Saturday, August 10, 2013

Estrogen Dominance - What You Should Know and Tips To Avoid It

Do you have symptoms of estrogen dominance?

Estrogen is a naturally occurring hormone in the human body. It is essential to both women and men and is natural as a reproductive hormone. Estrogen's primary role is the development of female characteristics. However, many of us have estrogen dominance symptoms that we should take notice of.

Estrogen is an important hormone in women of child bearing age. It maintains bone strength and plays a role in cell activity, signaling cells to divide and multiply.

However in today's incredibly toxic world, our bodies are assaulted every day by environmental toxins.

What are the symptoms of estrogen dominance?

Symptoms of estrogen dominance are:

1. Red dots on the tongue

2. Cherry angiomas on the torso. (Raised strawberry red dots)

3. Any of the below ailments can be tied to estrogen dominance

Are you one of the many that needs an estrogen blocker?

Due to the alarming increase in rates of endometriosis, cysts, fibroids and estrogen related cancers, such as breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate cancers, researchers began studying possible causes. What they discovered was disturbing.

They learned that certain chemicals in the environment exhibit estrogen-like qualities and can send bogus signals to the system. These estrogen hormones are substances or chemical compounds that are foreign to the human body and they mimic the effect of hormones. These then act like estrogen and hence are called xenoestrogens. When xenoestrogens enter the body, they attach to receptors just like estrogen and disrupt endocrine functions. In addition to causing cancer, these xenoestrogens also interfere with reproductive abilities of various species.

If you have symptoms of estrogen dominance, take note of some of these chemicals to avoid:

1. Hormones in the beef, chicken and milk. In order to make cows larger to get more per pound for them, the cattle industry has long been injecting them with testosterone, progesterone and other hormones. It is important to buy hormone and antibiotic free meats, eggs and milk, whenever possible.

2. DDT and PCBs have been banned for their estrogen mimicking characteristics. Dr. Mary Wolff at Mt. Sinai, School of Medicine, NY in 1993, found that women with breast cancer had "significantly higher concentrations of DDT in their blood than women without breast cancer."

3. Cosmetics, skin care, lipsticks also may contain lead, cancer causing substances and other toxic substances, like sulfates and parabens. Check out your brands before you buy them.

4. Pthalates, chemicals used in plasticizers pose ever greater damage because they can leach from plastic containers. Styrofoam trays, plastic toys and even medical supplies can contain Pthalates. Pthalates are proven to cause BPH or prostate enlargement and increased growth of breast cancer cells. Another compound, bisphenol ( BPA) has been found to leach out of the coatings inside aluminum drink cans. BPA causes increased growth of breast cancer cells.

5. Heavy metals like cadmium are also considered environmental hormones. Lead and cadmium used in agricultural lands have shown increased endometriosis rates in 3 counties in China.

Some studies show an increased risk for prostate cancer or testicular cancer in men who are farmers or have been exposed to cadmium while making batteries, welding or electroplating.

The dangers these pseudo-estrogens pose on both men's and women's health are of great concern to the research community.

What can we do about estrogen dominance?

1. Take steps to help rid our bodies of heavy metals. Try Metal Flush, a Chi-Analysis product that cleanses heavy metals from the body.

2. To remove other toxins, try Veinlite or Bathdetox.

3. For safe skin care products, try our new Devita brand of safe, organic serums and lotions with no toxic ingredients.

4. More importantly, to combat the effects of this common condition of estrogen dominance, Myomin is an estrogen blocker that blocks the conversion of other hormones to estrogen.

Many doctors familiar with Myomin recommend it as an estrogen blocker for all adults and children exposed to xenoestrogens.

Water Retention In Legs - Know The Reasons Behind Water Retention In Your Body

Water retention causes include kidney and heart problems. These are mainly the inability of the kidney and heart to do their function which can lead to swelling of the ankles and the legs. Normally, the retention of water in the legs and ankles are caused by the weak circulation in the leg veins. This will usually occur during pregnancy. In older people it is a result from their varicose veins. Sometimes it is also caused by the congestion of the person's lymphatic system. This condition is known as lymphoedema which commonly occurs after having a surgery. Retention of water is also generally experienced by people who are immobile most of the time. This is common to people who are in wheelchairs, hospital beds and those who are on long haul flights. These people can develop water retention because they have no regular movement and hence the lymphatic system is having a difficult time in draining away excess fluids out of the tissues. In women, they commonly experience premenstrual retention of water which is a result of hormonal change during their menstrual cycle.

One of the major water retention causes is eating too much salty foods. Salt contains sodium which is diluted by water if there is too much of it. Salt can make a person thirsty and your body will hang on to water. Decreasing the salt in your diet can help in releasing retention of water.

Some of the lesser known water retention causes are hormonal levels and medicines. Your body tends to hold on to water if you have high levels of hormones. This usually occurs to people who are having insulin for their sugar and cortisone which usually occurs when a person is under stressed. The female hormones estrogen and progesterone are also some causes; the effects of these hormones on sodium levels in your body are the main causes of your body having to retain more water. Prescribed medicines such as painkillers and contraceptive pills can also have an effect on your hormones which could then result in having your body to retain water. Retention of water caused by hormones is generally spread around the body and most of time your tummy will be generally affected. Sometimes women can experience retention of water in the breast which can lead to breast swelling and breast tenderness.

Water retention causes also comes from toxins and wastes. Women who have cellulite in their thighs can hold so much water which can cause its swelling and too much pain. Metabolic toxins and wastes stored in the body and difficult to release can be stored in this fat. It is believed that the causes of water retention in cellulite are the swelling and the irritation resulting from toxins. Sometime it is also caused by the effort of the body to dilute them.

Beat Depression Naturally by Boosting Your Happy Hormones

If you knew there was a shark swimming next to you in the ocean, what would you do? Most people will hightail it out of the water as fast as they can back to the shore. As a matter of fact no one in their right mind is going to let a shark devour them alive! On the same token we can let food be our medicine or we can let food devour us alive. Which would you prefer?

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in cold-water fish, such as tuna, mackerel and salmon, remarkably reduce symptoms of depression? If you or someone you know suffers from depression, it would be a great idea to eat more of these types of fish. Sardines, oysters and flax seeds, are also high on the list of foods with substantial amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. People who eat these foods three or more times a week show significant improvement in anxiety, insomnia, sadness, and suicidal thoughts.

Depression is an indication that certain hormones are out of kilter within the brain, specifically, beta-endorphins and serotonin. When our bodies lack adequate levels of seritonin and beta-endorphins, that balance out our brain chemistry, we may feel hopeless, sad, depressed, touchy to criticism, offended, crave sugar and alcohol and feel isolated and lonely - all signs of depression.

If you suddenly found out that the foods you have been eating are causing an imbalance in your brain chemistry, what would you do? Would you stop eating those foods? Refined foods are insufficient in vitamins and minerals and are like drugs to the brain, especially those people who suffer from depression, self esteem issues, and sugar imbalances. The good news is you can be in control of your health by boosting seritonin and beta-endorphin levels in your brain through a healthy eating lifestyle.

Whole grains, beans and legumes, vegetables and fruits should be incorporated into everyone's diet if they want to live a healthy and long life. If it is processed and denatured, don't eat it. It's really that simple. Let's take a look at some foods that can actually boost hormone levels in the brain.

Foods And Supplements That Boost Happy Hormones

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6 is found in spinach, turnip greens, garlic, cauliflower, mustard greens, celery, fish, such as tuna, salmon, cod and red snapper. Also chicken and turkey and lean beef tenderloin. Spinach should be eaten raw or either lightly steamed. Remember with any vegetable it is always best to keep it in its natural state as much as possible.


Magnesium levels tend to be lower in people who suffer from depressed moods. Magnesium supplements and foods with magnesium should be incorporated into the daily diet of those who suffer with sadness, anxiety and depressed thoughts. Foods high in magnesium are, halibut, tuna, bananas, dried figs, barley, buckwheat, oat bran, wheat flour, prune juice, almonds, Brazil nuts, black beans, lima beans, broccoli and cornmeal.

Whole Grains and Seeds

Whole grains that are especially good are amaranth, buckwheat, millet, brown rice, whole grain breads and cereals. Nuts and seeds are also great foods that will boost happiness levels. Walnuts are especially good for boosting serotonin. These are healthy, high-protein carbohydrates, which are critical for increasing serotonin.

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods and liquids greatly assist in digestion and assimilation of all the important nutrients you need for serotonin. Additionally, they boost the nutrients in your food by at least a hundred fold. Fermented foods manufacture essential B vitamins that help with boosting your mood. Sauerkraut is an excellent source of fermented food. In addition, an excellent fermented drink is Dong Quai, which is great for energy and mood and it decreases cravings for sugar!


The herbal supplements St Johns Wart and Gingko Biloba are excellent natural sources for treating depression and giving the body a boost of energy at the same time. We should never fail to recognize the importance of herbal supplementation in healing certain health conditions with. Herbs work and should be used in conjunction with other helpful natural treatments.

Red Raspberry Tea

Red raspberry tea is especially good for depression and bouts of the blues. This all natural tea balances out the hormones, giving a soothing and calming affect on the body and mind. Herbal teas are good for you and should be a regular part of your diet.


Exercise boosts serotonin level in the brain. Even gentle exercise like walking can boost your immunity and mood. Walking is one of the best activities that virtually anyone can partake in. Walk for life.

Foods That Trigger Depression

Refined sugar

If you suffer from low moods, you may have intense cravings for sugar. This is your body's way of trying to increase serotonin because eating sugar produces insulin, which gives you a temporary feeling of elation. But too much sugar overtime can eventually cause addiction to sugar, insulin resistance, hypoglycemia and alcoholism.


If you are trying to overcome depression you should not drink alcohol or take medications that contain alcohol. Alcohol works against the body, causing havoc within our emotions, which only exacerbate symptoms of depression.


