes, spinach and strawberry).

    • Buy hormone free and antibiotic free meat and dairy or better yet, free range, grass fed organic.

  • Increase the elimination of hormones by increasing soluble fiber. Eat oats, beans, berries, apples and high fiber fruits and vegetables. Ground flax meal is also good.

  • Chasteberry, an herb can stimulate the production of progesterone and is helpful during PMS and Peri menopause.

  • Black Cohosh and Rhapontic Rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticumL.) extract are the most effective for relieving hot flashes and symptoms of menopause.

  • Gamma Linoleic Acid found in primrose oil and in higher concentrations in borage oil can relieve swelling and bloating along with Vitamin E.

  • B complex vitamins help you metabolize hormones and are essential for energy production.

  • Sleep 6-8 hours and take relaxation breaks throughout the day

  • Eat a low glycemic diet (less white and processed foods such as sugar, white flour, pasta, rice, tropical fruits that are digested quickly and raise blood sugar).

This is the short list of what studies showed had the most benefit. Buy quality ingredients from a trusted source, as many companies do not purify or standardize their products and may not use the dose and form that studies found effective.

Balance with Bioidentical Hormones

When all else fails and you want to have better control of your moods and life, seek medical advice and have your hormones measured. Hormones can be balanced with replacement.

  • Progesterone alone is very calming and smooths the roller coaster ride during PMS, post partum and perimenopause.

  • Testosterone helps women stabilize their moods, regain self confidence and self esteem and libido. It drops in many women during perimenopause but rises in some, especially those with polycystic ovarian syndrome and insulin resistance.

  • Menopausal women often need all 3 hormones - estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

Many people are concerned about hormone replacement therapy due to the results of the women's health initiative. In that study the average age of women was 63, they were 10 years past menopause and used high doses of the synthetic hormones Premarin, Provera and Prempro. Bioidentical hormones are the same chemical structure as the hormones in your body. The International Menopause Society and The North American Menopause Society have both changed their recommendations. If you are symptomatic, it is better to start hormone replacement therapy early because there are many benefits.

Harmonize your hormones with lifestyle ad when all else fails, seek the advice of an anti aging, functional medicine expert to help you balance your hormones with bioidentical estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Seek out someone who will take into account your diet and unique genetic and metabolic makeup for personalized, customized care.

Your Own Hormones Can Keep You Youthful

The state of our hormones has never been talked about so much as people search for ways to hold on to their youthful looks and health. There is one very special hormone called human growth hormone (HGH), the 'master grand daddy hormone' that you need if you wish to maintain youthfulness as the years roll by.

With good levels of this hormone the benefits are widespread, maintaining your looks, health, energy and physical stamina. On the outside of your body the tell tale signs of aging can be diminished, excess body fat can be lost and the look and feel of your skin can be improved.

On the inside your muscles and bones become stronger, your metabolism (the body's engine) is boosted, your brain is powered up with better memory and focus and overall health and wellbeing is improved.

But by age 40 we produce only 10 percent of the amount of HGH that we produced in our 20s and by age 50, HGH production has usually ceased entirely. So, you may be asking "how can we naturally improve our hormone levels so the aging process is slowed?"

Hormones that have declined with age can be elevated with a proper exercise program containing strength training. When muscles are challenged the body is stimulated to produce growth hormone. This can reverse muscle and bone loss, reboot the metabolism and make our bodies work better and become leaner and healthier.

When muscle, bones and other cells in your body are being challenged to stay strong with a proper exercise program your body will have good reason to continue to renew and replace old, degenerated cells and tissue. This then encourages the rejuvenation of new young, strong and healthy tissue which is what will keep you young.

Exercise is a fantastic anti aging tool but, it is important to understand that not all forms of activity will stimulate the release of HGH. A brisk walk or 20 minutes on the bike will raise your heart rate, but it will not help you release HGH. What is needed to achieve this is a consistent program of strength training exercise that works the muscular system.

Short sustained bursts of anaerobic workouts like strength training exercise create a deficit of oxygen in the muscles. This is the most effective form of exercise as it shifts our muscles from burning carbohydrates to burning fat for fuel.

This kind of exercise also increases our metabolic rate (the rate we burn fuel) and keeps it elevated for many hours after the exercise session. This means that we continue to burn calories at a higher rate our workout. At the same time, when muscles are working during multiple sets of strength training exercise, the body is stimulated to produce significant amounts of HGH.

You can now see how important it is to make sure your exercise program is effective and efficient and the best way to do this is to enlist the help of a fitness professional. This will ensure you are not wasting time and effort on activity that will not give you the best results.

The right program performed at the right intensity (degree of difficulty) can be your best friend for powerful body fat reducing, muscle toning, metabolism boosting, anti aging magic known to science.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Hormones and Weight Gain

Are your hormones making your fat? There is a huge relationship between hormones and weight gain, and your hormones could be making a big contribution to you either gaining weight or being unable to lose weight. But you are not completely at the mercy of your hormones and there are some simple lifestyle changes you can make which will help.

What are hormones?

Hormones are special chemical messengers released by various glands and cells in your body. They are carried in your blood and taken to receptors which then activate a signal to make the cells in your body perform a certain function.

A good example is the hormone insulin which most people have heard of. It is produced in the pancreas, which is an organ that sits right behind your stomach. When you eat, the digested food is broken down into glucose, the simplest form of sugar that your body needs as an energy source. Once glucose is released into the blood stream, your pancreas secretes insulin. Insulin binds with receptors in the cells, so that they can take in the glucose to be used as energy.

Once the glucose moves into your cells, the level in your blood stream drops and your pancreas stops producing insulin. If the level of glucose drops too much, say you are doing some hard exercise; your pancreas produces the hormone glucagon, which tells the liver to release stored glucose into your bloodstream to keep those hungry little cells fed. Once enough glucose is released and the blood sugars are at the level they need to be, the pancreas stops creating glucagon.

