Saturday, July 13, 2013

SizeGenetics Review - Enlarge Your Penis Naturally Without Pills or Hormones

Physical appearance is a key factor to a healthy social life, personal life, career, and in just about everything. An average person spends hours trying to look and feel great everyday, so that he or she would receive compliments from friends, family, or his or her special someone.

Of all the parts in your body, your face is the most noticeable. A lot of people have beautiful faces, but when it comes to the parts that are "important" in bed, only some are considered lucky. The truth of the matter is -- not all men have large penises. Those unfortunate who have relatively smaller "units" than most men tend to worry and find ways to enhance the size of theirs.

Ray Of Hope For The Size Challenged

A small penis now is no reason to despair... yet. There is a very good tool available in the market that can effectively make your penis larger. SizeGenetics is the ultimate penis enlarger that you could use to improve the rest of your days, most especially your romantic and sex life. For those who are searching for a device that would increase the length and girth of their penises, this device is perfect. It could boost your penis' size by up to three inches!

SizeGenetics, with its tested precision-traction technology, is a new and improved device designed specifically for bigger and faster changes on your penis. It provides you with a unique comfort mechanism not available anywhere else, making it easy for anybody to deal with.

It is very user-friendly. You simply wear it up for eight hours consecutively. By applying pressure on your penis, the device enhances its size. There are no harmful side effects caused by this product, so you can be sure that it is safe. On top of that, Size Genetics could even solve your problems when you have a crooked penis during erections.

This product is a non-surgical solution that is based on sound science. SizeGenetics triggers your body to start cell growth in penile tissues by applying gentle stretch or traction to your penis. This way, all the vital parts of your penis will grow at a safe and healthy rate.

The chambers called corpora cavernosa that fill with blood during an erection is also enlarged by this penis enlargement extender device. With continued use, you will see that the girth of your penis is also widened, especially during erections. For centuries already, this tractions technique has been used for increasing the size of various parts of the body; and now Size Genetics has found a way to make it safe for commercial use.

This extender is a medical type 1 device made of the finest medical grade materials and is clinically proven and approved by doctors. SizeGenetics also provides you with additional perks. Limited time bonuses (e.g. LC DVDs), customer service and support over the phone, a lovemaking techniques DVD, penis enlargement exercise DVDs are just some of the other benefits that you could have when you purchase this device.

After buying this product, bear in mind that if you wear it for a longer period of time everyday, better results will be acquired. Research shows that in the first 8 weeks of use, the length of your penis could rise by 13%. An increase of 6% was shown in the following eight weeks. Gains of 24% were recorded by the end of the test and these gains are permanent with absolutely no side effects. So, what are you waiting for?

Make More Hormones And Increase Your Breast Size

Since certain hormones play a vital part in the size and shape of your bust, it stands to reason that gaining more of them in your body, will help you increase breast size. Estrogen is the most important hormone when it comes to breast size and shape and volume, but there are others that also play a key role. Here though, we will focus on estrogen.

Natural estrogen levels in the body are a major component in producing new breast tissue, growth and retaining the fullness and shape.

Estrogen levels are at their peak when we are in our late twenties, early thirties. As we get older, they fall off. As time goes on, we produce less and less of it. Plus of course, estrogen levels variegate from woman to woman. This should not be a big concern though, as there is a lot we can do in order to promote more of our own natural hormones. This is the entirely safe way of increasing estrogen levels and is a good deal better than taking synthetic estrogen. Actually, taking this man-made hormone should solely be done under doctor supervision as it can cause unpleasant side effects when used over long periods.

Synthetic hormone pills are entirely different to natural herbal breast supplements that facilitate our body to make more of its own estrogen. The herbal supplements are normally totally safe, providing you stick to the manufacturers guidelines. There are some times when they may not be safe, for example throughout pregnancy, but for the most part they are a safe way to help step-up estrogen levels in your body.

Herbal remedies are one way, but you can do more to elevate your levels by eating certain foods that assist natural estrogen production. You will notice that some of these items are already in the ingredients lists of most natural breast supplements, but not all. List of some significant estrogen increasing foods.

Kernels and seeds:

Flaxseed, sesame seeds, pomegranate pips, fennel seeds.


Whole brown rice, whole grain pasta, Wheat bran, Rolled oats.

There is a long list of vegetables, but here are a few effective ones:

Sweet potatoe, lima beans, corn, peas, spinach, carrots.


Tomatoes, apples, bananas, lemons, kiwi, peaches.

Beans and peas:

Black eyed peas, split lentils, soybeans and all things made with soy, soy beansprouts, split peas.

Condiments, herbs and spices:

Parsley, cloves, brewers yeast, alfalfa, aniseed, fenugreek, ginger.

All these breast size increasing foods are easy to find and whilst there are a great deal more foods in this class, this list gives you the primary ones. You in all likelihood eat many of them right now on a steady basis, so it's just a case of adding a few more and making sure that each day, you consume two or three foods that will give you extra estrogen in your body.

Is exercise any good? This might sound strange, but over-exercising actually lowers your estrogen levels. All the same, normal exercise is fine and in fact as part of your regimen to get bigger breasts, you want to do some exercise. A couple of reasons for this. Primarily, taking regular exercise, for example yoga, can step-up the amounts of other important hormones. These other hormones likewise play a part in breast growth. Second, if you develop your chest muscles through particular exercises, this will make your bust appear larger and firmer as they will be pushed upwards and outward. So consequently don't concern yourself over carrying on with your normal regular exercise routine. The only types of work out that may reduce your estrogen, is really strenuous exercise, such as long distance running, long distance swimming, doing a lot of free weight lifting etc. Yoga is one of the best exercises for this purpose. Endeavor to add yoga to your day to day routine because it helps to elevate the levels of all the significant female hormones.

Drink peppermint tea. Two cups a day will give your estrogen an extra supercharge. The recommended amount is two cups every day, but you can consume more.

Hopefully this has provided you with you some ideas on how to increase breast size by boosting your own natural body hormone levels.

Growing Taller Secrets: How To Stimulate Your Growth Hormones Naturally

Are you looking for a little growing taller secret that can help you stimulate your growth hormones? I believe it is best if you try to grow taller naturally. That's why I do not consider taking pills with growth hormones as the right way to go. Our body's hormonal balance is very complicated and I don't think it's a good idea to mess with this. However, you may be able to stimulate your body to release more growth hormones naturally. There are several things that you can do to stimulate your body's hormonal balance naturally: regular exercise, diet, sleep and even massage. In combination, these methods can increase your height by several inches.

The growth hormones in your body allow it to grow and develop accordingly. What makes them so essential is that they are responsible for lengthening your bones and increasing your muscle mass. If you were to have more of these growth hormones in your body, you would be able to grow in size and height. On the other hand, if you neglected to stimulate your body's hormones, then you might risk hampering your body's growth potential.

The main stimulant that releases growth hormones is an amino acid called Glutamine. There are supplements that contain glutamine. You could consider taking them additionally to your diet. However, as I have already mentioned above, I would try to keep this process as natural as possible. Therefore, I'd suggest you first start out without glutamine supplements and instead try to increase your height naturally through exercise, diet and sleep.

First of all, you need to make time for regular exercise. Some of the best exercises to stimulate your growth hormones in particular are jumping and sprinting. I'd suggest you look into HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). HIIT it is very effective and the exercises are shorter because of their high intensity, thus taking up less of your time. Do these exercises as regular as you can and try to stick with your workout plan. Eventually, you will find yourself increasing your height.

This is also where your diet comes in. Not only is a sound diet important for your workouts, it can also help your glands to release more growth hormones along the way. You should eat foods that contain a high glycemic index. But mainly you should try to stick with healthy foods and ensure a high intake of proteins and calcium.

Lastly, you need to give your body proper rest. Especially in the beginning when you are starting out with the exercises, you have to give your body time to adapt. Just think about the hormonal changes your body is going through and you will understand how badly it is going to need sufficient rest. Make sure that you sleep at least for eight hours every night. The first couple of hours of your sleep is when your body actively releases growth hormones into your system. That's why if you don't sleep enough, less of these hormones can be released into your system and thus decreasing your chances of growing taller.

What Are Man Boobs and How to Deal With Them

Man boobs is a disorder whose medical term is gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is a Greek-derived word that means "Woman alike breasts". The men affected by gynecomastia, mostly due to hormone imbalance or overweight, grow their breasts like women do.

Known Types of gynecomastia
There are three types of gynecomastia. True gynecomastia is due to hormonal imbalance. When in men the production of estrogen is increased and testosterone is lowered, breasts grow. Pseudogynecomastia (false gynecomastia) is due to overweight. Breasts are made of fat and not glandular tissue like in true gynecomastia. Mixed gynecomastia is a mix of both true and false gynecomastia.

Pubertal Man Boobs
Puberty is one of the most common age to develop gybecomastia. During puberty boys and girls go through heavy hormonal changes. Boys produce testosterone, while girls produce estrogen. Both hormones give the two genders their characteristics, such as voice tone, presence of hair and so on. During these changes is common to see boys that produce more estrogen. It is something common and not to worry about but with the side effect of enlarged breasts. The bad news is at this point there's nothing you can do to get rid of man boobs; from 12 to 18 years of age there's no remedy to it, the best you can do is hide your chest under loose t-shirts or wearing a compression garment. The good news is at 18 at the latest hormones will balance again and gynecomastia will disappear by itself.

Adult Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia after puberty is hardly caused by hormones issue. There are two common causes: overweight (which leads to pseudogynecomastia) and intake of certain drugs, which leads to true gynecomastia. If you're affected by fatty man boobs (opposed to glandular man boobs) the best you can do is go on diet and exercise a lot. Aerobic work out is the best way to reduce your breast. Jogging, walking, skiing, stepping are all kind of aerobic work out you can do without problems. Exercise, together with a healthy and balanced diet will surely improve the look of your breasts.

Can Hormone Balancing Improve Allergies Or Asthma?

