Friday, July 5, 2013

Menopause Warning - Synthetic and Bio-Identical Hormones Pollute Your Body

As the green trend goes on, people know that the earth can not be polluted any more, because we only have one earth. However, few menopause women realize that you can not pollute your body by synthetic or bio-identical estrogen, because you only have one body, too.

Gone are the days that synthetic estrogen pills were one-size-fits-all. Nowadays menopause women have many choices: estrogen pills, estrogen cream, estrogen patch and more. Women are overwhelmed at choosing the best menopause treatment.

The misinformation bombarding menopause women is that menopause is caused by estrogen deficiency. In fact, the estrogen levels are supposed to be lower after menopause when your childbearing years are over, because estrogen is a reproductive hormone.

What is not known is whether these decreased levels of estrogen do in fact cause menopausal symptoms. Since estrogen does reduce hot flashes, this is a kind of backwards science. It leads to ridiculous ideas- like calling a headache an aspirin deficiency disease.

Estrogen can be produced in body fat, skin, the brain, the adrenal glands and more organs. If even body fat can produce estrogen, of course, American menopause women will not be estrogen deficient. In fact, they have much higher estrogen levels compared with Eastern menopause women. Ironically, Eastern menopause women have significantly fewer menopause symptoms than American women.

The estrogen is not the more the merrier.

Estrogen was listed as one of the most potent chemical carcinogens in a biology textbook (Levine & Miller, 1994). It is sure that estrogen plays a primary role in causing breast and endometrial cancers. The estrogen pill is a bitter pill for conventional medicine to swallow. Unfortunately, menopause women are still swallowing the bitter pills every day.

Today's American menopause women already have much higher estrogen levels compared with their grandma's generation and Eastern women at the same ages, so taking estrogen medicines is just like pouring gas on fire.

It takes about 10 years for a breast cancer cell to develop to a detectable tumor. Up to 200,000 women in the America are diagnosed with breast cancer annually. If you multiply this number by ten, this means 2,000,000 women are carrying undetected breast cancer. During these ten years, if you take estrogen, synthetic or bio-identical, you fuel cancer cells to divide.

Menopause is a long transition, which lasts about 5 - 10 years. Synthetic or bio-identical estrogen does not address the root cause, so you have to take them for many years to mask menopause symptoms. During those years, you are taking the chemical fertilizer: estrogen medicines. As chemical fertilizers pollute the earth's environment, estrogen medicines pollute the body's environment.

Absolutely, bio-identical hormones are NOT natural hormones. They are synthesized from natural resources and they do not have the dynamic chemical structures as body's estrogen. Synthetic and bio-identical hormones are the same doll with different dresses.

No wonder many menopause women get breast swelling and uterine bleeding side effects from synthetic and bio-identical hormones. No wonder breast and uterine cancers are epidemic today.

There will be no second chance in the future to undo the catastrophic damage to your body that estrogen medicines cause. Herbs are green medicine for your troublesome menopause.

Keep the earth green; Keep your body green.

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