Antidepressants and pain medications are intended to mask the symptoms of depression and throw the bodies hormone system out of whack. The most important thing you can do for your health is to get to the origin of why you are depressed in the first place, so you can stop taking damaging medications. If you want to heal depression the natural way, the first place to start is in your daily diet.

Are you going to let food devour you or will you let food make you well. Having good health in body, mind, and soul is a lifestyle choice. Don't let depression, mood swings, anxiety, or low self worth keep you from enjoying life to its fullest. You can overcome depression and boost your happy hormones with food.

Level Of Sex Hormones Determine If A Woman Appreciates Rewards

The sex hormone levels heavily influence the brain's reward circuit in a woman during the menstrual cycle, according to a new study by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

The reward circuitry is one of the most complex areas of the brain. It has receptors for both progesterone and estrogen. The circuit is made up of the prefrontal cortex, which is the seat of thinking and planning; the amygdala, which regulates fear; the hippocampus, which is the memory hub and the striatum, which relays signals from these areas to the brain's cortex.

While the receptors for the female sex hormones predominate the circuit, researchers have been unable to determine what role they play in the reward circuit.

The current study says that a woman's brain reward circuit was more active and receptive if they were in a menstrual phase dominated by estrogen, which is just before ovulation takes place. However when both estrogen and progesterone dominated, they appeared to be mood swings and the women was not receptive even when she was rewarded.

The study conducted at the NIMH Intramural Research Program, is reported online in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

The research team led by Karen Berman, M.D., chief of the NIMH Section on Integrative Neuroimaging, mainly used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) in order to get images of the brain activity during menstrual phase.

In order to determine the activity of the brain during the menstrual cycle in a woman, the researchers scanned the brain activity of 13 women and 13 men when they were playing the slot machines. The women were scanned twice; before and after ovulation.

It was found that when women were anticipating a reward the amygdala was activated meaning that emotion and reward-related behavior was more pronounced during the pre-ovulation phase. Additionally the more pleasurable areas were activated during this phase rather than the post-ovulatory phase.

On the other hand, men showed a different response to the anticipation of the rewards. They had more activity in the signal relay area than the women.

"These first pictures of sex hormones influencing reward-evoked brain activity in humans may provide insights into menstrual-related mood disorders, women's higher rates of mood and anxiety disorders, and their later onset and less severe course in schizophrenia," said Berman. "The study may also shed light on why women are more vulnerable to addictive drugs during the pre-ovulation phase of the cycle."

Hormones And Other Diet Helpers

Anyone thinking of losing weight or looking for a way to find a great diet program has probably found the hormone diet and information for similar programs. A simple visit to the web and you will find many general practitioners have a ton of information about how to lose weight. Judging the best way can be quite a task and you want to make sure that you do not elect an option that will make you lose your money. Many low-carb programs will show you that you should eat certain foods. There are some that say liquid consumption is the route to go. This can confuse you on what to do.

One sure thing is that it is crucial to visit a medical doctor if you are considering any kind of hormone diet. Many ads exist that have a type of hormone diet of their own and even for less money than one where you see a medical doctor. But seeing a medical doctor is crucial since you want to correctly balance hormones. Many doctors say hormones are why people crave food and how fat is burned. Before trying any diet that involves hormones, the important fact that a medical doctor should be seen first should not be overlooked.

Undoubtedly you will lose weight with the Atkins diet program, since its main focus is on Low-Carbs, and it is not concerned about fat. But risks are associated with this program too. Understand that many of us simply cut the starches completely and instead eat superbly fatty foods like the famous fried ham and over easy egg. A high cholesterol diet can affect the liver greatly. Although we may experience weight reduction with this program, it must be stable to curb any problems.

HCG is a hormone that is part of a particular diet program. A person will shed pounds because the mind is tricked into thinking the body is pregnant. Add that to a Low-Cal diet and you convert stored fat into a vigorous power source. Consuming five-hundred calories per day will help you lose pound by pound. Remember that with HCG, appetite is lessened and so hardships may be associated with this Low-Cal diet program.

Diets are not easy. It does seem like it is easy to gain weight but awfully hard to lose it. This is pretty much true because our bodies like to hold onto extra weight because it is a protection for the possibility of future lean times. Whatever diet or plan that looks like it will work, the best first step would be to contact the doctor and see what they have to say. Your general practitioner will look at your total health and not just the weight that you want to lose.

Hormones in the Female Body

As many women get older, they start to realise just how much of an impact their hormones play in their day to day life. An imbalance, or a lack of hormones can dramatically affect a women's out look on life, creating symptoms such as moodiness, depression, fluid retention, lack of sex drive & blood sugar problems - to name a few.

So what exactly are hormones? Hormones are chemicals that are manufactured and released by glands in the body. They carry messages from one part of the body to another and can be likened to chemical keys that turn vitally important locks in our cells. The turning of these locks stimulates activity within the cells of our brain, intestines, muscles, genital organs and skin.

So what causes PMS? The pituitary gland, found at the base of the brain, is the gland that "speaks" to the ovaries by sending chemical messages called Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and Lutenising hormone (LH) via the blood stream to the ovaries. FSH & LH stimulate the ovaries to manufacture both oestrogen and progesterone. Ovulation occurs when the ovary releases a mature egg and the cells left behind in the ovary then form a small yellow gland called the corpus luteum, which sets to work and pumps out progesterone. It is after ovulation in PMS sufferers that their symptoms start. In a women without PMS, her levels of oestrogen and progesterone remain in adequate and balanced amounts between ovulation and her period. In a women with PMS, the levels of oestrogen and progesterone are out of balance between ovulation and her period. Researches believe it is the ratio between these hormones that is important, rather than the actual amounts of these.

So what is menopause? The word menopause means the cessation of menstrual bleeding, showing that oestrogen production has fallen to very low levels. The ovaries simply "run out" of follicles (eggs) at around 50 years of age and it is these follicles within our ovaries that produce the majority of oestrogen and all of the progesterone. They do continue to produce a very small amount of oestrogen, as well as significant amounts of testosterone for approximately 12 more years. However, after menopause, it is our adrenal glands that take over the majority of the hormonal production, which are then converted into oestrogen in a women's adipose or fat tissue. This adrenal gland production of oestrogen may continue for up to 20 years after menopause, but is dependent on the amount of body fat the women has and also the overall condition of her adrenal glands. Testosterone continues to be produced by the ovaries and is the hormone which contributes to sexual desire and enjoyment in the postmenopausal years. However too much of this hormone in a women can cause an increase in facial hair, thinning of the hair and shrinkage of the breasts.

It is important to note that after menopause it is the adrenal glands that take over the role of hormone regulation. If you have been a driven person in your life, who has used stimulants (caffeine, cocoa, nicotine, alcohol etc) and who doesn't eat properly - by the time you get to menopause, these poor glands may already be so over worked they may not be able to respond properly!

So what is HRT (Hormone replacement therapy)? The basic element in any programme of HRT is oestrogen. This is available in different forms - synthetic and natural. Natural oestrogen is mostly developed in laboratories, where an exact chemical replica of the oestrogen released by your ovaries is cleverly synthesised. Even though it is developed in a lab, the end product is a hormone identical to the one produced by your own ovaries. Our body treats this exactly the same as it would if it had been produced by the ovaries. Synthetic oestrogen's are also manufactured in laboratories, however they are chemically foreign to the body's metabolic systems and are not easily broken down by the body's natural enzymes. Because of this, they can accumulate in the body, where they build up causing an even stronger effect than the natural oestrogen's.

In addition to oestrogen, the ovaries also make the female sex hormone Progesterone. Progesterone balances the effects of oestrogen on the uterus. If taking HRT, progesterone will usually be given for 10-12 days every calendar month.

A very important factor to remember, is that all naturally produced steroid hormones including cortisone, oestrogen, progesterone and androgens are made in the ovaries and adrenal glands from cholesterol. Women who eliminate fats from their diet, especially if under weight also, will not produce sufficient sex hormones and may suffer with a large range of hormonal disorders. Beneficial fats are those that come from nuts and seeds and fish.

Nature to the rescue! Over 300 different plants contain oestrogenic substances. Although these are weak in comparison to what our ovaries make and present only in small amounts, if consumed in strong preparations and consumed regularly, they can exert an effect in humans. Herbs such as Black cohosh, Dong Quai and Red Clover are all high in natural plant oestrogen's and are found in many over the counter Menopause & PMS formulas such as Menopause formula & Dong Quai 1500 complex. Remember that these herbs are for helping to increase oestrogen levels, so if this is not your problem, you may want to consider a herb such as Vitex agnus castus or Maca. Vitex or Chaste is a hormonal regulator, which works on the pituitary gland to regulate its function. This could be taken in conjunction with oestrogenic herbs. Maca works similarly to Vitex.

Essential fatty acids are vital for the production and release of many hormones, including sex and adrenal hormones. They are essential for every day functioning of the body and deficiencies can contribute to problems such as glandular imbalances, dry skin, inflammatory disorders and premature aging. Flax seed oil contains a perfect balance of omega 3, 6 & 9 & makes a delicious dressing on salad.

Completing a regular liver cleanse is essential for proper hormonal balance, as your liver has to process the hormones, so if it is sluggish, it will be less efficiently in doing this job properly. Herbs such as dandelion or burdock are both excellent liver cleansers, with dandelion also offering an excellent diuretic effect too. Otherwise you can get combinations such as Liverite or Livatone. Always start with a small amount and slowly increase to the recommended amount.

Laughter, fresh air and regular exercise are essential for all aspects of good health. As well as this, it is essential we all drink no less than 2 litres of water a day. This should be sipped throughout the whole day, rather than consumed in large amounts all at once. A sipper bottle is ideal, which could have a squeeze of lemon or lime juice (not cordial) in.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Baseline Levels in Infertility Tests

There are around 7.3 million Americans afflicted with infertility according to the National Survey of Family Growth (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2002). That's not a small number. If you fear you may be one of them, you may want to get yourself tested. However, you may soon discover that these tests are sometimes very technical and hard to understand. You may want to take a look at some sample baseline figures just to see how they may be used to interpret your condition.

