Sunday, May 12, 2013

Menopause Nausea - Stop It In Its Tracks

When you start getting bouts of nausea at fifty, and get a twinge like a slight period pain most months, accompanied with feeling of morning sickness, then you are definitely being affected by menopause nausea. It is so uncomfortable that you would prefer to have hot flushes rather than nausea. Some women who don't understand the symptoms feel that it is hormonal. Nausea is a common symptom of perimenopause. It affects women in different ways - sometimes women are hit by a fierce wave of nausea before the onset of hot flushes, while some get affected in a more dramatic manner when they are stressed or irritated. Some women have blamed it on greasy food.

What is the connection between menopause and nausea?

For many women nausea is triggered by many causes, which are usually indirectly related to the aging process and the elimination of menstrual cycle. Nausea can occur due to lack of estrogen. The symptoms are not constant - they come and go as the menstrual cycle dwindles. Balance of hormones is so important in a woman's body throughout their 'before menopause' life that the lack of it can create complete havoc. The bio-chemical changes can cause anything from gastrointestinal problems to fatigue. They can cause nausea, dizziness and headaches as well as normal symptoms like hot flushes, night sweats and cramps.

Progesterone is an important hormone that flows within a woman's body. It keeps the sugars and electrolytes levels balanced. Any drop in this hormone level can cause imbalance and menopause nausea may occur. Many women opt for hormone replacement therapy. But some women choose to apply a progesterone cream which helps to alleviate the symptoms of nausea and other problems. Drinking plenty of water and juices etc can help in replenishing the electrolyte balance.

Diet plays an important role for menopausal women. During the menopause the gastrointestinal system is affected to certain extent. Hence foods which never before produced any side effects may bother you now, and often become a cause of nausea. When you plan a diet for this phase, include lots of fibers. These foods are great for women suffering from menopausal nausea as they keep the stomach and intestinal tract clean. Avoid eating foods that create nausea and eat foods like fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates.

Managing nausea through diet

Many doctors believe and suggest to their patients that managing the diet and adding exercise to their regular lifestyle will reduce the symptoms of nausea. To manage nausea through diet you can do the following:

  • Add soybean and its products to your diet

  • Eat fruits which contain phytoestrogens like pomegranate

  • Add omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish, olive oil and canola oil

  • Reduce your consumption of caffeine. Instead have a decaffe. Avoid consuming alcohol and soft drinks and opt for more water or juice

  • Instead of eating three large meals per day, have several small meals

  • Avoid eating foods which contain high amount of sugar.

  • Reduce or eliminate the consumption of greasy food

  • Maintain a healthy weight

  • If nausea occurs in the morning, avoid having dairy products and foods which are rich in iron and zinc.

  • Peppermint tea helps to alleviate the symptoms of nausea

  • Herbal supplements like licorice root, black cohosh, ginger and evening primrose oil may help

Menopause nausea is a dreadful symptom that should be treated seriously. You don't have to suffer from feeling sick through this phase.

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