Hormone imbalance is a common happening among most women at some point in their lives. Hormones can't protect us from everything; the body does crash on occasion. Hormones can get thrown off in even the healthy of women and at any age as long as the woman has hit puberty. Basically, for most women they have a fairly constant hormone balance with glitches that can happen every so often. Hormones help keep Women on a pretty regular menstrual cycle, maintain weight levels, sleep well, look young, and keep full of energy.
Symptoms occur when hormones balances are off. Not everyone will experience symptoms of hormone balance, but for most they will at a few different times of their lives. Often hormones can change in minutes if they are not imbalance. Symptoms of hormone imbalances are most common between the ages of 20 and 40, they tend to increase as the women ages, hence, menopause.
Hormone imbalances include any or some of the following symptoms. Allergy Symptoms, low sex drive, PMS, endometriosis, fibrocystic breasts, urinary tract infections, uterine fibroids, osteoporosis, and wrinkly skin are all signs of hormone imbalances. Some other ones include depression, fatigue, anxiety, weight gain, water retention, bloating, hair loss, and facial hair growth.
There are 2 types of female hormones, progesterone and estrogen. Any symptom of hormone balance can be caused by an incorrect level of one or both of these hormones. It is a very delicate and sensitive balance. Any little variations of there balance have a dramatic effect on health because it causes the symptoms mentioned above. Stress levels, nutrition, exercise, and ovulation all can be factors of how much hormones are produced.
There is 28 days in a healthy women's menstrual cycle. For the first 10 to 12 days of it there is only estrogen being produced. When ovulation happens progesterone is then produced by the ovaries. On 28 when the menstrual cycle restarts, hormone levels drop, causing menstruation. If by chance the ovulation did not occur the progesterone level never balances out with the estrogen but you still have a period. You have estrogen but your progesterone levels dropped very low. This causes the symptoms of hormone balance to occur.
A few things you can do at home to ensure your hormones stay in balance will help maintain a great balance. Check your diet, are you consuming high carbs, junk foods, processed vegetable oil, fatty foods, stimulants, and soy products. If you are consuming these kinds of foods it will cause a hormone imbalance. Eating a diet high in animal proteins, fish oils, coconut, and fresh veggies and fruits will help keep them balanced. Women who cut grains and other gluten products out of there diet tend to feel better shortly after eliminating them.
Eating non organic dairy products such as milk, cottage cheese, and ice cream can be treated with bovine growth hormone and antibiotics. Both of the steroids and antibiotics tend to stay in the milk cause interferences with female hormones. Organic dairy products were produced in a natural way and do not contain any of those steroids or antibiotics so they are safe to be eaten.
Commercial salad dressings can cause disruption of the natural regulation of hormone production. Cut down on coffee, black tea, chocolate, and soft drinks. They can over stimulate the adrenal gland and can disrupt hormones as well.
To help stabilize your hormones you can get some sunshine. Everyday exposure to full spectrum light will naturally balance your hormones. Celebrating your monthly cycle, recognizing and appreciating your feminine power rather than calling it annoying and a pain in the you know what. Looking at things in positive way will influence your health in a positive way as well. Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises will help to protect the women's biochemistry and can reduce PMS symptoms.
One more thing you could try is taking an herbal supplement. Alternative Health Supplements offers a few products that can help to naturally balance female hormones. Enhance Her is an all natural product that contains lots of herbs that are used for balancing the female hormones. This is an all natural product so it is safe to use and take daily; there are no negative side effects either. Any woman who has passed puberty can take this product. It will help to balance your female hormones naturally and give you a sense of over health and balance.
All of the following herbs can be found in this product. Saw palmetto is an herb used for bladder problems, breast enlargement, frigidity, hormone regulation, and weight regulations. Kava Kava is for urinary tract infections, vaginitis, anxiety, and fatigue. This product also has Dandelion to prevent breast cancer, tumors, organ disorders, PMS symptoms, water retention, yeast infections, age spots and lethargy. Motherwort is for menstrual cramps and pain, and sleeplessness. Wild yam is for miscarriage, morning sickness, nervous tension, and PMS. Blessed thistle is to help with cramps, menstrual headaches, eliminate vaginal discharge, and pregnancy.
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