Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Ultimate Weight Loss - Discover the 3 Hormones Responsible for Your Body Fat

Once you've reached a plateau in your weight loss you might find out that after having lost the first 10 to 20 pounds it's harder to keep losing the extra pounds left. The reason is due to hormones. Those hormones can be the cause of your persistent extra fat that you can't lose no matter what.

What are these 3 hormones?

Estrogen - The female hormone responsible for lower body fat storage patterns.

If you have been overweight and have lost quite a bit of the extra pounds you may see your body stops losing weight and hit a plateau at some point. You might notice that the persistent weight is located around your hips, what we commonly call love handles, except that there is nothing loving about them.

A natural mechanism in the woman's body is fat storage, and the reason why it's a stronger mechanism in females than it is in males is because females need the extra fat to be able to carry a child. In order to feed your baby before birth and while being able to sustain breast-feeding after birth, estrogen is here to help you. However, on the flip side this hormone can become the bad guy doing too good of a job and being responsible for fat storage patterns that most women could do without.

Insulin - Which is insulin resistance influencing fat storage in the lower belly and hips

When this happens it means that your body is suffering with insulin resistance which is keeping you from losing the extra fat.

Cortisol - A stress hormone.

The problem with Cortisol is very simple. The higher your cortisol level is the more fat you are going to be storing around your belly. This simply means that if you are a person who has a strong tendency to store fat on and around your belly you are suffering with high cortisol level.

What would be your solution to attack those fat storage hormones?

The solution lies in counteracting those hormones with opposite hormones that will help you melt fat instead of storing it. Don't worry - such hormones are also naturally created by your own body.

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