If your allergies or asthma seem to worsen at certain times of the month or with age, the blame may lie in your hormones.

Research has shown allergies are often triggered or intensified by natural body transitions and cycles such as puberty, pregnancy and menopause. Hormonal fluctuations also cause more severe asthma attacks in many women, especially older women, usually before or at the start of menstruation and the risk of serious asthma attacks quadruples at menopause.

Progesterone levels rise just before the onset of menstruation and remain high until it ends, and are linked to worsening asthma in up to 40% of women. One study linked the development of allergies and asthma to irregular menstrual cycles.

During menopause, a woman's ovaries decrease production of estrogen and progesterone, and this has also been linked to worsening allergies. Some women, however, seen to experience decreases asthma and allergy symptoms with menopause. It appears that women's bodies can react differently to estrogen and progesterone, so that hormonal fluctuations can affect existing allergies or asthma differently.

Research also shows that autoimmune diseases like arthritis, celiac disease, Chron's disease, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis and insulin-dependent diabetes are also affected by hormone levels. They are three times more common in premenopausal women than in the rest of the population.

One reason for hormonally-driven fluctuations in allergies and asthma is a reduction in cortisol. When this occurs, the body tries to compensate by producing more adrenalin, which causes inflammation and hence, an increase in allergic and asthma symptoms.

Low progesterone levels can also aggravate allergies and asthma, as can too much estrogen (estrogen dominance). That's why estrogen therapy and the Pill are of little help, and actually aggravate asthma. A 2004 Harvard study showed that women on Hormone Replacement Therapy (which increases estrogen levels), were twice as likely to develop asthma as women not on estrogen. Oral contraceptives, which contain estrogen, were found in a 2004 Norwegian study to increase risk of asthma by 50%.

Natural hormone balancing should therefore be considered a key element of allergy and asthma solutions. Patients whose hormones are brought into natural balance are often astonished to find that their allergy and asthma symptoms are also significantly relieved.

Yet it is not surprising. Hormones play such an important role in the health of our bodies and immune system that they are inevitably involved in allergies and asthma, either increasing their severity or helping to provide relief.

Contraceptive Pill Types Explained

This is an introductory explanation of the different types of oral contraceptive pills that may help you to finally select the one that is best for your body. 50 years on, we have discovered that the oral contraceptive pill for women still prevents pregnancy if it is made up of much lower doses of estrogen and progestin than in the early days. 'The Pill' used to contain 50-100 micrograms of estrogen and today it contains only 20-35 micrograms, with researchers trying to reduce this amount further to reduce side effects. Synthetic hormones (estrogen/ethinyl estradiol and progestin) used in contraceptive pills mimic the natural hormones (oestrogen and progesterone) produced by the ovaries, adrenal gland and liver.

Estrogen's main job in a contraceptive pill is to prevent ovulation (release of an egg from a woman's ovary). Progestin in the pill, while it does have some intermittent effect on ovulation (about 50% of the time) is relied on mainly to thicken the mucus around the cervix to stop sperm from getting through to an egg.

Contraceptive Pills come in two basic types: single hormone pills (progestin only) and combination hormone pills (estrogen + progestin) Pills are supplied in two basic packs- 28 day pill packs= 3 weeks of active hormone pills +1 week placebo pills and 21 day pill packs= 3 weeks of active hormone pills with no placebo pills.

PROGESTIN only pills (the 'mini pill') do not contain estrogen and only have a small amount of progestin in them. Breastfeeding women are often prescribed these 'mini pills' (estrogen may cause a reduction in milk supply) as well as women who cannot take synthetic estrogen for medical reasons. Side effects are less than pills containing estrogen and they are not associated with heart disease, however, irregular bleeding /spotting/mood swings may occur. Progestin only pills MUST be taken at the same time each day and are affected by vomiting or diarrhoea.This type of contraceptive pill is not affected by antibiotics.

COMBINATION PILLS- contain estrogen and progestin and can be further categorized as being Monophasic, Biphasic or Triphasic- so what do these terms mean? Pills are put into these categories according to whether or not the levels of hormones they contain stay the same throughout the first three weeks of a woman's menstrual cycle (in 28 day pill packs, the pills for the fourth week in the pack are placebo or 'reminder pills' that are inactive and do not contain any hormones)

MONOPHASIC Pill- is one that contains the same amount of hormones in every ACTIVE pill so you are less likely to have mood swings as your hormone levels do not vary much throughout the month. Popular monophasic pills include:Alesse, Brevicon, Desogen, Levlen, Levlite, Loestrin, Modicon, Nelova, Nordette, Norinyl,Ortho-Cept, Ortho-Cyclen, Ortho-Novum, Ovcon, Yasmin. In 2003 the FDA approved a new packaging of a monophasic contraceptive pill called Seasonale. This pill is taken for 91 days, during which no periods occur -so in one year, women taking this pill will only have 4 periods (for the first year though, expect the same no. of menstrual days as with a traditional contraceptive pill till your body adjusts)

BIPHASIC PIll- is one that contains different amounts of hormones throughout the pack. These pills alter your hormone levels once during your cycle by increasing the dosage of progestin about halfway through your cycle and are thought to better match your body's natural production of hormones- they contain smaller doses of hormones in total than monophasic pills. However, insufficient evidence has been gathered to favour these pills over monophasic ones, where much more reliable data is available so monophasic pills are preferred. Breakthrough bleeding has been reported as a side effect with these pills. Popular biphasic pills include : Jenest, Mircette, Necon 10/11, Nelova 10/11, Ortho-Novum 10/11. Attempts to decrease side effects led to the three-phase pill in the 1980s.

TRIPHASE pill- is one that contains 3 different amounts of hormones in the ACTIVE pills over three weeks, i.e. a change in hormone levels within the body occurs every 7 days for the first 3 weeks.. The dose of estrogen is gradually increased and in some pills, the dose of progestin is also increased. Whether three-phase pills lead to fewer pregnancies than two-phase pills is unknown. Nor is it known if the pills give better cycle control or have fewer side effects. Look for the 'TRI' on the label such as:Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Triphasil, Tri-Levlen, Trivora, Tri-Norinyl, other brands include: Cyclessa, Ortho-Novum 7/7/7.

The Best Pill to Take - All contraceptive pills are effective if taken correctly, with combination pills (containing both estrogen and progestin) being more effective than the low dose 'mini pill'. Monophasic pills may be the best to start with as they are cheaper and those with lower amounts of estrogen may have fewer side effects (but more breakthrough bleeding)

Always use back up (a condom or diaphragm) for the rest of the month if you miss a pill. Trial and error, side effects and talking to your doctor should help you to find a contraceptive pill that suits your body. Pregnancies occur mainly when women forget to take a pill or take them incorrectly, vomit, get diarrhoea or, in the case of the mini pill, do not take pills at the same time each day. It is very easy to start a pill packet late if you just forget or if you don't have the next new packet on hand. The most dangerous time to miss a pill is at the end or beginning of a packet because it lengthens the pill free gap beyond seven days which means that you may not have absorbed sufficient synthetic hormones to prevent you from ovulating in the next month.

Moody, Hyper, Overweight Or Cranky Kids? - It Could Be Their Hormones!

Yes, kids have hormone problems that show up at early ages. They may not be the hormones you're thinking of though. We're referring to the stress hormones, manufactured by their adrenal glands. They control moods, emotions, behaviors, how we deal with stress, how we sleep, and how much energy we have. They also play a huge role in balancing the metabolism -- how we burn our food for fuel.

Hormones are like messengers. They circulate in the body and fit into hormone receptor sites just as keys fit into keyholes. The coordinated function of hormones is like a symphony orchestra with all its different "voices". All the instruments need to play together in harmony. For example; if the estrogen is too "loud", the progesterone cannot be "heard." It's ALL about balance.

Most pediatricians don't evaluate the stress hormones. This is a serious oversight. What happened on your child's last check up? Since they may seem healthy, a check up may only include height, weight, temp, a look in the ears and down the throat. What about testing metabolism, electrolyte balance and stress hormone (cortisol) levels? A simple saliva test helps to indicate if any of these areas are out of balance. And if they are out of balance, your child will show you signs.

Mood swings are prominent in pubescent girls and indicate the estrogen/progesterone levels are not "dancing" together. Most of the symptoms of PMS are categorized, from the natural perspective, as estrogen dominance. This means the estrogen outweighs progesterone, in influence on the body. This is the most common hormonal imbalance there is. It is often cyclical, but some people experience these feelings daily. As long as their hormones are out of balance, they will not be able to eliminate PMS.

Hyperactive children often show imbalances of their levels of cortisol. Depending on the patterns, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) or thyroid imbalance may be the missing pieces to the puzzle of your child's behavior, metabolism, or sleep issue.

Cranky kids.... well... maybe it is truly their personality but more than likely -- it is hormonal. Sometimes the hormone levels even reveal inability to absorb their food properly. This can result from hidden food allergies or sensitivities.

In America, we are exposed to hormones from a variety of sources. We get extra hormones from eating meat and poultry (injected with hormones to stimulate growth), from plastic containers that emit estrogenic substances into the food/liquid they contain and from petrochemical by-products and pollutants. This can cause little girls to start menstruating at a progressively younger age. We have seen several young boys in our clinic with protruding breasts. These are a few examples.

Could your child's weight problem be caused by hormones? Possibly. An upset in the delicate balance of the human body causes different affects in everyone. The best way to find out is by checking the levels of the adrenal hormones, cortisol and DHEA, and by looking at the sex hormones as well: progesterone, estradiol and testosterone. The easiest and most effective way to do this is with a saliva hormone test. Saliva is simply collected in your home and then brought or sent to the specialty lab for analysis.

It is easier to help your children now before they take the imbalances with them into adulthood. Ask your doctor about having your child tested for stress hormones. Teenager should be tested for both - stress and sex hormones.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products suggested, are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Please check with your health care practitioner for your best health options.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Nagging Wife? A Bunch of Hormones!

