Saturday, July 20, 2013

Do Omega 3 and Hormones Have a Connection?

Omega 3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA have many benefits to offer in the context of overall health and well-being. Omega 3 and hormones are also related to each other by the fact that these fats control sex hormones and many others in the body for proper functioning.

Pregnant women are often told by their doctors to add omega 3 or fish oil supplements to their everyday diet. This is because the fats found in fish oil are important for proper growth of the baby's brain. They are also helpful in the nourishment of retina cells and therefore women should increase omega 3 fatty acids consumption. This can be done either through diet or through good quality nutritional supplements.

In order to find the most suitable omega 3 fish oil supplements for your health, you need to have enough information about the benefits and some side effects of these supplements. Although good quality supplements can be consumed without hesitation, there are some low quality products available out there which might not be suitable for long-term health.

Low quality fish oils are known to contain impurities and heavy metals from the oceans. They also taste and smell bad and are difficult to consume and digest. Pregnant and lactating women should avoid these supplements at all costs. Instead they should try to find excellent quality pharmaceutical grade fish oil which is free from all impurities and perfect for people of all ages.

Doctors have recognized the connection between omega 3 and hormones. They recommend these fatty acids to people who suffer from hormonal disorders. It has also been discovered that omega 3 fats help in the prevention of depression, anxiety, and other psychological illnesses including stress in which hormones play a vital role.

Other than fish oil, flax seed oil, hemp oil, olive oil and corn oil can also be consumed to obtain adequate amounts of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids on a regular basis. Flax seeds contain around 55% of essential omega 3 content in the form of ALA.

You also need to know that some vegetable oils are not good for long-term health because of the presence of some saturated fat content. These oils include cottonseed, peanut and coconut. Furthermore, some vegetable oils are known to lower blood pressure significantly. However, if you want to put on some weight you can add peanut, walnut and safflower oil to your everyday diet.

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