This feedback system helps to keep your body regulated, too much glucose and your body produces insulin, too little glucose and your body produces glucagon. In the same way if you are too hot, you will start sweating to cool you down, and if you are too cold, your body makes you start shivering to warm up. Sometimes however, the stresses of our modern-day life can make these feed back systems go a bit wonky.

Hormones and weight gain

Take for example the hormones leptin and grehlin. Leptin's role is to send signals to your brain to signal satiety (or to tell you when you are full) while the role of grehlin is to increase your appetite by making you feel hungry. Latest research has shown that chronic sleep deprivation causes grehlin to be increased (causing an increase in appetite), while the levels of leptin decrease, so that it takes longer to signal your brain that you are full, easily allowing you to over eat. Your body cannot replenish its energy through adequate sleep, so it is going to try to get that through extra food.

I know that when I have some very late nights, I will be craving sweet foods by the afternoon, and when you are feeling tired; it is very hard to resist.

Stress can also contribute to an imbalance of hormones and weight gain. When you are stressed, your body produces more of the hunger hormone grehlin. You also produce more of the hormone cortisol, sometimes called the "stress hormone". Cortisol stimulates fats and carbohydrates to be metabolised for quick energy release. Stress also stimulates insulin to be released so that blood sugar levels are maintained and this can also increase your appetite.

These hormonal responses served us well as cave dwellers when we needed the "fight or flight" response to prepare us for fighting off the enemy or fleeing large animals viewing us as lunch. Unfortunately the stresses of modern-day living can trigger the same "fight or flight" responses and the same hormonal responses.

What you can do to keep your hormones balanced

If you think that hormones and weight gain is one of your weight loss challenges, here are the two best things that you can do. First of all, make sure that you get a good 6-8 hours sleep a night. Second, try to keep your stress levels to a minimum. If you can't escape from your daily stressors, try to change how you react to them. I found that meditating for 10-15 minutes a day before work, worked wonders for me, allowing me to face the day calmer and more focused.

What Are the Most Essential Vitamins That Prevent and Cure a Pimple

Acne is caused by hormone inside of your body. Therefore the most effective way to prevent acne is to take the right nutrients which will help you to balance the hormonal disorder in your body. There is no cure for acne, but acne can be treated completely. While vitamins alone may not cure a pimple, they support a healthier diet and can offset some causes including stress, poor nutrition, and hormonal imbalances.

You may not know that getting enough vitamin A in your diet could be as effective against acne as those facial toners and scrubs you've been stockpiling. If only you knew that in junior high.

Here's why:

Vitamin A keeps sebum production, which leads to acne, under control. In case you need another reason to reach for a carrot (a quick, easy source of vitamin A).

Remember that vitamin A has antioxidant properties, so it helps the body get rid of toxins, which can also promote clear skin.

For better-looking skin and improved skin texture, here are some facts:

- Retinoid comes from Vitamin A.

- The recommended daily allowance of vitamin A is 900 micrograms for men and 700 micrograms for women.

- Remember that for skin care, a little is good, a lot is not better.

- Great food sources of vitamin A are dairy products, fish, and dark-colored fruits and veg etables (such as spinach, carrots and apricots).

Some other vitamins and minerals that play a key role in treating acne:

Vitamin E:

This vitamin is important for skin repair and retards cellular aging.


Zinc is essential for absorption of Vitamin A and also regulates levels of Vitamin E in the blood. It also boosts the immune system and helps kill acne bacteria.


Selenium is needed for skin elasticity. It also boosts the action of the other anti-oxidants. (Anti-oxidants are important because they prevent the spread of oxidative cells that can attack cellular function in all major systems of the body.)


This mineral seems to play a major role in hormone balance, which is a major cause of acne.

The Conflicts Over the Use of Human Growth Hormones in Anti-Aging

In past years growth hormones or HGH has provided children a cure for specific hormone deficiencies. These hormones have been also used experimentally in treating people with other forms of diseases. But the use of HGH doesn't end there. There are promotional ads for the help of HGH in anti-aging. HGH has been controversially used to slow down the process of aging.

The Benefits of Growth Hormone

In the past years, hormones have been used apart from its primary purpose of curing children with insufficiency in hormonal process to grow appropriately in slowing down the process of aging. HGH can also help treat various diseases. There are various websites even nutritional and health websites that feature anti-aging HGH. Aside from helping in the aging process, HGH is also linked to reducing cholesterol levels and weight loss.

There are plenty of websites that list the advantages of HGH in anti-aging. However, these websites do not have a scientific back up to help prove their claims. There is still little scientific research that study the benefits of growth hormones in aging. On some websites that promote HGH for anti-aging, the potential dangers of this kind of therapy are not really mentioned at all.

Possible Dangers of Growth Hormones in Anti-aging

It has been stated in some reports that HGH is shown to increase fluid retention or edema, blood pressure, joint pain, insulin resistance and diabetes. These are the probable side effects of human growth hormone when used as anti-aging agents. There are more of these possible side effects that are not mentioned in a lot of websites that promote growth hormones for aging. Customers themselves should be the ones to check the degree of the benefits over the possible harmful side effects and should not focus only on the benefits.

The use of HGH for treating hormonal insufficiency in children has been a subject of most scientific research. Some of these researches have shown that colon cancer is more common among users of these hormones.

Products that Promote Increase in HGH of the Human Body

There are plenty of products out in the market that claim to help naturally increase the levels of growth hormones in the body. These claims, however, have not been backed up by solid scientific evidence to prove their truth. It should be remembered that the use of hormone to promote anti-aging may have possible side effects and should not be used seriously.

