Saturday, June 29, 2013

Adrenal Fatigue: How it Affects Your Life and How to Heal it

80 % of American society is afflicted with adrenal fatigue at some point in their life yet most are unaware of the problem. They simply know they don't feel well or perhaps symptoms lead them to explore other disorders; we do know that often symptoms denote multiple possibilities and sometimes overlap disorders. Do these symptoms apply to you?

♠ Weight gain, especially in waist or stomach, and it stubbornly sticks to you

♠ Fatigue ~ lack of energy ~ lethargy

♠ Insomnia

♠ Brain fog ~ concentration difficulty

♠ Morning sluggishness ~ need for stimulants to get you moving

♠ Constipation

♠ Nervousness ~ anxiety

♠ Mild depression

♠ Dry skin and hair

♠ Arthritis

♠ Pain in upper back and neck

♠ Unexplained hair loss

♠ Cold hands and feet ~ or just plain cold

♠ Allergies ~ both inhalants and food

♠ Low body temperature

♠ Reduced sex drive

If you said "yes" to several of these symptoms there is a strong possibly that you are experiencing adrenal fatigue. If you said "yes" to half or more, your adrenals are fatigued.

What is adrenal fatigue?

Adrenal fatigue is simply the allowance of stressors to influence and perhaps take control over your life. Stress is a big issue in most people's lives and all too often the person has no idea how to deal with the stress. The result is adrenal fatigue as well as many other imbalances within the body, mind and spirit of the individual. Stress has many faces such as:

Anger ~ fear ~ guilt

Not enough sleep ~ chronic fatigue

Chronic illness

Chronic infection

Too much exercise

Improper diet

Gluten intolerance

Worry ~ anxiety ~ continually focusing on negative aspects and events

Exposure to large amount of toxins



Excess sugar

Digestive imbalances

What happens when your body becomes stressed?

Your adrenal glands are located directly above the kidneys which are found in the back of you right above your waist. In this tiny gland is the most abundant hormone in your body - DHEA. Cortisol (often referred to as the hormone of death) is also found in your adrenal glands. The adrenals main purpose is to be a stress regulator. Here's an example.

You are traveling down the road and someone pulls out in front of you. You slam on your brakes, maybe say a few choice words, and are grateful that you avoided an accident. In the meantime you had probably stopped breathing momentarily, at the very least you only took shallow quick breaths. Your heart probably began racing and felt like it would pop out of your chest and maybe even your head started throbbing. What you probably don't know is that your cortisol also shot up to accommodate for the demand put on your adrenals. This is what we term flight and flight, and it is beneficial when something like this occurs. However, when our life becomes a continual fight and flight atmosphere, we can easily develop adrenal fatigue. The adrenals kicking in for a sudden trauma is meant to be temporary. From the stressors already mentioned, it is usually a combination of various stressors that create this syndrome for you.

As a result of continuous stress to your body, your cortisol remains elevated and thus the symptoms begin. It is very likely that at the same time your DHEA is declining, and if you are 40 or older, it is doing so naturally. We know that hormones do decline with age, but if we are stressed they will decline more rapidly. All of this not only tears down your health but ages you faster both internally and externally. And who wants to age faster!

As a result of experiencing adrenal fatigue, most individuals reach for stimulants to get and keep them going - coffee, sodas, pills, alcohol, chocolate, nicotine, etc. They are masking their problem and it continues to grow worse without their awareness due to the cover-up.

Here's the importance of cortisol.

It normalizes blood sugar ~ When a stressor occurs the cortisol increases the blood sugar level in your body, working with the pancreas to provide enough glucose to provide energy for your cells. Continuous increased blood sugar levels creates a blood sugar imbalance which can lead to multiple physical disorders such as diabetes.

Anti-inflammatory ~ Cortisol is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. When trauma happens to our body the cortisol is released to reduce the swelling and repair the injury. Too much trauma produces too much cortisol. There are many disorders associated with inflammation such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoporosis.

Immune system supporter ~ Cortisol influences most cells that participate in your immune system's regulation. Chronic high levels of cortisol suppress the immune system allowing an individual to be more susceptible to illness, especially to viruses.

Stress balancer ~ Cortisol helps to balance your stress reactions, but if stress becomes chronic then it can no longer maintain the balance. The result can be weight gain that is difficult to reduce, high blood pressure, estrogen dominance that can lead to uterine fibroids and even breast cancer, and much more.

So you can see how easy it is to find yourself in the throws of adrenal fatigue and yet suspect other disorders. I personally believe, as do many health practitioners, that it is imperative to repair your adrenals no matter what illness or disorder you have because the adrenals will always be affected if there is imbalance anywhere in your body.

Steps to repair your adrenals

1. First of all understand this. Traditional medicine testing cannot detect adrenal fatigue unless it has become severe. That's why so many physicians tell their patients - and you may have been one of them - to go home and relax or give them a prescription drug for anxiety to help. That's simply a band-aid approach and resolves little if anything, and it definitely doesn't cure the problem.

2. However, there is a saliva test that holistic practitioners and doctors are using that has excellent results in measuring your cortisol and DHEA levels. It is called the ASI, or Adrenal Stress Index. Although nothing is ever 100% accurate, this has very high accuracy. The reason is that your saliva is part of your tissues and can relate to the lab technicians what is being absorbed within your body as well as the level of your hormones.

3. Realize that all physical disorders have emotional cores. You may be able to "fix"
your adrenal problem temporarily by making some lifestyle changes, but if you don't release the negative emotion that underlies your stress it will simply come back again, perhaps in another form. We are multidimensional beings and it requires a balance in all four areas to be healthy. One tire on your car can cause quite an imbalance if it loses enough air. So it is with your body and health.

4. Remove your stressors. You might be laughing right now as you're thinking I don't know what your life is like and what you're going through. You might be surprised just how much I do understand. And yes, you can successfully become stress free. You see, I'm a recoveree of adrenal fatigue and had been experiencing it for decades but didn't know it. I gave birth to and raised five children, worked all through those years, was driven to succeed in my work, began having big health challenges, divorced, experienced major financial struggles for several years, found myself in a potentially destructive business arrangement from which I finally detached, and so on. We all have our stories but you don't have to stay in them. I left my old story and created a life free from stress and its affects on me. You can do it too! The key is in how you respond to the stressors. If you want to know more about how to live stress-free, click on my website on the home page, and order my free eBook entitled Stress Free Living. There are many other products and services listed on my website that may help you as well.

5. Get enough sleep! This can be a real problem for many people. So many come into our health store begging for something so they can sleep. Insomnia often accompanies
adrenal fatigue yet it is most necessary for repair. 7-8 hours or more are necessary for healing and the adrenals repair most from 11pm - 1am. (some say the repair begins at 10 pm) So that means that you night owls might need to make some changes. I had to do this as well. Melatonin, 5HTP, herbs, magnesium, warm baths, reading before retiring, working with a coach to learn new ways to respond to your stress, listening to soft music, are all possible was to help you sleep. It is also essential to clean your liver and digest your food well to sleep well. Guides for this are mentioned below.

6.Change your diet. Follow these guidelines to allow for adrenal repair:

♦ Eliminate sugar, caffeine, and alcohol - these fight against adrenal repair

♦ Consider adding salt to you diet - but only Himalayan or Celtic types

♦ Consume many organic vegetables, at least 6 every day

♦ Consider juicing veggies several times a week for cleansing your body

♦ Drink 1 mug of warm water on empty stomach every morning with ½ organic
lemon squeezed in it - cleanses the liver easily and naturally

♦ Exercise, but only moderately at first. Rule of thumb is to stop if tired.

♦ Eat regularly, at least three meals per day - may benefit from 5-6 small ones

♦ Eat plenty of good protein as amino acids found in protein help restore adrenals

♦ Progesterone cream - promotes healthy adrenals and thyroid glands, helps to

balance estrogen overload
♦ Supplementation - this is an individualized process - there is no one protocol that works for everyone and what works for one can be toxic to another. Below are some suggestions but please do your own research and seek the help of qualified
practitioners for your repair process.

Note: When your adrenals are fatigued the immediate craving is for sugar, yet ironically it is the worst thing you could consume as it furthers the adrenal fatigue. Individuals who crave sugar or carbohydrates often find that adrenal fatigue is a root cause of their cravings.

Adrenals will be better served with organic vegetables, the darker and brighter the better, plenty of good quality protein to ensure enough amino acids, plenty of water and the inclusion of beneficial oils like refined, organic extra virgin coconut oil. This kind of coconut oil can actually cause weight loss and provide the good fats necessary for the conversion of ALL hormones in your body.

Supplementation that can support adrenal repair:

♦ Vitamin C and bioflavonoids - 1000 mg to 5000

mg daily, divided doses

♦ B-5, pantothenic acid, or panethine gelcaps - 1000 - 1500 mg daily, divided

♦ Vitamin E, mixed tocopherols - 400 iu's

daily, one gelcap

♦ Magnesium - citrate good form, 500 mg or

more daily, powdered form good

♦ Natural progesterone cream - men can also


Also may be beneficial:

♦ B complex, 50 - 100 mg 2 x's daily

♦ Multi-vitamin/mineral - once daily

♦ Antioxidants

♦ DHEA - be careful with this, especially

women, as only a little is needed to help

♦ Natural hydrocortisone - caution here as

well - prescription only

Additional suggestions:

Since most individuals with adrenal fatigue have compromised digestion, it is vital that they can digest food and supplement intake properly and have a good intestinal flora balance. You might want to include the following in your daily diet to assist in adrenal restoration:

♦ Probiotics - 2 - 3 times per day

♦ Digestive enzymes - with every meal

♦ Eating raw fermented vegetables - daily

Note: Often less is best, at least to begin. If your body is not functioning optimally, it may be necessary to introduce supplements and changes slowly so as not to "shock" the body or overload it. Of course, in the case of serious disease, it is often beneficial to saturate the body quickly to detoxify and ensure healing. Baby steps do best and know that adrenal restoration takes time, from 3 months to as much as two years, according to the severity of your adrenal fatigue.