Most men seem to have a nagging woman in their life. It could be their wife, girlfriend, sister, mother, even a colleague at work. For some men, it is like everywhere they go; they are confronted by a bunch of unbearable women that they cannot stand.

Nagging is something most women do at a particular point of their life. I have to add an exception that some people are naturally difficult and this does not apply in any way to women alone. It is a general temperamental disposition that different people find different persons unbearable, but the context I am looking at is in a normal situation where the woman is not naturally that way, but seems to be like that sometimes.

This is about that time of the month! It has been shown medically that during a woman's ovulation and menstruation, particular hormones are being released (you can check that out) and these hormones have some irritable effect on the woman, which for some can be translated as nagging. Women differ in their body. That is why every woman does not have the same cycle and the same pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) or the same ovulation dates and pains, etc. They are just different and they also respond differently to the hormonal levels in their body, so you do not say "my ex never nags me and she had a cycle!" No, it is different strokes for different folks as far as women cycles are concerned.

This is what happens: the woman is about to see her menstruation and she has PMS and the hormones are raging high and you are expecting her to still be her normal self. For some women, they do not even have an explanation to what is happening to them, so they cannot explain it to you. You get angry at her that she is having 'unnecessary' mood swings and then, she gets back at you because she feels you are supposed to understand and show some care and support, but you do not. You get angry more because she is angry and lash out on her and... it goes on and on. Finally, you conclude that she is nagging and irritable some times and it becomes some issue.

The reason the hormone thing gets to the point of nagging is lack of understanding from the guy because the woman just wants you to listen and do what she wants for those few days and everybody will be happy. Some guys do not know about it because, no one has told them and that is why I hope this helps. So, it is no big deal guys, just some few days of not arguing with her and a little more tenderness and you do not end up with a nagging woman!

Estrogen Foods - Boost Your Low Estrogen Level Naturally!

Let's face it. 15 years ago, we didn't give estrogen a second thought. And, really, we didn't need to. Our levels of estrogen were doing just fine on their own. They needed no further intervention from us.

Our hair, nails and skin were glowing, we were having regular menstruation cycles, and we weren't struck by hot flashes, night sweats, or vaginal dryness.

We didn't even know how lucky we were. Well, as they say, youth is wasted on the young.

Now that we're in menopause, symptoms of low estrogen are making us perk up and learn something about this important female hormone.

By "perk up," I mean that most of our thoughts revolve around getting our hormones back in balance so that we can feel normal again! My, how things can change!

Aside from the symptoms listed above, low estrogen levels can lead to hair loss, osteoporosis, weight gain, fatigue, depression, anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and a host of other uncomfortable or dangerous conditions.

So, ladies, let's learn about some estrogen boosting foods and start eating up!

Here are some foods that you can easily incorporate into your diet to help increase your estrogen level.

Fruits: apples, cherries, dates, papaya, plumbs, pomegranates, tomatoes

Veggies: alfalfa, beets, carrots, celery, cucumber, eggplant, garlic, olives, parsley, peppers, potatoes, pumpkin, rhubarb, yams

Grains: barley, hops, oats, brown rice, wheat

Beans: soy beans (and soy products made from soy beans), chickpeas, lima beans, lentils, navy beans, red beans, split peas

Other: parsley, sage, clover, garlic, licorice, flax seeds

You might also want to include some natural herbal supplements that women have been using for thousands of years to treat "female issues."

These herbs contain a plant estrogen, or "phytoestrogen," which can give your body estrogen-like effects and cure some symptoms of menopause like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and cramps.

Herbs: Black cohosh, Dong quai (also known as "Angelica herb"), licorice root

You can find these natural herbs for menopause at your local health food store, or you can order them online.

Now that you have this list of estrogen foods, invite some lady friends over, cook up some estrogen rich foods, and dig in!

Balancing Your Hormones Naturally -- What To Do First

One of the questions that I frequently get asked is "What steps do I need to take to begin getting my hormones in balance?" The following is what I suggest:

  1. Test your hormone levels. This should be done by utilizing both saliva testing and blood testing. For more information on how you can do this yourself call Oasis Advanced Wellness about how to obtain kits to use in the privacy of your own home. You will need to test for estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA and cortisol.

  2. Educate yourself on the topic of bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and balancing your hormones naturally. A good place to start is my e-book--Balancing Your Hormones Without Drugs...You Can Feel Good Again and also at This will not only address your hormone issues but also help you to bring your whole body into balance...from the comfort of your own home. You can purchase this at

  3. Take your results to a healthcare professional that you trust and one that works with bio-identical hormones. If you cannot find a healthcare professional in your area we offer telephone consults and will be glad to assist you in reaching your health goals. Make sure that you employ a healthcare professional that will work as a team-player. Ultimately, you are the one responsible for your health - not your doctor.

  4. If you are currently on HRT go to for instructions on how to get off HRT. You will need to wean yourself off gradually.

  5. As good as bio-identical hormones replacement therapy is, it is not an end-all. Your goal should be to bring your body into total health and balance.

  6. Be willing to address detoxification, diet, water in-take, supplementation, exercise, physical / emotional stress and environment. This is a MUST.

  7. Once you start on a program your hormone levels should be monitored every three months for one year. This eliminates all the guesswork as to whether or not what you are doing is actually working. The goal should be to get your system balanced and to hopefully stimulate the hormones to start producing again.

About Supplements: It would be easy for me to include, in the above suggestions, vitamin/supplement recommendations like B-Complex, Vitamin E, etc. The reason that I do not is because many will go to a local drugstore or grocery store to purchase these supplements. All supplements/vitamins are not created equal. Sometimes the fillers and excipients can negate any benefit that you might get from the vitamin. I believe this is one reason why natural medicine is not taken seriously by many people. They tried a $9.95 supplement and it did not work, so therefore the reasoning is that using a natural approach does not work. It can be over whelming and time consuming to decide which supplements are best and which ones will work. This is why I believe it is important to have a healthcare professional on your team who is trained in knowing what supplements will be absorbed, transported and utilized effectively by the body. For information about the supplements that we recommend to our clients get the e-book - Balancing Your Hormones Without Drugs...You Can Feel Good Again.

At Oasis Advanced Wellness, we not only specialize in getting the hormones in balance for women and men, but in the process we will help you to get your whole body in balance. For many it is the first time in a long, long time that they begin to experience true health and well-being. We can help you, too.

Bioidentical Hormones and Hormone Replacement Therapy - The Benefits and Risks

Hormones are vital to staying active for life and decline with age and illnesses. Hormone imbalance begins with menopause.

Women, who are suffering from early menopause symptoms, want to put an end to hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, vaginal dryness, weight gain, hair loss and low libido. The levels of female hormones will go up and down in the years before and during menopause.

Some women take hormone replacement therapy to relieve the symptoms and others are using bioidentical hormone therapy to replenish the hormones that their body needs to function. You have to familiarize yourself with the hormone imbalance issues and consult with your doctor to decide what is best for you.

So, what is a bioidentical hormone?

A bioidentical hormone is a hormone that is exactly the same as the hormone present in the human body. BHRT is often called natural hormone therapy because they act in the body just like the hormones we produce. They are made from a plant chemical extracted from yams and soy.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is a modification of hormone replacement therapy. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) consider bioidentical hormones to be natural regardless of their source. They are powerful substances that may offer health benefits, but may also come with risks. It is difficult to determine the extent of most risks and side effects because of the lack of long-term clinical trials using bioidentical hormone replacements.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy will help to alleviate symptoms most women suffer from due to menopause and hormone imbalances. It also improves the quality of life, and most importantly, helps to prevent many diseases.

Hormone replacement therapy also relieves symptoms of menopausal women and for the longest time has been the medical standard treatment for women. The treatment uses medications containing female hormones to replace the ones the body no longer makes.

On the benefit side, the treatment relieves menopause symptoms, but there are also risks that includes higher rates of breast cancer, strokes, heart disease, and blood clots. If you decide to take hormone replacement therapy, you can protect yourself from the risks.

One way is to take it during the early part of your menopausal years. Another way is to use the lowest effective dose for the shortest amount of time needed to treat symptoms. To determine if hormone replacement therapy is right for you, talk to your doctor about your symptoms and health risks.

Women should not have to struggle through menopause. You can manage your symptoms by making healthy lifestyle choices by changing your exercise or eating habits before you try medication.

If changes to your lifestyle doesn't provide enough relief from menopausal symptoms, there are many medications besides hormone replacement therapy and bioidentical hormone therapy to relieve discomfort.

Talk with your doctor about what is best for you.

Human Growth Hormone - 3 Words That Will Allow You to Grow a Thicker, Longer Penis

Every single day I'm asked by at least one person about the legitimacy of being able to increase the size of your penis. I work in science, I always have and always will, so whenever someone asks me about whether these pills or penis enlarging creams work, I ask them to look at the science behind it. The penis is not a muscle, it's not something that can be grown alone by changing your diet, by healthy living or by taking a magic pill or cream. Yes, these changes may improve your sexual health, they'll give you better erections than you'll ever know, but they won't allow your penis to grow.

Ever Heard of Human Growth Hormone Before?

The only thing can alter your penis size is direct stimulation to the penis and a cocktail of hormones and biochemicals. One of the most important of these being the hormone that allowed you to grow in the first place - Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

Anabolic Explosion Created By Human Growth Hormone

HGH is a powerful hormone that is effectively one of the major components in allowing our growth as humans. It was made famous in the media a few years ago when it was revealed that the current world soccer player of the year, Lionel Messi, suffers from a deficiency in Human Growth Hormone and was given a daily shot of HGH to help him grow. Clearly the hormone helped boost a fantastic career for the soccer player who now earns the equivalent of $400,000 a week. Whist this media attention slowly died down, behind the scenes of the penis enlargement industry, scientists were marvelling at the benefits the human penis can achieve through the use of Human Growth Hormone.