Before trying any anti-aging or hormonal supplements, be sure to seek the advice of your physician. It doesn't matter what supplement you are planning to try, whether it is deemed natural or not, anti-aging or not, growth hormones or not.

When choosing hormone supplement with the approval of your doctor, in order to improve the possibility of experiencing the side effects is increased with the use of injections. However, it should also be kept in mind that using the hormones should only be in the recommended doses since taking too much of the hormone can have more drawbacks that advantages.

Acne and Hormones

The role of hormones in acne vulgaris has been verified as a contributing factor to the development of pimples. While there is a direct link between hormone levels and acne, medical scientists still argue that hormones alone cannot be responsible for acne and other factors have to be taken into consideration. Acne development during puberty and in certain hormonal disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome highlight the integral role of hormones in acne vulgaris.

Acne affects both males and females more often in puberty than any other stage in life. The increased production of male sex hormones (androgens) in the body stimulate the growth and activity of the sebaceous glands. Often referred to as 'oil', sebum travels up hair follicles to the exterior of the skin. This often causes the 'oily skin' appearance associated with puberty. The sebum may trap bacteria, dust and other residue and cause a blockage of the pore. The inflammatory process associated with this blockage and any complication by a bacterial infection results in what we typically refer to as a pimple.

The Effects of Hormones on Acne in Males

In young males, the adrenal glands begin to secrete DHEAS (dihydroepiandrosterone sulfate) around the time of puberty. This hormone precursor gives rise to two other hormones, namely testosterone and dehydrotestosterone (DHT) which jointly act on the body during adolescence. These hormones are essential for normal and healthy development of the adult male. However they often contribute to increased sebum production resulting in the development of pimples. The increased concentration of androgens in males is one of the main reasons for the higher incidence of acne vulgaris in teenage boys.

The Effects of Hormones on Acne in Females

Menstruation and the cycle of the female hormones, primarily estrogen, is a contributing factor to acne in females. Minute amounts of androgens, male sex hormones, are also present in the female body and affect the onset and severity of acne. Contraceptives may assist with stabilizing the hormone levels in females and reducing the development of pimples. The use of contraceptives for the management of acne vulgaris is not advisable but can greatly assist with hormonal fluctuations during the menstrual cycle. Acne often develops in other episodes of life when there are hormonal fluctuations as in pregnancy and menopause.

Due to the fluctuating hormone levels, teenage acne can be difficult to manage in both males and females. Infected pimples should be treated with topical or short courses of oral antibiotics but the problem will often persist due to the role of hormones in the teen years. As the hormone levels stabilize in the late teens and early adulthood, acne usually reduces in severity or resolves. Evidence suggests that other hormonal disorders can contribute to acne either directly or indirectly by its effects on the sex hormones. Stress, anxiety and depression are known to affect acne at any age. Counseling and stress management can prove to be effective in managing the mental-emotional disorder and ultimately assist with acne.

There is a definitive relationship between the hormones, primarily the sex hormones, and acne and in the teens, this contributing factor cannot be removed. Conservative management of acne under the supervision of a dermatologist may be advisable until the specific period is passed. Teen acne is often a skin condition with significant psychosocial impact due to the emotional vulnerability of the teenage years but it is important to understand that teenage acne will resolve with the coming years.

An interesting resource is Health Talk for more advice on acne and other skin diseases.

The First Week Sign Of Pregnancy - Time To Get Alerted Of Your Pregnancy

The first week sign of pregnancy ticks the alarm that you have started blooming a new life inside you. The pregnancy symptoms are not so visible in the first week of pregnancy. Both your physical and mental health undergoes certain changes after you become pregnant. Make a note of all these changes that start surfacing as early pregnancy symptoms within a couple days from conceiving. Onset of these symptoms at the first week of pregnancy marks implantation of fetus in the uterus and gradual development of it in your body. Drastic hormonal changes take place during this phase to support growth of the baby and the symptoms are just your body's reaction to these changes. Hence, take care of your body and monitor each first week sign of pregnancy and add to your pregnancy journal to create a week by week pregnancy calendar till the end of nine months course of pregnancy. Pregnancy journals or calendars help women to observe if they are making healthy progress towards childbirth.

How To Determine First Week Of Pregnancy

Now many women wonder how to calculate their pregnancy. Which is the first day of their nine months course of pregnancy? Usually, the first day of the last menstrual period commences the nine months duration of pregnancy. That means the day on which the last normal menstrual period ends is the day when you have become pregnant.

Usually, the ovulation is a thirty-day period and during this time, egg from ovary travels gets into fallopian tube where it is fertilized by a sperm and then descends to uterus for getting developed. The period when the fertilized egg gets into the inner lining of the uterus is considered the first week of pregnancy. Implantation of the fertilized egg at the inner lining of the uterus can be perceivable by slight bleeding and other symptoms. Take care to notice each first week sign of pregnancy for the right calculation of the pregnancy period and to be prepared for the childbirth, gradually.

First Week Pregnancy Symptoms

Following are the most probable changes pregnant women are supposed to undergo at the first week of pregnancy -

  • When you are suddenly experiencing a degree of enhanced exhaustion even If you are a full-fledged healthy, active workingwoman, you should take it seriously. Women many tend to feel a heightened level of exhaustion and may even faint due to low blood pressure.

  • Feeling nausea in the morning or throughout the day is a prevalent first week sign of pregnancy. Often your stomach may prone to feel queasy and feel aversion to foods.

  • Frequent urination is another first week sign of pregnancy. If you are expecting pregnancy, you may rush to bathroom more frequently than ever. Enlarging of your uterus to accommodate growth of the fetus inside it pushes your bladder and cause frequent urination.

  • Implantation bleeding is a significant first week sign of pregnancy. Because this bleeding results from implanting of egg in the uterus, it is termed as implantation bleeding. This light bleeding may accompany slight abdominal cramping.