Here are some websites that provide lots of good information on adrenal fatigue and a healthy lifestyle...

Parathyroid Glands and Bone Disease - The Interplay of Parathyroid Hormones

Like other forms of connective tissue, the bone is composed of cells and fibers. Unlike the other types of connective tissue, however, the bone has higher amounts of calcium deposits, making it harder. This unyielding structure of bone enables it to perform its functions of support and protection.

The physical properties of bone are nothing short of amazing. Aside from maintaining great strength, bone is also capable of some degree of elasticity while being surprisingly lightweight. From its gross structure to microscopic levels, bone construction was designed for great strength while maintaining a great economy for material and weight.

However, despite its apparent toughness, bone is a living structure. It responds to metabolic and nutritional changes as well as endocrine influences. Bone undergoes constant reorganization while maintaining a certain degree of hardness necessary for its supportive and protective functions.

Parathyroid Hormones

Parathyroid hormone is responsible for controlling the extracellular calcium and phosphate concentrations. It does so by regulating intestinal reabsorption, renal excretion and the exchange between the extracellular fluid and the bone.

Parathyroid hormones are produced by the parathyroid glands located posterior to the thyroid gland. Normally, humans possess four parathyroid glands but in some cases, there could be as many as six. Removal of half the number of parathyroid glands may not affect the normal physiology much. However, the removal of three out of four of the normal glands may result in transient hypothyroidism. This means that even if only one of the parathyroid glands remain, it can compensate for the loss of the other three glands.

Parathyroid hormone acts on bone to elevate the levels of calcium in circulation in two ways:

  • One is a rapid phase that calls on bone cells or osteocytes and proceeds in a matter of minutes to several hours. Existing osteocytes in the bone matrix pump calcium ions from the bone fluid into the extracellular fluid, increasing the circulating calcium ions in circulation.

  • Another mechanism is slower and is dependent on the activation of osteoclasts. This mechanism could take days to weeks because osteoclasts are not directly stimulated by parathyroid hormone. Instead, they receive signals from the osteocytes to increase bone resorption.

Bone Disease in Hyperparathyroidism

Normally, there is a strict balance maintained between bone deposition by osteoblasts and bone resorption by the osteoclasts. Even in mild hyperparathyroidism, the activity of osteoblasts can compensate for the slight increase in bone resorption caused by activated osteoclasts. However, in severe hyperparathyroidism, bone resorption far outweighs the formation of new bone and the bone may be eaten away entirely. It is for this reason that bone fractures are commonly the reason a hyperparathyroid patient seeks medical help.

In cases of extremely high levels of parathyroid hormone, radiographs of bones reveal extensive decalcification and large punched-out areas filled with osteoclasts in the form of giant cell osteoclast "tumors". This means that the bone structure is extremely weakened by excessive resorption that even slight trauma can result in multiple fractures. The cystic bone disease of hyperparathyroidism is called osteitis fibrosa cystica.

Primary hyperparathyroidism is caused by an abnormality in the parathyroid glands themselves. Usually, the increased activity of the parathyroid glands are caused by tumors, which actively secrete parathyroid hormone. These tumors are more common in women than in men.

Secondary hyperparathyroidism, on the other hand, occurs as a compensatory mechanism for low calcium levels. This then signals the parathyroid glands to increase secretion of parathyroid hormone to replenish the depleted calcium ion in the circulation with calcium derived from deposits in the bone. Secondary hyperparathyroidism can be caused by vitamin D deficiency or chronic renal disease, in which the kidneys are too damaged to produce the active form of vitamin D in sufficient amounts.

Fenugreek and Natural Breast Enlargement

Women are really scared of having small breasts and resort to surgeries for breast enhancement. More than 70% of women having small breasts will resort to this practice by the end of 2015 both in UK and US as predicted by a survey. Herbs come as natural remedies for this technique and Fenugreek is one such herb that gives immense benefits. Estrogens are hormones that aid in producing more tissues for breast growth in women during their puberty. This herb increases the production of both estrogens and another hormone called prolactin. When these hormones gives a firmer, fuller and bigger breasts giving all women what they desire.

This herb also comes in the form of capsules and one can even make beverages with fenugreek seeds. Bustea is one such beverage which is prepared by boiling 2 cups of the seeds with any one of the spices namely caraway, anise, fennel, or licorice. The boiled mix can be drunk, adding honey or lemon juice increasing the taste. This intake is a booster for the breast growth. Such home remedies taken as intake through mouth are less efficient than application over the body. Oral application passes through liver and almost 90% of the herbal supplement is broken down. But when the same is applied as paste over the skin, the blood vessels almost absorb 100% of the herbal extract.

Solid particles cannot be absorbed by skin. You can either use a herbal paste that is purchased from health store or use the water boiled in preparing Bustea as above. Body lotions can be mixed with this herbal extract in a 1:2 proportion and gently applied over your breasts as a massage. Make this routine at least twice daily to obtain the desired effect. Your skin and body use all the nutrients contained in the herbal extract unlike the oral application. Fenugreek herbs are non-invasive. They are more natural in increasing your breast size. They work by stimulating your hormonal growth that balances hormones and gives a bust bigger in size.

Appearance is what matters a lot for a woman. You look more beautiful and your confidence level doubles now. You will feel satisfied of yourself. Your chest occupies even more space in your body. Smaller breasts will seem to be a matter of the past. You can read through the reviews and one woman who had succeeded in this attempt is Lucille Sorella. Her breast size increased from 32AA to 32B that is almost 2 cup sizes in a very short period of just 16 weeks. If the success is for one it will naturally follow for you even. Breast enlargement programs not only enlarge your breast, but they also increase your confidence levels and your attraction with others. You would become the talk of the community wherever you are.

Let's think of becoming a model soon!!

Hormones and Boy Influence

Are you hoping for a son? Many people hope to choose the gender of their baby so they'll have the chance to parent a child of both genders. Some want to have their babies in a certain order, and some even feel most comfortable with one gender over the other. Whatever the reason for you, you'll be happy to know that science shows it's possible to naturally influence the gender of your baby. In this article I'll show you hormones that may increase your chances of conceiving a boy:


We normally think of testosterone as a male hormone, but both men and women have testosterone. Women have far less than men, but women with higher levels have more sons.

Testosterone is an important hormone for men, with levels around eight times higher than that found in females. The hormone causes the male voice to lower, helps men to develop stronger muscles, and it triggers sperm production. Production begins to increase to adult levels when a boy goes through puberty and typically begins to decline when a man enters his forties.

A woman's testosterone is produced by the ovaries. It's thought that it begins to rise around the end of a woman's menstrual cycle, building gradually throughout the first half of the next cycle. It peaks with ovulation. A woman experiences increased libido during this time. After ovulation testosterone levels drop. It's believed that testosterone levels increase as a woman enters menopause.


Estrogen is an infamous hormone, blamed for just about everything female. Everybody likes to say that women are hormonal and emotional, and estrogen gets the brunt of the blame.

Estrogen works to help trigger the female cycle to begin moving towards ovulation. It peaks several days before ovulation and drops as other hormones begin to surge.

It may seem like since estrogen is a "female" hormone that it would influence the conception of a girl, but the opposite is true. When testosterone and estrogen are both high, scientific evidence indicates that the conception of a boy is far more likely.


Scientific evidence strongly indicates that hormones can be used to select the gender of your baby. High levels of estrogen and testosterone have been shown to favor the conception of boys. Other sex hormones, the gonadotropins and progesterone favor conception of a girl. It should be noted that when gonadotropin hormones are administered to a man the result is a boost in testosterone. So a man with high testosterone or receiving gonadotropic or testosterone therapy is more likely to father a son. A man with low testosterone rates overall will most likely father daughters.

Observation has shown these patterns to be consistent in both animals and humans. Sometimes lifestyle factors can cause changes (for example, if the mother or father smoke a female conception is more likely), but on the whole we know that the hormone levels of the mother and father can and do influence the gender of the child conceived.

Studies of the gender results after artificial insemination show that boys are conceived more at the very beginning of a mother's fertile window and also directly around ovulation. At the beginning of the fertile window estrogen levels are extremely high, and testosterone is beginning to build. A couple of days later estrogen levels plummet as gonadotropin levels rise (leading to a likely girl conception). As ovulation happens, however, these gonadotropins have dropped to below the level of estrogen and testosterone levels are at their highest. These hormone profiles line up directly with the gender results of artificial insemination.

These results and various other scientific observations make a powerful case for hormone levels and their ability to influence the gender of a child.

The Acne And Hormones Connection

Would you like to find out what those-in-the-know have to say about acne? The information in the article below punch ins straight from well-informed masters with special knowledge about acne.

The development of acne is said to have a close connection with the changes in hormones. Undoubting studies have well-known that humans suffering from acne often have oily skin due to the high level of androgen and testosterone hormones present on the body. With this pronouncement, many experts have noted that the balance of androgen and estrogen hormones is then required to maintain a healthy skin, a sort of Yin and Yang spectacle. So, if hormonal imbalances occur, acne tends to develop.

The judgment on the acne and hormones connection holds that acne, which is influenced by hormones, often starts around the age of 19 to 24, thus it can affect both the teens and mature women. At this stage, people will typically get lesions on the lower face, fundamentally in the chin as well as jaw line. It may also turn out on the chest and back, although a majority of its victims are affected mainly on the face.