Human Growth Hormone and Penis Growth

During puberty the level of biochemicals and hormones in young males are off the scale in comparison with fully developed males. HGH is one of the hormones that is sky high during puberty and essentially allows the penis to grow by itself. Now scientists have been trying to develop a system that can replicate the effects of puberty but on a compressed time scale. Basically they wanted to develop a system that allows substantial penis growth but in a much shorter time frame than that of puberty. The penis still needs to be stimulated through a series of well developed penis exercises. But it is the HGH that allows the real growth to occur. As its part of a complex system, Human Growth Hormone can't simply be taken alone and then expected to produce results. These systems are now finished and starting to hit the markets.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Fertility And Thin Women - What Are The Issues, Is It Best To Be Overweight Or Underweight

Does being underweight or overweight affect fertility? CERTAINLY!

For hundreds of years, fertility in women is represented by prominent and ample stomach and mons pubis as well as full breasts breasts. However, many women today are pressured by the society to maintain slim and sexy body which is defined by the alluring curves of models and celebrities. In many times, this compromises their ability to get pregnant later on.

Contrary to common beliefs, it is not just being overweight which can affect women's fertility. Both being underweight and overweight creates negative impacts to fertility. It is believe that weight level affects the production level of hormones in the body which regulate pregnancy and ovulation such as progesterone and estrogen.

Being underweight means that a woman's body mass index (BMI) does not reach the normal BMI level which is between 18.5 and 24.9. On the other hand, people are considered overweight if their body mass index goes beyond the upper boundary. If the body mass index of a person goes over 30, he or she is considered as obese. As researches show, obese people have lesser chances of conceiving.

Statistics revealed that underweight pregnant women are five times at risk of having underweight babies later on. Also, by not being an underweight, women increase their chance of having healthy babies by five times. In one study, it was found out that 75% of underweight women who decided to put on some weight have actually conceived.

According to research, fertility problems are more likely to occur in thin women compared to fat women. Some thin women are not menstruating. Some are having menstruations but they don't ovulate. Some women are menstruating and ovulating yet they are having a difficulty in conceiving. In some cases, women menstruate, ovulate and conceive but they may soon experience a difficulty in sustaining their pregnancy until the end.

Underweight women usually have irregular cycles. In severely underweight cases, menstruation may completely stop. In some cases, it can even prevent ovulation. Aside from irregular cycles, underweight women are said to produce low levels of estrogen hormones which negatively affect fertility in women.

With irregular cycles, women are less likely to conceive. Research shows that the irregularity of menstrual periods negatively affects the lining of the uterus which makes it less capable of sustaining a foetus. Even if conception takes place, underweight women are more likely to have miscarriage due to the inability of the uterus to create a suitable and ideal place for the foetus to grow. The fertilized egg usually requires thick uterine lining to sustain the growth of the foetus.

Recent researches show that reproductive technology and availability of reproductive drugs can help women in conceiving however, this technology is less likely to address issues with thin and insufficient uterine lining. In some cases, it can only lead to miscarriage because the uterus is less capable of sustaining the growth and development of the foetus.

Observing a healthy diet to improve weight level is important in increasing a woman's probability of getting pregnant. By maintaining a healthy weight level, you significantly reduce your risk for pre-term birth and low birth weight. By maintaining a health body size and weight, you give your baby the opportunity to have the best of health.

It is believed that women are required to reach certain critical weight levels in order to get pregnant. Sufficient amount of fat in the body can trigger menarche which may indicate that the body is now ready for pregnancy. The amount of fats in the body is one of the most crucial factors which determine the body's capacity to sustain the growth of the foetus.

On the other hand, being overweight affects ovulation which in turn, can also affect fertility. More often than not, overweight women have extra fat tissues which can lead to excessive production of oestrogen. Higher oestrogen production can trigger hormonal imbalance which can negatively affect the process of ovulation.

Overweight women have high levels of fat cells that produce oestrogen which triggers the pituitary gland to prevent the production of follicle stimulating hormones (FSH). These hormones are responsible for the taking place of ovulation. Also, excessive weight level is associated with conditions like insulin resistance and polycystic ovarian syndrome which can cause fertility problems later on.

Infertility Hormones

After doing all the blood tests, they finally decided that it's your hormones causing all the difficulties. With regards to sorting out infertility, hormones are always an alternative although there are some hazards linked with taking infertility hormones so make sure you do your reading.

You may not have to take actual hormones, but rather have medication to balance your hormones. These are for the ladies:

· Bromocriptine - Prolactin suppresses ovulation and promotes breastmilk production, so bromocriptine suppresses prolactin to stimulate ovulation. You may experience low blood pressure, nausea, headaches and maybe even dizziness as well.

· Clomiphene - Clomiphene encourages the pituitary gland to make FSH and LH which stimulate the ovaries to release egg cells. It is rather inexpensive and fairly effective, especially if you have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) or unpredictable periods, although you might experience insomnia, nausea, tender breasts and headaches while you're taking it.

· Metoformin - This is used to assist women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) or insulin resistance as it reduces the amounts of male hormones in the body and thus helps the body to ovulate.

Actual hormones might also aid ovulation.

· Human Menopausal Gonadotropin (hMG) - These are administered if you have pituitary gland problems that don't respond to previous medication and contains FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone) obtained from the urine of postmenopausal women. HMGs are relatively costly and efficiency varies. The extra ultrasounds to ensure that the drug is doing its job will also increase the expense. Your odds of miscarriage or enlarged ovaries are bigger, as are your odds of premature or multiple births which have complications of their own.

· Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) - These work together with hMGs to promote ovulation and can also treat endometriosis although potential side effects include cysts on the ovaries, increased chance of multiple births and enlarged ovaries.

· Urofollitropin (FSH) - This could help stimulate the ovaries to ovulate and is usually given to women suffering from PCOS if clomiphene is not effective.

· Luteinizing Hormone - Releasing Hormone (LH-RH) - These drugs may be prescribed to treat endometriosis or to control the pituitary gland. It is quite tricky to administer and it increases your chance of multiple births and infections.

· Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (Gn-RH) - Also stimulates the body to release eggs by stimulating the pituitary gland.

· Progesterone - Helps development of a healthy endometrium lining to receive the zygote.

For the guys:

Infertility hormones don't work for guys as well as they do for the ladies, but they can be effective in certain situations. Below are some of the hormones that might be given to men, and it is interesting to see that many of them are a lot like those administered to women.

· Testosterone - Imitates natural testosterone to aid efficient reproductive function.

· Gn-RH - Gn-RH encourages the release of FSH by the pituitary gland which in turn tells the testes to manufacture sperm and LH which encourages the manufacture of testosterone.

· Bromocriptine - Men can also have an excess of prolactin and this will inhibit testosterone from being manufactured and cause sperm to be malformed. This could be treated with bromocriptine, be sure to check out the risks first! Hallucinations are not fun...

· hCG & FSH - Stimulates healthy sperm development. These are of the most effectual infertility hormones that can be prescribed for men.

Possible dangers:

Know what to anticipate from the medication you are taking to avoid any undesirable interactions. Another problem with infertility hormones is the increased risk of multiple pregnancies. That might not seem like such a negative thing to you when you're desperate to conceive. Having multiples entails far more complications than single pregnancies including an elevated chance of premature birth and the complications that follow.

Hopefully this has given you some help in deciding whether you would like to go for the infertility hormones or not. Best of luck to you!

Hormones - An Overview For Anti-Aging & Brain Health

Hormones are the body's messengers which transport important information back and forth from the brain to the various glands and cells. They serve to rejuvenate, regenerate and restore our bodies, but, they are often overlooked when it comes to the proper functioning of the body.

Here's a quick look at the function of the primary hormones in the human body. As you peruse the list, you'll see that many are engaged in proper functioning of the brain. The health of the brain cannot be separated from health of the body; both interact, and to ignore one is to limit the success of the other. People looking for real health and, especially anti-aging protocols, must look to their hormones and work toward a proper balancing act. That can be accomplished with hormone testing under the guidance of a endocrinologist or anti-aging physician.

CORTISOL - stress hormone

Responsible for responding to stress
Helps protect you against your environment (allergens)
Mobilizes energy, improves fatigue
Increases your appetite for sugar
Decreases bone mass, muscle mass, and slows down your metabolism

DHEA - the mother hormone

Improves neurological function
Increases sense of well being
Improves immune function
Improves stress tolerance
Increases metabolism

ESTROGENS - primary female hormone

Protects against heart disease, stroke
Decreases cholesterol
Lowers incidence of Alzheimer's
Improves memory
Alleviates symptoms of menopause: headaches, mood swings, bloating, hot flashes, fatigue, waning libido

HUMAN GROWTH HORMONE - the growth hormone

Decreases body fat
Increases muscle mass
Improves tissue healing and protein synthesis
Increases bone density
Quicker illness recovery
Increases capacity to exercise
Increases skin hydration and elasticity
Improves sense of well being
Decreases incidence of illness

INSULIN - storage hormone

Responsible for getting blood sugar into all cells
Increases fat storage
Increases risk of diabetes, hypertension and stroke

MELATONIN - sleep hormone

Responsible for maintaining sleep
Helps alleviate "jet-lag"
Improves mood
Improves the immune system (by decreasing cortisol)

PREGNENELONE - gateway hormone

Promotes formation of other hormones
Repairs brain and nerve tissue
Enhances many brain functions
Reduces aging skin
Improves sense of well being
Increases energy and mobility
Improves sleep quality
Reduces harmful stress effects
Reduces aging brain deficiencies

PROGESTERONE - primary female hormone/pregnancy hormone

Protects against breast and uterine cancer
Protects against fibrocystic disease
Helps fat metabolism
Helps normalize blood sugar
Helps reverse osteoporosis
Helps thyroid hormone function
Acts as a natural antidepressant
Protects against nervousness
Protects against anxiety and irritability

TESTOSTERONE - primary male hormone

Improves brain function
Increases energy
Increases strength
Increases bone density
Increases libido
Improves sexual sensitivity
Improves sexual function
Improves HDL and LDL levels
Improves cardiovascular health

THYROID - metabolism hormone

Increases energy
Increases fat burning, and controls weight
Increases your heart rate
Increases your appetite
Aids cognition
Protects against depression and dementia

Menopause & Andropause: Decline in Female and Male Hormones

Menopause has usually been associated with the onset of hot flashes, sweating, mood swings, depression, metabolic problems, and the risk for Alzheimer's Disease, heart attacks and bone fractures. Additionally this hormone deficiency can result in a change in the psyche with mental fatigue, lack of focus, decreased attention span, increased irritability, decreased ability to recall both recent and long term memory and the ability to learn new information. A condition called the "Muscle Ache Syndrome" characterized by non-specific muscle and joint pain can develop too.