  • Your breasts will show significant changes such as varicose veins, getting larger, more tender, sore and sensitive.

  • You will undergo dramatic mood swings and depression, anxiety, sudden onset of joy etc. This drastic transition of mood is an outcome of hormonal changes.

  • Gas is an embarrassing first week sign of pregnancy. However, you can reduce such discomforts by enriching your meals with adequate fibers and cutting down on spices. Constipation can accompany this gas symptom of pregnancy.
  • To reduce discomforts of first week sign of pregnancy, consume proper diet containing vitamin, mineral and folic acid as per charted by your doctor.

    How to Make Breasts Bigger - The Easy to Apply Detoxification Method

    The first step to make your breast appear is to detoxify the too much toxins and hormones in your body that are regarded to be too much. The reason for this is because in this modern days we do take a lot of chemicals that contain toxins, and majority of we human beings possess bodies like that of a dumpster and to be frank with you, it does affect the quantity of result you will get after you have undergone the breast enhancement ideas I am about to unveil to you later on.

    The most perpetrator of this are ecological toxins, which are known to behave as if they are hormones, known as xenoestrogens, they are the toxins that come from the meals we take. Hormonal toxins are predicaments we need to resolve due to the fact that breast enlargement is induced by a particular combination of hormones. These toxins are known to disarrange the correct stability of the hormones in your body. This makes it much difficult to produce a better and faster breast enlargement.

    Luckily for you, there is a way to get rid of this. First and foremost, there is need for you to perform a detoxification before you begin with your breast enlargement. Meanwhile, if you have previously not done the detoxification, no problem, you can still perform it at whenever you have time. But it should be within the time of the breast enlargement.

    A better way to detoxify your body better is to use a detoxification gizmo, which in other words can be referred to as milk thistle. It is a kind of detoxification herb which is mainly valuable for the cleansing of your liver. Considering the fact that our hormones are refined with the aid of our liver, a health and pure liver is very important.

    Go to your grocery store and you can spot milk thistle out there. Take them for a maximum of one to two weeks; also try to adhere to its label instructions. The fact is that the better you cleanse your way of life, the better your breasts are going to attain its maximum growth rate, which in turn make your breast bigger.

    Wednesday, July 31, 2013

    Hormone Imbalance and the Menstrual Cycle

    Why Hormone Imbalance?

    Monthly periods start at puberty and continue until menopause - which is between the ages of 45 and 55. The monthly cycle often comes with various uncomfortable symptoms. Many women take these for granted; most of these can be relieved - using natural methods. It is a woman's right to have normal, pain free, regular periods.

    Why, Exactly, Is There Hormonal Imbalance?

    This can happen for a variety of reasons, and when it does it often brings with it various health symptoms.

    Reasons for the imbalance can include: genetic factors, long term stress, poor diet or not enough exercise; following childbirth or abortion, or following illness - both of which may have been debilitating.

    Yes - Herbs Do Often Work

    Many women have not considered using herbs - because they are not sure they work. The truth is, they often do work; not every herbs will work 100% of the time and you will need to find what works for you. But try a few tried and tested herbs or combinations of herbs and you have a great chance of finding something safe which helps you. Combine this with lifestyle improvements and you have even more chance of success.


    Hormonal symptoms connected to the monthly cycle:

    • Heavy periods

    • Light periods, or absence of periods

    • Irregular periods

    • Difficulty conceiving

    • Painful periods

    • Breast tenderness

    • Abdominal swelling or 'bloating'

    • Fatigue - especially at period time or just after

    • Vaginal discharge

    • Disturbance of sleep pattern

    • Depression

    • Moodiness

    • Irritability, edginess

    • Cystitis

    Hormone Imbalance, Menstrual Symptoms And Low Blood Sugar

    Menstrual symptoms are very like those relating to blood sugar imbalance - low blood sugar. For example, variable mood can accompany low blood sugar - and may not necessarily accompany hormone imbalance. Avoid the temptation to consume lots of sugary food to counteract this because this raises blood sugar levels which can make you feel even less well.  The guide is: do the symptoms occur just before, during or after the period or at mid cycle? If so - and if this happens for several months in a row, then hormone imbalance is involved.

    Can Anything Be Done About Hormone Imbalance and Periods?

    Fortunately there are various things which can be done to help balance up the hormones and deal with many symptoms of the monthly cycle by using herbs and similar methods. Herbs you can use for menstrual symptoms include Agnus Castus, Dong Quai, St John's Wort and Red Sage.

    You can create this programme yourself by using the ideas in this article as a starting point. You can also find ready-made programmes which you can buy off the shelf. This can be a better idea.

    If possible it is better to involve experienced practitioners in complementary medicine for advice and remedial treatment. This can be expensive - but is often worth it.

    Any programme you use should include diet, exercise, relaxation and herbal or homoeopathic remedies. Acupuncture can also be very beneficial at this time. A programme of this type can be a wonderful benefit when you want to treat the monthly cycle and can give you great relief from your symptoms.

    Herbs, homoeopathy and acupuncture can certainly help hormonal imbalance, and so help many of these symptoms. Both for periods in general and for menopause in particular many women think first of using herbs. Herbs such as agnus castus and dong quai have a long history of helping women. However, these will work best as part of a holistic approach to healthcare - 'your programme'.

    Natural Healthcare For Menstrual Symptoms

    When hormone imbalance affects your monthly cycle and various symptoms start to affect you, use natural methods to help you manage it. These methods have helped very many women - and they can work for you too.

    Are There Side Effects From Bio Identical Hormones?

    Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) has been discussed frequently in recent years with the publicity from Suzanne Somers and other celebrities. However, even with the media attention most people still don't fully understand this medical treatment and what the therapy entails. Historically, BHRT has been around for almost 40 years and doctors from Europe and Australia and other countries have been treating their patients with BHRT for decades. On the safety point of view, BHRT mimics our body's natural hormones and is generally safe to use.