The acne and hormones connection further holds the idea that acne typically starts to appear when the body starts to outturn androgen hormones. It is firstly the androgens that incite the sebaceous glands to enlarge and emit sebum. The sebum then gets stocked in the follicle and then moves up to the hair shaft until it reached the exterior part of the skin. As this movement occurs, the sebum then blends with bacteria which cause the hair follicle restriction. It is merely the blocked follicles which become the breeding area for viruses, resulting in acne.

If you base what you do on inaccurate what's what, you might be unpleasantly surprised by the consequences. Make sure you get the whole acne story from into sources.

It is worth noting that hormones essentially tune up from time to time office of the body. As you may know, sleep, growth and some other related items largely depend upon your hormones. So, as it is mentioned on high, when your hormones are out of balance, sanguine messs like acne may arise. And, if you hormones are in balance then there is no bounds for acne to emerge.

The connection between acne and hormones also manifests the occurrence of acne in teens as well as in adults. In teens, it is commonly leading that throughout the onset of pubescence, androgens is produced which purchases a major role in the development of acne. And, in place of the adult, the acne and hormones conjunction believed that the menstrual cycle of every woman dramas a role in its development. Undoubting handouts in fact have noted that acne that worsens all along a woman's monthly cycle is not commodity that women will grow out of as they get older.

Is there really any information about acne that is disposable? We all see things from different angles, so thing nearly insignificant to one may be crucial to someone else..

Hot Flashes - How to Cope Without Hormones and Herbs

This is not about Hormone Replacement Therapy or Herbal Remedies. It's not about ingesting anything - though drinking more water may help.

Based on twenty years of my own experience, this is about how to cope physically. (No, this doesn't mean that all women go through twenty years of hot flashes - just that I did.)

Let's start with what a "hot flash" is. Hot flashes are one of several symptoms that women may experience as they enter menopause. For no apparent reason, you suddenly feel warm. It might be only your face, or your upper chest and neck, or it might be your entire body, though this seems to be more rare.

This feeling of warmth may last only a few seconds, sort of like blushing when you were younger. Or it may increase to the point where you feel hot and actually break out in a sweat. Again, the sweat may be limited to your face, or it might involve your entire body. It can last ten minutes or longer, especially in hot weather, or if you have recently had spicy food or coffee.

So, how can you cope physically? The very first thing is to decide that you will not be embarrassed. Depending on how severe your hot flashes are and what method(s) you use to cope, other people may not even notice. If they do, it's like noticing gray hair or wrinkles - perfectly normal signs of aging.

There are several coping methods that I found useful, depending on the situation.

* Dress in layers. As you begin to warm up, remove the outer layers. A silk scarf works for me. I can wear it several different ways as an accessory, and it fits into my purse easily or ties around the purse strap, when I take it during a hot flash.

* Carry handkerchiefs. Dab at the perspiration, rather than rubbing, to avoid irritating your skin. Again, you have several choices. I prefer large men's 100% cotton handkerchiefs. You might prefer linen, or linen with lace edging. Or even silk. Don't use blends with nylon or polyester, as these are not as absorbent - though some of the microfibres are getting better. Other options, especially in the summer, include colorful bandanas or terrycloth for when you really need the extra absorbency.

* Carry a folding fan. Many Asian import stores sell inexpensive, colorful "pocket" fans that fold up inside their own metal or wooden handle for protection. Or you can use the pretty lace fans. Or a sandalwood fan that doubles as an aromatherapy treatment!

* Carry a small battery powered electric fan. (Keep plug-in types at home and on your desk.) Find one that fits easily in your purse and has a safety cage or safety blades. Some plastic fans stop at a touch. My current favorite has neoprene blades that stop easily and that recover well from being squished at the bottom of my purse. Find one that you can hold in your hand and that can also stand on a flat surface or clip on to something. Forget the "beach" fans with water bottles - unless you don't sweat. Most of us are trying to get rid of moisture, not add it.

* Carry a change of clothing. When I began yoga a few years ago, I found that even very slow and gentle yoga in an air-conditioned environment caused me to sweat, even if no one else in class did. My solution was to bring a change of clothes. I simply changed to a dry bra and t-shirt about two-thirds of the way through class.

* Be prepared for night sweats. These are also hot flashes, but since most of us sleep under covers, they seem worse because the heat is trapped. Specifically, be prepared with fresh pillowcases, nightgowns or pajamas, and in extreme cases, with fresh sheets and mattress pad. I also sleep with a terrycloth face cloth beside my pillow. Do I use all of these every night? Happily, no. Again, I recommend breathable, absorbent fibers - cotton, silk, linen, rayon.

Are hot flashes still annoying? Yes. Are there safe methods for coping with them physically? Absolutely. Experiment and select what works for you.

How Your Hormones Affect Your Metabolism

To understand how to achieve good metabolic health, it is important to understand the hormones that influence your metabolism, which include insulin, ghrelin and leptin. While insulin is made in the pancreas and allows cells to use glucose from the bloodstream for energy, ghrelin is made primarily from stomach cells and makes you feel hungry. Leptin, which is made in stored fat tissues, sends the message that you are full and prevents you from overeating. All three of these vital hormones work synergistically to create either a balanced or chaotic metabolism.


When sugar levels rise after a meal, the pancreas secretes insulin in order to capture the sugar. Sometimes the normal amount of insulin is not enough to move the glucose into cells, because the cells become "resistant" to the insulin. The pancreas must then produce more insulin in order to stabilize sugar levels.

Ghrelin is the primary hunger hormone that signals when you need food in order to meet your caloric requirements. However, when you see or smell food, you may want to eat even though you are not hungry, serving as a survival skill to keep you going until your next meal. Insulin works to regulate and balance the amount of glucose in the body, causing it to spike and then drop. An insufficiency of leptin in your system may cause you to overeat and gain weight, which along with high glucose levels, are major factors for developing metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is characterized by hypertension, elevated glucose levels and insulin resistance. Understanding how much sugar and carbohydrates we consume is vital to maintain a healthy metabolism. Sometimes called pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome is a group of several risk factors that mark the development of type 2 diabetes, which is the most prevalent and preventable form of the disease. Some of the symptoms include excessive fat around the abdomen, low HDL or "good" cholesterol and high LDL or "bad" cholesterol and triglycerides, inflammation, a tendency toward excessive clotting, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance.

Properly modifying your diet, in addition to reducing your body weight, lowering your total intake of fat and saturated fat, increasing your intake of fiber, and boosting your physical activity can all help to reduce your risk of developing metabolic syndrome. The key to beating metabolic syndrome is to understand some lifestyle-related causes that can increase insulin secretion-eventually leading to insulin resistance, and ultimately, full-blown type 2 diabetes.


When you are stressed, your body releases cortisol, which is a hyperglycemic hormone that naturally increases glucose levels and suppresses inflammation. At the same time, your body will increase insulin excretion, creating a dangerous pattern of endocrine imbalance. Engage in daily stress-reducing activities such as moderate exercise, yoga and meditation in order to maintain optimum health.


Exercise is another vital part of any diabetes prevention program, as it helps glucose metabolism without the need for insulin. Simple daily exercise such as walking helps the body maintain proper glucose levels and promote a healthy body.


One of the most important elements in the fight against metabolic syndrome is maintaining a low-glycemic index diet. The glycemic index is essentially a scale that measures different foods according to the length of time they take to break down into glucose during digestion, as well as the rapidity with which they affect blood sugar levels. Certain carbohydrate foods with a low glycemic index, such as vegetables, some fruits and beans, are generally healthier, nutrient-rich, less refined, and higher in fiber. In contrast, high glycemic index foods cause a spike in blood sugar, followed by various hormonal changes that often contribute to the feeling of hunger at a faster rate since they are metabolized quicker than low-glycemic index foods.

Along with a healthy diet and lifestyle, a fundamental understanding of the way your hormones function in can play an important role in promoting metabolic health.

Friday, June 28, 2013

My Book Contains No Artificial Growth Hormones

I don't usually get too excited about what I read in the news. After all, what can I do about it? But one item I recently saw made me jump up out of my chair.

I rushed over to my clever lawyer's office.

"Look at this!" I proclaimed as I burst into his office.

Clever Lawyer said nothing. His client echoed his words with her ruby red lips.

I placed the newspaper on his desk.

"Happy Guy, what are you doing here?" he wanted to know. "We don't have a meeting."

"Just look at this headline." I demanded, ignoring his irritating obsession with minute details. "We should take action immediately."

Slowly, Clever Lawyer picked up the newspaper and read the headline. His eyes returned to me. "This says that Monsanto is suing Oakhurst Dairy for labels on their milk reading 'no artificial growth hormones'. What does that have to do with you?"

"Don't you see?" I asked incredulously. "Monsanto makes rBST, an artificial hormone for milk cows. It looks like they think the label on Oakhurst Dairy milk hurts their business because it implies that milk from their hormone-treated cows is inferior."

"I don't see what it has to do with you," Clever Lawyer said.

"Yes, I don't see what it has to do with you," Ruby Red chimed in.

"It has everything to do with me," I replied. "Look here. See this book about happiness? Top Publisher printed 'New York Times Bestseller' right on the cover. Can you believe it?"

"Oh yeah, I've heard of this book," Clever Lawyer smiled. "It's supposed to be quite good. In fact, I recall seeing it on the New York Times bestseller list."

"Exactly," I exclaimed. "Let's sue Top Publisher for everything he's got."

"Why?" Clever Lawyer wanted to know, much to my surprise.

"Yes, why?" Ruby Red also wanted to know.

"Because he is claiming his book is a New York Times bestseller," I explained in exasperation.

"But it is," Ruby Red pointed out.

"That's not the point," I complained. "Their claim implies that my Get Happy Workbook is somehow inferior because it is not on the New York Times bestseller list ... yet."

