Sunday, May 19, 2013

What is the Healthiest Weight Loss Method and What Are Its Top 5 Health Benefits?

Weight loss does not have to be a struggle. It can be pleasant both for body and mind. It can also be healthy, if done in the right way. This article presents the healthiest weight loss method and its top 5 health benefits. This weight loss method is intermittent fasting, done in subsequent periods with eating normally in between. And here are its top 5 health benefits:

Health benefit No1: Decreasing body fat and body weight, while maintaining skeletal muscle mass

There are two ways, in which fasting achieves this - by stimulating the production of fat burning hormones and creating the need for the body to use its energy storage to fuel its daily functions. You might expect that this way of losing weight might lead to also losing muscle mass, but all you need to do in order to prevent that is do resistance training, and then your muscles will be preserved.

Health benefit No2: Decreased Insulin and Increased Glucagon Levels

If you are not familiar with insulin and glucagon, these two are hormones. In short, insulin is responsible for fat storage and glucagon is responsible for fat burning. When you are fasting, your insulin levels go down due to lower blood sugar levels and you stop storing fat. In the mean time, glucagon levels are increased, as your body needs to burn some fat to power itself. In this way, you end up burning fat naturally - exactly the effect, which was desired.

Health benefit No3: Increased Lipolysis and Fat Burning

This process is a little too complex to explain in a short article, but basically as soon as your body is in the fasted state, and it does not get fresh energy supplies, it starts preparing itself for fat burning, which is its only energy source. There are several processes, which occur, and they eventually lead to lipolysis, which is the releasing of the fatty acids, which make up your fat. Once this is done, fat burning can occur and you lose your fat.

Health benefit No4: Increased Epinephrine and Norepinephrine

Without any intention to make this too scientific, let us look at these two hormones as briefly as possible. These two are also known as adrenaline and noradrenaline and are fight or flight hormones, which apart from increasing fat burning, also keep you alert and awake. When you have these two in high levels, you obviously would not need coffee - they are your natural and healthy caffeine.

Health benefit No5: Increased Growth Hormone Levels

Some people take expensive supplements to get more growth hormones. If only they knew that there is a free source of those in the human body, and it is activated several hours after we enter the fasting state. Yes, the human body indeed has it all inside. These 5 health benefits come from Brad Pilon's book "Eat-Stop-Eat," which presents fasting as the best way to lose undesired weight. You can read a review of this as well as other similar books on the link below. Enjoy losing weight fasting!

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