    Research on Bio Identical Hormones

    A recent article published in Maturitas studied thousands of French women who were using bio identical hormones. The study claims that women who used bioidentical hormones had NO elevated risks of cancer. Furthermore, a review published in August 2008 concludes: "hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in postmenopausal women is a safe and effective tool to counteract climacteric symptoms and to prevent long-term degenerative diseases, such as osteoporotic fractures, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus and possibly cognitive impairment." This paper reviews the role of the non-oral route of administration of sex steroids in the clinical management of menopausal symptoms, and states that non-orally administered estrogens (ie. cream, gel) minimize the hepatic first-pass effect, and are associated with potential advantages on the cardiovascular system. In addition, recent indications suggest potential advantages for blood pressure control with non-oral estrogens. To the same extent, a growing literature suggests that natural progesterone has a favorable action on the vessels and on the brain, while this might not be true for some synthetic progestins. Compelling indications also exist that differences might also be present for the risk of developing breast cancer, with recent trials indicating that the association of natural progesterone with estrogens confers less or even no risk of breast cancer as opposed to the use of other synthetic progestins.

    Synthetic vs. Bio Identical Hormones

    Previously, most women who received hormone replacement therapy are prescribed drugs like Premarin or Prempro, which come from the urine of pregnant mares. The synthetic forms of hormones may cause more harm than benefit since their molecular structure is not the same as the hormones naturally made by the body. Bioidentical hormones, in contrary, are derived from soy, wild yam and other plant extracts. Advocates say their molecular structure is similar to that of the hormones they are replacing and can serve the same purpose.

    Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is generally safe to use. However, there are a few contraindications to consider when deciding on bioidentical hormones. For male, benign prostate hypertrophy (BPH) might be a relative contraindication. For female, breast cancer, uterine or ovarian cancer, or history of deep vein thrombosis might be a contraindication for BHRT. As always, exercise, weight training, calcium and vitamin D are a few good options in your anti aging regimen. The risk for heart disease, stroke, and mental decline can be reduced through diet, exercise, low stress, yoga, deep sleep, and by taking certain natural herbs and supplements.

    GenFx Review - Before Buying GenFx HGH Read What We Found Out - You Will Be Surprised

    With all of the Britney's, Paris's and Christina's out in the world today, it is no wonder that women feel as if they need to be a pole in order to get noticed by a man. While GenFx was not designed specifically to make you as skinny as a pole, it was designed to help you battle the effects of aging and keep of what weight you do lose; naturally. Human growth hormones are hormones that many people do not know about and have no idea what they do. First and foremost, human growth hormones are hormones that we, as humans produce naturally and GenFx is not looking to change that, rather, GenFx helps the production of HGH. Human growth hormones are produced naturally by the pituitary gland and are responsible for our overall well being.

    There are many different human growth hormone supplements on the market today and if you do decide to take a human growth hormone supplement, you will need to be sure that you do not overload your system. GenFx is a human growth hormone that does not overload anyone's system, but it does stimulate your pituitary gland, which encourages your gland to make more of your own hormone. When you take GexFx, your body is not going to be getting a fake supplement; rather you will just be receiving your declining hormone. Human growth hormone is one of the many hormones that your body naturally produces and as you get older, it naturally declines in the production.

    Human growth hormones, what you may not know, are responsible for a whole host of items and the production of this fabulous hormone declines year after year and this is the reason why we can feel the aging process with every passing year. Wrinkles, weight loss, muscle mass, fine lines and even mood swings and insomnia can all be traced back to the lack of human growth hormones in a person and when you take GexFx, you will definitely see a difference in the overall well being of you as a person.

    For example, have you been trying to lose weight but have not been successful at it? Well, that can be traced back to your not having enough HGH in your system and as soon as you start taking GenFx, you will definitely start shedding those pounds right off! Or maybe you have noticed that you have been a bit sluggish and have not been able to get out of the slump in your energy; take GenFx and see exactly what happens next!

    Now as you may know, there are many other anti aging, energy driven and products that help you lose weight out there, after all, this market is a billion dollar market, but do all of those products work? Have you ever taken home of these products, excited to try it and after a month there is no change? Well, our product is different than all the rest. We are not trying to pump you full of hormones that you do not make naturally and we are definitely not trying to fill you to the brim with supplements that can harm you. GenFx is the only HGH supplement that simply stimulates your pituitary gland into producing more HGH, which in turn battles all of your aging effects and keeps you looking healthy, glowing and beautiful!

    Science Meets Witchcraft - Using Pheromones and Hormones to Find Love

    Smell is not often thought of as the driving force when it comes to attraction. Scent is hardly noticed unless it is offensive but what we don't smell could be the key to who we really love. Our bodies secret hormones that also act as identifiers of our makeup. Sexual hormones known as pheromones are released unknowingly when we sweat or are excited. Studies show that oxytocin is the main regulator of trust and bonding and is found during childbirth, breastfeeding, relationships and sex. If only women knew that the best way to attract a man is to sweat profusely the world may be a smellier and happier place.

    Leave it to capitalism to exploit nature and natural secretions. Recent research has expanded upon the long held belief that love is a chemical reaction more than a mysterious phenomenon. Physical affection prompts the release of oxytocin in the brain which triggers a tranquil and trustful response. Lactating mothers secrete Oxytocin when breastfeeding which builds the parent child bond. The pheromones Androstenone and Androsterone come alive during periods of arousal and excitement. These love chemicals regulate our emotions in the same manner that LSH and Testosterone do but are not as well known.