"Um ... your Get Happy Workbook?" Clever Lawyer asked.

"That's right."

"Isn't that an e-book?"

"Yes it is."

"I don't think the New York Times lists e-books," Ruby Red noted.

"It doesn't matter," I insisted. "Top Publisher should be forced to remove such an offensive claim and to pay me damages for thousands of copies of lost sales."

"But you can't do that," Clever Lawyer exclaimed.

"That's right. You can't do that," Ruby Red repeated.

"Why not?" I asked.

"Because their claim is just a statement of fact."

"So is Oakhurst Dairy's," I pointed out. "But that doesn't stop Monsanto from suing them."

"But you're not Monsanto," Clever Lawyer explained. "Monsanto is a biotech giant, and biotech companies are always being accused of making 'Frankenstein fruit' or 'veggie eunuchs' or other such delicacies."

"That's right," Ruby Red joined in. "Even Viagra couldn't make a man out of one of those cucumbers."

We both stared at Ruby Red in surprise. The color of her face instantly matched the color of her lips.

"Look, Monsanto still has to prove its case," Clever lawyer warned. "We have no idea if they will. You would have to prove your case, too. I have a pretty good idea that you can't, since the New York Times does not list e-books."

"So, you are saying I should not sue Top Publisher for claiming his book is a New York Times Bestseller," I concluded. "Instead I should sue the New York Times for not naming my e-book a bestseller?"

Bio-Identical Hormones

Along with the biochemical and mental/emotional states, there are nine major systems that control your life and health. In order of priority, they are as follows: nervous system, immune system, hormonal system, respiratory system, cardiovascular system, digestive system, eliminative system, reproductive system, and structural system.

Acting like a symphony of music when each organ and gland are playing their instruments to perfection, all these nine systems along with balanced biochemistry and mental/emotional states produce beautiful music when functioning normally.

It's important to understand that hormonal health is the same as neurological or digestive health. All are interconnected and what you do to one, you do to all. In order to balance your estrogen and progesterone levels involves balancing your nervous system (brain, hypothalamus, brainstem) along with taking potentially safe bioidentical hormones. The order or priority to this balance starts with the pituitary gland or the master hormone regulator. The thyroid gland, which controls metabolism, temperature, and weight is next in line. Next comes your thymus gland for immune function followed by your pancreas for digestion and blood sugar stabilization. Finally your adrenals for stress reduction and ovaries which produce estrogen and progesterone are last.
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The hormonal system is controlled by your brain and nervous system. This system is strongly influenced by all the other eight system that control what hormones are secreted and when. The revelation from how these system work together is that the ovaries are last in the totem pole of importance for the hormonal system.

Can you see that balancing your systems in order or priority is much more effective than taking a hormone to feel better? When you do this first, then taking bio-identical hormones will be safe and produce cancer because you will need much smaller doses due to your body being in balance and needed very little help in the hormonal area.

If you do not balance the nine systems and two state first, then you will take too high a dosage of bio-identical hormones which increase your risk of getting cancer even though they are made of natural substances. The time you go to sleep and what you eat, along with how much exercise you get, how much water you drink, and how much you fully live in the moment are all extremely important to balance your hormone levels. If you balance the whole, the individual parts will also balance naturally as God intended them to.

The Benefits Of Bio Identical Hormones

The forties and fifties can be some of the best years in a woman's life. You are past all of the insecurities and uncertainties of your twenties, and you are past the grind of trying to get everything accomplished in your thirties. Your forties and fifties are when you are comfortable enough with yourself that you can start to realize your dreams. Also at this age women begin to consider HRT, or hormone replacement therapy. Yet, there are several studies with conflicting findings, so before you start this therapy you will want to consult with your family physician and your pharmacist. Bio-Identical Hormones are structured exactly the same as hormones produced by the human body. Some of the differences in structure among human, synthetic and animal hormones might cause side effects that occur when non-bio-identical hormones are taken for hormone replacement therapy.

If you would like help with understanding what your options are in terms of Bio-Identical Hormones, You should seek the expertise of highly-trained pharmacists, your local Pharmacy can create a customized dosage form of medication, which is called compounding. The compounding of Bio-Identical Hormones helps you get the exact strength and form to work properly in your unique body, as your doctor intended.

In Torrance a supplier of Bio-Identical Hormones is the Medical Centre Compounding Pharmacy, who brings over thirty years of experience working with Torrance doctors, therapists, and other health care professionals to ensure that you receive medications suited to your personal medical needs. The highly trained all-female professional staff can help answer all your questions about hormone therapy, including Bio-Identical Hormones.

As with any treatment you need to fully educate yourself on all the benefits and drawbacks that come with Bio-Identical Hormones. Therefore when you locate a pharmacy that supplies Bio-Identical Hormones make sure the pharmacy has a large depth and breadth of knowledge with Bio-Identical Hormones. In addition, this pharmacy should have doctors on staff that have the expertise with the Bio-Identical Treatment to assist you with your hormone replacement therapy. Finally, the pharmacy should be able to make your life easy by billing Medicare and being able to deliver the medication to your nursing home.

As a patient you need to seek only the highest trained, licensed consultants and technicians that will provide you with the personal service you need when you are purchasing Bio-Identical Hormones. To achieve the best possible results with bio-identical hormones it is critical to find an expert in the field who can develop a program of medication designed specifically for your bodies needs. Don't skimp by going to a cheap, unknown source,seek out true experts who will guide you with care.

What are the Latest Hair Loss Research Secrets?

The latest hair loss research has focused on the genes that might contribute to or cause the problem. We have known for years that male and female pattern baldness tends to "run in the family". But, only in recent years have we learned enough about different genes to make a guess about which one or ones are involved.

So, far, researchers have identified five different genes that are believed to play a role in alopecia; the medical term for hair loss. There are different genes, because there are different types of alopecia.

When the hair loss occurs in a pattern, centered on the crown of the head in men, becoming an ever widening "part" in women, the condition is referred to as pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. The word androgenic indicates that male hormones or androgens are involved.

Specifically, there is one male hormone that is commonly blamed for androgenic alopecia. That hormone is called dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is also believed to play a role in the progression of prostate cancer and is known to play a role in enlarged prostate. Finasteride, a drug that inhibits DHT production, was originally used to treat enlarged prostate.

Some of the latest hairloss research has focused on the effectiveness and the safety of finasteride. The drug was approved by the US FDA for the treatment of male pattern baldness and is prescribed in other countries, as well.

But, hormonal specialists have noted an increased incidence of erectile dysfunction in men that take finasteride for baldness. They recommend against prescribing it for the treatment of androgenic alopecia.

There are safer alternatives. Some studies have shown that saw palmetto is as effective as finasteride, but has no unwanted side effects. The plant was used historically to help balance male hormonal levels and to treat enlarged prostate. It has been suggested that taking the extract on a regular basis might help prevent prostate cancer.

Does all of the latest hair loss research focus on men? No, but when you look at the studies concerning female alopecia, it may seem to be a new subject.

Researchers are still looking at how often the condition occurs and the significance of which parts of the scalp are affected. Although they may not have all of the answers, they are sure of one thing. The emotional impact of hair loss makes treatment desirable.

The latest hair loss research indicates that there are new treatments on the horizon. Today, we have Minoxidil. It is the most effective and safest treatment available. Because it is applied to the scalp, there is no danger to the rest of the body.

Minoxidil works by increasing circulation of nutrients to the hair producing follicles and by protecting the follicles from the damage that DHT can do. It might not be magical, but it is quite effective when used as directed. Some people fail to use it as often as they should or they forget to read the directions label. It's understandable that they don't see results.

Now, you know a little more about the latest hair loss research. You can keep an eye out for new information, but in the meantime, try Minoxidil. It works.

Is This Wonder Hormone The Chemical Basis For Spirituality and Good Business Acumen?

Oxytocin has become known as the love hormone, and numerous studies have shown that doses of oxytocin in the brain can influence our empathetic instincts, or our ability to develop close relationships. It is only a small step from there to establishing a chemical basis for spirituality and heaven on earth. Spirituality is primarily about love and sharing, an invisible communal glue, and Christian spirituality is a living, working, powerful tool which encourages individuals to do good. Community spirit, good conscience, helpful attitude, concern for fellow man, all are popular terms often dismissed as woolly, liberal statements straight out of the do-gooder's manifesto. In fact, empathy is a real and useful quality which counteracts our selfish, self-seeking instincts. Decision makers loaded with empathy would come up with fruitful and satisfying initiatives that cater to the community as a whole.

Politics of the future will have to take into account such science based assessments of the human condition. While religion is easily dismissed as bigoted and inflammatory in today's politically correct environment, it is much harder to dismiss the evidence coming out of science labs. We are chemically geared towards co-operation, selflessness and the need for mutual assistance, in other words, good Christian values. While it would not be appropriate to build a society in the near future along Christian lines, it would be entirely appropriate to develop it along the lines demanded by benign hormones. This is an exciting prospect, that we should be able to look forward to communities run by oxytocin-led legislation, policies that are motivated by whatever is best for all not just a few.

This may just signal the end of the era of greed. Testosterone fuelled business boardrooms looking for profit driven solutions serve only themselves and not the community at large. An oxytocin-led company would be self-sacrificing, generous and a pleasant place to work. We should start injecting the stuff into CEOs immediately. High unemployment would offend our sensibilities. Massive redundancies would no longer be a reason for rejoicing. And what use for Trident or other weapons of mass destruction when we are all oxytocin-filled luvvies? What are we waiting for? Get the stuff bottled and on the shelves pronto.

