Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Acne Hormones - Not Just For Teenagers!

Can you believe it? Not only are you suffering the indignity of incontinence, flatulence and bloating, but now you've got acne!

Unbelievable isn't it? Well, acne during menopause is actually quite a common problem. And unlike our teens, when we were warned about the danger of eating sweet things as a possible acne trigger, for older women, it`s those crazy hormones that are responsible.

Increased levels of progesterone, stimulates the sebaceous glands to produce excess oil and essentially. Some women use hormone replacement therapy to control acne during menopause because HRT balances hormones, but for others it can worsen the condition. However, there are ways to improve your complexion.

It should be said that the first step is a good diet, adequate intake of water and regular exercise. Don't be tempted to think that cutting fat out of your diet will help to `dry out` your skin. We need a certain amount of 'good' fats, found in such foods as avocado, nuts, oily fish and linseed oil.

Also, trying to cover uneven skin with layers of thick make-up, NEVER works. Take a look at other women who try that and you will see what I mean. Skin care should be kept simple, being careful not to fall into the trap of using a brand that is too strong and which is designed to strip excess oil out of the skin. This is often counter productive as the skin will continue to produce more oil to compensate.

Using a gentle cleanser and moisturiser (non oily) and keeping your hands away from your hair and face will help to keep your skin scrupulously clean. Whenever you can, refrain from putting on make-up and keep your skin as nature intended. If you feel naked without foundation, you could always try a little fake tan to give you a healthy glow.

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