These symptoms have been primarily associated with the progressive decrease in the body's production of Estrogens and Progesterone. What we now know is that the female body also needs those hormones that have traditionally been associated with the male; testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, DHEA and others for many of the same reasons that males do.

In Anti-Aging Medicine, testosterone deficiency is known as Andropause, the male counterpart to Menopause in females. Just as effected women are with the decline of estrogen and progesterone, males experience a similar more surreptitious process that leads to a decline in male characteristics. In addition to the common physical symptoms related to low testosterone such as decreased sex drive and erectile dysfunction (ED), men also may have symptoms similar to those seen during menopause in women: hot flashes, increased irritability, inability to concentrate, depression.

Activate The Mother of All Hormones With Brainwave Entrainment

DHEA, or dehydroeplandrosterone, is the most prevalent hormone in the human body and many scientists consider it to be the "mother hormone" because it plays a role in the production of other steroid hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, cortisone, androgen and testosterone.

Brainwave entrainment recordings in the alpha/theta wave, stimulate the adrenal glands to produce DHEA. Entrainment is a scientifically proven technology that introduces sound patterns to the brain with the intention of altering its frequency to match that of the stimulus. The brain naturally responds by mimicking the stimulus because of the frequency following response, a physics principle. Recordings targeted at stimulating the adrenal glands quickly enable the production of DHEA to be released in the body eliminating the need for oral supplements.

As we age, experience stress, pain and disease, the levels of DHEA drop dramatically. It happens to both men and women and this decline leads many researchers to believe that DHEA may play a very important role in the aging process and diseases related to aging.

Restoring DHEA allows a person to improve their ability to cope with stress, have greater mobility, improved quality of sleep, less joint pain and a 75% increase in well-being.

For this reason, DHEA could be considered the hormone of "the fountain of youth."

If DHEA declines with age, stress, pain and disease, so do at least 18 other different steroidal hormones that are associated with youth that depend on its high levels.

DHEA: It's Affect On The Body

繚 DHEA gives rise to the sex steroids.

繚 Regulates diabetes, obesity, carcinogenesis, tumor growth, virus and bacterial infection, stress, pregnancy, hypertension, collagen and skin integrity, fatigue, depression, memory and immune responses.

繚 Regulates hormones through specific or non-specific hormone receptors.

繚 Inhibits an antiproliferative enzyme, G-6-PD which inhibits cell growth.

繚 Increases fat metabolism through thermogenesis.

繚 Decreases the desire to eat, possibly by affecting insulin.

繚 Decreases stress reaction and the release of cortisol.

繚 Stimulates T-lymphocytes enhancing interleukin 2 production.

繚 Anti-osteoporosis by improving calcium absorption

繚 Anti-inflammatory.

Internal Factors That Play A Role In DHEA Production

繚 Genetics: 65% of production is related to genetics.

繚 24-hr circadian variation.

繚 Seasonal circadian variation.

繚 Age: levels of DHEA production increase through puberty, peaking between 20 and 25. After this time, production slowly diminishes.

Lower Levels Of DHEA Cause Dysfunction

繚 Psychosomatic Disorders

繚 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

繚 Hypoglycemia

繚 Stress Induced Disease

繚 Alzheimer's

繚 Chronic Infections

繚 Reduced Immunity

繚 Chronic Depression

繚 Diabetes

Stimulating the production of DHEA using brainwave entrainment can help burn fat, build muscle mass, boost libido, strengthen the immune system, prevent heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and non-insulin dependent diabetes, ease the effects of menopause, retard memory loss, help in the treatment of lupus, limit burn damage, combat stress and prevent or slow the progression of Alzheimer and Parkinson diseases.

Maybe DHEA is more than the mother hormone. May it's a "superhormone" that is the "antidote for aging."

Testosterone Muscle Building and Manipulating Other Hormones Naturally

Understanding the principals of how hormones affect the shape of your body will increase the effectiveness of your nutrition and workouts. 

As a personal trainer and nutritional coach I need to know how my clients can get the most out of all their hard work. Knowing the basics about testosterone muscle building and other hormones allows you to manipulate them naturally. 

Testosterone Muscle Building

Male professional swimmers will spend 4 - 6 hours a day in the pool plus do other dry land work with resistance (weights) and cardiovascular training. Their shape will have developed as their testosterone was pumping in their formative early teenage years.

Testosterone is responsible for the development of masculine characteristics in the body; muscle mass, fat distribution, strength and also sexual characteristics. It is the primary hormone for muscle building. Young male swimmers have high testosterone levels which helps muscle building. As you get older this diminishes and can be further depleted through our diet.

To get the shape of a swimmers body you must manipulate the hormone levels in your body with food and exercise. It is important that your diet contains enough quality "good fats" when you are regularly exercising. The optimum amount of good fats should provide at least 15% of the calories in your diet. A very low fat diet reduces testosterone muscle building which is an important naturally occurring anabolic steroid hormone.

Anabolic & Catabolic

Anabolic means building up body tissue, like muscle building. Anabolic metabolic reactions build molecules from small units. Anabolic hormones help build muscle such as; growth hormone, IGF1 and other insulin-like growth factors like testosterone.

Catabolic means breaking down tissue and muscle. Catabolic metabolic reactions break down molecules into smaller units to release energy. Catabolism is governed by hormones; examples of these are cortisol, glucagon, adrenaline and noradrenalin.

The biggest conflicting goal of most men trying to get an amazing body is trying to lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. Losing fat is catabolic and gaining muscle is anabolic. Instead it should be done in two separate stages; you should add muscle first and then cut your fat to reveal definition.


Other hormones like insulin are easily manipulated by the types of food you eat. Insulin is an important anabolic hormone as it takes glucose and amino acids to the muscles for repair and growth. Complex carbohydrates make the body release a steady supply of insulin (some protein foods like fish also create a big insulin response). By following a few simple principals you can also have fewer cravings because your blood sugar levels and insulin are at a more constant level.

Pre-training and Post-training Nutrition

Having pre-training and post-training foods that contain the right proportions of protein and complex carbohydrates creates a positive insulin response and a muscle building environment. Before strength training (it is different for cardiovascular work) you should have a light meal of 2/3 protein and 1/3 complex carbohydrate (Low GI). You should have finished the meal 2 hours before the workout. Some people benefit from a small High GI sugar burst just before the exercise from half a banana or chocolate 30 minutes before.

After weight training you will need protein to aid the muscle repair. You will also need a small amount of complex carbohydrates to help absorption. Try and get the protein as soon as possible after training, particularly with weights. It is particularly important to get it within 40 minutes of your last exercise, but the sooner the better. If you do not, your body will start to turn your muscle tissue into amino acids for energy. In addition to this, after weight training you should then wait up to 30 minutes before you eat properly. This allows the blood in your body to take that initial protein and first concentrate on repairing the muscle tissue.

The right food encourages testosterone muscle building, a steady insulin response and anabolic reactions. The Swimmers Body program will teach you how to construct a core diet that will have less insulin spikes and give you hormonal and metabolic advantages.

Feel Better and Be Healthier by Balancing Your Hormones

Fluctuations, deficiencies, and excesses in hormones create changes in the mind, emotions, and physical body. When your hormones are in balance you feel good, sleep well, think clearly, are emotionally steady, and your chances of being healthy are greatly increased. When they are not in balance any number of symptoms can arise: low energy, rage, depression, fibroids, weight gain, loss of sex drive, hair loss, even cancer.

We often hear that hormones are difficult to keep in balance, but when you take a holistic approach and heal from the inside, hormones can work together as nature intended. One reason for the general belief that hormones are difficult to balance is because many different factors affect them. Sometimes it is hard to pinpoint what exactly is affecting your hormones. It is often a combination of things.

Exposure to sunlight and moonlight, food, emotions, stress, and environmental pollutants affect hormone levels. The amount of time spent indoors under artificial lighting in relation to being outdoors in nature and fresh air can affect hormones. Then for women, nature herself causes fluctuations: the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, and menopause.

Simple tests are available to you to have your hormone levels tested. For example, hormones in your saliva can give an overview of your levels of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, cortisol, and DHEA. Saliva tests can help evaluate how your body metabolizes estrogen, an important issue for both men and women, and particularly for women with problems associated with the reproductive system. Saliva tests are easy and noninvasive, performed at home by putting your saliva into small vials that are labeled and shipped for testing.

Common sense tells us it is better to heal the root cause of an imbalance, in ways that support the body. However, many people take estrogen-blocking drugs, synthetic hormones, or the popular bioidentical hormones without any idea of what the drugs are doing to their bodies. It's best to be informed and know your alternatives. If you want to see how your body metabolizes estrogen and other hormones, request the tests from your doctor. Do-it-yourself test kits are available online, but it is wise to work with a natural health practitioner to translate your results. You can then be guided to your unique personal plan to harmonize your hormone levels.

There are many ways to bring hormones into balance. One supplement your practitioner might recommend is diindolylmethane (DIM) known to stimulate natural detoxification enzymes and hormone metabolism. Derived from indole-3-carbinole and cruciferous vegetables, DIM has been shown to assist with estrogen metabolism and promote hormonal balance.

Your diet and food choices will help balance your hormones. Avoid foods and products that increase xenoestrogens (fake estrogens). These lead to estrogen dominance, a modern malady due in part to chemicals and pollutants in our environment that create an estrogenic effect in the body. Minimize and/or eliminate your exposure to synthetic products and harmful chemicals, including plastics that touch your water or food.