Oxytocin could change the course of history, which till now has been noticeably lacking in empathy between fellow men. Of course sport will no longer be the exciting entertainment it has been till now. Helping the opposition score and letting your opponents win does not make for edge of the seat thrills. But the plus side is we no longer need to be concerned about stock market fluctuations.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

3 Tips to Balance Your Hormones

"You're so hormonal!" "What is it, that time of the month or something?" Many of us have heard people say these things to us when we act in a more emotional manner. The thing is, there is some truth to these sayings.

There are over 150 symptoms linked to hormonal imbalance. These include abdominal bloating, anxiety, acne, depression, food cravings, headaches, fatigue, joint pain, insomnia, nervousness, drastic mood swings, and angry outbursts.

There seems to be an entire comedy industry around hormone imbalance, its symptoms, as well as its causes. But there is some truth behind the humor. Bearing children and being married seems to increase the likelihood of hormonal imbalance. It's a major factor that inadvertently plays into many divorces.

I find it ironic that hormones often have a part in our relationships. Like communication with each other, communication is essential with hormones. Hormones are chemical messengers in the body that travel the bloodstream to the organs and tissues. They work slowly, thus taking more time to affect many of the body's processes. Our endocrine glands are the special groups of cells that make hormones.

The main endocrine glands are the pituitary gland, thyroid, thymus, adrenal glands and pancreas. Just like one singular remark can create a tempest in a teapot, only a small amount of a hormone is needed to cause significant changes in our body. Again, mimicking communication within our relationships, hormonal imbalance occurs when one of these chemical messengers is no longer functioning properly. When two people are communicating, and one is more overpowering than the other, it is an unbalanced relationship. When there is over- or under-production of specific hormones, they can't communicate properly. The primary hormone that causes these changes is estrogen.

The liver regulates hormonal balance by selectively filtering out of the blood and excreting unwanted excess hormones. One of these is estradiol, a type of estrogen which causes many of the typical problems. If not eliminated, it can build up in the body.

Another part of the hormonal imbalance problem is that there is too much estrogen in the body and not enough progesterone. Fluid retention is the result. This affects the circulation and impedes oxygen and nutrient flow to the brain and female organs.

Throughout the following ideas for treatment you might also recognize other causes that are in play in your own body. As you read through, take the time to be still and listen to what your body might be telling you needs to be done. We usually recognize this - it's one of those "Ah ha!" moments - and we know it to be the right course. The next step is to get on the path and take the trail. Here are three tips to use on your walk.

  1. Clean nutrition. Constipation is a primary reason why the liver cannot get rid of excess estradiol. Eat natural foods with sufficient bulk. Avoid processed and junk foods. If you make a smoothie with bananas, berries, cherries, and spinach, not only do you get a quick, great-tasting meal, you'll also get that bulk, plus 30% of your magnesium needs, as well as vitamin A (110%), vitamin C (220%), vitamin K (360%), folate (45%), manganese (81%), and much more. A meal like this that is high in complex carbohydrates will also help you deal with stress. Carbohydrates and vitamin C increase the production of seratonin, a type of brain hormone which counteracts depression. The B vitamins and magnesium help the liver excrete unwanted estrogen. Fried foods block the absorption of magnesium. So, next time, instead of having chips and dip for a snack, make yourself a quick guacamole, then throw a dash of kelp in it. Guacamole is a fantastic food in many ways. Thanks to the nutrient rich avocado, it provides a wide spectrum of amino acids, vitamins A, C, E, B6, and K, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, copper, and manganese, all of them in fairly large amounts. Adding kelp raises the nutrient count while also providing iodine and calcium. Magnesium and vitamin D will help in calcium absorption. these foods are important to keep your blood calcium up, so that you don't have headaches, tension, nervousness, depression, or insomnia.

  2. Work it out. Regular outdoor exercise is important. Walk at least half a mile a day. This increases oxygen intake, which in turn aids in nutrient absorption and elimination of toxins. Being overweight increases overall estrogen levels because adipose tissue, which is fat, produces estrogen. Exercise will also get the estrogen circulating throughout your body, which will allow it to get rid of the excess estrogen. And let's not forget cortisol, the fight-or-flight hormone. That will determine your energy level while you are exercising, as well as what fuel you will be using - fat, protein, or carbohydrates. Increased cortisol will also help with the muscle aches you might feel, as well as helping to repair muscle tissue that you strained during a workout. Mix up your workout - yoga one day, aerobics the next.

  3. Eat more of those wild, wacky weeds. Include dong quai, false unicorn root, fennel seed, squaw vine, blessed thistle, and sarsaparilla root in your diet. They help balance the hormones. The phytoestrogens in dong quai work with the body's natural estrogen, optimizing female hormones. This action enhances sexual responsiveness, and has a tonic effect on a whole range of menstrual problems, including menopause, painful menses, hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. Dong quai's other qualities include liver protection, pain relief, and strong antibacterial actions. False unicorn root is of the greatest value in female disorders of the reproductive organs, and is useful in impotence, as a tonic for urinary problems, for liver and kidney diseases, and especially in diseases due to poor liver functions. Although it is bitter, you can make a tea with it, or take it as a fluid extract.

These are just a few ideas to allow you to think about the different processes that are going on within your body. Our bodies are miraculous, with so many intricate things going on all at the same time. When we are functioning within a balance, you will notice how wonderful you feel. It does take some time and planning, but it's worth it when you don't need to take the time to stay home when you are continually sick and in pain. Take it one step at a time, and slowly incorporate these things into your daily planning. You will be happy when you are living a rich, full life.

How Out of Control Hormones Can Cause Out of Control Acne

One of the biggest factors leading to acne development, according to most experts, are hormonal changes throughout your body. There has been plenty of medical research to show that the majority of people suffering from acne exhibit oily skin, which leads to acne development. That overproduction of oil in the skin, it turns out, is often times caused by high levels of male hormones in the body (in both males and females). Based on those findings, researchers quickly determined that a proper balance between male and female hormones is one of the best ways to help prevent acne from developing and to maintain healthy skin.

Since we all go through significant hormonal changes during our teenage years, it's no shock that acne typically occurs during that same time, though plenty of adults get acne too. These hormonal changes regulate much of our bodily functions, growth and development, which is in an almost hyperactive state during puberty. It's only natural that our hormones get "out of whack" during this time, leaving teenagers susceptible to acne development among other things as this increased amount of male hormones flows through our bodies. But why does that cause acne to form in the first place? How are the two things related?

As the body starts producing more male hormones, those hormones excite the sebaceous glands which are oil-producing glands found throughout the skin. As this oil is produced and moves from below the skin up to the surface, it attracts bacteria. Once the oil reaches the skin's surface, through a hair follicle, the follicle can easily become clogged because of the excess, bacteria-laden oil. These blockages are a virtual buffet for other bacteria which are attracted to the area, leading to infection resulting in one of the many forms of acne. Most often, acne forms on the face, neck or back though most people's acne outbreaks occur only on the face.

Bodily changes during puberty aren't the only times when hormones can trigger acne development. Women in particular are vulnerable to this being a cause for acne development as they get older, especially in conjunction with changes that come with their monthly cycles. In fact, birth control pills are often prescribed as an indirect treatment for acne since they help keep the hormones under better control.

Taking all of this into account, it makes sense that experts find that men are more likely to have long-term acne (more male hormones present over a longer period of time) while women are more susceptible to occasional acne flare ups, even into adulthood (in sync with their monthly cycle or other hormonal changes).

Therefore, if you're suffering from acne and nothing seems to be working, it might be a good idea to consult a specialist to see if hormonal factors might be working against you and what can be done to get those hormones under control.

Who Does Lymphoma Affect?

Lymphoma is a form of cancer that affects a specific type of cell called the lymphocytes. These tiny but incredibly important cells are classed as cells of the immune system and so when they begin to mutate and become cancerous the immune response to infections, for example bacteria and viruses, is severely affected. As with all other forms of cancer, lymphoma can strike anyone at any time and because it doesn't exhibit any obvious outward symptoms, many sufferers don't realise they have developed the disease until it has already reached the later stages.

In terms of age there are two major age groups that are especially prone to lymphoma. These are 25-35 years of age and the over 60s. It is possible that the over 60s have naturally weaker immune systems because their body cells have had to defend from infection for so long. This means that when mutated cells do occur, and they do often occur within the body, the immune system is no longer able to eradicate them and they are able to multiply and develop into cancer. This is especially worrying when the cells that are mutated are in fact cells of the immune system i.e. the lymphocytes. Surprisingly, research into confirmed cases of lymphoma has shown that 25-35 year olds are also at higher risk of developing the disease. Nobody is sure why this is so at the current time and further research into the mechanisms of lymphoma development is needed to make the link.

In terms of gender, research has shown that men are around three times more likely than women to be diagnosed with lymphoma. Again why this should be so is still not known with any certainty however there are a number of thoughts which could explain the bias. For example, some scientists think that the female hormones may provide protection from the disease because as women age and the level of hormones within the body decreases, the probability of them developing lymphoma starts to equal that of their male counterparts. Alternatively it could be that male hormones somehow make men more susceptible and as men age and their hormone levels decrease they become less prone to the disease. Either way, more research is needed into the risk factors of lymphoma before a definite link can be made.

Lastly, in terms of geographical location it would seem that the Western world i.e. the UK, America, Australia, Germany etc, have much higher incidences of lymphoma than places such as Africa and Asia. This may be related to lifestyle in that a rich lifestyle with fatty food, alcohol, and other luxurious items in addition to the higher concentrations of pollution and other carcinogenic substances may predispose Westerners to lymphoma.

Why some people are affected by lymphoma while others aren't still remains a mystery however there are many research institutes around the world that are working hard to find the answers. If you fall into either of the age ranges mentioned above and especially if you are male then you should stay vigilant and check you lymph gland regularly for any signs of swelling.

