Friday, May 17, 2013

Why Human Growth Hormones Are Necessary in Young Ones and Not Very Much on Old Ones

 When is HGH treatment recommended?

It seems like with each passing day there are more parents who are seeking for treatment for their children to receive growth hormone (GH) therapy. Usually they have waited for the child to grow and they concerned that theirs is lagging behind all their age mates. There is a syndrome today that seems to be the obsession with parents to have children who are taller, because of the issue of image and height; doctors will rarely recommend HGH therapy just for that reason. Pediatric endocrinologists advise that the children who would most likely benefit are those who are growing at a slow rate and not the short children as it were.    

The advice given to any parents who are concerned about the development of their children is to consult first with their pediatrician before making conclusions. The pediatrician should be able to advice on which child exactly needs therapeutic intervention. The human growth hormone treatments currently available are only administered intravenously with a small needle where parents receive the training on how to do it. The majority of the patients begins their treatment at ages between 5 and 10 and may continue for several years.   

Treatment of children with HGH deficiency

When doctors are sure your child needs treatment the therapy will involve replacement of the deficient human growth hormone. The usual form of administration is through an intra-muscular injection. However the needles are not as painful as would be anticipated and that makes the treatment bearable.  The benefits of the treatment are a little more pronounced in children than would be with adults, with a child usually showing signs of growth within just a few months of treatment.

The other benefits that will be seen will include an increase in body strength, progression of motor development and a reduction of body fat. Most children who respond well to the treatment are able to adjust doses of the HGH supplement downwards in about three to four months. On rare cases some may require to go on with the treatment for the rest of their lives. The greatest consideration for many people is the costs of the GH therapy which can go up to $30,000 per year.   

Treating adults with HG therapy

There are a few benefits that can be accrued by severely GH deficient adults undergoing human growth hormone therapy.  Some of them include increased energy levels, strength and improved bone density. However, the effects of treatment on grownups that were basically healthy are not known to be so substantial and the side effects are known to be a little more than average. Some of the benefits seen in adults can be achieved by a good regular exercise regime, but since many people like short cuts, there has been in influx of anti-aging clinics, with very little tangible results.

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