If you're a woman, your hormones are going to be a big factor in the tests. Let's start with FSH and LH. FSH stands for follicle stimulating hormone while LH stands for luteinizing hormone. FSH is responsible for the follicles that your body uses to house and keep your eggs healthy. LH controls the release of these eggs as well as other important functions like allowing the man's sperm to go through the cervix by regulating the mucus during times of ovulation. Normal levels for these hormones would be something like 1.5 mIU/mL. The unit stands for milli-International Units per milliliter. Don't be scared by these units. Try to use the numbers themselves for comparison. FSH and LH is a good indicator of fertility problems. If the ratio is off, usually indicated by lower LH and higher FSH numbers, this could be a sign of problems like low ovarian reserves or polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Progesterone is another hormone important to you. This hormone is responsible for the implantation of your eggs in the uterine lining. Normal levels would be around 1.5 ng/mL (that's nanograms per milliliter, FYI). Going to high or too low on your test may be another sign of danger.

You're thyroid may also be tested for hypothyroidism, which means your thyroid is under-producing your needed hormones and can be a threat to your fertility. Two tests are usually done, one to measure the level of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) and the other for free thyroxin (FT4) in your body. Normally, TSH should be between 0.4-4 uIU/mL (micro-International Units per milliliter) and FT4 around 0.8-2 ng/dL (nanograms per deciliter... remember, don't get intimidated by the units!). Hypothyroidism would usually be indicated by high TSH and low FT4.

If you are a man, you're going to be interested in hormones as well. Testosterone and FSH are important. Testosterone should be around 300-1100 ng/dL. FSH (this is basically the same hormone as that found in women, except your follicles are for your sperm, not eggs) levels should be around 4 to 10 mIU/mL. Prolactin may also be tested as high levels can affect sperm production negatively. The normal should be around 20 ng/mL.

Your semen is another thing that you will be interested in. First of all, sperm count should be between 40-300 million. Lower sperm counts can be made up for with better results on other tests but a sperm count of 10 million or less is unfavorable. Your sperm's ability to swim (motility) will also be tested. Two numbers will usually be presented to you. One is a percentage of the sperms active from the total sperm count. Sometimes not all sperm are actually active but at least 50% will be fine. The next number is a rating system from 0 to 4 in relation to the quality of movement your sperm have. Getting a zero is bad, a 2 is okay, and over 2 is better. Lastly, your sperm will be tested for their shape and size (morphology). This is also presented in a percentage. This percentage is the number of sperm that has the shape and size that is viable for reproduction. The WHO defines a normal percentage to be at least 30% of the sperm having the optimal shape and size.

Hopefully these numbers help you. However, always, ALWAYS consult your doctor and never, NEVER self diagnose. These numbers are never absolute and some labs will give you different ranges of normal and you really have to be aware of the context the numbers were taken in. But if you understand them better, it'll be easier to discuss them with your doctor and easier to understand your overall situation.

GenF20 Human Growth Hormones

Aging is a natural phenomenon that men and women go through yet majority of them are pulling all the stops just to freeze the process from taking over. Finding the right solution can be tricky since there are false hopes. This product review seeks to shed some light and carry on with a do-able future that there is indeed a fountain of youth. There is one product that could actually give clear solutions regarding aging and it is GenF20. This is a pill known to release HGH or Human Growth Hormones that are very beneficial in the restoration of that youthful glow as well as an energetic lifestyle. No one would want to grow old, wither and die just yet that is why this supplement is necessary for the over-all physical and mental condition.

What does GenF20 do for the body? It makes the skin achieve its youthful glow. It also increases the bone density making it decrease the chances of getting Osteoporosis. Since aging is connected with memory loss, this supplement helps in maintaining a sharp mind and also, it makes sure that the immune system is very much protected that is why the chances of contracting any disease would be kept at a minimum. It also brings about a smoother complexion together with shiny hair and strong nails.

The ingredients make the GenF20 very effective since there are no reported cases of any adverse or side-effects. This happens to be the main concern of people. By taking this supplement that has been given a go signal by the FDA, the following nutrients would be absorbed by the body and generate or release the much needed hormones for growth and a faster metabolism: Chromium, L-Ornithine, L-Lysine, L-Tyrosine, L-Glutamine, L-Glycine and Choline among others. Apart from maintaining a youthful appearance, this supplement is also known to increase the sexual drive and stamina thus spicing up one' sex life even after the one goes though mid-life.

There Are Four Different Body Shapes, Each Influenced by Hormones

(Principle # 1 of The 7 Principles of Fat Burning)

Are you wondering about your body shape? In this article we are going to talk about principle number 1 of 7 principles of fat burning, body shapes and the body type diet.

There are a lot of people that do not know that body shapes are affected by hormones. Most people you will ask will tell you that they get their body shape purely because of genetics and that they can't change "what their Mama gave them". Truthfully the underlying problem is hormonal imbalance. They could use some fat burning hormones.

These hormonal imbalances will cause excessive distortion of fat to accumulate in different places in your body giving the bodies their distinctive body shapes. Usually in places that you do not want them to go. This outward sign may just be a warning of what is inside your body that needs fixing.

Fat starts to store up in these specific parts of your body because of what is going on with your hormones. Let's take the stress hormone Cortisol for example. The stress hormone Cortisol will direct fat deep in your midsection and give you that pregnant look while Estrogen is going to point the fat right to your hips and thighs. Most women know about this all too well - cellulite!! You can get clues from what body shapes you might be about what is going on with your body.

Certain hormones have the purpose of directing where fat is placed on the body, and it is a distortion of this function that causes what body shapes we all have.

As most of you know fat is mainly put on our bodies because it is a secondary reserve for energy. If we did not have fat we would have to constantly have a tube going on some sort of food or we would fall over. The primary fat is sugar and do we all know this one well.

Your body loves to hold fat around your vital organs which are stressed (this is very dangerous) because it is acting to protect your body against starvation. Most expectant Moms will accumulate fat around their hips and thighs because the body wants to make sure they have plenty of extra fuel for the baby that will make his or her appearance to the world soon.

The distinctive quality of this problem is in the discovery that what different body shapes we have are the direct result of specific correlating glandular problems with the adrenals, ovaries, thyroid and or liver.

This program will start all of these body shapes problems and since it targets all of these problems it is going to allow for maximum weight loss.

How many times have you seen a man and his wife on the same diet? He has a pot belly and she has thunder thighs but they are still eating the same foods. The man is doing great, he's already down 50 lbs but the wife is still there struggling and frustrated. This program fixes that problem straight away! Each and every person should eat and exercise for his or her specific gland weakness as reflected in what body shapes they have.

Adrenal body types: adipose tissue surrounding the organs in the abdomen.

Ovary body types: more of an estrogen cellulite-type fat, which is superficial (just under the skin) and mostly below the bellybutton.

Thyroid body types: a different type of fat altogether. The weight is deposited all over the person's body and is not really fat but more of a waste-like substance that accumulates between the cells.

Liver body types: This is not always a fat situation; it can be a fluid problem, where an accumulation of fluid is leaking into the abdomen.

Do Bio-Identical Hormones Cause Toxicity and Side Effects?

Bio-identicals, or hormone replacement therapy (HRT), has become a popular way to combat hormonal problems in women. It is the replacement or replenishing of hormones to the body using synthetic hormones (produced in a lab) or sometimes natural hormones. Women that experience hot flashes, hair loss, low sex drive, uterine fibroids, wrinkly skin, depression or fatigue, allergy problems and other symptoms are often diagnosed with a hormone imbalance. Then medicines are prescribed that contain these "natural hormones" to help replenish the body's hormone deficiency. Unfortunately, new evidence reveals that both synthetic and natural bio-identical hormones can be toxic and may even pose a cancer threat. They may actually hinder the body's own hormone-producing capabilities.

Many consumers of HRT are simply not educated about bio-identicals and how the process of hormone replacement may affect their body. In more than 1000 saliva tests (used in traditional Chinese medicine), natural estrogen, progesterone and wild yam creams caused extreme toxicity in the subjects' hormone levels. Hormone replacement is based on the idea that as the body ages, it becomes unable to produce the appropriate number of hormones necessary for good health. Though the body does change the process of hormone production somewhat, hormone problems arise due to the body being unhealthy no matter a person's age.

Toxicity Discovered in a Number of Bio-Identicals

Natural hormone replacement medicines must be absolutely fresh to be truly bio-identical. This is difficult to achieve with manufactured products. It is also difficult to provide an exact match for hormones that are produced naturally by the body. The toxicity levels of testosterone, DHEA and growth hormone are well documented; however, these are often prescribed by doctors casually without a thought of toxicity.

Insulin is prescribed for many diabetic patients, but is toxic and always has some side effects. Physicians are well aware of the extreme care that must be used to avoid insulin shock, which can be fatal. Although it's up to the patient (not the doctor), many diabetics can correct their insulin problems through proper diet. There is, however, a need for insulin replacement in extreme cases until the person's body is able to produce its own insulin.

Another very toxic bio-identical hormone is estrogen. It is considered by many to be the primary carcinogen. Yet, natural and synthetic estrogen is administered to many menopausal women and others with hormone imbalances without restraint.

HRT and Breast Cancer

Another concern of HRT is the risk of breast cancer. In 2002, a study was documented that involved a randomized controlled trial with the Women's Health Initiative. The study found that users of HRT had a 26 percent higher risk of breast cancer than non-users. The increased risk may occur after only three years of using hormone replacement therapy.

What are other Solutions?

Women that suffer from a hormone imbalance should consider the risks carefully before using a bio-identical hormone replacement medicine. Though there are some instances where HRT may be necessary such as in the case of complete organ failure or life-threatening diabetes, many hormone problems can be solved using homeopathic means. First and foremost, a saliva test should be taken to pinpoint hormone problems. Before moving forward with any treatment or program, you'll need to know where your body is deficient when it comes to hormones.