What Are the Disadvantages of Collagen Supplements?

Collagen supplements have made a breakthrough in the anti aging market because of its promise in boosting collagen levels in the body. Collagen is a very crucial protein that promotes the youthful look of our body and skin. It is also found in our connective tissues, organs, cell membranes and hair.

Collagen naturally occurs in our body. But as we get older, the production of this protein slows down. As a result, we do not have enough proteins that can support the integrity of our skin tissues. When that happens, wrinkles start to appear.

Why Not Collagen Supplements?
You could never really tell if this will absolutely work for your dermis. In most cases, it will take a long time for you to really see the effects you are looking for. And the effects won't even be as dramatic as you would want them to be. You might feel yourself getting better internally. That is because your organs use it up first before your skin does.

The risks of developing skin allergies are also high. Remember that the collagen content in these supplements was derived elsewhere. They can be bio-derived or synthetically produced. If you have certain sensitivity to these substances, you are putting yourself at a greater risk for allergy attack.

How Can I Boost Collagen In My Body?
An internal boost of this protein in your body is better. I am talking about a boost that your body functions will facilitate. This way, you will not have to rely on synthetic sources. Eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids and proteins can help a huge deal. Omega-3 fatty acids normalize hormone production and this might trigger the re-growth of growth hormones. Some of these hormones are essential to human skin functions. Proteins help a lot in producing functional keratin, another kind of protein that regenerates collagen.

If you are looking for a topical solution (which you should), go look for an ingredient called CynergyTK. This is taken from sheep wool. It provides the dermis with functional keratin. Expect a regeneration of collagen internally in the skin to happen. Phytessence Wakame is also an ingredient you might want to look for. This helps the dermis in fighting off harmful enzymes that attack hyaluronic acid in the body. This is the acid that lubricates collagen.

Before trying out collagen supplements, weigh down the odds first. Why not go for more effective methods such as incorporating a healthier and a more active lifestyle and using an effective topical remedy?

Amino Acids - What are They and Why Do We Need Them?

Proteins are made up of long chains of building blocks called amino acids. The sequence of the amino acid is characteristic to a particular protein and this determines its function. There are twenty or more amino acids - some of which are essential some non-essential.

Essential and non-essential amino acids

'Essential' means that the body cannot produce the specific amino acid and has to take them in from outside sources - either through food or supplements. Non-essential amino acids can be made by the body but can also be obtained from the diet.

The essential amino acids are:

  • Leucine

  • Isoleucine

  • Lysine

  • Methionine (and its related compound cystine)

  • Phenylalanine

  • Threonine

  • Tryptophan

  • Valine

In infants histidine is also essential.

The non-essential amino acids are:

  • Alanine

  • Aspartic acid

  • Glutamic acid

  • Glycine

  • Serine

  • Tyrosine

The body's requirements for the amino acids in proteins increases during periods of growth - such as infancy, during pregnancy and breast feeding, during recovery from weight loss, or in healing or recovery from burns.

Amino acids are the building blocks of protein which are often the building blocks of the body. Proteins can be divided into two types:

  • Structural proteins - these are found in muscle, bones, connective tissue and to a much lesser extent in cell walls.

  • Functional proteins - these include hormones such as insulin and thyroid hormone, digestive enzymes, and antibodies.

Amino acids themselves are used not only in proteins but also other molecules such as neurotransmitters (chemical that transmit electrical nerve impulses in the brain). It can be seen that there are many important functions performed by amino acids.

Therapeutic uses of amino acids

We tend to think of vitamins and mineral and essential fatty acids as being the major nutritional supplements, however, amino acids can also be used to provide therapeutic benefit.

In certain diseases there may be increased demands for certain types of proteins and if these proteins are high in one particular amino acid then the requirements for that amino acid may well be increased - an perhaps not satisfied by the diet alone. In other conditions there is a disturbance in the metabolism of a particular amino acid.

Some pharmaceutical drugs can affect amino acid metabolism. For example anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of arthritis affects the metabolism of tryptophan.

Below is a list of some of the ways that amino acids have been used.

  • Arginine - has been shown to improve sperm count and sperm motility in some men.

  • Lysine - is used particularly for recurrent cold sores and herpes infections.

  • Phenylalanine - has been used in the treatment of pain and depression.

  • Tryptophan - this amino acid has been more studied than the others. There is an association between the level of tryptophan in the blood and arthritis. High levels of tryptophan are also found in jaundice. It has also been used in depression, particularly if insomnia is present. Oestrogen containing oral contraceptives interfere with the normal metabolism of tryptophan (this may be because of their effect in vitamin B6 which is essential for the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin.)

  • Histidine - has been used in rheumatoid arthritis - low levels of histidine has been found in the blood of those with rheumatoid arthritis

  • Tyrosine - like tryptophan and phenylalanine has been used in the treatment of depression. This amino acid is essential for the synthesis of substances called catecholamines (these include dopamine and noradrenaline) and some people who are depressed have low levels of these compounds.
It is likely that more and more uses for amino acids will become evident as research progresses.

Proteins (which contain amino acids) are essential requirement in our diet. Amino acids, essential and non-essential, are needed for the body's structural component - bones, muscle and connective tissue and for functional aspects such as hormones and other chemicals. The range of therapeutic used for which amino acids are used is still somewhat limited it is likely that the uses will expand as we learn more about the role that amino acids play in maintaining health.

Boosting Testosterone Levels - How To Increase Male Hormones Naturally

You may wonder how boosting testosterone while sleeping is at all possible. After all, free testosterone levels in a man are about food we eat and the exercise we perform as well as a man's age. Isn't this correct?

Yes it is quite correct. However, you should know that most hormonal changes take place when you are sleeping. When the body is at rest, it concentrates on boosting testosterone as well as addressing the balances of other hormones in the body.

Anyone who has regular nocturnal erections has a fully functioning, healthy libido and good levels of free testosterone. If you are finding that you no longer have night or morning erections then you'll need to look at taking some supplements for boosting testosterone.

Boosting testosterone while you sleep

While most testosterone supplements should be taken in the morning for a full and complete day of healthy testosterone living, some are better taken at night. Boosting certain levels of vitamins, minerals and hormones can be done by undertaking a good diet and exercise program during the daytime and taking the right supplement just before bedtime.

Exercise and decent healthy food help to kick-start a flagging sex drive but helping your body recover and repair while you sleep is even more important. In fact, men who have problems sleeping and weak libido may not be reaching the deep levels of sleep that they should be in order to produce enough sex hormones.

There are numerous benefits to having a good night's sleep. You tend to be more energetic, stronger and able to concentrate better when you sleep well. A solid, deep full night's sleep is great for optimal sex hormone production and a high libido. You should further benefit from this by having increased muscle mass and reduced estrogen levels, which will render your body lean and hard. Your erections should also become harder and your penis will be able to stay erect for longer.

A good supplement containing vitamin B, zinc and magnesium can be highly beneficial for boosting testosterone while sleeping. The increase in sex hormones produced while sleeping is even higher when you combine this with libido increasing exercise.

Which supplements are the best for deep sleep?

The best supplement for increasing testosterone when sleeping is without a doubt ZMA. You can find this in health food stores or alternatively, simply buy it online. Avoid taking this supplement with other supplements and take it about 20-30 minutes before sleeping.

You'll find that your sleep becomes deeper and you feel better and more energetic in the mornings. Your sex drive and sexual performance especially will jump and you'll feel great as a result. Regular sunlight exposure boosts testosterone and vitamin D in males naturally. Low testosterone is frequently the cause of low libido in men.

Boosting testosterone and improving sex drive naturally can be done by undertaking a suitable libido-focused exercise program, by eating more suitable libido-increasing foods and by taking testosterone-boosting supplements for the best results.

High levels of testosterone also lead to improved energy, muscle density, concentration, memory and motivation. It's in every man's interest to have healthy levels of free testosterone roaming in his body.

Fortunately sunlight, the most natural element known to us, boosts libido by increasing levels of the male sex hormone, testosterone. Sunlight increases testosterone by boosting levels of vitamin D. A study reported in Clinical Endocrinology journal concludes that men with higher levels of vitamin D had higher testosterone levels and stronger libido.

The same study reported that men's libido was lowest at times of the year when they had been less exposed to sunlight. It is also recommended to take libido increasing vitamins during the winter months or if your profession prevents you from getting regular sunlight exposure.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

How Bonding Effects Hormones in Kangaroo Mother Care

When it comes to bonding and hormones, you could refer to the old adage about the chicken and the egg. Which came first? Does the secretion of certain hormones affect bonding between mother and baby or does the bonding between mother and baby effect the secretion of certain hormones. The answer is both.

The hormone prolactin causes milk production, but it also has a calming effect on the nursing mother as well as increasing her maternal feelings. Oxytocin, the hormone that causes the contractions of labor as well as the muscle contractions that make breast feeding possible, also induces feelings of love. For the mother, when combined with prolactin, oxytocin induces those loving and nurturing feelings for her baby. The continued presence of oxytocin causes changes in certain nerve structures in mother's brain, causing the mothering instinct to become permanent.

Through the umbilical cord before birth, in the birth canal during and through breastfeeding after, baby receives hormones from mother including oxytocin. For the baby, being held and given kangaroo mother care makes the baby produce their very own oxytocin. This elevated presence of oxytocin means the baby bonds with mother as well. The longer the contact between you and your baby, the more often you give KMC, the more Oxytocin is produced, creating stronger bonding.

