Monday, June 10, 2013

How Electromagnetic Radiation is Affecting Your Hormones

Who would have ever dreamed that the radiation and frequencies generated by our wireless technology would disrupt hormones! But that's exactly what has happened.

Hormones are very powerful substances. It only takes very small amounts to produce profound effects in our body. So even very small changes in hormone production, or lack of, can have major implications in our body. Hormones play a fundamental role in nearly every major process in the body...they aren't there just for sex! What are the hormones most affected by electromagnetic radiation? Well, it seems the ones we know most about as of right now are estrogen, testosterone, melatonin, insulin and cortisol. I'm sure we'll discover that more than just these are affected but these are the ones we have some studies on now.

Charles Graham, PhD, physiologist at the Midwest Research Institute in Kansas City, MO., has conducted studies indicating that electromagnetic radiation, such as that found in wireless technology, does indeed disrupt and alter hormone levels. In the laboratory, when women were exposed to electromagnetic radiation overnight researchers found that their levels of estrogen increased. The problem with this is that increased estrogen levels have long been known to increase the risk of breast cancer.

We read a lot today about the "estrogen mimickers" found in our environment produced from the many chemicals and pollutants that surround us. These products have a damaging effect on the body due to their disruption of the delicate balance of hormones that the body seeks to achieve. Dr. Graham believes that the role that electromagnetic radiation plays in the body as a "disruptor" of hormones is worse than the effect of the chemical pollutants which acts as estrogen "mimickers." He feels this occurs because electromagnetic radiation appears to cause its effects by acting on and through hormones as opposed to acting as as a hormone mimicker.

Here's another interesting twist to the hormone story. For many years women have been prescribed the drug tamoxifen for the purpose of preventing breast cancer. In a 1998 study published in Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Harland, Lee, Levine and Liburdy showed the beneficial effects of tamoxifen to halt the proliferation of cancer cells was negated when exposed to electromagnetic radiation. In other words, tamoxifen wouldn't work anymore. It lost its ability to protect those who were taking it. The amount used to produce this effect was 12 milligauss which is the normal amount of electromagnetic radiation generated from common household appliances like hairdryers, vacuum cleaners, microwave ovens, computer monitors, desk lamps and electric clocks.

Think of the implications of what you have just read. Women who were taking a drug to keep them from getting breast cancer again may have had the drug rendered useless from the electromagnetic radiation in our air and produced by common household appliances. That's a powerful effect and a serious one.

In addition, Graham and his colleagues showed that electromagnetic radiation reduced the levels of testosterone in men. Low levels of testosterone have been linked to testicular and prostate cancers.

Also, two studies have now been published showing how electromagnetic radiation from cell phones reduces sperm counts in males by as much as 30%! One of these studies, a Hungarian study, showed that men who regularly carry their mobile phones near their groin, on their belt clip or in a pocket could potentially have their sperm count reduced by up to 30%. The other study was done in the fall of 2006 at the prestigious Cleveland Clinic. Again, results showed that men who carry cell phones on a belt clip or in their pocket had a reduction in sperm count of 25%.

What's the take away message? Reduce your exposure to electromagnetic radiation and cell phone radiation. Don't carry the cell phone near your body. Don't carry it on a belt clip or in a pocket. Don't lay it in your lap while driving. Keep electric clocks away from your bed at night. And if you must spend a lot of time on a computer or on a cell phone or in an area where electromagnetic radiation is present (ie everywhere) use some type of protective devices that will help neutralize the radiation. There are a lot of these products out there and not all of them work. So read their studies carefully and only purchase what has been scientifically shown to work.

If cell phone radiation is doing this to our hormones and reproductive systems what's it doing to brain?

I continue to believe that electromagnetic radiation is our biggest health threat of this century.

I'm happy to take your questions and comments. Please feel free to contact me.

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