Secondly, take control of diet and nutrition. Incorporate foods that are natural antioxidants. Avoid caffeine, which dehydrates the adrenal glands, as well as sugar. Opt for a diet that helps build the endocrine system. A doctor that specializes in homeopathy, such as Dr. Theresa Dale, can help you find a viable solution of diet and exercise to fit your lifestyle. Dr. Dale helps women realize their hormonal problems through saliva testing, and then offers a complete program to rejuvenate hormones, not replace them. She helps hormone imbalance sufferers through natural products such as EndoPure Hormone Rejuvenation, solutions to eliminate and cleanse the body of toxins and parasites, and even homeopathic products to relieve flu symptoms, such as All Flu.

Take care of your teeth and gums. Poor dental health can cause hormonal imbalances as well as accelerated aging. Minimize stress in your everyday life by participating in relaxing activities, enjoying your family, exercising, and getting plenty of sleep each night. Stress causes the body to overproduce its natural hormones, which can lead to endocrine organ failure. If you often suffer from depression, it may very well be because excessive stress in your life has caused a hormonal imbalance.

Use these tips to combat hormone problems as soon as they arise without bio-identical hormone replacement therapy. Isn't your health worth the effort?

Safe Bioidentical HRT For Menopause - 10 Reasons To Worry Less About Breast Cancer

One of the greatest worries for menopausal women considering hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is breast cancer. This is because in July 2002 the widely publicized Women's Health Initiative (WHI) study claimed that HRT increases breast cancer risk. There is, however, the little-mentioned other side of the story that you should know about:

1. The WHI findings on HRT and breast cancer are statistically insignificant, as Bluming and Tavris best explain in their 2009 review, "Hormone replacement therapy: real concerns and false alarms."

2. The WHI study hormones were a daily fixed-dose oral combination (Prempro) of horse estrogens (Premarin) and a synthetic progestin (Provera).

3. Premarin attempts to mimic estradiol and Provera attempts to mimic progesterone, but neither Premarin nor Provera is naturally found in humans, and thus they are not bioidentical hormones. Bioidentical hormones are hormones which are identical in molecular structure to hormones naturally found in the human body.

4. Real estradiol and progesterone are naturally secreted in varying daily amounts in healthy reproductive women, not like the fixed-dose Prempro received in the WHI; and progesterone is actually only produced for 14 days of a normal 28 day menstrual cycle, not daily (unless a woman becomes pregnant.)

5. Breast cancer is rare in young reproductive women who secrete both high and low levels of both estradiol and progesterone, depending on the day of their menstrual cycle.

6. In 1992 a small randomized 22 year trial showed that postmenopausal women taking high-dose Premarin daily, but Provera for only 7 days out of each month, did not have an increased risk of breast cancer.

7. In 2004 it was shown that women in the Premarin-only arm of the WHI actually had no increased risk of breast cancer, and the same study reported a slightly lower risk in 2006.

8. A pivotal 2008 study showed that postmenopausal women who carry the BRCA1 mutation, which predicts the highest lifetime risk of developing breast cancer in women, showed a surprisingly decreased risk in those patients taking HRT.

9. Estrogens are paradoxically known to both stimulate and inhibit growth in many cell types, properties which are considered potentially both pro and anti-cancer, respectively.

10. High-dose bioidentical estrogen is actually being used today to treat breast cancer.

I'd specifically like to focus on the last two points above because I find them the most fascinating. The use of estrogens to treat breast cancer is actually not new at all. Before the introduction of the "anti-estrogen" Tamoxifen for breast cancer in the 1980s, diethylstilbestrol (DES) and other high-dose synthetic estrogens were commonly used as treatment. DES was just as effective as Tamoxifen, but fell out of vogue due to its adverse effects.

The interesting part here is that while DES is an estrogen, Tamoxifen is considered an anti-estrogen, and yet they both have similar efficacy in treating breast cancer. This paradox unravels when one learns that 1) estrogen naturally possesses both growth stimulating and growth inhibiting properties which likely depend on its dose, 2) high-dose estrogens are growth inhibiting (apoptotic), 3) Tamoxifen actually causes super high estradiol levels in premenopausal patients, and 4) Tamoxifen may be mimicking high-dose estrogen.

Sadly, the benefits of DES have long been lost in history, and nowadays most patients and physicians alike only know that an "anti-estrogen" is used in the treatment of breast cancer. They then erroneously add to their assumption that estrogen causes cancer and aren't even aware that there is any paradox in what is known about the function of estrogen.

In 2009 a small phase 2 randomized study showed that the oral bioidentical estrogen estradiol was clinically effective against breast cancer in postmenopausal women. The lowest beneficial daily fixed-dose oral estradiol used had the least adverse event rate and achieved estradiol blood levels similar to those found in pre-ovulatory reproductive women. Interestingly, this was the investigators' goal. So, maybe, aiming to replicate the hormone levels of healthy reproductive women is productive.

An alternative approach to the above oral estradiol schedule (which is bioidentical, but still not physiological because orally ingested estrogens go through first pass metabolism in the liver and increase inflammation and clotting) would be to prescribe transdermal/topical estradiol and progesterone in a rhythmic, cyclic, manner. The goal here would be to achieve estradiol and progesterone levels similar to those naturally found in healthy reproductive women. Such a regimen has actually already been invented and patented, and is called the Wiley Protocol. The Wiley Protocol is currently being prescribed mostly by holistic physicians for the treatment of menopause and is undergoing formal research, but not yet for the treatment of breast cancer.

In conclusion, the WHI's claim that HRT increases breast cancer risk is incorrect, alarmist, and even if somehow significant would only reflect on the use of oral, non-bioidentical, HRT. Fear of breast cancer should not prohibit physicians or their healthy postmenopausal women from initiating HRT. However, due to the natural presence of rhythmic hormone cycles in healthy reproductive women and evidence indicating the improved overall safety and efficacy of bioidentical hormones, I recommend bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) and the Wiley Protocol instead of conventional HRT.

If you would like to read a version of this article with all reference links fully embedded, please click here.

Copyright Shira Miller, M.D. Inc.

Men, Are You Attracting the Wrong Type of Woman by Shaving and Trimming Your Pubic and Body Hair?

A scientific study published in 2007 found that men secrete a special form of hormone called androstenone in their sweat. What was interesting about this hormone is that when certain women smell it, it not only arouses them sexually, but they also find themselves being quite attracted to the man who is secreting this hormone.

What's even more interesting it that there are, apparently, untold numbers of hormones that are similar to androstenone in their "attractiveness" abilities. As it happens, some men secrete specific hormones that only specific women can "pick up" on and, on the other side of the coin, different women also secrete different hormones that cause a specific sexual "pull" for certain men.

It gets even more complicated, however: depending on the number of differing secreted hormones, they can, collectively, create a unique hormone "cocktail" in a certain man or woman, giving them a very exotic and individualistic hormonal scent. Such hormonal "cocktails" are even more particular for the opposing man or woman they attract, as the attracted subject must be in possession of their own brand of unique "cocktail" receptors in order for them to be attracted to the attracting "cocktail."

One of the functions of hair on the human body is that it acts as a scent "trap." Pubic hair, for instance, helps trap the scents that are put out by the sexual organs and the surrounding areas of the sexual organs. This heightens the "sexual" smell of the genital regions in both male and females and is one of the main reasons why there is usually a dense amount of hair in the pubic regions.

The same goes for body hair. When a person sweats, they release these hormones onto the skin. On the skin, they can easily be brushed off by contact with clothing or external materials. However, when a person has body hair, the hair helps trap these hormones so they are not so easily brushed off or removed from the body.

When a man shaves his legs, trims or shaves his pubic hair, or trims or shaves the hair on his chest or back, this decreases his body's ability to "trap" these hormones and keep them on his body. When this happens, the normal attractive power that these hormones have on the opposite sex is diminished and weakened.

Because of the scents that we wash our clothes with, the soap we wash with our bodies with, and the colognes, deodorants, shampoos, and other chemicals that we douse our bodies with, we even further obliterate the chance of these natural "sex" hormones from being smelled by the opposite sex.

As was outlined above, these hormones play a very important role in helping us attract specific members of the opposite sex who specifically-only might respond to our hormonal-specific "cocktails." These hormonal cocktails are diversified for a very specific reason. And that reason is to help us attract specific partners. Mother Nature has designed us this way to help us attract potential partners that are more biologically compatible with ourselves. Such attractiveness probably also spills over into emotional and psychological compatibility, too.

Is this what the phenomena known as, "Sexual Chemistry," really is?

By shaving or trimming our pubic and body hair, we are clearly taking another step that lessens the potential attractive power of our own natural-sexual-attracting hormones. Again, just look at all the work and effort that our externally-applied-body "perfumes" are doing to obliterate these natural "scents" to begin with. Now, what happens when you meet that special woman? By obliterating these smells, she may not be as attracted to you simply because you are not emitting the right "smell" that her natural biological mechanisms are in search of. So what happens? She doesn't feel enough sexual attractiveness to you and automatically crosses you off of her potential-partner list.

In fact, by applying such unnatural body scents (through soaps, colognes, etc.) and even topical, over-the-counter pheromones, we may be creating a "shotgun" scent that actually attracts the wrong "type" of woman to us, by the unnatural "cocktail" that we have concocted, without even knowing it.

These natural methods of attractiveness get even more convoluted and mixed up because most women shave off just about all of their body hair, apart from what's on their head. Women, too, are generally even more concerned with body "odor' and apply all manner of shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, soaps, and perfumes that clearly cover up and alter her natural "scent."

All of this, perhaps, creates a sensory assault that leaves most of us bewildered, confused, and mistaken.

Georg von Neumann

Human Growth Hormone Supplement - Best Artificial Growth Hormones

When there is no natural synthesis of human growth hormone in the body, then the best and clever way is to use human growth hormone supplements that will perform the action of growth in the body as a substitute for the growth hormone. Many brands of supplements are available and we can discuss about some new products available.