The effects on both mother and baby can be a decrease and stabilization in blood pressure, respiration and heart rate. The baby's first experiences form the time of conception, effect the organization of both the synapses in the brain and the systems controlling hormones. Those first hormonal interchanges and creations effect the baby's brain development and nervous system. Oxytocin levels are a factor in how a baby's brain develops in relation to their ability to handle stress. In other words, the bonding process between mother and baby and the related hormone release effects how the baby develops and functions later in life. Bonding through Kangaroo Mother Care with your baby will cause the release of hormones, which will affect the brain, enabling him or her to bond with others.

Prolactin and oxytocin also encourage the release of a third type of hormone called endorphins or opioids. They are also called the "feel good" hormones, and can have morphine like effect on the brain. They produce feelings of well being and diminish feelings of pain. Nursing your baby releases endorphins, making the experience pleasant and making you to want to repeat the pattern. The same thing is happening to your baby, which means it is not only hunger which makes him or her seek out your breast, but the pleasant feelings associated with being cuddled and snuggled by you when doing KMC.

The release or hormones encourages the bond between you and your baby. The bond between you and your baby encourages the continued production of those same hormones and your baby's development. Kangaroo Mother Care encourages bonding between mother and baby through skin to skin contact and breast feeding. Those simple acts increase hormone production which in turn strengthens the bonding experience between mother and which increases hormone production. The effects on both mother and baby are positive and provide a strong launch pad for the mother child relationship.

How To Optimize Your Hormones Naturally For Weight Loss And Excellent Sports Performance

Most people grossly underestimate the influence that hormones have on their bodies. Without optimally balanced levels of key hormones, including cortisol, DHEA, growth hormone, testosterone (men), estrogen and progesterone (women), you'll never come anywhere close to your true potential.

This is true regardless of your age or your level (weekend warrior to pro). And you can forget about losing weight if your hormones are out of balance. I know this firsthand from working with hundreds patients.

I like to start by optimizing the stress hormones cortisol and DHEA levels in my patients. These two hormones are made by the adrenal glands, and they can have a powerful influence on other hormones. If you're suffering from adrenal gland burnout, these hormone levels will never be optimally balanced.

Cortisol directs your body's response to stress. It breaks down different tissues to provide energy. For example, cortisol breaks down protein in muscles to provide amino acids to your liver. Cortisol influences the burning of carbohydrates and it directs the storage of fat. It also inhibits repair and immune functions.

All of these things are good for dealing with short term stresses like skiing all day or running a marathon. But if you're under chronic stress (as most of us are), the cortisol production never lets up. Your body is in a state of perpetual breakdown and perpetual fate storage.

In an ideal world, the stress would end and you'd have time to recover. Your cortisol levels would drop and your DHEA (a repair hormone that serves as cortisols counterpart) would rise. Your muscles would get their proteins back, your immune system would ramp up its efforts to fight infections, and other repairs would take place.

Unfortunately, few of us have lives that allow us to fully recover from stress. We work hard all week. We play hard on the weekend. Then on Monday we're back to work, fighting through commutes, and dealing with other stresses that keep cortisol levels elevated. Your adrenal glands can't catch a break.

Poor repair, poor immune function and impaired recovery: this is what destroys sports performance. It also causes your body to store fat. You obviously can't just eliminate the stresses in your life. But you can learn to better manage them.

Impact of stress on sex hormones

Your stress hormones indirectly control your growth hormone, testosterone (men), estrogen and progesterone (women) levels. For the sake of simplicity, I'll refer to these hormones as "sex hormones".

Your stress hormones use many of the same building blocks as your sex hormones. Since they are more vital to your survival, your body will always preferentially make stress hormones over sex hormones. If your body needs to make more stress hormones, it will steal the building blocks from your sex hormones.

As a result, burned out women may have excess body fat, lower sex drives, and sometimes have trouble getting pregnant. Guys have trouble gaining muscle, trouble losing fat, and lowered sex drives. Some burned out guys even have mild sexual dysfunction.

In most cases, correcting your stress hormone levels will allow your body to correct the sex hormone levels. That's why I like to start with the stress hormones.

Hormones influence how you look, how you feel, how quickly you age, and more. But you can't simply "take hormones" to optimize them. The truth is that optimizing hormones is a long-term project. And you can do it naturally, primarily through lifestyle changes.

How to figure out if your stress hormones are burned out...

It's a good idea to get a baseline test of your Cortisol and DHEA to see where they're at. This is done very easily with saliva samples that you can collect at home. The test kit is then sent to the lab and sophisticated assays are performed to determine what your stress hormone levels are.

Without testing, you can make an educated guess about whether your levels are out of balance based on the questionnaire at the end of this article. Frankly, the lab test is far more reliable, but more on that later.

Your stress hormones are made by your adrenal glands. When you're under prolonged stress with no real relief, your adrenal glands will start to burn out in a predictable pattern. This burnout pattern progresses through three stages. Genetics play a role in how long it takes to move through each stage.

Stage 1 Stress Hormone Burnout

In Stage 1 Burnout, your stress hormone levels are higher than normal. This means your body is still working hard to keep up with the excessive demand that you're putting on it.

Some of the symptoms may include irritability, trouble sleeping, anxiety, food cravings (fats and sweets), declining sports performance, getting more colds and/or sinus infections, nagging injuries.

Stage 2 Stress Hormone Burnout

Sooner or later, if you're in stage 1 you'll slide into Stage 2. In Stage 2, your adrenal glands can't make enough cortisol and/or DHEA to keep up with demand that your placing on your body throughout the day.

Stress is starting to wear you out. The symptoms that may go along with this include fatigue, mild depression, chronic injuries, weight gain, and all of the symptoms from Stage 1, but to a greater extent.

Stage 3 Stage 3 Stress Hormone Burnout

Luckily, I don't see too many Stage 3 Burnouts in my practice. This is generally a case where someone has really run him or herself into the ground. Some significant health problems usually accompany stage, along with symptoms like severe fatigue, significant depression, loss of any interest in sex, apathy, severe sleep troubles, and more. If you suspect that this sounds like you, you need to get help now.

Since the vast majority of my patients are in Sate 1 or Stage 2, I'll share a couple of true stories so you can see what I mean. The names a changed but the cases are real.

Jenna, a true Stage 1 Burnout...

Jenna was 29 when she came to me complaining of trouble sleeping, significant food cravings, and trouble losing the last 10 pounds of pregnancy weight. Her baby was about 18 months old, but she was still 10 pounds over her pre-pregnancy weight. She was training for a marathon, but not progressing like she used to.

After speaking with her during a consultation I discovered her sleep was poor, work was exhausting her, and she ate a lot of junk at night. When the results of her Stress Hormone Test came back, her levels were high. She was a classic Stage 1.

Matt, a true Stage 2 Burnout...

Matt was about 36 when I started working with him. He was (and is) an Ironman competitor, and had been watching his race times get worse and worse with each passing year. His training regimen was rigorous, with six to seven workouts per week. He also had a young child.

Matt did not like his job, and he traveled at least twice a month. On top of that, he drank a lot of caffeine, frequently used protein powders and energy bars instead of eating food, and slept about 6 hours per night.

When he first came to me, Matt's primary concern was declining sports performance. After a few minutes of speaking with him, it was clear that his real concerns were fatigue, moodiness, and low sex drive.

As you can guess, when we tested Matt, his cortisol and DHEA levels were both low. After years of burning the candles at both ends, his lifestyle was wearing out his adrenal glands.

Your secret weapon for balancing your stress hormones

Once you have a handle on where your hormone levels are, it's time to figure out what's driving the imbalance. More often than not, lifestyle issues are causing the problems. The good news is that these lifestyle issues can be changed.

There are 4 basic kinds of stress that will affect your stress hormones. I always work with my patients to get each of these factors under control. Sometimes it's easier said than done, but it ALWAYS makes a dramatic difference. They are:

Life stress, work stress, money stress

Sleep stress

Dietary stress

Exercise and injury stress

Let's look at how these factors applied to Jenna and Matt, and you'll see what I'm talking about.

So, getting back to Jenna...

Jenna went through a major life stress. She went through a nine month pregnancy, delivered a healthy child; breast fed for a year, and was raising a healthy toddler when she came to see me. Even though all of these are good things, they are all extremely stressful, particularly to your hormonal systems. Significant life stresses like childbirth, divorce, job loss, bankruptcy, death of a loved one, marriage, moving can all have a dramatic impact on health.

Luckily for Jenna, she got her child sleeping through the night when he was about 3 months old. So she was getting about 8 hours of sleep each night. Her sleep was probably what kept her from sliding into stage 2.

Like many new moms, Jenna got used to eating for two. Building a baby and breast feeding a baby both require incredible quantities of calories. In particular, Jenna got in the habit of eating a lot of calories at night, partly because she was hungry, and partly because the food helped her relax. Dietary stress usually involves blood sugar control issues, and this can drive your cortisol levels up. Balanced eating leads to balanced blood sugar, and this helps optimize hormones.

Again, like many new moms, Jenna started exercising too much too soon. She was running again as soon as her doctor allowed (about 10 weeks after her son was born). Training for a marathon with an already over-stressed body was only further draining her body. Excessive exercise is a significant problem for many of my patients. This will keep your cortisol high, your DHEA levels low, and prevent any meaningful recovery. For athletes, this is what destroys performance.

Moving Jenna towards balance...

The first thing I had to do was get Jenna to understand that she needed to fully recover from having the baby and nursing. Until that time, marathon training was out of the question. I limited her to no more than 3-mile runs four times a week. It seemed like too little to her, but this allowed her to exercise and recover at the same time. If she kept training for the marathon, she'd never get out of the hole she'd dug.

Even though Jenna was getting 8 hours of sleep, she felt like she could sleep more. So I told her to try to let her body get as much sleep as it needed. She agreed, and for the first three months, she slept about 10 hours a night (usually 9PM-7AM). Sleep is when your body repairs itself and when it makes most of its hormones, so it's crucial that you get it. For Jenna, this meant giving up some crappy evening TV and getting to bed.