    While love potions have existed all through history, the efficacy of snails tails, snake eyes and milk of mandrake have never been tested and therefore have never been accepted by the mainstream. Perfumes, soaps and even air fresheners all have tapped into the most powerful sense: smell. Until recently, the relationship of smell with love and sex had been confined to seedy aphrodisiac lotions and formulas that never found their way into the average persons repertoire. Products once hidden in adult magazines and truck stop quick marts are now offered freely on the Internet which lends to their acceptance by a younger and more sexually expressive population.

    Search engine keyword inquiries present astounding interest in "spray hormones, liquid pheromones and natural aphrodisiacs" As people more mobile they also become less physically social and need help when it comes to love. A match making site may provide the candidates for a relationship but the hormones still rule supreme. The lack of shamans and witchdoctors in the average suburbs combined with a desire to expedite the outcome could explain the increased use of natural love potions. Who knows, beer goggles may finally be "so 90's."

    Vaginal Dryness & Healthy Genital Tips - Stop Dry Vagina Pain During Sex

    Is your vagina dry and you do not know what has caused the vaginal dryness? First, let us make it clear that it is not a life threatening condition. However, I cannot say it will not cause discomfort and depending on different times, painful too.

    The condition is treatable, but only if you seek treatment. Because of the area affected women tend to shy away due to embarrassment. Whether your vagina is dry or too wet, it is not something to blush over. If dryness becomes an issue causing friction or pain for you or your partner then you need help. Being a woman I understand how embarrassing it is having a doctor fiddle with your bits, but without help then your relationship can suffer considerably. Do not be selfish to yourself, or man, all because your cheeks redden easily, whatever the problem get it sorted.

    When it comes to looking after the vagina take a leaf out of a mans' book. The vagina is sacred so treat it as such, MEN DO" why not you?

    Dry Vagina

    Although dryness is known in lots of cases for causing vaginal itch and burning/stinging around the vaginal opening and in the lower third of the vagina, it is the pain that might occur during sexual intercourse that women find most stressful.

    Causes of vaginal dryness may include:

    Douches -Tampons - Condoms

    Dryness is a direct result of lower estrogen levels that is a common occurrence during and after menopause. When estrogen levels reduce, vaginal tissue thins becoming less elastic, drier and weaker. Nonetheless, inadequate vaginal lubrication can occur in women at any age. It is also a characteristic sign of vaginal atrophy (atrophic vaginitis) - thinning and inflammation of the vaginal walls due to a reduction in estrogen.

    For women who deny their man sex to avoid painful intercourse did you know there are vaginal lubricants that help make sex happen without discomfort (Certain lubricants consist of clear fluid that seeps through the walls of the blood vessels surrounding the vagina).

    When a woman is sexually aroused, more blood flows to the pelvic organs producing more fluid. But the hormonal changes of menopause, having a baby and breast-feeding can hamper the process and prevent the action.

    A decrease in estrogen levels can be the outcome of:

    Sudden effort - Exertion
    Menstruation changes
    Hormonal contraceptives
    Stress, tiredness
    Infertility drugs

    How can I help prevent my vagina from becoming to dry? Easy, stop using products that is likely to increase dryness or irritate vaginal tissue. Specific soaps, washing powders, douches, scented gels and allergens that contain harsh ingredients you need stay clear of if they contain dodgy ingredients.

    Another favoured option is Kegel exercises. They help increase circulation to the pelvic area which in return strengthens vaginal tissue. While lubricants are useful now and again for sex, specially formulated moisturizing creams will better the health of vaginal tissues. Particular formulas containing phytoestrogens are known for their ability to naturally replenish waning estrogen levels

    Flaxseeds are high phytoestrogens and known to minimize hot flushes and ease discomfort of sore breasts. Omega-3 fatty acids is good for fighting heart disease, arthritis and balancing hormones and the outcome normally less severe

    You cannot beat supplements for helping to fight different conditions. This applies to the case of a dry vagina. Consider B-vitamins and vitamin E. Vitamin A helps keep suppleness. Should you decide to take vitamins consult your doctor.

    Another option is Evening Primrose Oil.

    Healthy Vagina

    Avoid vagina dryness and infections by maintaining a healthy vagina. If you have been fortunate and not had a problem with your bits "YET" then be ready for when you do.

    A healthy vagina is moist and produces a reasonable amount of vaginal discharge. Over time discharge due to hormonal cycles and aging can alter vagina behaviours. Typical vaginal fluid would look a clear/white, pasty or of a slippery consistency, and odourless.

    The body depends on the hormone estrogen and progesterone to create ample lubricating secretions for the vagina. While going through the perimenopause stage and menopause when hormones are changing, it is common for dryness to happen as less secretion is produced.

    Various reasons for dryness

    Be wary of soaps advertised as gentle, namely Dove and Ivory because they can dry genital tissue because they are not pH-balanced.

    What you eat. Estrogen is needed to help lubricate the vagina. Since estrogen is created from cholesterol, the bodies' ability to efficiently produce and metabolize estrogen depends strongly on the fat we consume in our diet. But while there is a connection between fat in our diet and estrogen levels, it is essential to consume fats that produce health and hormonal balance instead of those that encourage disease.

    Hydration is important to keep mucous membranes moist. Go easy on drinks that contain caffeine and avoid alcohol.

    Medicine - Specific drugs, like allergy/cold medications, even some antidepressants tend to dry out mucous membranes including vaginal tissues. Ask your GP about birth control pills as they are noted for causing this problem because the hormones it contains are not natural to the human body.

    While most people link dryness to the time of perimenopause/menopause, hormonal imbalance can happen to women who have premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, anorexia, or pituitary and hypothalamus concerns; and also in those who have lately given birth, breastfeeding, have imbalanced diets and undergone cancer therapy or smoke tobacco products.

    Stress has an influential impact on the system, and yet women tend to overlook the signs. By taxing the adrenals chronic stress forces down androgens which interferes with the normal female sexual response cycle. At this point it affects the stages of arousal and lessens natural lubrication.