ALL Nature GHR - 15

It is a common human growth hormone supplement medication used in the release of the growth hormone from the pituitary in to the blood stream. It enables the pituitary to secrete more hormones responsible for growth. It is a product that is developed by under going a research for eight years. Proper diet and hormone releasing exercise during the treatment regimen will prove the quality of the product.

HGA - Human Growth Agent

This medicine does not induce any growth hormone in the body. It will assist the body to increase the level of the growth hormone. It is made up of herbs that are rich in the L- series of amino acids. The dosage is to take two sprays under the tongue in morning and four times before bed in the night. It is advised to hold the spray for twenty seconds in the mouth before swallowing it.

Humaloid HGH complex supplement

This is a complex that constitutes the human growth hormone. It is a fluid that is rich in vitamins, minerals and nutrition that are playing a part in the growth factor. Lecithin is the main ingredient which is a mineral type in this human growth hormone supplement.

Human Growth Hormone Cream

This is certainly a revolutionary product for growth hormone increment method. It is a trans dermal gel that is made from the homeopathy technology. It has the capacity to increase the level of somatotropin in the body. Its easy to use method is definitely a no pain therapy. This is applied in the thin skins like the inner areas of the body. It is directly absorbed by the blood stream. It uses the Liposome technology. This gel is available in a forty gram tube and it is not a great deal in price.

Ultra lab Human Growth Complex

The field of homeopathy is being used abundantly these days. This above said drug is also made form the homeopathy medicology. It will increase the presence of the Somato Tropin hormone along with the level of IGF-1 (Insulin like Growth Factor of Type one). This is mainly used by the body builders. It helps in strengthening the existing muscle and also develops new muscles in the body by initiating the respective cell to perform its function.

All the human growth hormone supplements are using the six main amino acids as their ingredients. Different combination of these will perform different growth in the human body. The most notable of the above medicines is the Trans derma gel. Many of the pills are taken as a supplement in the diet while the sprays are used before bed time at the night.

Related Articles:

Adverse Effects Associated With Hgh Supplements -> Hgh Supplements

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Breast Cancer - Estrogen Dominance and The Imbalance Of Hormones

Estrogen Dominance is a term coined by the late John R. Lee, M.D., author of a number of books on the topic of women's hormones. The theory of Estrogen Dominance describes a condition where a woman can have deficient, normal or excessive estrogen but has little or no progesterone to balance its effects in the body. Even a woman with low estrogen levels can have estrogen dominance symptoms if she doesn't have any progesterone. Basically estrogen dominance reflects hormones that have gone out of balance. Out of balance hormones can affect women from 14 to 94.

How do we become estrogen dominant? Our food chain is laced with toxic pesticides, herbicides and growth hormones - a sea of endocrine-disrupting chemicals that mimic estrogen in the body. If we are overweight, our body's store of excess fat can be converted into estrogen. Insulin resistance also leads to estrogen dominance. Then there is estrogen found in ERT, HRT and Birth Control Pills.

Estrogen dominance also occurs in men. As men age, estrogen gradually rises, while saliva levels of progesterone and testosterone gradually fall. We often find men of fifty having higher saliva estrogen levels than women of fifty! A sign of estrogen dominance in men is the tendency for some to develop breasts.

An imbalance of hormones in our bodies results in hormone-related health problems such as PMS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, infertility, post-partum depression, weight gain, increased blood clotting, thyroid dysfunction, even breast and uterine cancer in women and in men breast cancer, prostate problems and prostate cancer.

Estrogen Dominance can be detected by taking a saliva test. This simple test can accurately reveal hormone levels. Men can also take this simple at-home test to determine if their hormones are out of balance.

A saliva test evaluation will either move a man or woman to take action to bring balance to their own hormones or cause them to sit back and reflect on their good hormone health. Those over 50 can take an annual saliva test to keep track of their hormone levels.

Men and women who experience hormone imbalance feel unwell - bringing balance to their hormones is often a key to their wellness. There are safe natural alternatives available to drug therapies. Women and men must become more informed about their own hormone health.

This Article Is Copywright 2006 Jackie L. Harvey & Saliva Testing com

Diagnosing Imbalanced Hormones

Diagnosing imbalanced hormones is probably the most difficult task for patients. Sadly this is becoming the most common condition amongst women of all ages. Here are a few tips to recognise a hormonal imbalance that is unclear.

Endless Exhaustion: One day you wake up being exhausted and you blame it on that two-week project. Then the exhaustion never stops, you may want to pay your doctor a visit. Hormone problems can reveal themselves through fatigue.

Anxiety and Depression: You then get depressed and your slave driver of a boss has something to do with it. Hormones do manifest through unfounded anxiety and tiredness.

Cold or Heat: You feel too cold or too hot and you want to blame it on the climate change. It could be time to have your blood tested.

Skin Pigmentation, Acne or Eczema: If only you did not buy that new moisturizer. No, it could be having nothing to do with your expensive facial creams, deal with the cause. The breakouts are only a symptom.

Excessive Weight Gain or Weight Loss: Do not run into the crash diets. Bad eating habits and a poor diet worsen the condition.

Vaginal Dryness and Irregular Periods: These are common symptoms of the condition. You are not always pregnant when you miss a period.

And the list goes on. It's easy to get fooled when it comes to hormonal problems. Seek professional help before it gets out of hand. The truth is; it's very possible to treat and control hormones through a healthy lifestyle.

Exercise Helps Eliminate PMS Symptoms

Exercise has many healthy advantages including reducing, or eliminating, the symptoms of PMS!

PMS is caused by an imbalance in the two hormones that control our menstrual cycle: estrogen and progesterone. This imbalance may be due to:

Excessive amounts of these hormones

Insufficient quantities of these hormones

Inability to properly metabolize these hormones

Impaired excretion and elimination of these hormones

How Does Exercise Help?

First, let's look at the causes of hormonal imbalance. High levels of estrogen or progesterone can come from sources outside of your body, like foods or medications, but generally they are produced by your body. Your ovaries are the primary production site of estrogen and progesterone. Additionally, estrogen is produced and stored in f-a-t tissue. This means the more f-a-t cells you have, the more estrogen you produce and store! Regular aerobic exercise such as running or cycling, along with a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, not only burns f-a-t, but reduces your body's ability to over produce estrogen. So, a healthy diet and exercise program is not only an essential part of weight control but it enhances your mood!

Your liver plays an important role in removing excess hormones from your body. It breaks down estrogen and progesterone so that they can be eliminated. Caffeine, alcohol, fat and sugar can clog up your liver and prevent it from cleansing your body of excess hormones. Exercise encourages your liver to detoxify itself. In addition to exercise, botanicals such as dandelion, milk thistle, artichoke, and fennel support healthy liver function.

Constipation can also contribute to a hormone level imbalance. When hormones are broken down in the liver, they are excreted through the intestines. However, constipation causes the waste to remain in the intestines too long enabling hormones and other toxins to be reabsorbed into the body. Exercise stimulates peristalsis, or the muscle contractions that move waste through your intestines. Getting plenty of water and fiber in your diet also increases peristalsis. A little extra psyllium fiber will bind to hormones in the intestines and aid in their removal.

Research has shown that women who exercise regularly experience fewer PMS symptoms plus have shorter and lighter periods. As little as 20 minutes of aerobic exercise three times a week is enough to help mitigate the symptoms of PMS. Ideally, you should be exercising 30 to 60 minutes five days a week. And no cheating! Make sure that you are exercising all month long and not just when the PMS starts. Not only will a great diet and exercise routine enhance your mood, but it will make you look and feel great too! That's a WIN/WIN!

Garden of Life Oceans 3 Healthy Hormones - Overall Health Benefits

Small variations in hormone output can drastically change body chemistry and impact the daily life of women of all ages. The unpredictable and volatile nature of hormone balance can be difficult to understand and control. Garden of Life Oceans 3 Healthy Hormone provides the perfect combination of nutrients and compounds to help manage and support hormone health and balance. The level of impact that hormone output can affect varies from minor inconveniences to life altering complications. Understanding how your body works and how you can support your own wellness is critical.

The extremely powerful blend of ingredients gives Oceans 3 its name. Utilizing the powerful attributes of astaxanthin, fucoxanthin and highly purified fish oil, Oceans 3 Healthy Hormone provides an effective and versatile blend of nutrients and compounds to help manage hormone health and overall wellness.

Lifenol, one of many vital ingredients in Oceans 3 Hormone Health is a patented extract from wild hops. Proven to reduce hot flashes, the phytoestrogen known as 8-prenylnarigenin found in Lifenol is astonishingly effective at reducing the physical discomfort and frequency that as many as 51 million menopausal women suffer with on a consistent basis.

The Ashwagandha found in Healthy Hormones has been clinically proven to promote a positive mind and uplift the mood. In many studies it has been found to give an elevated state of mind and a relaxed, calming presence that promotes an overall state of positive health.

The benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids are well documented and proven. Garden of Life Oceans 3 Healthy Hormone provides invaluable support in enhancing cardiovascular and brain health as well as helping to manage blood sugar levels. The aging process causes fluctuations in hormones and can effect mood and heart health. For this reason, Oceans 3 goes a long way to ensuring the long-term health of women of all ages.

Hot flashes, brief mood disturbances, fatigue, physical discomfort, dry skin and a marked loss of sexual desire are all examples of what can happen when a hormone imbalance occurs. The aging body suffers decreased levels of hormone production that can lead to these types of daily discomforts and hindrances. These are just a handful of the many reasons that hormone control is imperative to the overall health of any woman.

As the body ages the cells become much more vulnerable to the wear and tear of oxidation. Taking regular antioxidants can help to combat free radicals and reduce the impact that oxidization has on cells. Ingredients such as Astaxanthin and Fucoxanthin work as powerful antioxidants to help combat the effects of aging.

Why Choose Bio-identical Hormones Over Traditional Hormones?