And finally, we limited her to no more than 250 calories after 7 PM. At first, she could eat whatever she wanted to get those calories, but eventually she got in the habit of eating a small healthy snack. It took a few months, but Jenna did indeed get back to her pre-pregnancy weight without any fad dieting.

What about Matt?

Matt required more work. First, I had him work with a triathlon coach to modify his training and allow for adequate recovery. He loved training for races, so taking that away from him would have been a disaster. But his training needed to be managed by someone who could be more objective about it. We did agree that he would take two weeks off from exercise. Only stretching and walking were allowed.

From there we tackled his diet. The first rule: no more protein powder or bars. Just about every protein powder is nothing but processed junk with a big marketing budget. It's simply an inferior substitute for real food. These products often contain lots of artificial chemicals and poorly absorbed proteins. Real food is much better. A little planning ahead was all Matt needed to make sure he had food, not powder, to help his body repair itself.

Matt's sleep was totally inadequate. It was leading directly to his over-consumption of caffeine. We had to slowly add to his sleep and start tapering off of all the coffee and energy drinks. Stimulants like this force your adrenal glands to keep pumping out stress hormones when they're burned out.

And finally, I told Matt that it was time to make a career move. It doesn't matter how much money you're making if you hate what you do. Matt couldn't stand the travel any more. He had a young son, and he wanted to be home. This kind of problem is usually not as hard to fix as people think.

Bringing hormone levels back into balance naturally

I often use supplements AFTER a patient has started implementing these lifestyle changes, but never without first obtaining a stress hormone lab test. By taking into account lab results, personal history, and lifestyle issues, I'm able to custom-design supplement programs that do exactly what the name implies: supplement the efforts that you're already making. I used supplement programs with each of these patients, but I won't disclose what those programs were. I don't want anyone copying a program that was designed for someone else.

Hidden stressors may be present, too. Sometimes a patient will have a hidden internal stressor, often a low-grade digestive infection, that will drive them into a stage 1 and eventually stage 2. High morning stress hormone levels can indicate this type of problem (which requires medical treatment with antibiotics). Chronic muscular injuries are another type of hidden stressor.

Sometimes undiagnosed food allergies (to wheat or dairy for example) can create a tremendous stress on the body. Again, a careful history and information from the lab test can help figure this out.

Realistic goals and realistic time frames

One of the first things I tell a new patient is: "This is not something that you can fix overnight." People spend years getting themselves in to Stress Hormone Burnout. It usually takes about 6 months to correct a Stage 1, about a year for a Stage 2, and even longer for a Stage 3.

Six months after we started working together, Jenna decided not to train for a marathon. She was feeling great, and she and her husband were ready to have another child.

I've been working with Matt for about 9 months at the time of this writing. He's doing much better. He quit his job before he even started looking. He used that lag time to start sleeping more. First he started sleeping for seven hours, then 8. He now averages about eight and a half hours.

He landed a better job with slightly less pay, but he still does very well. Not wanting to go totally without coffee, he limits himself to two cups each morning. His first race of the season is about 3 weeks away. I have a feeling he'll be pleased with his time.

And, if you haven't guessed by now, Jenna and Matt are married.

So what can you do?

Sleep. I said it before and I'll say I again: Your body makes most of it's hormones and repairs itself during sleep. Ignoring your sleep needs a certain recipe for disaster. Most people need somewhere between 8 and 10 hours every night.

Acknowledge life stress. Some life stresses can be changed, and some can't. The key is to change the ones that you can change, and learn to cope with the ones that you can't change. These types of stresses drain your body 24 hours a day. It's impossible to rebalance your hormones without addressing them. Sometimes, professional help may be required.

Eat balanced meals. Every meal should include about 3-5 ounces of quality protein, 1-2 cups of veggies, and, if you want, some form of carbohydrates. I like to have patients test out a wheat-free diet to see how they feel (many feel great).

Fine tune your exercise so it improves your body instead of draining it. Most people reading this article are more likely to over-exercise than under exercise. I've worked with many athletes, distance athletes, lifters, etc, and many of them are almost addicted to training. So they over-train. Over training severely depletes your adrenal glands and never allows your body to repair. Hormone testing is the best way to gauge the effects of your exercise habits, since everyone is different.

And finally, get a stress hormone assessment. I like to use the functional adrenal stress profile from Biohealth Diagnostics. This is a saliva lab test that allows you to collect samples at home and then use pre-paid FedEx to send the kit to the lab. Cortisol and DHEA levels are measured at four different times throughout the day (first thing in the morning, noon, late afternoon, and bed time. This very accurate lab test is an excellent starting point for balancing your stress hormones.
It's important to take action now. Imbalanced hormones will destroy sports performance and keep you from losing weight. As time goes by, these imbalances can lead to more significant health problems, like heart disease and diabetes.

You can have your stress hormone levels tested by Dr. Hyman by scheduling a consultation or enrolling in a six-month program. From there, Dr. Hyman can help set up a natural hormone balancing plan that get you back to performing at your best.

Stress Profile Questionnaire

Next to each question assign a number between 0 and 5. You should assign values as follows:

0 = Not true

3 = Somewhat true

5 = Very true

Once you have completed the questionnaire calculate your total and locate the range you fall under on page two.

1. ___I experience problems falling asleep.

2. ___I experience problems staying asleep.

3. ___I frequently experience a second wind (high energy) late at night.

4. ___I have energy highs and lows throughout the day.

5. ___I feel tired all the time.

6. ___I need caffeine (coffee, tea, cola, etc) to get going in the morning.

7. ___I usually go to bed after 10 pm.

8. ___I frequently get less than 8 hours of sleep per night.

9. ___I am easily fatigued.

10.___Things I used to enjoy seem like a chore lately.

11.___My sex drive is lower than it used to be.

12.___I suffer from feelings of depression such as sadness, or loss of motivation.

13.___If I skip meals I feel low energy or foggy and disoriented.

14.___My ability to handle stress has decreased.

15.___I find that I am easily irritated or upset.

16.___I have had one or more stressful major life events. (i.e: divorce, job loss, new baby, new job)

17.___I tend to overwork with little time for play or relaxation for extended periods of time.

18.___I crave sweets.

19.___I frequently skip meals.

20.___I am experiencing muscle aches, headaches, or more frequent illnesses.

Scoring Your Stress Profile:
It is important to note that this is not a diagnostic test and should not be used to diagnose any conditions. It is simply a tool to help assess your likely level of adrenal burnout.

If you scored between:

0 - 30: You are in good health.

30 - 40: You are under some stress.

40 - 50: You are a candidate for adrenal burnout.

50 - 60: You are in adrenal burnout.

60 + : You are in severe adrenal burnout.

* If you scored 60 or higher it is important that you take immediate steps to correct this condition before your health is adversely affected.

If you have scored 40 or higher you are in adrenal burnout and will at some point experience the symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, irritability, and mood swings.

Acne Hormones - Not Just For Teenagers!

Can you believe it? Not only are you suffering the indignity of incontinence, flatulence and bloating, but now you've got acne!

Unbelievable isn't it? Well, acne during menopause is actually quite a common problem. And unlike our teens, when we were warned about the danger of eating sweet things as a possible acne trigger, for older women, it`s those crazy hormones that are responsible.

Increased levels of progesterone, stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce excess oil and essentially. Some women use hormone replacement therapy to control acne during menopause because HRT balances hormones, but for others it can worsen the condition. However, there are ways to improve your complexion.

It should be said that the first step is a good diet, adequate intake of water and regular exercise. Don't be tempted to think that cutting fat out of your diet will help to `dry out` your skin. We need a certain amount of 'good' fats, found in such foods as avocado, nuts, oily fish and linseed oil.

Also, trying to cover uneven skin with layers of thick make-up, NEVER works. Take a look at other women who try that and you will see what I mean. Skin care should be kept simple, being careful not to fall into the trap of using a brand that is too strong and which is designed to strip excess oil out of the skin. This is often counter productive as the skin will continue to produce more oil to compensate.

Using a gentle cleanser and moisturiser (non oily) and keeping your hands away from your hair and face will help to keep your skin scrupulously clean. Whenever you can, refrain from putting on make-up and keep your skin as nature intended. If you feel naked without foundation, you could always try a little fake tan to give you a healthy glow.

Weight Loss and Hormones

Hormone Functions

Hormones control just about every process in the human body. They are basically an array of chemical signals which set off different reactions in the body. There are, for example, stress hormones, happy hormones and fat-storage hormones which play vital roles in your mood, well-being and weight loss success.

What we are going to look at here is the fact that hormones play a role in your weight loss and that you can decide whether or not you will allow your hormones to "run-rampant" in your body or create a harmonious, "weight-loss-friendly" environment.

Hormonal Imbalances In Weight Loss

An enormous amount of men and women in our society are suffering from a global trend commonly termed "estrogen dominance". This trend is brought about from a wide range of factors including increasing exposure to plastics and chemicals, inadequate nutritional intake (also parasitic infections) and the aging process itself. All of these things put together creates some alarming changes in the body which result in a decrease of the hormone progesterone and a relative increase in the hormone estrogen. Estrogen dominance causes an increase in thyroid binding globulin, binding the thyroid hormones in such a way as to effectively create a dysfunctional thyroid gland. The degree of dysfunction in the thyroid gland is in direct proportion to the level of relative estrogen dominance in the individual. This resulting condition of a slow thyroid gland is known as "hypothyroidism".

With a lack of progesterone as described above, it doesn't matter how much dieting and exercise you do, you will have a LOT of trouble losing weight. Progesterone production needs to be encouraged in order to balance out the estrogen dominance and restore harmony to the body's hormones to allow weight loss to occur.