We are rarely advised to strengthen our endocrine system when we have symptoms of hormonal imbalance. But the adrenals, thyroid, and pituitary glands play important roles. A competent holistic doctor or naturopath can advise you on how to best proceed with supporting your endocrine system based on your hormone test results.

While there are many things you can do to bring your body into balance, having some knowledge of where to begin and why is helpful. It's certainly time to stop accepting the prevailing viewpoint that some of life's natural processes, such as menopause, are diseases that need to be treated with drugs. For most people, the body, mind, and emotions can achieve greater wellness with food, gentle supplements, and lifestyle adjustments.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

All You Need To Know About The 6th Month (From 23 to 27 Weeks)

I have spent nights of reading and searching to give you this complete pregnancy guide. In this article we will go through fetus development, physical symptoms and infrequent symptoms. I did my best to simplify the presentation of this article to help you easily find your answer.

Fetus Development

Your baby's eyes can open and close and react to light, vocal cords are functioning, eye brows are forming now.
Your baby is still active, since he is still relatively small about 30 cm long and is comfortable moving, punching and changing positions.

He weighs around 2 pounds. The facial features looks like a minuscule newborn baby.

The lungs are not fully developed so a baby born can still survive but with intensive care. Remember though, every day spent in the womb gives your baby a higher chance of survival and better odds at gaining the functionality it needs to survive.

Common physical symptoms:

1- The baby's movements becomes more definite enjoy the punches from those little arms and legs.

2- Baby's hiccups become more visible from the outside:Fetal hiccups usually shows up around the second or third trimester. Fetal hiccups are reflexive and do not seem to cause discomfort. In addition, hiccups prepare the fetus's lungs for healthy respiratory function after birth and they help regulate the baby's heart rate during the third trimester.

3- Whitish vaginal discharge (Leukorrhea)

4- Abdominal pain: It is often when pregnant women experience abdominal pain, and most of the time doctors hear complaints describing pain in the back and especially abdomen. There are many possible causes of such pain.

The most common cause for such pain is that round ligament stretching will cause minor or even moderate pain in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. A pregnant woman has to differentiate what is and what is not a cramp. A cramp could easily be confused with a minor contraction, which happens from time to time and is no cause for alarm. It is just a signal that the uterus is preparing itself for the upcoming birth. Severe or persistent abdominal pain during pregnancy is never normal and it requires an immediate doctor's exam.

5- Constipation: Constipation in pregnant women occurs due to hormones that relax the intestinal muscle and to the pressure of the expanding uterus on the intestines. Relaxation of the intestinal muscle causes food and waste to move slower through your system. To avoid constipation you must eat fibers, lots of greens and fruits. and drink plenty of water up to 3 Liters per day.

6- Heartburn: Hormonal changes is the main cause for heartburn during pregnancy. Hormones, particularly progesterone, can relax the valve that normally prevents stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus what will cause an irritation.

To avoid acid reflux, eat six small meals instead of three large ones. Abstain from eating tomato sauce, thyme, orange juice, spices and full-fat dairy products.

7- Headaches

8- Bleeding gums: hormonal changes are the reason of all our pregnancy problems. Pregnancy hormones causes a swollen gum that bleeds easily. Take a good care of your teeth and gum during those 9, long, months. Brush your teeth 3 times a day, floss and rinse with salt and water to ease any gum pain or bleeding.

9- Nasal congestion or rhinitis: Nearly every woman suffers from nasal stuffiness. that's because the high level of estrogen and progesterone circulating in the body bring increased blood flow to the mucous membranes of the nose causing the to swell. The congestion won't get better until after delivery but I beg you not to use any nasal sprays unless they are prescribed by your doctor. Always check with your Ob-Gyn even if the medication were prescribed by another doctor.

10- Increased appetite

11- Leg cramps: Most leg cramps are caused from the fatigue of carrying around that extra weight. Cramps can also be aggravated by the expanding uterus putting pressure on blood vessels. While some experts believe they are due to an excess of phosphorus or a shortage of calcium, magnesium or other body minerals. Your doctor might suggest you take magnesium supplement could decrease legs cramps.

Try following these instructions to prevent those annoying nighttime leg cramps:

1- Stretch your legs a few times a day, especially before bedtime

2- Rotate your ankles and shake your toes to increase circulation

3- Avoid sitting with your legs crossed

4- Avoid standing for a long period of time

5- Eat Calcium rich foods

6- Reduce your intake of phosphorus rich foods such as soft drink, processed meat and snacks

12- Mild feet and ankles swelling (edema): Most women suffer from Edema. This symptom is the result of excessive fluid accumulation around feet and ankles. Here are few tips to help you deal with normal swelling during pregnancy:

* Try to rest and lift your feet whenever it's possible.
* Drink plenty of water, up to 2 liters a day. The extra fluids will help flush out your system of waste products which may have increased swelling.
* Wear comfortable shoes.
* Excessive swelling that doesn't seem to ease down after many hours of rest should be reported to your doctor.

13- Lower back and leg pain: this is another symptom of expectant motherhood. The pressure of the enlarging uterus, which has been responsible for so many other discomforts, can also affect the sciatic nerve, causing lower back, buttock and leg pain. To relieve this pain you can try to exercise more often, practice pregnancy yoga or Pilates, pelvic tilt, swimming or walking. Take care to sit in a good posture and lift your feet from time to time this may help reduce the pain.

14- Itchy Belly: This occurs when your uterus grows and expands to accommodate your new baby and your skin stretches. Pregnancy hormones can also result in some itching during pregnancy as well as changes in your liver enzymes.

15- Enlarged breasts: For small breasted women, this could be the best pregnancy symptom ever. Hormonal changes during pregnancy cause increased blood flow and changes in the breast tissue which makes your breasts feel unusually swollen, sore and tingly.

16- Fewer mood swings

17- Absentmindedness

Uncommon Symptoms

Numbness and tingling fingers and toes is normal in pregnancy and is thought to be due to swelling tissues pressing on nerves

Clumsiness: The loosening of joints and the retention of water, can both make your grasp on objects less firm which will cause temporary clumsiness.

Gestational Diabetes: It first may be noticed in the sixth and seventh month of pregnancy. It occurs when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin or the body is unable to process the insulin properly, resulting in high levels of glucose. Gestational diabetes occurs in women who have not previously had diabetes, and the condition likely disappears after giving birth. The symptoms you should watch out for are:

* Excessive weight gain
* Excessive thirst
* Vaginal infection
* Excessive fatigue
* Excessive hunger
* Blurry vision

In case you notice these symptoms please contact your doctor.

How Hormones Can Keep You From Being Fit

As we mentioned last week in "Are Hormones Making You Fat," the body's hormones are a complex system that control every body function. We now know that hormone imbalance can have a considerable impact on your weight (the reverse is also true), but there are other hormone-related issues that could prevent you from achieving your fitness goals:


Excess inflammation in the body has now been recognized as a cause of obesity and diseases of aging. Symptoms of inflammation include digestive disorders, arthritis, eczema, acne, abdominal fat, headaches and allergies (among others).

Excess Insulin

Stress, eating processed foods, choosing low-fat foods, drinking sugary drinks and using artificial sweeteners are all precursors to having too much in insulin in the body. Not eating enough good foods like protein, good fats and fibre can also cause excess insulin to be secreted by the body. Symptoms of excess insulin can include:

  • Heart palpitations

  • Sweating

  • Soggy brain

  • Fatigue

  • Anxiety

Unfortunately, too much insulin will just make you want more high-sugar foods and drinks - a vicious cycle that can cause more weight gain and increased risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Depression or Anxiety

The hormone Serotonin affects mood, memory, carbohydrate cravings, pain and sleep, as well as many other ailments. When you feel down, you crave sugars and starches to raise the Serotonin levels in the body. A fast-paced lifestyle and constant multitasking lowers serotonin levels even further.

Chronic Stress

Chronic stress can release high levels of cortisol. When the stress is long term, your appetite can become out of control and your metabolism can lower, causing belly fat to increase and lean muscle to decrease.

Excess Estrogen

Estrogen can be manufactured in the body or taken via chemicals from the environment or diet. Reproductive issues like PMS and menopausal symptoms in both men and women can be the result of too much estrogen in the body. This creates hormonal imbalances in testosterone, DHEA and progesterone that can disrupt many functions in the body.


Every system in the body slows down if the thyroid slows. Fatigue, weight gain, constipation are some of the symptoms of a low thyroid.

How to Restore Hormone Balance in the Body

  • Get plenty of sunlight.

  • Eat a diet rich in protein, vitamins and minerals.

  • Get regular exercise.

  • Find a way to sleep well.

  • Slow down. Decide what is important to you and cut out distractions.

  • Manage your stress by taking "me" time on a regular basis. Try yoga, shown to lower cortisol levels and stimulate brain-calming hormones.

  • Stop setting yourself up for failure by "extreme" dieting. Studies have proven that those who count calories will increase the level of cortisol in the body, leading to weight gain - not weight loss.

If you've tried dieting to lose weight and it hasn't helped, know that the complex chemicals in your body could be part of the problem. If you're experiencing any of the above imbalances, ask your health care practitioner to check your hormone levels to see where the imbalances are coming from. Talk about your symptoms and have them taken into account along with your blood levels to get the right answers and get you on the path to hormone balance and a healthier you.

Common Types of Human Growth Hormone Supplements

Deficiency of human growth hormones can cause many health ailments. It is not surprising to see that individuals with deficiencies due to lack of growth hormones resort to these supplements. Developments in science have brought about several methods to administer human growth hormone supplements.

Common Types of Human Growth Hormone Supplements

So, what are the common types of human growth hormone supplements? Are they really useful and do they live up to their expectations? Let us find that out.

Oral HGH supplements

One of the most common types of human growth hormone supplements are oral HGH supplements. In other words, HGH supplements are consumed orally. The reason why this type is very commonly used among many people could be because of the fact that they can be easily taken inside the body.

