Sunday, May 12, 2013

Risks and Benefits of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) provides natural hormone therapy to replace your natural hormones that have diminished with age or to correct a problem in your balance of hormones at any time of your life. While the major bioidenticals used today are estrogen and progesterone, more bioidenticals treatment are being produced as time goes on, such as recent treatments for young adults who get acne around the time of their menses. Bioidenticals have also been used recently with men to replace lost testosterone.

Bioidentical hormone treatment is gaining in popularity because the hormones produced in the lab can be custom made to fit each person's unique characteristics and needs. In other words, these natural hormones can be "custom-compounded" for each individual, as opposed to synthetic hormones which are made uniformly in bulk. This treatment is also popular because the ingredients in bioidenticals are all natural as opposed to the synthetic hormone replacement chemicals that have been traditionally used.

Despite the positives, Bioidentical hormone replacement is relatively new and carries some risks because the research into its effectiveness has not fully matured. Also, since there is a wide variety in the abilities of bioidentical practitioners and a wide range of ingredients they use, it is not surprising that some problems have been reported. Thus it is important for anyone considering this type of treatment to fully contemplate the risks. How can you be sure this herbal remedy will be as safe as possible for you?

1. First consult with your usual doctor to see if s/he thinks you have any unique problems that would interfere with this remedy and cause problems. Know which natural ingredients will be used in your bioidentical formula beforehand and report and other herbal home remedies and supplements you are taking as well as any recent medical changes or symptoms.

2. Choose a highly experienced bioidentical doctor and a compounder who has a good reputation and a lot of experience - this may be the most vital step since in many areas this form of herbal home remedy is quite new.

3. Consider starting with a bioidentical mixture of natural ingredients that is standardized rather than custom compounded and start with a low dose. You can move to custom compounding later.

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been proven safe but this does not mean that every practitioner is equally good, and every compound is safe. Like many herbal remedies, bioidenticals interact with different people in different ways. Be aware of the risks and potential side effects of bioidenticals, and also know clearly what positive effects you should experience and when. Make sure you have an open line of communication with your hormone replacement practitioner as well as your regular doctor during your treatment.

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