Friday, May 17, 2013

Losing Weight With Bioidentical Hormones

Weight loss is difficult for anyone, especially as we age. The older we get, the more hormones we lose. The body's organs can reach a point where they can't produce hormones on their own. This can lead to any number of health problems. And without the right level of hormones, losing weight becomes more difficult, too.

One way to lose weight - and keep the pounds off - is through hormone supplementation. One hormone replacement regimen that's gaining traction is through the use of bioidentical hormones. While various hormone therapies have been linked to cancer in some studies, natural bioidentical hormones are generally considered safe.

Bioidentical hormones are usually plant-based and therefore have the same molecular structure as those found in the human body. And, studies have shown that bioidentical hormones have the same effect on the body as natural hormones. Because of the lack of side effects, many types of bioidentical hormones are sold over the counter.

Lose weight while increasing memory and decreasing anxiety

While lower hormone levels are associated with aging, it's not a permanent problem. Hormones can't be reproduced with foods or nutrient supplementation; the only way they can be restored to higher levels is through hormone supplements, doctors say. Hormone supplements can help reduce calories by boosting a body's metabolism, allowing body fat to be burned as fuel. Bioidentical hormones are also believed to decrease anxiety, increase memory and attention, and help you sleep at night.

Some common types of bioidentical hormones include:

* HGH: Human growth hormone inhibits the formation of body fat and is considered a key component to converting body fat to muscle mass.

* Insulin and Incretin: Incretin that's at least 50 percent bioidentical will help ensure the proper insulin response after a meal. Insulin effects fat metabolism and changes the liver's activity in processing blood lipids and storing/releasing glucose.

* Pregnenolone: Blocks the effects of cortisol, which is a steroid hormone that's released in response to stress and low levels of blood glucocorticoids. It also helps ensure that your metabolism stays high and increases testosterone levels, which helps your body maintain an aggressive metabolism.

* Progesterone: When imbalanced, the sex hormone makes women overeat. Progesterone helps treat excessive weight because it helps the body turn stored fat into energy.

* Testosterone: Helps inhibit body fat storage, particularly in the abdomen.

* DHEA: Increases metabolism, reduces appetite, inhibits body fat storage.

* Estrone: Lacking this hormone can lead to sugar cravings.

A few non-bioidentical hormones to be leery of:

Not all hormones are good hormones when it comes to weight loss. Here's a few to stay away from, when possible: birth control pills; DES (diethylstilbestrol); Provera (medroxyprogesterone); Prempro and Premarin (conjugated estrogens); cadaver growth hormones; Android, Testred, Virilon (methyl testosterone).

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