Having said that you would be surprised to know that the chances of growth hormones surviving inside your body are nil when taken orally, as they get completely destroyed inside your stomach. That is because the digestive acids present in your stomach are enough to destroy them even before they can reach your stomach.

It only means that consuming HGH supplements orally is a complete waste of your money and time. It is advisable not to opt for this kind of method to consume HGH supplements. When you come across such false claims on the internet or elsewhere, please stay away from them as they are of no use for you.

HGH Injections

Another common type of human growth hormone supplements is injecting them into your body. Unlike the method mentioned above, injecting HGH supplements inside your body actually works. That is because you are taking them directly inside your body. Patients have noticed a significant increase in the levels of HGH inside their bodies once they have injected these supplements.

Since you are injecting them inside your body, this method can be painful and has plenty of side effects. It is recommended that you get yourself injected only by prescription and not on your own will. When you frequently inject yourself with HGH supplements, you stand to get health ailments like cardiac problems and stomach related issues.

HGH releasers

It is strange to note that many people desist from using HGH releasers. It could be because they feel taking in HGH supplements is more effective than consuming HGH releasers. You need to know that there is a big difference between taking in HGH and consuming HGH.

Research has shown that consuming HGH releasers are more beneficial than taking them orally or in the form of injections. Consuming HGH releasers is a safe and useful method as they really work. These HGH releasers aid the pituitary gland to release growth hormones naturally.

It goes without saying that HGH releasers are the most effective and safest method to consume human growth hormones.

In conclusion, the above mentioned types of HGH supplements can help you provided you take them in the right amounts. You would however want to consult your doctor before you administer these drugs as they can cause serious side effects.

Ultimate Weight Loss - Discover the 3 Hormones Responsible for Your Body Fat

Once you've reached a plateau in your weight loss you might find out that after having lost the first 10 to 20 pounds it's harder to keep losing the extra pounds left. The reason is due to hormones. Those hormones can be the cause of your persistent extra fat that you can't lose no matter what.

What are these 3 hormones?

Estrogen - The female hormone responsible for lower body fat storage patterns.

If you have been overweight and have lost quite a bit of the extra pounds you may see your body stops losing weight and hit a plateau at some point. You might notice that the persistent weight is located around your hips, what we commonly call love handles, except that there is nothing loving about them.

A natural mechanism in the woman's body is fat storage, and the reason why it's a stronger mechanism in females than it is in males is because females need the extra fat to be able to carry a child. In order to feed your baby before birth and while being able to sustain breast-feeding after birth, estrogen is here to help you. However, on the flip side this hormone can become the bad guy doing too good of a job and being responsible for fat storage patterns that most women could do without.

Insulin - Which is insulin resistance influencing fat storage in the lower belly and hips

When this happens it means that your body is suffering with insulin resistance which is keeping you from losing the extra fat.

Cortisol - A stress hormone.

The problem with Cortisol is very simple. The higher your cortisol level is the more fat you are going to be storing around your belly. This simply means that if you are a person who has a strong tendency to store fat on and around your belly you are suffering with high cortisol level.

What would be your solution to attack those fat storage hormones?

The solution lies in counteracting those hormones with opposite hormones that will help you melt fat instead of storing it. Don't worry - such hormones are also naturally created by your own body.

Are You Looking For Some Free Human Growth Hormones? Check Your Legs

Lots of Benefits

HGH or human growth hormone is naturally produced by our bodies and it has many functions, it controls tissue and muscle growth, cell repair and body fat. It also has positive effects on your metabolism and energy levels. For athletes it offers many obvious benefits, like increased muscle mass which can lead to better performance. For regular people it can have anti-aging effects and will help with weight loss.

The only problem is that as we grow older the body decreases the production of this hormone. So in order to harness all the positive effects drugs have been developed to increase the hormone levels. The only problem with drugs is the possibility of abuse which can health to health problems and also the high cost.

Free HGH from working out

A lot of people skip leg workouts at the gym, which is why you see a lot of males with "chicken legs", but huge upper bodies. Also many females only work out their inner and outer thighs, their arms or only run on the treadmill. So if you're like me and want to benefit from this wonderful drug safely and cheaply. You will want to workout your legs.

When we engage in weight training, we are essentially applying stress to our bodies, a controlled stress that tears and breaks up tissues and fibers. In response that stress our bodies produces testosterone and hgh to help with the healing and repairing process.

So why the legs?

The harder we workout and the more stress we put on our bodies, the more HGH is produced. So, if you take a look at your body what is the biggest muscle group? Obviously the legs! The quads, hammies, thighs, calves and glutes make up roughly seventy percent of the bodies muscle. Since our legs make up the biggest percentage, the body will need to produce a lot more testosterone and human growth hormone to compensate when we work them out.

To get the full benefits, you'll want to core leg workouts like deadlifts, step ups, lunges and especially squats to be part of your leg workout routine. So if you want to get lean, get stronger and stay younger you'll want to get a proper leg workout.

Effects and Wonders of Human Growth Hormones

The human body was created to heal itself naturally with time. If we get bruised, or a cut, or come down with a flu, we will heal in time. Scientists studied that even a very small gland in our body could heal.

There came the study of growth hormones inside of us, and how it works to our advantage. It was seen as a potential to help the body heal should other organs fail or malfunction.

At first, this is to look for ways to solve impairments. Now, to enhance lifestyle with its profound results as well many have developed means of undergoing treatment that would harm the elements of the body. Some resort to surgery and do some procedures without assurances.

Most of the time there are side effects that cause traumatic episodes to the testers. With the results of the human growth hormones, a wide spectrum of possibilities has shown substantial ventures. It all is uncomplicated.

People nowadays find it difficult to maintain a balanced diet and keep watch on what they eat. Time constraints led to minimal self healing and turn to medical solutions for fast relief. Studies have been generating from the demand and would promise to supply at any given time. From the secreted substance of the pituitary gland, tests were made to see all the effects on all means possible.

Human growth hormones have several recorded effects. They are subjected to different parts of physiological predicament. They made treatments to several conditions like obesity (difficulty in losing weight) and to reverse effects of multiple sclerosis.

These hormones are also used as therapy for body building and an anabolic for competitors in sports, boost body performance and aid participants of international competitions. It is also employed for the common problems of delayed sexual maturity and as anti-ageing therapy.

Human growth hormone is also applicable to persons having problems with sleep, exercise, low levels of sugar, dietary protein, hypoglycemia, and increased androgen secretion during puberty.

The results of using the growth hormones are positive. There is marked increased calcium, strengthened and mineralization of bones. The immune system significantly improves, plus increased muscle and protein synthesis and stimulation of all of internal body parts are noted. With all the records shown for human growth hormones, it has also been marketed as a supplement.

Researches, however, have given caution on all possible propagandas. All cures have downside. There have been stories that may or may not be under the label of side effects of human hormones. The excessive intake of it may add to the risks of diabetes. It was also found that hormones did not increase muscle strength, but led to the assumption that it went to body mass. Other adverse side effects include joint swelling, joint pain, and carpal tunnel syndrome.

On all administered drug even with its promising results, all taken in should be monitored. Overdose is more likely to happen if not taken at appropriate amounts. An intake of too much food even with its balanced compounds will create uncalled for changes in the structure of the body.

The suggested intake is only one per day. Each dose applies to the weight and compatibility of the user. Doctors will see to it that the computations done with the user will not spoil the findings.

Hypothyroidism and Diet - Good and Bad Foods

An overactive or underactive thyroid gland can result in a number of troublesome symptoms that require medical attention. Fortunately, while you find out what is the most appropriate treatment for you, you may start including foods that help the thyroid gland; they support thyroid function mostly by providing a source of the mineral iodine, which is crucial to a healthy thyroid.

The thyroid gland, which is located in the neck, produces hormones that affect a variety of metabolic processes in the body. If the body does not produce sufficient amounts of the thyroid hormone T4, symptoms of underactive thyroid result. Among these symptoms are fatigue, depression, weight gain, hair loss, feeling cold often, constipation, brittle or splitting nails, memory problems, and dry skin. Since iodine is required to produce thyroid hormones, certain foods that are rich in this important mineral may play a key role.

Iodine-rich Foods that That Help The Thyroid Gland

Thyroid activity involves several hormones, most notably T4, T3, and TSH. When levels of T4 are low, symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland will become apparent unless hormone levels are regulated. Under normal circumstances, this regulation takes place when the pituitary gland produces TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). TSH stimulates the thyroid gland to extract more iodine from the blood. The iodine is used to produce enough T4 to restore adequate hormone levels in the blood.

There is usually 20 to 30 mg of iodine stored in the body, mostly in the thyroid gland, though some iodine is also stored in the lining of the stomach, salivary glands and in the blood. If iodine stores become depleted, the body will not be able to make enough thyroid hormone. In such cases, foods that have shown to help the thyroid gland to produce T4 are important to help the body make adequate amounts of thyroid hormones.

Some of these foods include:

* seaweeds like lato, kelp, nori, gamet and balbalulang

* yogurt

* cow's milk

* seafood

* foods grown in iodine rich soil

Foods You Should Avoid

It is also important to note that in addition to foods that help the thyroid gland naturally, there are also foods that inhibit the production of thyroid hormones. These foods, known as goitrogens, contain compounds that interfere with iodine absorption. Goitrogen-containing foods include cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower.

To learn about other 5 foods that can interfere with the thyroid function - and for a full and easy-to-follow diet and weight loss plan for hypothyroidism, visit: hypothyroidism, food and diet

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

From Distressed to De-Stressed

From Distressed to De-Stressed - Top Tips to Combat the Stress Hormone Cortisol

Feeling stressed? Desperately trying to get some relaxation? Are your work, sleep and life getting affected?

Chances are your suffering from elevated levels of the stress hormone Cortisol. Unusually high levels can make you fat, are linked with insulin-resistance, makes you feel constantly rushed and reduce attention span amongst many of the negative effects.