Any woman interested in bio-identical hormones should know the difference between natural hormones (bhrt) and synthetic hormones (hrt). Bio-identical hormones are derived from yams or soy and are the chemical replicates of the exact hormone found in the human body. Synthetic hormones such as Premarin and Provera are drugs made and patented by drug companies. Some of these hormones are derived from pregnant horses urine. The chemicals used are similar to our hormones but have been changed slightly in order to be patented.

Bio-identicals cannot be patented because the drugs have been available for over 15 years. Since bio-identicals can't be patented there is no way for the drug companies to make large amounts of money on them.

Many drug studies have been preformed on synthetic hormones.

The Women's Health Initiative study (WHI) was preformed in 2002 and was stopped early because of the findings. The study involved thousands of women from multiple sites all over the country. The research was done on diet, exercise, calcium supplements, and synthetic hormones. The results were that these drugs should not be given to prevent heart disease, strokes, venous thrombosis, or breast cancer. The findings showed they may increase a woman's risk of developing these problems over time.

The problem with most studies is that the drug companies are funding the study. Therefore, if bio-identicals can't be patented, then the drug companies are not going to spend money on a study.

If you research bio-identical hormones, you can find drug studies on them.

Breast cancer and BHRT

Androgens and Mammary growth and neoplasia

Antiestrogen action of progesterone in breast tissue

Cancer and Hormonal balance

Epidemiology of breast cancer

Hormones in the etiology and prevention of breast and endometrial cancer

This is only 5 examples of the hundreds of studies found on Dr. Rebecca Glaser's website, Dr. Rebecca Glaser also has studies on other topics (not just breast cancer) such as cortisol, estriol, dosage delivery, testosterone and progesterone to name a few.

My belief is that bio-identical hormones bring the menopausal or pre-menopausal woman back to the hormone levels found in a youthful woman. By doing this, the drugs have shown an improvement in heart health, skin, hair, and memory.

Two other benefits are they slightly lower cholesterol and they will keep bone density from decreasing further. Other than relief from the normal menopausal symptoms (hot flashes, night sweats, etc.) I believe bio-identical hormones can also help with heart, bones, memory and cholesterol. I do not think they will decrease the risk of breast cancer, but taken in the correct dosage amount I think they do not increase the risk of cancer.

In other words, if you are on the correct strengths of hormones there will be no increase or decrease in cancer risk.

Discover How To Reduce Menstrual Cramps Naturally

There are many suggestions for how to reduce menstrual cramps out there. Some of them are more invasive than others. For example, the medical community would have you believe that taking aspirin or some sort of NSAID pain reliever is your best option. However, natural methods might be much more effective cramp reducers.

Understanding Your Body:

You see, the best way to treat menstrual cramps is to know what is creating them and then attack that cause at its source. That means that the treatment methods have to be tailored to the cause. For example, your cramps might not be directly caused by your period at all.

Having your period causes a lot of changes within your body. There are hormonal changes, changes in your mood, changes in your diet, changes in your sleeping patterns and even changes in your body shape. When you have your period, you are going to have a tendency to retain some water and gain a little weight. You also may find that blood pooling in your pelvic region puts pressure on certain areas.

Another option is that the blood loss during your period can cause vitamin and mineral deficiencies. It can also contribute a bit to dehydration. When all of those things combine, they can create a lot of medical issues and one of those issues is constipation.

Constipation Versus Period Cramps:

Period cramps often occur when you have too many hormones being released into your body. For example, prostaglandins are hormone-like substances that control uterine contractions. Those contractions help you to shed your uterine lining once a month, which is important. However, too many prostaglandins can cause severe cramping and should be treated by restoring the hormonal balance.

On the other hand, pressure in your abdomen and loss of vitamins and minerals could just be causing constipation. Constipation can then cause its own cramping and bloating, which is not directly related to your period. If that's the case, replacing lost vitamins, minerals and water could correct the issue.

Go Natural:

In either of those cases, taking a pain relieving medication isn't really going to help you. It's only going to temporarily hide a problem that you should be working on correcting. So, a natural approach is a better idea. In fact, you should start taking a supplement designed to help support a woman during her period. One of the best supplements for that is called Period Vitamin.

Period Vitamin contains many different herbs and supplements to support your body during your period. Evening primrose and white willow bark can help to relieve your cramping pain. Meanwhile, chasteberry can help to balance your hormone levels. Also, calcium, magnesium and other vitamins and minerals work together to replenish your lost nutrient supplies and relieve the various symptoms of your period.

What it all comes down to is that the keys to how to reduce menstrual cramps can all be found in nature. You don't need to cover the issue with over the counter or prescription drugs. What you need to do is simply lead a healthy lifestyle, stay hydrated and take a natural supplement designed specifically to treat your period problems at their sources.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

What Are The Leading Causes of Depression and Anxiety In Women Today?

Depression can happen to anybody. But there appears to be more women suffering from depression and anxiety than men. It's true that there are several factors that trigger depression, but among women, hormones, stress, and vitamin supplementation (or specifically, the lack thereof) are identified as the leading causes of depression.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormones do plenty of amazing things in the body. Apparently, you cannot have too many or too little of them in order to be at the peak of your health. An imbalance in your hormones can cause a variety of changes in your system. Yes, it can cause depression, among many other things. Women at various stages of their life are especially prone to depression because of hormonal activity which can become abnormal during adolescence, menstrual period, pregnancy, post pregnancy, and menopause.


Women are by nature more emotional, the reason perhaps hwy they react more to various forms of stress, financial and otherwise. Women have to deal with stress everyday, but unlike men who simply dismiss certain things, women go out of their way to solve or deal with a particular problem right there and then as much as possible

Vitamin Supplementation

In spite of the importance of vitamin supplementation, women often take this for granted as they focus more on things they consider more important than their well being - kids, family, career. They don't realize that vitamins and minerals play a huge role in preventing and controlling depression. In fact, experts have found a link between depression and the lack of certain vitamins, most particularly the B vitamins, and Omega 3 fatty acids.

Treatment Options for Depression

Treatment has to be started as soon as possible to prevent depression from getting uncontrollable or severe. In order to find the most appropriate treatment, your doctor will first and foremost identify the factors that have led you to the state you are now in.

Hormonal Injections

If your erratic hormones are causing your depression, your doctor may put you on hormonal injections to control them in the hope of controlling your depression. Not every woman out there will be qualified to take hormonal injections, though, as they come with contraindications and special precautions.

Stress Management

If stress is the causative factor for depression, your doctor is likely to suggest stress management along perhaps with medications. It is important that you keep stress well under control and not let it control your life. Here are a few interesting ideas to control stress:

  • Shop till you drop. Well, why not? What woman will refuse the idea of shopping? Just don't max out your credit cards or you'll have more problems on your back. Shopping, window shopping, that is, is stress relieving. Actually, you don't have to buy anything, even if it is on sale. Shopping gives you a certain thrill and keeps you exhilarated, making you forget (if only temporary) your stressors.

  • Take up dance lessons. Dancing is really a good way to express yourself. It does not matter if you think you have two left feet. You dance to de-stress yourself, not impress somebody else! So put on your dancing shoes and dance your worries away.

Vitamin Supplementation

On the other hand if the lack of vitamins is what triggered depression, then all you need to do is to make sure you are getting enough B vitamins and Omega 3 fatty acids. If you cannot do it by changing your diet to include food items rich in these essential elements, your next best choice is to take in vitamins and fatty acids that are of the highest quality.

Can You Benefit From Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Deciding whether or not to pursue hormone replacement therapy can be difficult. Today, bioidentical hormone replacement therapy offers women the ability to safely balance their hormones without subjecting themselves to some of the risks that have been associated with animal-derived and synthetic hormones. Many women have spent years living with imbalanced hormones, wishing they had more energy, suffering from a host of menstrual problems, or other health issues. Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy promises to diminish symptoms related to hormonal imbalance that many women suffer from, not realizing that there's help available.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) has traditionally been viewed as a medical treatment specifically geared at women who are going through menopause. Hormones used in BHRT are derived from plants rather than from animals (which are not bioidentical to those produce by human females). BHRT has offered menopausal women the ability to control hot flashes and insomnia, while keeping libido high and decreasing the risk of strokes and heart attacks. BHRT has become well-known as an option for menopausal women because of it's ability to make menopause less uncomfortable and less hazardous on a woman's health. But few young women realize the potential benefits of bioidentical hormone replacement therapies before they reach menopause.

Younger, pre-menopausal women can benefit from BHRT too! A number of young women suffer from health issues related to imbalanced hormones. Indeed, women as young as age 35 can suffer from symptoms of "peri-menopause" (imbalanced hormones related to the bodies transition toward menopause). Many young women don't even realize that their symptoms have to do with hormonal issues pertaining to peri-menopause. BHRT offers women the ability to safely get their hormones under control to experience a clear head, vitality and energy, and the ability to control their weight during this transitional time in their lives.

No matter what your age, if you struggle with issues pertaining to hormonal imbalances, you could probably benefit from BHRT. Plant-derived bioidentical hormones present fewer health risks than animal derived or synthetic hormones, according to a number of studies. Women benefit from BHRT, both for symptoms of menopause and peri-menopause, though hormonal fluctuations related to peri-menopause have only recently come to the attention of researchers. As peri-menopause is researched more thoroughly and understood better, more younger women will be able to enjoy the benefits of BHRT. Whether you're 35 or 60 years old, your decision to pursue hormone replacement therapy can be made easier, knowing that BHRT offers women of all ages a safe alternative to animal-derived or synthetic hormones to enjoy balance throughout every stage of life.

How Pueraria Mirifica Can Help Women

Pueraria Mirifica is a plant originally from Thailand, consumed as food or food supplement because of its known and proven benefits to women's health. Pueraria Mirifica contains an element called puerarin Miroesterol and strengthens the functioning of female hormones. It can help defend against premature aging, relieve symptoms of menopause and end the terrible symptoms of PMS.The plant extract acts by strengthening the immune system and relieving the body of cytotoxins. As a result of these, the aging process gets delayed and the skin gets nourished and rejuvinated. Research reveals that puerarin Miroesterol found in Pueraria Mirifica is 1000 times stronger than soy isoflavones.