    Natural solutions for vaginal dryness

    Sadly, a great deal of women who suffer with vaginal dryness continue to suffer because conventional medicines do not work for them.

    Suggestions below are to help, however they may work for some whereas for others useless solutions

    Add soy isoflavones to your diet. Whole soy foods are high in isoflavones and lignans and known to help.

    Give your body the highest level of nutritional support. The body will always struggle to function properly without essential ingredients. For example, omega-3 essential fatty acids support healthy cell membranes and hormonal balance.

    Be vigilant towards your vagina. Check it regularly with a mirror. Keeping track of any changes will help identify if dietary habits is the cause of particular issues.

    Swap K-Y Jelly for a quality lubricant which contains methylparaben. Go for natural lubricant like Sylk or paraben and glycerin-free Astroglide.

    Natural oil like sweet almond or grape seed after a bath is affective.

    Control the condition using vitamin E suppositories. Vitamin E applied locally can help restore thin vaginal tissue.

    Controlling Key Hormones Is The Key To Weight Loss

    We hear the statistics on the epidemic of overweight people in our society and wonder how this could be so bad. Yet is easy to understand when we boil it down to two factors that allow this to happen. Eating the wrong sorts of foods and too much of them and not doing enough muscular activity to burn up the fuel that is going into our bodies.

    When we are young we can eat pretty well anything we like and our muscles remain firm, our body agile and slim. But that changes as we get older and as each year passes it becomes increasingly harder to stay in shape. We tend to accept this fact of storing more body fat and retaining less muscle tissue as merely a part of getting older.

    But it has little to do with the number of years as there are plenty of people at 50, 60 and older who are in great shape with low body fat levels and firm toned muscle. So, what are they doing that is different from the majority of the rest of us?

    Their secret does not lie in low calorie diets or eating low fat foods, it lies in the control of one simple hormone. Most people mistakenly believe this hormone is something that only people with diabetes need to worry about... but it is the key to controlling how much fat our body uses and how much it stores.

    If you enlist this hormone in your weight loss game plan, you can have the metabolism (your body's engine) of a 25-year-old... and the body to match. The secret to losing weight is in your biological hormones and if you balance your cellular reaction to sugars and starches you control your hormones. And if you control your hormones - one in particular - it will help you burn off excess body fat and help you retain lean muscle tissue which is the driver of your metabolism.

    So your best defense against continually gaining weight is learning how to control the storage hormone called insulin. It takes nutrients from your blood stream and stores them in your body's cells. You produce insulin when your blood glucose rises particularly after eating foods that are high in sugar or starch. Blood sugar is then transported to your muscle cells to be used for energy and this is where having strong toned muscles is critical in the weight loss/gain cycle.

    If the muscle cells have been allowed to become weak and flabby through not doing enough muscle building and maintaining activity they have low energy requirements so they can only take up small amounts of glucose from the blood. The rest gets stored as excess body fat which is what we are seeing in record numbers in our inactive society.

    If you are constantly eating highly processed foods loaded with starches and sugar, your body is always producing insulin. This leads to your body becoming resistant to the hormone as it cannot take up the glucose because it is simply not being used and the cells are already full.
    When you become resistant to insulin your body starts making more of it t try and clear excess glucose from the blood stream where if it hangs around too long it does major damage to organs tissue and cells (hello diabetes).

    Suddenly you are not burning fat anymore you are just storing it up and the problem just continues to escalate. The only way off this dangerous weight gain merry-go-round is to get rid of as much processed foods as possible and replace them with natural whole foods that you cook from scratch. Smalls meals every 2-3 hours are the way to go with a source of protein at each of those meals.

    It is not about eating less food but eating better quality food and more often. Add a proper strength training exercise program 2-3 times each week and get your muscular system toned up as it should be so it can burn some of the excess fat from your body. Fuel is burned in muscle cells so their condition is critical to lose weight.

    Yes, it is going to take a bit of effort to turn this situation around but the alternative is to continue gaining weight with unbalanced hormones and seriously risk your health somewhere down the track. It will be worth every minute you put into this task. Think of it like a part time job - you will need new skills and new ways of doing things but every step you take is a step back to a strong, lean, healthy, slim body. Think of the prize not the price.

    Tuesday, July 30, 2013

    Hormones and Other Secondary Causes of Premature Ejaculation

    Many doctors and researchers feel that hormones may have a role in premature ejaculation. During sexual intercourse, there are many different hormones that your body releases. These hormones as well as other chemicals can directly affect your ability to control or prolong your ejaculation. Serotonin is the most influential of all the male hormones that influence ejaculation. Research over the years has shown a strong link between those suffering with PE and the levels of serotonin in their bodies during arousal as well as during ejaculation. Studies have shown that increased levels of serotonin in the body can actually help to prolong or inhibit an orgasm.

    Serotonin is a naturally occurring hormone which means that it is produced naturally by the body. It is produced in a number of areas including the central nervous system. An increase in serotonin has shown to have aggressive or dominant behavior in male animals as well as calming effects which is what makes the hormone so beneficial to those who suffer from premature ejaculation. Serotonin has been referred to many times as a happy hormone, meaning that it invokes feelings of elation. Many studies have shown that men with lower levels of serotonin are not as able to control ejaculation, thus resulting in PE.

    Your emotions will directly affect the level of serotonin that is produced in your body. Serotonin levels will rise as your emotion levels rise. If you are engaged in sexual activity, you may be feeling a lot of emotion, thus raising your levels of serotonin. Those who suffer from premature ejaculation simply have lower levels of serotonin being produced so they will feel emotions much more intensely than those with normal levels of the hormone.

    Unfortunately, the mere emotions experienced when dealing with premature ejaculation will cause the condition to worsen and may be much more difficult to control if your serotonin levels are unusually low.

