Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Truth About Human Growth Hormones

Human growth hormones have faced a lot of bad publicity over the years. Truthfully however, human growth hormones can be a good thing, in fact for some people they can be a great thing.

Human growth hormones are hormones that stimulate growth and cell reproduction in the body. They are used to help treat a variety of deficiencies in the body including growth hormone deficiency which causes a person to stop growing at a young age. This deficiency can also cause sexual immaturity if left untreated. This can have varying effects on a person's life and possibly even fatal effects. Without human growth hormones these people would have no where to turn to but because there are human growth hormones they can be treated. With human growth hormones they can grow again gaining the height of a normal person and live a normal life and not have to put up with the effects of having such a deficiency.

Growth deficiencies are not the only things that human growth hormones can tackle however. There are other illnesses not caused by growth deficiencies such as Turner Syndrome, and chronic renal failure that can also be treated by human growth hormones. In these ways human growth hormones are very beneficial to people. The only time at which they become unbeneficial is when people use them for the wrong purposes.

While they can be very beneficial even life changing, human growth hormones can also be very dangerous if abused. When used for the wrong purposes, such as gaining muscle mass in order to look good or to be able to perform better, you are abusing the growth hormones and could end up in jail or worse if you continue. In most sports the use of any kind of drug is prohibited and if you are found to be using drugs to increase your performance you could potentially be suspended or even kicked out of the sport. In some even more extreme cases you could potentially be put in jail if you were to be tried and state you did not take growth hormones but you did. This is what happened to Barry Bonds and it eventually caught up to him. For those who just want to look better however and do not play any sports for a living there are not any consequences that heavy.

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