The main benefits of Pueraria Mirifica are:

  1. Help in the regulation of female hormones

  2. Alleviates the symptoms of Menopause

  3. Helps control the terrible symptoms of PMS

  4. Avoids weight gain due to hormonal problems

It is also suitable for those suffering from mental stress, menopausal symptoms, hair loss, osteoporosis and sexual problems.

Now, there are a lot of different websites out there that sell Pueraria Mirifica for extremely cheap prices and if you look at those websites you'd see that there are hundreds of positive reviews from customers all across the globe. The problem with most of these websites is that they hire content writers to write positive reviews about the products and in most of the cases these are not reviews from real people.

Things you should check before making online purchases

So, you should be very careful while making online purchases. You should first make sure that you buy the product from original manufacturers and not from third-party sellers. It is a natural product and if a company manufactures supplement capsules, it would have an authorization certificate from the food and drug department of the government; makes sure that you see the certificate before making any purchases. In most cases, if a site is authentic, it would not be able to offer you it for very cheap prices There are some sellers out there on the market that sell Pueraria capsules containing 400 mg of the raw product. These are definitely going to be cheaper, but you should remember that the recommended dosage is 800 mg per day and by using 400 mg capsules, you'd be able to achieve the desired results.

There are some products in the market that come in combination with other minerals such as zinc, selenium and iron; these products are definitely more costly compared to those that contain Pueraria Mirifica alone, but there is simply no reason to believe that these are better. He should understand that minerals such as zinc, selenium and iron are beneficial for prostate health and don't have much to do with breast enlargement. So, if you want to use it for the purposes of breast enlargement, these products are not going to be of any help to you. However, there are some studies that suggest that it could be beneficial for men also and under such circumstances, a combination of minerals along with it could work wonders.

Hormone Replacement Therapy: What Is It?

Every individual wishes to maintain a youthful appearance. There are several beauty enhancement products available in the market. However, cosmetic products do not provide permanent positive results. They can cause certain complications with the presence of harmful chemicals. As people get older, they lose their charm and youthful appearance. According to the medical survey, this occurs due to the decrease in the hormones in the human body. The natural production gets affected or stopped with aging. The imbalance starts to take place as soon as the individual crosses 20. These changes are experienced by both men and women. There are many reliable clinics in Ohio that offer hormone replacement treatment. It has benefited many individuals in this region.

Hormones are considered to be crucial for the smooth development of the body. They are termed as chemical messengers that flow in the blood systems to promote proper functioning of the mental and physical aspect of human being. There is no denying that with aging, the deficiency starts to occur and thus appropriate measures have to be taken. The reliable clinics have state of the art facilities to offer appropriate solutions to the patients. You can contact experienced and qualified physicians to get detailed information about the entire procedure. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is perfectly suited for both men and women. It has proven its worth as an effective medical solution to promote wellness, healthy aging and vitality among the human being.

Many women tend to experience the hormonal imbalance and it causes a greater degree of inconvenience. The pain can be really discomforting for a lady and it can make her anxious or irritating. This suffering is caused by conditions, such as PMS, stress, menopause, perimenopause and more. Experienced physicians will assure the patient receives apt treatment to get rid of the uneasiness in a short span of time. Many women in their perimenopause stage can suffer from the hormonal imbalance. This is may be due to improper diet or not getting the vital vitamins.

The most common symptoms are pain in breast, depression, insomnia, weight gain and more. The patient has to undergo several tests such blood, saliva and urine test in the clinic. After going through the reports, the physician will go ahead with bio-identical hormone therapy. With this treatment, the body will receive the necessary powerful estrogen and progesterone hormones. The insufficient production will lead to such symptoms. The physician uses the appropriate medications to artificially boost the hormone level in the body. This therapy has medically proven to be safe and effective.

This therapy has helped many men to come out strong from the problem of andropause. Over 35, there is a decline in the natural testosterone level and it can lead to lost libido, fatigue, weight gain, stress, low energy and more. This procedure can help to get rid of andropause and attain the right hormonal balance and metabolic activity. Consult an experienced physician for more information.

How Does the Thyroid Work - What is the Difference Between T4 and T3?

Where is the thyroid?

The thyroid is a small bow-tie or butterfly shaped gland located in your neck, close to the windpipe, behind and below your adams apple area

The thyroid produces several hormones involved in the function of the body in particular the metabolism, 2 of these are absolutely essential

These essential hormones are:

Triiodothyronine (T3) and Thyroxine (T4)

What do they do?

The thyroid hormones T3 and T4 help oxygen get into your cells and are critical to your bodies ability to produce energy. The role it has in delivering oxygen and energy makes your thyroid the master gland of metabolism, this then makes sense of many of the symptoms incurred by thyroid sufferers.

The Thyroid contains the only cells in the body capable of absorbing iodine.

It takes Iodine obtained from food, iodized salts or supplements and then combines that iodine with the amino acid tyrosine. The thyroid then converts the iodine/tyrosine combination into the hormones T3 & T4

What does the 3 & 4 mean?

The 3 and the 4 relate to the number of iodine molecules in each thyroid hormone molecule.

The split in percentages between the two is quite large, of the hormones produced by your thyroid 80% will be T4 and 20% will be T3

What is the difference?

The distinct difference between the two is T3 is the biologically active hormone meaning it is the one that has an effect at cellular level, so while the thyroid produces some T3 (20%) the rest of the T3 needed by the body is actually formed when the body converts T4 to T3, hence the larger percentage of T4 in the body.

The mostly inactive hormone T4 undergoes a process often called T4 - T3 conversion to produce the remaining amounts of T3 it requires, this conversion can take place in the thyroid, the liver, the brain and in other organs and tissues.

What is the purpose of T3 & T4

Once it has been released by the thyroid the T3 & T4 travel through the bloodstream, with the purpose of helping cells convert oxygen and calories into energy to serve as the basic fuel of your metabolism

Now as T3 (the biologically active hormone) circulates through your bloodstream it attaches to and enters your cells via receptor sites on the cell membrane.

Once it's inside the cells T3 increases the cell metabolic rate including body temperature and stimulates the cells to produce a number of different hormones, enzymes, neurotransmitters and muscle tissue.

T3 also helps your cells use oxygen and release carbon dioxide; this in turn helps to provide a smooth metabolic function.

How does the thyroid know how much T4 & T3 to produce?

This is quite a clever process; the release of hormones from the thyroid is part of a complete feedback process between the hypothalamus, the pituitary gland, your blood and the thyroid gland.

The hypothalamus, a part of the brain, emits thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) The release of this TRH tells your pituitary gland to in turn produce thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

The TSH that circulates in your bloodstream is the messenger that tells your thyroid to make the thyroid hormones T3 & T4 sending them into your bloodstream.

When there is enough thyroid hormone in your body, the pituitary gland makes less TSH (the messenger), which is a signal to the thyroid gland that it can slow down the production of the 2 thyroid hormones.

It's a smoothly functioning system, which runs on autopilot without any interference from us at all. That is when it works properly.

It is only when something interferes with the system and causes the feedback process to malfunction, thyroid problems can develop.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Bioidentical Hormones

I know what you're thinking, your mom and grandma thought HRT was a good idea too.

You have probably heard a lot about HRT in the news. It can be somewhat overwhelming but, you're also sick of the hot flashes and crying spells.

Everyone is talking about bioidentical hormones.

Women across the global are looking for alternative ways to alleviate the symptoms of perimenopause. I bet you are too. It's time to look at a more natural approach to easing the symptoms of perimenopause.

REALLY - You do not have to use synthetic hormones anymore.

Bioidentical simply means 'identical to the hormones in your body'. Natural hormones are being used to treat a woman's symptoms as they relate to perimenopause and beyond. These hormones are manufactured in a lab and have the same molecular structure as the hormones that are already in your body. In fact, pharmaceutical companies cannot patent a bioidentical structure of the body; therefore, they invented synthetic hormones such as Premarin, Prempro, and Provera.

You're telling me that bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy is natural, but is it safe?

The risk of side effects is lowed drastically when using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy because it utilizes the hormones that are already natural to your body. Your body also has the ability to automatically eliminate and excrete these bioidentical hormones just as it would naturally eliminate the hormones your body is producing anyway.

I've heard that transdermal patches are a safer modality as opposed to taking estrogen replacement orally - is this true?

Yes, transdermal patches (via the skin) are safer than taking estrogen orally because when estrogen is taken orally it stimulates the liver to make excessive amounts of cholesterol and increases the user's risk of blood clots as well. Transdermal patches offer the convenience of applying the patch only once or twice a week and they do not have the same effects to the liver, nor the clotting factors that oral estrogens do.

Tell me more about the different commercially available forms of bioidentical estrogen (estrodiol)...

• ESTROGEL - a low-dose estrogen therapy gel that provides perimenopausal symptom relief to active women that is administered and absorbed through the skin.

• EVAMIST - a once-daily spray that delivers low doses of estrogen directly through the skin and into your bloodstream.

• FEMRING - a vaginal ring that is inserted into the vagina every three months and helps reduce moderate to severe menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, and vaginal dryness.

Wait, are bioidentical hormones even FDA approved?

Bioidentical hormones are made from a plant derivative or soy based chemical; therefore, the actual hormone powders that the compounding pharmacies use to recreate the bioidentical hormones are FDA approved. Esteri-tablets and Vidal patches, sprays and Estro-gel are all approved.

Did you know that you could replace progesterone by using bioidentical hormones as well?

I'm convinced... tell me what I have to do to get relief TODAY!

Once your doctor approves your candidacy for bioidentical hormone replacement therapy you want to look for a pharmacy that has been in business for several years and does a large amount of compounding.