    There are a number of things that you can do if your levels of this hormone are low. There are many foods that you can eat that will naturally increase the levels of serotonin that your body produces. Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors can also help to raise your levels of this hormone. If you feel that you may have low levels of serotonin that could be contributing to your experience with PE it is important that you speak with your doctor. Your doctor can run various tests to see if indeed your serotonin levels are below normal and can recommend the proper treatment plan for your circumstances.

    Other factors that could be contributing to the problem include anxiety and stress. These are actually the most commonly reported causes of premature ejaculation. Psychological pressure, erectile dysfunction and various other things could also be causing the problem. The key in treating premature ejaculation effectively is in determining the root cause of the problem. If you are unsure of what is causing your condition then speaking with your doctor is very important. You will need to rule out underlying medical conditions or any medications that you may be taking that could potentially cause you to suffer with PE. Your doctor may require a complete medical history to ensure that you do not have a genetic link to the condition as well.

    Speaking with your partner about the issue is also recommended. Most treatment methods, particularly those performed by licensed psychologists, will require that you have open communication with your partner about your experience with premature ejaculation. Your problem may not be as serious as you think. Much research has been done into PE and its potential causes and although a distinct medical cause has not yet been found, there are a number of underlying causes for the condition, most of which can easily be remedied. The key is in finding your cause and treating that condition whether it is psychological or medical in nature.

    The Thyroid-Diabetes Connection

    If you have type 2 diabetes, you should receive a screening for thyroid abnormalities, according to researchers at the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) 20th Annual Meeting and Clinical Congress. The recommendation came after a new study involving over 5,000 people found the prevalence of hypothyroidism to be nearly 6 percent among people with type 2 diabetes, compared to just under 2 percent in those without.

    Hypothyroidism is a well-recognized risk of type 1 diabetes, but this has generally not been extended to type 2 diabetes as well -- until now.

    What Does Your Thyroid Function Have to do With Diabetes?

    Both thyroid disorders and diabetes involve a dysfunction of the endocrine system. Type 1 diabetes and the most common cause of hypothyroidism -- Hashimoto's disease -- are both autoimmune diseases, and having one autoimmune disease increases your risk of developing another.

    With type 2 diabetes, coexisting hypothyroidism may increase your risk of heart problems, and the researchers noted that early identification of both conditions could improve heart function, blood pressure and lipid profile. [1]

    Thyroid hormones also influence glucose homeostasis, including impacting circulating insulin levels, intestinal absorption and uptake of glucose into fat and muscle tissues. [2]

    Even Subclinical Thyroid Disorder May be Associated With Diabetes

    People with hypothyroidism often struggle with insulin resistance. This is true even at the sub-clinical level. How do you know if your thyroid is functioning at a sub-clinical level?

    Oftentimes, you don't.

    This condition is typically diagnosed when levels of your thyroid hormones are normal but your thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is increased. This is generally a sign that your pituitary gland is working extra hard to keep your thyroid hormone levels up in the normal range. In time, and if left untreated, your TSH levels may continue to increase until your thyroid gland stops responding, and your sub-clinical hypothyroidism turns into full-blown hypothyroidism.

    It's a tricky situation because sub-clinical hypothyroidism may cause no symptoms at all, or it may lead to fatigue, memory problems, weight gain, dry skin, constipation and a range of other various problems that may seem completely unconnected. Again, this often undiagnosed and misdiagnosed condition is also associated with insulin resistance, which typically occurs prior to type 2 diabetes.

    As researchers wrote in Clinical Diabetes: [3]

    "Thyroid dysfunction is common in diabetic patients and can produce significant metabolic disturbances. Therefore, regular screening for thyroid abnormalities in all diabetic patients will allow early treatment of sub-clinical thyroid dysfunction."

    Like sub-clinical hypothyroidism, you can be insulin resistant for years before developing full-blown disease, and often a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is a person's first sign that they are in fact insulin resistant.

    Because cases of sub-clinical thyroid disease are often overlooked but may increase health risks for a number of people with co-existing diabetes or insulin resistance (as well as those without), researchers in the British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease recommended "individualization of therapy" as the best solution.

    What's the Bottom Line?

    If you currently have type 2 diabetes, you should be aware of the connection to thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism and sub-clinical hypothyroidism. At the sub-clinical level, many have no symptoms at all, and others are unaware that their fatigue, memory problems and other seemingly unrelated symptoms are due to a thyroid issue.

    You may need to ask your physician to have this checked, as it is not yet part of the standard of care typically provided for people with type 2 diabetes. But, even if you've had your thyroid levels tested and the lab results came back normal, it's still possible to have a low-functioning thyroid. In fact, the condition is often completely missed due to inadequate testing and a general lack of understanding of the complexities of thyroid function in the conventional medical community.

    There is some debate over whether or not sub-clinical hypothyroidism needs to be treated at all, and to this I would stress absolutely. At the very least, sub-clinical hypothyroidism can contribute to insulin resistance as well as increase your risk of cardiovascular events if you have type 2 diabetes.

    Further, many in this early stage of thyroid imbalance will go on to develop full-blown hypothyroidism if action is not taken... and will miss out on the vitality and energy they deserve in life.

    At least 15 million Americans are thought to suffer from sub-clinical hypothyroidism that may or may not be related to diabetes. Fortunately, dietary approaches and other lifestyle changes can help bring your thyroid function back into the normal ranges, as well as help you to prevent, control and even reverse type 2 diabetes. The guidance of a holistic health care practitioner familiar with both thyroid disorders and diabetes is highly recommended to help you formulate an effective lifestyle plan and stick with it.


    1. April 18, 2011

    2. British Journal of Diabetes and Vascular Disease. 2010;10(4):172-177.

    3. Clinical Diabetes VOL. 18 NO. 1 Winter 2000