Cortisol should follow a natural flow raising in the morning and ebbing in the evening which is linked with daylight and the Sun's rising and setting.

So let's get to it, some top tips for reducing your levels of cortisol.

1. Take an Adaptogen. These herbal supplements that will help regulate the body's levels of cortisol by increasing the cortisol receptor sensitivity. Greater sensitivity means that body won't need to produce such large amounts and this will allow a more natural dissipation. Two we use commonly are Ashwaganda and Rhodiola. They don't need to be taken concurrently but you should switch between them after your supply of one runs out.

2. Avoid processed highly sugared foods. Excess insulin levels lead to excess body fat which leads to excess cortisol which leads to carbohydrate cravings which leads to increased insulin levels. Pretty vicious circle, but cortisol levels should be address in regards to insulin levels! Hormones need to be in a balance in the body and if one is out it's an indication that corresponding hormones will be out as well.

3. Eat several meals throughout the day. Eating every 2-3 hours will put the body into a 'rest and digest' mode. This is an antagonist of the 'fight or flight' mode and eating every few hours will help keep the cortisol levels from rising.

4. Stop the long aerobic sessions. Exercising over an hour will have a marked impact upon your body's cortisol level with a corresponding drop in testosterone. Once you've approached the hour mark then your body will increase the cortisol secretion which will reduce the amount of glucose used for energy and increase the use of fat and protein all the while increasing your cravings for carbohydrates.

5. Try 'Earthing'! Earthing is the practice of making direct contact with the earth's surface, as in bare feet on grass. No shoes, no sandals, no pavements just direct contact with the Earth's surface.

So we've covered quick relatively inexpensive methods for combating the stress hormone Cortisol. Eat better, eat more, run less, take an adaptogen and walk around in bare feet.

So take a deep breath, implement and relax...

Tommy Heffelfinger CSCS

The Effects of Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease that can be easily identified, treated, but not cured and have many effects on human lives. First of all, identifying the disease is key. Shortly after performing sexual activity, if the vagina, penis and or rectum may present a sore. It is a sore that is painful to touch.

It may then change to a more ulcer-like sore. It can be very uncomfortable. It is not only passed from one person to another by intercourse, but can also be passed by oral sex. If passed by intercourse, it is usually identified as herpes simplex 2, by sex. If it is passed by oral sex, it is identified as genital herpes created by herpes simplex 1. The difference is that herpes simplex 2 is from sores, appearing or not appearing on the genitals. Herpes simplex 1 is usually identified as cold sores and fever blisters on the mouth. Both viruses can cause the same reaction in the genital area.

The effects of genital herpes can cause a number of problems for women. Pregnant women are tested for herpes because of the effects of genital herpes can have for a newborn baby. If the mother had the virus before the child was conceived or obtained soon after becoming pregnant, then there may be little danger for the child. If, however, the mother contracts it during pregnancy then it could be fatal for the child. Women with genital herpes are monitored very carefully before giving birth. If necessary, a Cesarean section is performed.

Other effects of genital herpes can be emotional issues. It can cause a great deal of stress in an individual who has it. The bad part about the stress is that stress can bring on outbreaks more often. It is important to learn how to cope with the disease and create some changes in lifestyle to deal positively with the negative situation. Exercising and eating a balanced diet can help with the stress issue. Other effects of genital herpes is a change in hormones. The hormonal changes in women during menstruation may bring on the symptoms as well. A low immune system can also trigger the effects of genital herpes.

There are many medically based reasons that once herpes has been contracted it tends to show up more often in some people than others.It has many effects on the body, both physical and emotional. It is very important to consider the effects when carrying on certain sexual and reproductive activities in life.

Natural Hormones for Treating Perimenopause and Menopause Symptoms

Many women who are experiencing unpleasant perimenopause or menopause symptoms are considering alternative treatments based on natural hormones as a means of alleviating them. Conventional hormone replacement therapy is generally regarded as a very reliable and effective treatment for a wide range of perimenopause or menopause symptoms, including hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, fatigue, a decline in libido, mood swings, depression and memory lapses. However, the issue of whether or not it may increase the risk of breast cancer and other serious health problems such as blood clots remains controversial. Many women are seeking treatments based on natural hormones as an alternative, believing them to be free from the same potential health risks. It's very important to understand that any kind of medical treatment, whether naturally derived or not, carries with it the risk of side effects, harmful interactions and allergic reactions. It's very wise to discuss your symptoms and your concerns with your doctor, and get individual, professional advice on the treatment options which are most suitable for you.

Treatments for menopause symptoms derived from natural hormones.

There are a number of types of natural plant based treatments for perimenopause symptoms. Perhaps the most widely used are made from plants rich in natural phytoestrogens, sometimes known as isoflavones, which are chemically very similar to the natural estrogen produced by the ovaries. The effectiveness of these types of treatments relies on the assumption that phytoestrogens have the same effect in the body as the body's own natural hormones. High levels of phytoestrogens are found in food products made from soy, and herbs such as dong quai, licorice root and black cohosh.

Some doctors believe that declining levels of progesterone have a more significant role in causing menopause symptoms than is conventionally believed. Natural treatments which are designed to restore progesterone levels most commonly take the form of a topically applied cream made from an extract of Mexican wild yam, which contains a substance similar to human progesterone. Natural progesterone treatments may also involve taking supplements of extracts from herbs such as chaste tree berry.

Thyroid Hormone Profile

Thyroxine (T4) and Trilodothyronine (T3) are produced by the thyroid gland and are essential for the growth and development of the human body. T3 and T4 govern the body's metabolic rate, nervous system and heart functions.

The thyroid is among the largest glands of the endocrine system and weighs between 15 to 20gms. In shape it looks a bit like a butterfly with two lobes connected by a band of thin tissue. Thyroid disorders are among the most common diseases affecting the endocrine system. Studies have shown that in the developed world, between 3 and 4 percent of the population suffer from thyroid problems. In general women are more prone to thyroid problems and since thyroid function decreases with age, it is most prevalent among menopausal women.

The thyroid's main function is to absorb iodine present in food and convert it into T4 and T3. The cells in the thyroid gland are the only ones that can absorb iodine and if they do not function properly, the body has no redundancy system to take over this job. The cells mix the iodine with an amino acid called Tyrosine to make the T4 and T3 which are then released into the bloodstream which transports them throughout the body.

Every cell in the body is dependent of the thyroid hormones to control their metabolism. The production of these hormones by a healthy thyroid gland is in the ratio of 80% of T4 to 20% of T3. However, this difference in quantity is balanced by the fact that T3 is the "stronger" of the two hormones.

The functioning of the thyroid gland itself is controlled by another gland called the pituitary gland. This gland is small, about the size of a peanut and is located at the base of the brain. When the pituitary gland sense that the levels of T4 and T3 in the blood are at too low a level to control the body's metabolism, it produces the Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) which stimulates the thyroid to produce more T4 and T3. Once the production of T4 and T3 have increased and their levels in the bloodstream have reached the required levels, the pituitary gland senses this and decreases its production of TSH which in turn reduces the stimulation of the thyroid gland and consequently, the production of T4 and T3.

The pituitary gland in turn is regulated by the hypothalamus gland, which lies in another part of the brain. The hypothalamus produces the TSH Releasing Hormone that allows the pituitary gland to produce the TSH when needed.

If all this sounds complicated, the best way to understand it is to look at the pituitary gland as a kind of thermostat like that of an air-conditioner and T4 and T3 as the cold air. Just as the thermostat cuts in when the room gets too warm and increases the flow of cold air, the pituitary cuts in when the T4 and T3 levels in the blood get too low. And just as the thermostat cuts out when the room is cold enough, the pituitary gland cuts out when the T4 and T3 levels in the blood have reached the correct levels. Using the same analogy, we can look at the hypothalamus as the hand that sets the thermostat and decides what are the minimum and maximum temperatures (or levels of T4 and T3) that are required.

Besides inadequate iodine intake, another factor that affects the functioning of the thyroid gland is the amount of pollutants in the atmosphere. Scientific tests have established that continued exposure to toxins and metal in the atmosphere, which are absorbed by the body, can impair thyroid function.

Symptoms of an underactive thyroid gland (Hypothyroidism) include:

- Weakness and general lethargy
- Dry and coarse skin, often accompanied by itching
- Slow or indistinct speech
- Oedema (heaviness or swelling) of the eyelids
- Weight gain
- A thick tongue
- Cold and / or clammy skin
- Below normal levels of perspiration

An overactive thyroid usually shows itself by the following symptoms:

- Fatigue and general loss of energy
- Shaking of the body, particularly the limbs
- Restlessness
- Unusual thirst
- An unusual intolerance to heat or even warmth
- Increased levels of perspiration
- Trembling of the tongue

The Thyroid Hormone Profile is a test to see how well the thyroid gland is functioning in producing T3 and T4. This test is easily performed by a patient in the comfort of his home. The test measures the amount of unbound free hormones, or those available for controlling the body' metabolism, and provides a true picture of the body's metabolic function.

Upon obtaining the request form from a medical practitioner, a person may buy the Thyroid Hormone Profile test kit from a drug store or order it online from a manufacturer. While each manufacturer will have a kit of their own design, the basics principles of the test remain the same. The kits come with detailed instruction on how the test is to be performed. All that is really required is a small ample of blood and the kit will contain everything required for obtaining and storing the sample.

The blood sample may be taken at any time of the day and there are no restriction requiring either fasting or having eaten a specified time before taking the sample. The only restriction is that the test should not be taken by anyone with blood clotting disorders such as haemophillia or by those taking blood thinning medication such as anti- coagulants or even those who regularly consume aspirin for other medical reasons. If a person with any of these problems requires the test, it should be done under medical supervision.

The blood sample is stored in a container that comes with the kit and must be sent the manufacturer, either directly or though a doctor depending on the company's policy, who will conduct the blood analysis and revert with the results. Again, depending on the company, the results are usually available within a week to ten days. Once the results are obtained, the doctor can advise the patient on what treatment, if any, may be required.