How Hormones Affect Hair Growth

Did you know hormones play an important role in growth of hair both on our scalp as well as on the skin of our body? So if you are a hirsute, blame your hormones. If you have suddenly started losing hair on your scalp check your thyroids to rule out one of the most common cause of hair thinning. If you are pregnant and suddenly started getting complements for shiny and healthy hair, it is all due to the changing level of hormone during your pregnancy. If you have crossed menopause and notice hair fall, check your estrogen level.

What exactly is hormone and how it affects hair growth? In our body we have many glands that secret biochemicals that are essential for the life cycle to continue. These are the hormones and have great impact on our body.So which hormones are really the culprits? These hormones that are produced by our body are essential for our normal body function. But when there is imbalance, it affects the usual functioning of the body and one of the results may be hair loss.

There is a pattern in the hair loss and it is known as androgenetic alopecia.It can happen to both men and women. When there is a change in the metabolism of androgen (the most important contributing factor for healthy hair in both men and women), there is hair loss. Testosterone is most commonly known as the male hormone. In the normal process of our body testosterone along with androgen produce dihydrotestosterone (DHT). But this DHT is the main culprit of hair loss when it deprives the some genetically weak hair follicle from getting the essential nutrients essential for producing healthy hair. When the body metabolism creates more DHT due to genetic factors the result is hair loss. Scientists believe that testosterone alone is not the reason of hair loss. It is only when DHT is produced in excess due to genetic factors that cause shrinking or destruction of hair follicles.

Normally women have small level of testosterone. But still their body may produce the harmful DHT and result in hair loss. One interesting point is hormone in our body is not produced uniformly. Rather they are cyclically produced. While in case of men this hormone may decline after a certain age, in case of women there is distinct change in hormone level after menopause. After menopause the level of estrogen declines in females. The available testosterone may become dominant and produce excess DHT resulting in hair loss in menopause women.

Can Hair Loss and Scalp Itching Be Due to Hormones? I'll Tell You

Last weekend, I received an email from a woman who had, for the last six months or so, been experiencing hair loss along with some itching, tingling, tightness, and redness in her scalp. The woman felt that, since she was approaching 50, it might be possible that she could be approaching menopause and so this could be contributing to the hair and scalp issues. The answer is that it could, but it may not be in the way that she thought. I will discuss this more in the following article.

Hormones And Hair Loss With Itching Scalp: The Two Most Likely Causes: My reader had theorized that since she was potentially no longer producing as much estrogen and progesterone, this would mean that her hair might age or thin. This line of thinking was certainly a rational and common one. But, after emailing back and forth for a while, I was able to determine that this woman was not just experiencing your typical or run of the mill aging of the hair. No, she was experiencing some very dramatic shedding that was thinning out her hair in a sudden and not gradual way.

Therefore, I felt that it might be more likely that she was experiencing telogen effluvium or TE, as it's more commonly called. And yes, this was most likely caused by the drop in hormones. TE is often caused by even small changes in the body which cause your system to react by going into "shedding" or "resting" mode since the body is trying to save its resources, for whatever reason.

This can happen for various medical reasons like pregnancy, hypothyroidism, adrenal burnout, yeast over growth, chronic stress, etc. And, some people are more prone to this than others. The writer did admit that most times in her life when she went off and on birth control pills or hormone replacement, this same thing had happened to her.

Normally, TE will eventually right itself on it's own, so long as your body is able to stabilize itself as no triggers (or medications that may be culprits) are not added in. However, one thing which I felt that she also needed to be aware of was the possibility of genetic hair loss or androgenic alopecia (which is otherwise known as AGA.)

When I told her this, she was quite shocked and replied "oh no, that's men's hair loss. Isn't that like where men get that little halo around their hair and then get a round bald patch on the top like Julius Caesar or something?" Yes, that's what I'm talking about. But also yes, women are affected by this as well. And, it's actually much more common than you might think. Admittedly, most women don't get the smooth bald top like Julius Caesar, but they can get severe thinning at the top, a receding hair line, sparse temples and crown, or just an all over thinning, which is more diffuse in nature.

And the reason that she might be vulnerable to AGA right now is because it typically happens as the female hormones begin to wane somewhat because you're not as protected by estrogen (in terms of the androgens and DHT that cause this) at this time. Just as men's hair loss begins to become more prominent with age, so too, can women's.

Now, in terms of the itching. This can be the result of many of the hairs going into the dying off or resting phase with the beginning of TE. Or, sometimes as the hair begins to regrow, this will cause some itching and tingling. Finally, the androgens that can become more prominent at this time can also cause more itching. (Not washing your hair for fear of the loss can cause some itching too.)

So, how in the world can she tell what is really happening? Well, she could wait for a couple of months to see if this resolves. If so, it was likely TE. And, she could look closely at her regrowth. Telogen effluvium regrowth is usually normal looking and thick. AGA regrowth is sometimes very fine and just not as substantial as it once was (which is called miniaturization.)

Female Hair Loss Treatment - Hormones & Their Role in Hair Loss

If you are a woman experiencing hair loss, you are not alone. At times, it might seem that more attention is focused on men's hair loss issues than on women's issues with the same problem, but take heart! A female hair loss treatment is available that can help you.

Don't panic!

The first thing you need to do is not panic. Thousands of women experience hair loss, and there are corrective measures you can take to restore your beautiful hair with a female hair loss treatment. You need to realize that your hair loss is not your fault. It is not the result of something you have done, or something someone has told you that you have done to cause your hair loss. Getting a hair permanent, curling, coloring, blow-drying your hair - none of these actions has contributed to your hair loss condition. You cannot "over- brush" your hair, either.

Hair loss results from three factors

Hair loss is the result, typically, of one of the following three factors: genetics, hormones, or serious health issues. You can't really do anything about your ancestry; you are born with certain genes and a pre-disposition to certain characteristics. There is nothing you can do to prevent that. What you can do, however, is treat the issues once that have arisen. Hormones may alter the pattern of your hair growth, or lack thereof, at times in your life when significant changes take place. These life-changing events include childbirth and menopause. Also, thyroid conditions or other serious health matters can affect your hormone levels.

The role of hormones

Let us focus on hormones. During pregnancy and through childbirth, your hormones are going to change and alter as your body goes through the natural transformations that occur at this time. This should be a temporary situation and your hair growth cycle should return to normal three to four months after childbirth. Birth control pills can also contribute to hair loss as they affect hormone fluctuations in your body, but again, this should only be temporary. Do not take any medications or use any applications during pregnancy without consulting your doctor.

Menopause takes over

As your body ages and reaches the menopause years, hair loss can occur as your body's levels of estrogen decrease. This is a normal response to aging, a significant life change when hormone levels fluctuate throughout your system. Hair loss can be a result of this life change.

Two-step plan

Provillus offers a female hair loss treatment that is specifically designed for women, because they understand that a woman's hormones make her a candidate for a treatment that is different from a man's hair loss program. They recognize a woman's special needs and, therefore, have arrived at a solution made just for you.

This female hair loss treatment is a two-step plan that includes a topical solution and an oral supplement. Twice a day, you gently massage a dropper full of the solution, which contains Minoxidil, the only FDA-approved ingredient for treatment of hair loss, onto the affected areas. This works on your hair follicles to stimulate them from the outside to the inside. The second part is a dietary supplement you take twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. Good, strong hair needs nourishment to grow and be healthy. Many times, we don't get our complete nutritional needs from the foods we eat during the day. A supplement can help make up what you might be lacking in daily nutritional intake. This second part of the process works from the inside of your body to the outside. It is a complete package.

A female hair loss treatment can help grow your own natural, beautiful hair and bring it back to the way it was meant to look. Hormonal changes can be temporary; there are those situations, however, that prove a little harder to combat. Menopause is a process that makes it even more critical to help your body receive the nutrients it needs to keep working in good form. A female hair loss treatment can help replace, or supplement, the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs.

Acne Causes - Heredity, Hormones, and Your Boss

For most, acne is a nightmare. For long-term acne sufferer, frequent outbreaks can have a huge impact on your professional and social, and appearance. Acne also causes low self-esteem and low confidence. Sad to say, there is no cure for acne although it is the most common skin problems. Having persistent acne is a gloomy reality for some. What are the common acne causes? Are there effective treatments and cures for the problem?

Managing Acne

A skin disorder known as acne vulgaris is caused by overactive oil glands which trap bacteria and result in blocked pores. These clogged pores in turn become whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, nodules, or lesions. All acne conditions are different. Some causes of acne can be managed. There are at least 4 acne causes: heredity, hormonal changes, diet, and stress.

Heredity is an acne cause that cannot be changed. Acne which is caused by hormonal changes, especially in women, can be controlled by birth control pills. In teenagers or young adults going through puberty, avoiding consumption of foods that contain sugar or white flour helps reduce insulin levels which affect the hormones. Avoid diets, such as processed foods, caffeine, carbonated beverages, fatty foods, and pasta. Eat plenty of vegetables and fresh fruits, drink plenty of water, and add natural and unprocessed foods to your diet can have great benefits to the skin.

The last acne cause, stress, can be managed too. It is beneficial to incorporate techniques of relaxation and exercises rather than allowing your work, boss, relationships, health issues, and time constraints to cause stress. Visualization, yoga, exercise, aromatherapy, and even hypnotherapy can reduce stress, and thus minimize acne breakouts.

If all else fails - managing stress, maintaining a healthy diet, avoiding the sun, plenty of rest, and a strict skin care regimen, to clear the acne, consult a dermatologist. They are able to prescribe topical or oral medications. The most successful acne treatments are retinoids and antibiotics. Dermabrasion, facials, and laser treatments are effective acne treatments as well. Acne causes change over time. Therefore, a treatment that works for teens may not work for stress-related adult acne, and vice versa. Acne treatments are something that one has to figure out what works for them.

If the above does not work, dermatologist may prescribe accutane. It is currently the only quasi acne cure. This popular medication effectively clears up acne in 60% of acne cases. However, it has potentially life-threatening side effects - birth defects and severe depression. Consult your doctor to determine if it is safe for you to take this prescription.