Monday, July 1, 2013

What Are the Normal Thyroid Levels?

We can find the thyroid gland inside the neck just next to the Adam's apple. This is where the essential hormones are being secreted. These hormones are used to regulate the metabolism and also to maintain the regular body temperature. Without these hormones, we cannot keep a healthy mind and body because it also affects the brain functions. That is why maintaining the health of the thyroid is very important. But first we need to know about the normal thyroid levels. This will help us determine what nutrients we need more of and which we are having too much of.

To know about the normal thyroid levels, the first thing we need to do is have a blood sample testing. Here, the doctor will find out about the current condition of the thyroid. They will learn we are either having overactive thyroidal glands or if we have a weak one. This will help them know if we have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. This is very important because these two are very different from each other yet have almost the similar symptoms. The test will really help us know which kind of medication we are going to take.

The test will detect if we have a healthy hypothalamus. This part is where in the TRH or thyrotropin-releasing hormone is being produced. This is responsible for the pituitary glands to produce TSH or the thyroid-stimulating hormones. The TSH is the one which will stimulate the thyroid gland to secrete the T3 and T4 hormones. The blood test will tell all of these.

For adults, their normal TSH level would be from 0.4 to 4.5 mlU/L. on the other hand, younger ones like infants need to have 3 to 18 mlU/L to be considered normal. If one will be having results outside of these ranges, it will either be considered as hyper or hypo thyroids.

After the testing of the normal thyroid levels and finding the results, our doctor will then prescribe us the needed medicines for the disease. After being determined what type of thyroid disease we have, we will be prescribed with the needed nutrients.

This test for the normal thyroid levels will help the doctor tell us about which mineral and nutrients we should take more or less of. Make sure to follow his instructions about the matter. Remember that we cannot lack nor have excess amounts of the vitamins needed for the body. a recommended and exact amount is the only needed for this.

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