Saturday, July 6, 2013

Ovarian Dermoid Cysts - With This Type of Ovarian Cyst, Work Closely With a Medical Professional

Ovarian Dermoid Cysts Are Not That Common

Ovarian cysts are a fairly commonplace experience among women of childbearing age. Many cysts come and go without any signs or symptoms. Some can develop into a harmless, but painful annoyance, while still others can require surgery.

The type of cyst, and its size, has a significant influence on how seriously the cyst should be taken and how much difficulty it may cause. An ovarian dermoid cyst is a type of cyst that is relatively uncommon and one that should be evaluated by a physician.

Dermoid Cysts Are Actually A Growth Or Tumor

The majority of cysts are functional cysts and quite harmless. They develop during ovulation and are basically just a malfunction in the process and go away in a matter of weeks. But an ovarian dermoid cyst is a complex cyst, which means it is actually a growth or tumor.

It is almost always benign and only rarely cancerous. The ovarian dermoid cyst makes up 30 % of all ovarian tumors that are benign. Only one or two percent of ovarian dermoid cysts are cancerous and are associated with only one percent of all ovarian cancers.

Even though ovarian dermoid tumors are generally harmless, doctors usually advise having them removed for precautionary reasons. Though they do not generally cause any pain, they can become twisted or rupture and both of these situations will cause pain and complications.

The surgical procedure is performed by laparoscopy whenever possible and if the tumor is small enough only it will be removed. Occasionally, however surgery may be required. When necessary, one or both ovaries may be removed.

Most Types Of Cysts Are Caused By Hormonal Imbalances

It is generally thought that ovarian cysts of all types are influenced by hormone levels in the body. The ovaries are responsible not only for producing eggs during ovulation but also for producing the hormones needed to during the monthly cycle and pregnancy. When hormone levels become imbalanced, ovarian cysts are more likely to occur.

If you have been diagnosed with an ovarian dermoid tumor, taking a holistic approach to your treatment can be extremely beneficial. Your doctor may recommend surgery but there is much you can do on your own to help your body heal after surgery and prevent the recurrence of ovarian cysts. Many lifestyle choices have an impact on hormone levels and abnormal cell development.

Lifestyle Changes Help To Get Hormonal Levels Back Into Balance

Ovarian cysts and hormone imbalances have been associated with obesity. There are a number of reasons for this. One is the impact of diet and food choices on our hormone levels. Our body needs sufficient nutrients to remain healthy and to fight disease. By avoiding empty calories and focusing on eating only foods with nutritional value, you can decrease your odds of developing functional cysts and abnormal growths.

Ovarian dermoid cysts are made up of abnormal tissue. Therefore, it is important to strengthen your immune system, which is responsible for ridding your body of anything that is harmful to it. Taking steps to improve liver functioning is also beneficial as it is responsible for eliminating foreign materials and abnormal cells from the bloodstream. This can be done by including a vitamin and mineral supplement in your diet and using a variety of herbs.

Be sure and discuss a treatment plan with your doctor that incorporates natural healing methods. Traditional medicine and a holistic approach can easily go hand in hand.

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